I'm just an actor

Chapter 286 Environment

After tidying up all the trivial matters, feeling that his state is gradually returning to normal, Xu Rong officially started preparations for "Home" and Gao Juexin.

Thanks to the accumulation during the preparation and performance of "Thunderstorm", he saved a lot of effort this time. He is too familiar with that era and "Gao Juexin".

To some extent, he also has the shadow of Juexin. Under the influence of traditional culture, there is no lack of "juexin" in any era, but with the opening of the atmosphere and the change of thinking, "juexin" Fewer and fewer, but like traditional culture with tenacious vitality, Juexin has never disappeared.

In Mr. Lao She's writing, Qi Ruixuan is also a similar person. As for Mr. Cao Yu's writing, Zhou Ping is an outlier.

The difference between Gao Juexin and Qi Ruixuan is probably that the former's environment is more complicated, which makes his life more tiring and bitter.

After re-reading the original "Home" again, and then flipping through the script a dozen times back and forth, Xu Rong had a rough outline of Juexin in his mind.

And he believes that when the last step is ready, his interpretation of this role will definitely become a new peak in his acting career.

Until the crew officially started desk work.

At the entrance of the theater, Xu Rong looked at Yuan Wei, who had a much plumper figure, and said with a smile, "You're coming?"

"Well, here we come."

This is the first time the two have seen each other since the press conference of "Before Dawn" seven months ago.

Yuan Wei has a calm temperament, and he doesn't seem to be too eager to pursue fame and fortune.

And Xu Rong usually doesn't talk much, Yuan Wei can be invited to play, he is more of admiration and gratitude, just like Juexin's affection for Rui Jue.

As for feelings, there is really nothing to contact or contact.

Entering the conference room on the third floor, after waiting for about ten minutes, the cast and crew arrived one after another.

The people in the courtyard were all familiar faces, and to be honest, only Yuan Wei was an outsider.

Even though they all work in the same industry and don't see each other all day long, Yuan Wei is a foreigner after all. Li Liuyi, the director of "Family", still gave a grand introduction.

After the introduction, Li Liu said, "Today we don't read the script or analyze the characters. We call everyone over. The main thing is to ask Mr. Lan Tianye and Mr. Zhu Xu to talk about their early experiences."

Li Liu's head is not high, standing next to Ren Ming, he looks like a half-grown child, with a long face and short hair, very artistic.

After he finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

"Huh, huh, huh." There was applause mixed with various emotions immediately in the meeting room.

Every actor who comes from an academic school, since the day he stepped into the university, the courses he has learned are almost all based on the performance of human art. Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu are the names that every actor is familiar with.

Zhu Xu's body is fairly healthy, and he can occasionally be seen on the stage, but Lan Tianye has been away from the stage for 19 years.

Working with characters who often appear in college textbooks is a rather novel and rare experience.

The two old people seemed to have been prepared for a long time. After a moment of eye contact, Lan Tianye looked around the meeting room full of cast and crew, and said, "I'll come first, but let's talk first, everyone, please don't talk about me. Every character in the film is substituted into myself, my family environment is similar to that of "Family", but there are still some differences, everyone can use it as a reference, but don't copy it."

Seeing everyone nodding, the old man coughed twice, cleared his throat, pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "In 1927, I was born in a big family in Raoyang County, HEB Province. Four generations of our family moved from our hometown in Jizhong to Beiping. My grandfather was the eldest in the family. There were three brothers and each had a son. My father was also the eldest of his generation. At home, the third grandfather’s son, I am called Sanshu , Second grandfather’s son I call fourth uncle, but I have never met my second uncle.”

Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the old man meant, only Zhu Xu's expression was calm.

Lan Tianye looked around and saw that there was no doubt on Xu Rong's face, so he asked, "Xiao Xu, do you know why?"

Xu Rongzheng took a notebook to write down today's date, and when he heard the question, he raised his head and said, "In this case, it is usually a child who died shortly after birth or a little older. At that time, the medical conditions were relatively backward, and the child's mortality rate was relatively high. , but the position will be reserved in the genealogy, as well as the title."

