I'm just an actor

Chapter 457 Fame

Chapter 457 Fame
Jin Wenbin parked the Mazda of the same model as Xu Rong, took fried dough sticks and soybean juice, opened the door of the small shop and started his day's work.

He recently resigned from his job as a prison guard, and a new leader came in last year, and the first fire almost burned him to ashes.

The night shift is clear of the staring shift, and the inspection team conducts spot checks from time to time, and reports to the whole city if caught.

After staying up for a month, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to give his dream a chance.

buy lottery tickets.

After buying for half a month in a row, there were some losses, but after waking up in the daytime, he had a whim and summed up the total income and expenses of buying lottery tickets in the past half month, only to find that he had lost nearly ten thousand!
In a fit of rage, he bought the lottery shop that day. As for the socialist class, he didn't care if he didn't take it.

This is Jin Wenbin's decision after careful consideration.

It is true that his job is an iron rice bowl, but Jin Wenbin is the mortal child of his parents. He is the only child in his family. in the name of his cousin.

The so-called "magic magic" refers to how to change from a net worth of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions to a proletarian in the blink of an eye.

In fact, it is gambling.

While eating fried dough sticks, he turned on the equipment. The best time for business in the store is in the morning, noon, and evening, especially after get off work in the afternoon. If he is lucky, he can even come across ID cards, driver's licenses, even cars, Children temporarily bet on regular customers in the store.

While waiting for regular customers to come to his door, he turned on his mobile phone. Xu Rong hadn’t released any works for a while, which made him a little unaccustomed. In the past, he would habitually watch Xu Rong’s plays when he came to the store every day, but those He couldn't remember how many times he had watched the drama.





Before he could figure out which video software to open to pass the time, four consecutive messages pushed by different software completely dazed him.

The content of the four push messages is roughly the same, and they all start with "how about Xu Rong, the first drama master in the 21st century".

Jin Wenbin didn't realize it for a while. Xu Rong hasn't released any works for more than half a year, so why is he still a "drama master"?

He chose the first message marked with the "People's Day" logo and clicked in. