I'm just an actor

Chapter 256 Here Comes

Chapter 256 Here Comes
"Monk, your sister-in-law is making dumplings today, and she's coming home for lunch. By the way, bring Xiao Zhang."

Xu Rong, who was exercising in the morning, glanced uncertainly at the note on the call. That's right, it was the team leader.

But today the sun is clearly coming out from the east.

Is the leader looking away, or is he completely convinced?
He put the phone back to his ear and denied his guess, which is very unreasonable for the leader.

"Are you listening?"

"Listen." Xu Rong waited cautiously for his next words. Intuitively, he felt that Li Youbin definitely had something waiting for him.

After another long time without hearing Xu Rong's response, Li Youbin's voice came from the phone again: "Why, what's the matter? My dumplings are not from Feng Xiaogang's, and you won't die if you eat them."

Xu Rong laughed dryly, and said, "Well, I'll go there later."

What Li Youbin said about "eating dead people's dumplings" was that Feng Xiaogang invited Cui Yongyuan to eat dumplings at home, and then talked about some interesting things that Cui Yongyuan encountered while hosting "Tell the Truth".

Not long after, "Mobile Phone" was born.

This was unexpected by Cui Yongyuan, because he thought it was just a simple chat, but who knew that Feng Xiaogang actually adapted his casual chat into a movie, and Cui Yongyuan fell into a huge controversy because of this popular Chinese New Year movie.

While eating, Xu Rong remembered Li Youbin's proposal earlier, and asked, "Xiao Zhang, do you have anything to do today?"

While carefully peeling the eggs, Xiao Zhang said: "Yes, I have to go to Mandarin later, they invited Ren Yuan and Teacher Feng Yuanzheng to help them rehearse a play, and Teacher Feng said that I should go and study. "

After what Xiao Zhang said, Xu Rong remembered what happened.

Since the year before last, Guohua has introduced a large number of popular film and television actors, but the addition of these popular actors has not had the expected effect except to win the attention of the moment.

Last month, an all-star lineup of film and television actors such as Huang Sanshi, Sun Honglei, Lei Gesheng, Xiao Taohong, Qin Hailu, Yin Tao, Xin Baiqing, Zhu Yuanyuan, etc. was gathered to create a luxurious version of the drama "Four Generations Under One Roof". Encountering Pu Cunxi and his "Thunderstorm" siege, followed by Meng Jinghui's "Hitler's Belly" interception, except for the first two shows, the attendance rate in Beijing was extremely poor.

Being overwhelmed by Renyi, Guohua took it for granted, but being overwhelmed by Meng, Guohua couldn't swallow this breath.

Therefore, as soon as the National Day performance ended, Guohua went to Renyi, asking Big Brother to provide a director and actors to help arrange a play and save face.

Renyi, Chinese Opera, and Guohua are all in the same breath, and the younger brother, Guozihao Theater, is about to lose face. Renyi has no reason not to help with this favor.

After all, Mandarin has always been the vanguard of advocating Big Brother in major theater seminars.

In order to be able to make meritorious deeds with one blow, the courtyard directly dispatched four generals, Ren Ming, Feng Yuanzheng, Cheng Lisha and Liang Danni.

Originally, Mandarin wanted to invite Xu Rong over, but Xu Rong refused after careful consideration. This is indeed an opportunity to expand his network, but his time has been arranged quite tightly.

Recently, in addition to participating in the promotion of "Before Dawn" and preparing for the new drama after the new year, I also have to spare time to attend the activities of several endorsers, commercial shooting, and the finalization of new endorsements.

The disadvantages of going out on your own have gradually begun to appear. In the past, the market research work before the endorsement was naturally done by a dedicated person, but right now the studio is short of manpower, so we can only send the future director Li Gen out first. Got it.

And counting "Family" which is planned to be rearranged next year, he already has two dramas on his shoulders, and one more drama will definitely affect the film planning in the next few years.

Xu Rong turned to his grandfather and Xu Xing and said, "I'm going out for a while, and I won't be back for lunch."

Grandpa looked at him and asked, "Going to work again?"

After living here for a year, he knows how busy his grandson is, he doesn't stay at home every day, and according to Xu Xing, this year is relatively free.

"No, a friend who called for dinner is Li Yunlong from "Bright Sword"."

"Hey, then call him to come and sit at home."

"to make."