The old man turned around and neither said yes nor no, but continued: "Just moved to Beiping, we are a big family with four generations living under the same roof, I am the youngest child in the family, my elder brother got married and had a son At that time, my great-grandfather was still alive, so the five generations lived under the same roof.”

"When there are more people, there are more things. From my grandfather's generation, the family began to be divided, but they lived not far away. The great-grandfather's three families took turns to live, because we are the long-term house, and more people live in my house. At home, occasionally the two families take turns delivering meals."

"Our family is not a famous family, nor is it a scholarly family. It is just a typical feudal family. Some relatives from my father's side, my uncle and two aunts from my mother's side have also moved to Peiping, and they often visit each other. It's almost the same as the Gao family."

"My father had two wives. My biological mother was a concubine and a concubine. It was different from other feudal families. I called my concubine 'Niang' and my concubine 'Mo'."

"When I was young."

"In 1937, national disasters and family disasters came at the same time. In two months, our family held three funerals."

"My second elder brother and second sister are both descendants of concubines. Sudden changes occurred, their family fortunes fell, and they were discriminated against. I didn't feel that strongly at first. The only thing I felt was that there were a few people missing in the family, and the rest of my life seemed to be the same. I am still going to school as before, doing what I should do, but my second sister dropped out of elementary school just a few years ago, and my second brother is one year older than me, and he just finished elementary school, so a relative found him local apprentice."

"At that time, there was an old elm tree in our yard. Usually we used to climb to the tree along the gate, and then climbed from the tree to the roof. One day, my second brother and I climbed to the roof again. Behind the ridge house The location of the mountain, chatting aimlessly, I didn’t know why we could all go to school, so I didn’t let him go, instead of going to an apprenticeship, I said with a little bit of air: ‘If you don’t go, it’s over?’ "

"He was silent for a long while, and then he replied to me, 'Just do what you want!', and within a few days, he went to apprentice."

The old man's voice was very calm, but this kind of calm talk made the whole meeting room feel unspeakably depressed. In his memories, brothers and sisters who seemed to be the same as a child, when their living standards fell, , the level of respect and inferiority under the code of ethics was fully displayed at once.

Seeing the old man stop talking, Xu Rong got up and left the conference room.

After a while, he came in with two glasses of water. Seeing the quiet sound of needles falling in the meeting room, he walked in the door lightly and put the teacup in front of the two old people.

Behind him, Yang Jiayin carried the box of mineral water, tiptoedly put it down, and slipped out without a sound.

Yang Jiayin is the second actor from Nortel in the academy. Before Xu Rong entered the academy, she was the pride of Nortel and the nightmare of the students of Nortel's acting department.

Xu Rong looked at the people in the conference room, and said: "If anyone is thirsty, he can take it himself, first say yes, don't drink too much, or I won't be responsible if you can't hold back and go to the bathroom and miss the exciting content."

"Hahaha." There was a burst of laughter in the conference room, but no one went forward to get it.

Lan Tianye took a sip of water, saw no one was moving, and said, "You're not thirsty, are you? If you're not thirsty, let's continue."

Yuan Wei stared blankly at this scene. It was only at this moment that she realized Xu Rong's position in Renyi. After Xu Rong went out just now, Teacher Lan Tianye simply closed his mouth, as if he had been waiting for him to come back.

The others, on the other hand, did not express any doubts about Xu Rong's departure, as if they all felt that there must be a reason for him to leave suddenly.

In "Family Rules", there are always more people and arts, and this is an incredible scene for a young actor.

When Xu Rong sat down, Lan Tianye looked over and said, "Our brothers and sisters are affected differently, and we walk in different paths. The eldest brother is a special one among us. He has been favored since he was a child, with a wide range of interests and special characteristics. To be independent, you have to be different from others, and one day when you come back from school, you don’t know where to get a unicycle, and you ride it all over the street, and the acrobatic troupe didn’t seem to have one at that time.”

"He also looks like a big brother. When I was in primary school, it rained heavily one day. He just rode a bicycle without fenders and gave an umbrella to each of our younger siblings who were going to school. I I remember that day his body was drenched, and when he stepped on it, water dripped from his shoes, but there was too much muddy water on his body, even the heavy rain could not wash it off."

