I'm just an actor

Chapter 41 Lines

Chapter 41 Lines
"Hey, it's because I'm afraid you will hate him."

Zhang Guangbei grinned, looking at Wang Qingxiang who was preparing to shoot, his tone did not hide the sarcasm at all.

Xu Rong looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

He really had never heard of any feuds between Zhang Weibei and Wang Qingxiang, but looking at Zhang Weibei's look of contempt, the festivities might not be small.

Actors are also people, and because they know each other more or less, they are also very keen on gossip in the circle, just like Huang Xiaoming, who is clear about all kinds of gossip, although there is no real evidence, but he speaks clearly and catches the wind. It can serve as a basis for convincing yourself and others.

Zhang Guangbei glanced at the set, lowered his voice and said: "Famous people don't memorize their lines, and they need a teleprompter every time they are filming."

Xu Rong didn't really believe it. He had worked with Wang Qingxiang before, and his lines were pretty good, so he shook his head and said, "No way? When I worked with him last time, I didn't see him needing a prompt, or even I brought my notebook to the set."

Zhang Guangbei glanced at him and asked, "Who is the director?"

"Uncle Li."

Zhang Weibei took it for granted: "Aren't you farting? If you don't memorize your lines when you play him, isn't that just waiting to be replaced?"

Xu Rong pointed to the set, and said, "Then there is no teleprompter now, and there is no teleprompter beside him. He is also an old actor, so he can do such a shameless thing?"

"That's why I said it's rare." Zhang Guangbei laughed "Hey" and said, "I heard a while ago that he made a movie, and he even had to be reminded how to move, like a marionette , just put together a face, don’t believe me, he’s still the first male.”

Xu Rong was stunned when he heard what he said, and then asked: "Is it true?"

If what Zhang Guangbei said is true, then this Mr. Wang is too dependent on people, and the big directors will only work hard on their plays, while the lesser-known directors will only show their face.

In comparison, the little girl before was pretty good, although she didn't remember it, but she had memorized it to some extent.

"Who knows, but since someone said that, it probably can't be fake." Zhang Guangbei's tone was not very sure, and said: "He is relatively well-known, and there is an old emperor who plays the role of the emperor. Sex, if the director can't hold him down, every sentence has to be reminded by someone, really equipped with an artificial teleprompter."

Xu Rong tilted his head, and ran through the old actors who played the emperor that he was familiar with in his mind. Chen Baoguo had worked with him before, and he had never seen him NG because of his lines.

The other old emperor was Tang Yuqiang, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Tang Yuqiang?"

Zhang Guangbei hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Who else could there be?"


Xu Rong didn't know whether it was his attitude or a deeper reason, but at least for now, Wang Qingxiang didn't use a teleprompter or an artificial teleprompter, and didn't ask the assistant director to remind him how to move, otherwise, he would really have to treat him The impression has been greatly changed.

Zhang Weibei couldn't answer this question, but instead said: "Actually, there is another way of saying that it is born with a defect in this ability, that is, you can't remember words."

Xu Rong gave him a white look, and said: "You can put it down, if you really can't remember, how did you take on the scene when you were young, and sometimes you can remember it, and sometimes you can't, who will believe it?"

"However, having said that," Xu Rong glanced at Wang Qingxiang again, and said, "I've never seen him use a teleprompter."

The meaning of his words is obvious, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, if Wang Qingxiang really gave him a live performance, he would never say no again, but if people don't give this opportunity, he has the right to be a gossip listened.

Zhang Guangbei smiled and didn't answer. He also heard people say it, but he wasn't sure if that was the case.

But there was one thing he had to remind, and said: "The thing you did earlier was actually inappropriate."

"That little girl"?Xu Rong frowned and looked at Zhang Weibei, and said: "I really didn't say anything about her, I just asked her to memorize the lines before filming, who knew she would cry suddenly, I can't ask her to memorize the lines. "

Zhang Guangbei spread his hands, and said: "But there is someone behind him. If you voted for this play, don't say a word about her. Even if you point at the director's nose and scold your mother, he has to laugh and listen, but the key is You are not an investor."

