Chapter 43
"Head, tell me, can the play "Stepfather" be popular?"

"You want to ask if you can be popular yourself?"

"Hey, how can I?"

"Then let me ask you, are you ready to be red?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that if you have done anything wrong, find it first if you can find it quickly, and don't burn your ass on fire, and then do it like a headless chicken."

"What can I be guilty of. Something."

"Hey, it's okay if you don't know me, but don't deceive yourself, think about it, I'm just telling you my experience, when something really happens, don't blame me earlier I didn't remind you."

This is the content of a chat between Xu Rong and Li Youbin when they met two days ago. After "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" was finished, he first went back home. After being out for more than half a year, he made a lot of phone calls. The old man was always worried and worried. Fearing that he would be cheated by someone outside, he went home to have a look, bought some supplements, and left 5000 yuan when he left.

The old man has worked frugally for most of his life, and all his little savings have been spent on him, and it's time to enjoy life in peace.

Xu Rong didn't stay at home for a long time, the school was about to start, and there was still a relationship to walk around. Once she was gone for nearly three months, she should contact her when she came back, and she should take the initiative to walk around.

Over the past two years, as he has met more and more people and experienced more and more things, he understands that if he wants to walk steadily, he must first take a wide road.

A person's strength is limited, but a person's energy can be stretched. It doesn't take much effort to work harder with your legs and sharper your mouth.

At first, he didn't take Li Youbin's words seriously, but when he returned to school and saw Xiao Zhang, he suddenly remembered that something really happened.

Now that the semester has just started, there are not many students in the self-study room. With earphones plugged into his ears, Xu Rong holds a pen, compares notes, and listens to the teacher's voice that Xiao Zhang helped him record during the lecture.

Classmate Xiao Zhang sat next to her, like a kitten, half lying on the table, playing with her mobile phone. She didn't like studying very much, but because Teacher Xu insisted on coming, she had to follow.

Xu Rong is used to this situation.

Classmate Xiao Zhang didn't think there was anything wrong, anyway, he stayed in the dormitory when he was free.

Only Yuan Moushan and Jiao Mouyan in the back, with their heads huddled together, secretly held a piece of paper and a pen, communicating secretly, and occasionally glanced at Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang in front of them.

Xu Rong's thoughts were neither on the recording nor in his notebook. He was thinking about how to explain to Xiao Zhang.

In another week, he was about to rush to the set. After much hesitation, he decided to honestly explain to classmate Xiao Zhang.

After the self-study, halfway through, Xu Rong made up his mind. Probably because of the habit he had formed recently, he didn't go straight to the point, but brewed his emotions first and did enough foreplay.

He asked casually, "What do you do on vacation?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Did no one ask you to watch a movie or something?"

"Mr. Xu, your question is so strange." Under the streetlight, Xiao Zhang turned his head, raised his chin, frowned slightly, and looked at him in surprise: "Why do you want to watch a movie during the holiday?"

"Why do you need a date to watch a movie?"

"Don't I even look down on a movie?"

Are you out of your mind?

Xu Rong and classmate Xiao Zhang looked at each other suspiciously for a while, and then choked back the words.

Silent, Xu Rong's thoughts turned slightly, glanced at classmate Xiao Zhang, and slowly said the words that had been organized for half the night, said: "Xiao Zhang, I have something to tell you."

"You said."


Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief, and said, "I lied to you about something before."

"Um"?Xiao Zhang stopped and looked at him curiously: "What's the matter?"

"That's right. I'm not a student of Peking University, and that student ID card is also fake."

Xiao Zhang's expression was very strange, the ease between his brows and eyes slowly faded, his eyes widened slightly, his brows gradually frowned, and in the midst of stunned disbelief, he was filled with anger little by little.

"At that time, it was because I wanted to go to the training class to participate in the training, but I didn't have much money, so I got a fake certificate."

"Mr. Xu, you have disappointed me so much."

Xiao Zhang's face was red, and she interrupted him loudly suddenly, her two small fists were clenched tightly at some point, her eyes were more white than black, she stared at him fixedly, after a few seconds, she Without saying a word, he turned his head and pulled up his feet in small white shoes and ran, trembling with the schoolbag on his back.

But after running for a few steps, he stopped again, turned half of his body, but didn't look at him, just stretched out his long and thin arms towards him, his voice was slightly hoarse, as cold as ice in his mouth : "Give me back my little goldfish."

Xu Rong has not recovered from this series of changes. When he was thinking about the evening self-study, he subconsciously had a premonition that the result would not be good, but he always comforted himself that this is not a big deal. Explain It's good to be clear, Xiao Zhang has a carefree temper, and he doesn't care about these things at all.