Xu Rong responded, then turned to look at Xiao Zhang, and asked, "By the way, what date is it today?"

"Number 10."

Xu Rong became more and more puzzled. It's not a festival, is it really just eating dumplings?
However, he is not afraid, with Shidi Grand Slam in his hand, no matter what kind of nonsense Li Youbin is doing, he will never make him shiver!
After sending Xiao Zhang to Guohua, Xu Rong did not rush to Li Youbin's house immediately, but followed Xiao Zhang to the Guohua rehearsal hall and sat next to Ren Ming.

Firstly, let's see Feng Yuanzheng's skills, and secondly, let's see how this drama can be performed in the future.

It's okay if it works, but if it doesn't work, it's a shame to throw it to my grandma's house.

"What do you think?" Ren Ming lowered his voice and leaned over to ask.

Xu Rong smiled, but said nothing.

"Would you like to come?"

"I don't know how to play Peking Opera."

The current effect is actually not very good. One of the non-human artists who played Peking opera actors was obviously deeply influenced by the drama. The stylized traces of the performance were quite serious, and he cared too much about his own image. Still subconsciously resisting to integrate into the role, he is simply out of tune with the trio of people and art.

This show can't be arranged!
After watching for a while, Xu Rong suddenly had this idea in his mind.

At least, don't even think about scheduling it before this year.

While rejecting Ren Ming, he raised his hand and glanced at the time, feeling rather surprised. He came to the Mandarin rehearsal room, partly because he planned to watch the show, and on the other hand, today's events were too strange.

He wanted to wait and see if Li Youbin was in a hurry, if he was in a hurry, there must be something wrong.

Sure enough, after sitting for half an hour, Li Youbin called.


"On the road, it's so blocked that I can't walk at all."

"Oh, then take your time, don't rush."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, and now she was completely sure that something was going on, and it was definitely not going to be a good thing.

It was just before ten o'clock, and I started calling to remind me.

Xu Rong didn't stay any longer, and drove slowly to Li Youbin's house. Today he insisted on seeing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

After entering the door, when Li Youbin opened the door, he was wearing a pair of metal-rimmed glasses and was holding a script in his hand.

"Come here?"

"Come on."

The two greeted each other with smiles as if nothing had happened before.

Xu Rong glanced at the script in his hand and said, "Are you taking on a new play?"

Li Youbin took off his glasses, put them on the table, and said quite seriously: "I came here to tell you about this. You have always wanted to play a villain, well, there happens to be one here."

Xu Rong took the script and glanced at it: "Heroes of the country, is it about the police and bandits again?"

"What is another ah?"

Xu Rong read the outline quietly for a while, raised his head, and said in surprise, "You can't be talking about the character Zhang Huaibing, can you?"

This role did meet his expectations, but the identity was too different from his age.

Li Youbin waved his hand and said, "It's not a problem. Let the screenwriter change the position later. It's mainly about this play. How do you feel?"

Xu Rong closed the script, pushed it back, and said with little interest: "I don't know what's going on recently, I just don't have any interest in TV dramas."

Hearing this, Li Youbin suffocated for breath, then took a slow breath, and smiled again: "Don't say it so early, in case the film market fails to open up, if you make a movie, you only need to hit two movies in a row. You have to be marginalized immediately."

Xu Rong couldn't talk enough, and said: "Let's take a step and see, you also said what happens."

Just as he was talking, Shi Lanya came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and asked, "Xiao Xu, why didn't Xiao Zhang come with you?"

"She went to rehearse for a Chinese opera."


As a family member of Renyi, Li Youbin also understood the cause and effect of this incident, and said: "Hey, it's really embarrassing to throw at home. I can't do it myself, and I learned how to rescue soldiers from Sun Monkey."

While pinching his face, Shi Lanya said: "The atmosphere of the Mandarin dialect has always been like that. What's more, I heard Tang Ye say a while ago that an actor in the Mandarin dialect went to the school to give a speech, and told the students 'be famous as early as possible'. If you say such words, you can imagine where your thoughts are going.”

"If you want me to say it, you should turn your drama theater into a business and be responsible for your own profits and losses."

"It's not up to us to decide."

When it was time for dinner, Shi Lanya said: "Xiao Xu, I guess Xiao Zhang should be almost in line, you go and pick her up and come home to eat dumplings."

"to make."

Li Youbin also stood up following Xu Rong, and said, "I'm with you."