"Then what do you say when you encounter such a thing in the future? Just coax?"

"You can't say that." Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled face, Zhang Weibei said, "Actually, you think, people are not stupid, why would you dare to do that? When we shoot the sword, do you dare not recite the words?"

Seeing Xu Rong shaking his head, Zhang Weibei said: "There is someone up there. I guess most people don't want to touch her. This time, she is a soft persimmon and has no brains. If she gets a little color, I don't know how high the sky is, but you have to understand that not everyone is Ruan Persimmon, if you meet someone like you, the biggest investor decides directly, and you just don’t memorize your lines, who can do anything to you? Saying it, it’s just a loss of face, and nothing can be changed.”

"But I won't do that."

Xu Rong understood, and he pretended not to see what Zhang Weibei meant.

"How can you guarantee that others will not"?Zhang Weibei made up his mind to reverse Xu Rong's thinking. Regardless of whether Xu Rong was intentional or unintentional, he would offend people sooner or later by doing that, and said: "For example, one day you cooperated with Tang Yuqiang, and then when you two were filming , You say a word, there is a person on his side to help with the words, and he will repeat it to you after it is over, do you want to say it or not?"

Xu Rong was not quite sure what he would do in such a situation, but he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you say that, I will have to cooperate with him when I have a foundation in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's set it up", Xu Rong raised his chin at Wang Qingxiang in the field, half jokingly, half seriously: "This Mr. Wang doesn't have enough wrists, it's useless to step on it, but if you step on Tang Yiqiang, you'll either fall." Die, or go directly to the sky in one step."

"You have a good idea, but let's talk about it after you have that status first, or you will be blocked by someone accidentally later, and there will be nowhere to cry."

"What status do you feel?"

"At least you have to be like Li Youbin, otherwise he will slap you to death with his backhand. How big your stomach is and how much rice you eat, this is an old principle."

Xu Rong was still a little puzzled, and asked, "But why is no one talking about this kind of thing?"

"Who said"?Zhang Weibei laughed, and said: "Young people dare not speak up, and those with seniority and status don't rarely speak up. At worst, they just don't cooperate in the future."

Xu Rong patted his butt, stood up, and didn't want to discuss any more. After he asked, he actually understood that when he reached Li Youbin's position, he no longer cared about the heat of stepping on people. Not worth it.

As for those who are not used to it, Zhang Weibei made it clear, how big a stomach is, how much rice to eat.

It's time to prepare for a scene with Wang Qingxiang's opponent, whether it is true or not, he will find out later, because he remembers that Wang Qingxiang will have a long line next.

Only one shot was taken, Xu Rong saw that Wang Qingxiang had spoken halfway, opened his mouth, and remained silent, his expression became strange.

He believed it, and this guy really didn't recite his lines.

"Get ready and start again", Zhao Junkai didn't call the name, saving face for Wang Qingxiang.

"Sorry." Seeing Xu Rong's strange expression, Wang Qingxiang pointed to his temple embarrassingly, and said, "Drinking hurt this before, and I always forget my words. Wait for me for a few minutes, and I will stroke it first."

Xu Rong nodded lightly, remained silent for a while, and said, "Mr. Wang is polite."

He didn't know what it was like not being able to remember the lines, but seeing Wang Qingxiang's ashamed expression, he could somewhat understand it.

Maybe it's not that he doesn't recite words, but that he really can't remember them. Otherwise, who would want to lose such a big face in front of the juniors after a matter of ten minutes?
When filming the Ming Dynasty, he didn't dare to bring a notebook during the whole filming period in order not to be ashamed.

At the same time, he also made up his mind that he should drink less in the future and not get drunk all the time.

As for giving up drinking completely, he also understands that it is impossible to achieve it. Huang Xiaoming is so popular that he still can't avoid drinking when it's time to drink.

But he doesn't want to lose his lines one day because of drinking.

As an actor, lines are the basic skills. If Wang Qingxiang has a problem like this, he basically has no chance to follow this path. Wang Qingxiang can still hang out in the circle because of his strong professional ability, but the reason why he always plays supporting roles is probably It has a lot to do with his problem.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, the ancients never deceived me.

(End of this chapter)

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