At this moment, he began to realize that Xiao Zhang attached great importance to this matter, which seemed to exceed his previous optimistic estimate. He pursed his lips, laughed dryly, and said, "I was filming a while ago, so... I didn't wore."

"Then I don't want it anymore."

While Xu Rong was hesitating whether to hold her, classmate Xiao Zhang already took his hand back, turned his head and glared at him again, and ran towards the dormitory.

Her eyes are very bright, under the street lamp, they are brighter than in the daytime, like a pool of autumn water, shining with clear light.

Xu Rong looked at the running back of Xiao Zhang, and seemed to raise his arms, as if he was wiping the sweat off his forehead. He also understood that although the weather was hot, he would not sweat after two steps, so he thought about whether to catch up, but He had just taken half a step before stopping again.

What do you say after you catch up?

What Xiao Zhang believed was that he had lied to her.

This is an indisputable fact.

Moreover, why did you think of chasing him in the first place?
This is not normal.

In the evening, when he returned to the dormitory, Xu Rong only became more determined not to lie in the future. He didn't have a deep concept of good or bad for not chasing Xiao Zhang.

Instead, he was thinking about how to coax her tomorrow.

But the next morning, when he got to the classroom, he suddenly found that Xiao Zhang was eating breakfast.

Usually, when he was around, he usually brought breakfast by the way.

Moreover, there was no vacancy left next to Xiao Zhang today.

Xiao Zhang did not occupy a seat for him.

If you don't take it, don't take it, he found a seat in front and sat down.

After class, he was about to find classmate Xiao Zhang, but found that she was walking towards the dormitory with her roommate, and ignored him at all.

Normally, she would come running over, and said in a thief-like manner, "Mr. Xu, why don't we go open a meat shop, I know there is a new store opened at the door."

Although no one noticed, Xu Rong still scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Xiao Zhang seemed really angry.

It wasn't until this moment that he gradually realized that classmate Xiao Zhang was a girl. Although she was a little silly, she was also vulnerable like most girls.

At the same time, she gradually recalled that she used to trust herself so much in the past, even if Yuan Shanshan told her that she was taken care of by a rich woman, she never doubted it, but believed in herself unconditionally and stupidly.

But now, that trust has collapsed.

How to restore trust?This is a profound and complicated question. With Xu Rong's limited life experience, he really can't think of a feasible solution.

From another perspective, how do you make a girl happy?

From this point of view, things seem to be much simpler, but due to the extreme lack of experience, he didn't think of any good ideas for a while, but he had a general direction.

There is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book, so he decided to go to the library to have a look.

He remembered that when he was looking for a book, he vaguely saw a book, the title was probably "Guide to Love-Teaching You How to Coax Your Girlfriend". He couldn't remember exactly where it was, but there must be this book book.

The hard work paid off, and after searching on the computer, Xu Rong found the love guide whose cover and corners were almost torn apart in only ten minutes.

Feeling anxious and nervous, like a thief, he found a corner and secretly opened the title page.

"If you really like her, you naturally know how to make her happy."

"Isn't this nonsense, if I know how to make her happy, wouldn't I really like her!"

Xu Rong thought so, the book is a small story, as beautiful as a fairy tale, he grinned and grinned when he read it.

He seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming, but he didn't seem to forget, but he was only escaping from something in anesthetized manner.

When it was time for dinner, he felt hungry because he had wasted nearly two hours. Filled with guilt and shame, he quietly stuffed the book into a small corner of the bookshelf to prevent others from taking it away.

Then, I walked out of the library in a calm manner, went to the cafeteria, bought food, found a seat as usual, and put the lunch box on it.

Then he went to the disinfection cabinet to get the chopsticks, walked to the dining table, and sat down, but the moment he lifted the chopsticks, he was stunned when he saw the two pairs of chopsticks in his hand.

The chopsticks were sterilized, and they were still a little warm. Among the four chopsticks, one of them was not too straight, but slightly bent.

Normally, Xiao Zhang would put this chopstick into his hand quickly, and then take away the other straighter one.

As usual, Xiao Zhang has already started to shove it into his mouth.

Normally, Xiao Zhang would sneakily put the meat in his lunch box, then he smiled and lowered his head to continue cooking.

in usual.
But today, classmate Xiao Zhang is not here.

Maybe tomorrow, classmate Xiao Zhang won't be there either.

Maybe tomorrow tomorrow, classmate Xiao Zhang won't be there yet.

Staring blankly at the chopsticks in his hand, inexplicably, a poem that he had read at some time appeared in his mind. At that time, he only knew the general meaning, but he didn't understand the feelings the poet wanted to express. But at this moment, he seemed to understand a little bit.

At the time, it was only common.

(End of this chapter)

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