After getting out of the garage and out of the elevator, Xu Rong followed Li Youbin and went straight to his Mercedes-Benz. When he got to the side of the car, he pulled the door, but failed to open it. He couldn't help but looked up at him, waiting for him to unlock it.

"Hey, what's going on?" Li Youbin looked at the car keys in his hand in surprise.

Standing on the other side, Xu Rong frowned and asked, "Did you press the wrong button?"


Li Youbin suddenly laughed "hehe" twice, and said, "I took the wrong car key."

He pressed it again, and in the parking space next to a Volvo, the lights of a brand new white car flickered.

Li Youbin waved his hands with a smile and said, "Forget it, let's drive this one."

Xu Rong walked over, and when he passed the front of the car, he glanced over and noticed the trident logo on it.

He doesn't know much about cars, and he only knows some common car logos, such as Mazda. Coincidentally, he also knows the car that Li Youbin is going to drive.

After sitting in the co-pilot, Xu Rong looked at him with a smile and said, "Hehe, not bad, when did you buy it?"

Li Youbin waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Hey, your sister-in-law celebrates her birthday. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I don't have anything to give, so I just want to buy her a means of transportation. It's convenient to go out to buy vegetables, pick up the children to school, and so on. It’s not like driving a Mazda all the time.”

Xu Rong understood, she was waiting for him here, and said: "Your taste is a bit low-level now."

"Look at you." Li Youbin immediately sullenly said, "Monk, I have to criticize you, you kid is good at everything, but you think too much, it's just a birthday present, you have to get involved High and low."

It was hard for Xu Rong to answer the question. Although he didn't drive it, he almost beat his own Mazda by [-] miles in terms of comfort and starting.

He made up his mind that when he was free later, he had to get a good car.

After dinner, Xu Rong and Li Youbin hadn't seen each other for a while, and they chatted for a long time.

In the afternoon, while chatting, Xu Rong changed the topic to TV stations and online video platforms.

Since he sold "Da Ming" to Youku, he has also paid a lot of attention. The number of users of the online platform has exploded in recent years.

If it develops according to the current momentum, it may replace the status of TV stations in the future.

Shi Lanya said from the side: "If you don't say anything else, just look at the newsstands now. It turns out that the streets are full of them. How many young people still read newspapers now? There are more than 4000 TV stations and 24000 channels in the country. Competition is inherently It’s especially intense, and now that online video platforms have stepped in, and the price they charge when buying movies is higher than that of the TV station, the TV station will want to sit and count money like before, but it’s not such a beautiful dream.”

"I think this is a good thing. In the past, which TV station didn't support a large group of idlers. When they can't make money, it's hard to say whether they can support idlers. But they must find a way to improve the quality of the program, instead of inserting it in the current advertisements. TV series." Xu Rong sipped his saliva and said.

Shi Lanya shook his head and said: "These are still trivial matters. Have you ever thought about it? With such a large amount of capital behind their video platform, why not be a one-stop trainer? Cultivate artists, directors, screenwriters, and then make your own shows, For filming and broadcasting, as long as the number of users reaches a certain level, we may be completely reduced to working for others."

Xu Rong shook his head without even thinking about it, and said: "Sister-in-law, you are worrying unnecessarily. If you really reach that point, whoever does it will die."

Seeing that Shi Lanya was puzzled, Xu Rong explained with a smile: "The sound development of an industry is to avoid monopoly. If I were a referee, it would be absolutely impossible for me to let what you said happen. In the past, when TV stations were strong, they had to support online video platforms, etc. If the online video platform really rises, it must maintain a relative balance."

Li Youbin rolled his eyes and said, "Fart's healthy development."

"Then you have to find a decent reason."

Xu Rong said again, and glanced at the time. At three o'clock, he turned on the TV, flipped through it boredly, and said, "I haven't heard of any good shows lately."

Li Youbin didn't say a word. Half a year ago, all TV stations across the country knew that Xu Rong had a spy war to be released in the past two days, so they didn't dare to schedule it.

Xu Rong turned around for a long time, and finally changed the channel to four sets.

"Let's applaud, the famous young performing artist, Xu Rong."

Li Youbin looked at the figure slowly walking out of the screen, and the smile on his face froze immediately. At this moment, he finally knew why he agreed so happily when he called Xu Rong in the morning.

This shriveled calf had no good intentions early in the morning! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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