"My elder brother is a man of many talents. In his generation in the China Youth Art Theater, he should be one of the few who won the honorary title of 'National Drama Artist with Outstanding Contribution'. I always felt that I knew him very well, but later, I I feel that I don’t understand slowly, and this lack of understanding has lasted for many years.”

"One day, my mother brought a woman about his age from her rural home in Hebei, and took her slowly through the yard. At that time, my eldest brother and I lived in three north rooms of a large courtyard. Glancing at her from the window, it didn't take long before we got married, and I found out later that it was a blind date, in fact it was a blind date, and it was just a formality."

"At that time, my eldest brother was already studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. Because of his cheerful personality, he had a wide social circle outside. I heard that he also had a very good-looking girlfriend. I don't understand why he just took a look at someone who just opened the window. woman married."

The old man's gaze turned to Yuan Wei again: "My sister-in-law is an extremely kind person and is used to treating others with courtesy. Every time we younger brothers and sisters go to visit my mother and elder brother, she must send us downstairs before we leave, and we will be sent all the way to the big brother." At the door, she took care of her mother-in-law, husband, and one child."

"In this regard, my elder brother is also very proud, and said to us: 'Can you do it like me? I have lived with her all my life.' I didn't understand it in my heart, and I couldn't understand it for a long time, because he Among the brothers and sisters, he was the first to come into contact with the new culture, but he paid special attention to the old etiquette. After decades, I realized that he did it out of responsibility, the responsibility to the family, the responsibility to the mother, It is also my responsibility to my wife who has worshiped, but I respect my sister-in-law even more because of this."

"Compared to my eldest brother, me, and my direct sister, the second elder brother and second sister who were born out of concubines are treated much worse at home."

As the old man recalled, Xu Rong's face gradually became serious. There were not too many ups and downs in the old man's tone, but many small things always made people fall into thinking.

And all of this, because it is the old man's personal experience, everything can be explained clearly, just like when he was preparing for "Thunderstorm" last year, Mr. Zheng told him many people and experiences he had experienced in his childhood, youth, and middle age. thing.

When he got home at night, he first called Jin Fangfang and asked how the matter he had told her a while ago was going well. After getting an affirmative answer, while he was relieved, he thought about how to return to Xiao Zhang. Some grandpa mentioned this.

After dinner, we chatted about some interesting things that Ren Ming could no longer hold back his anger during Xiao Zhang's rehearsal. Xu Rong slowed down his eating and said, "In two days, I may have to move out for a while."

Classmate Xiao Zhang blinked and waited for his next words, because she knew that Mr. Xu had no plans to film a movie recently, nor did he have any activities that required a long business trip, but since he said so, there must be a special reason.

"It's not far. It takes about half an hour to drive." Xu Rong added seeing that the two of them were staring at him.

Grandpa asked puzzledly, "Whose house do you live in?"

Xu Rong explained with a smile: "I bought a slightly larger yard over Shichahai, and I also plan to let some people from the unit live in it temporarily."

When Xiao Zhang heard the following, he understood that Mr. Xu was preparing to create the external environment of "Family".

Use real money to create the most authentic experience!
Grandpa asked suspiciously, "How about some more money?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, and gave a figure that he felt was the most appropriate, and said, "It's not bad, about [-]."

Grandpa and classmate Xiao Zhang listened and nodded at the same time. Although they don't know the specific price of the house in the capital, after all, it is a real hard currency to buy a house that can be sold as soon as it changes hands.

80, not too much.

Before organizing the whole team to move into the Erjin Siheyuan, Xu Rong flew to Shanghai alone to participate in the No.17 Shanghai TV Festival.

"The No.15 Magnolia Best Actor winner, Xu Rong and his 'wife' Hai Qing, two award presenters, came to the stage to announce the last two grand finale awards of the No.17 Shanghai TV Festival. Actor Award."

With host Cao Kefan suddenly raising his voice, the entire award ceremony scene suddenly fell into a strange silence.

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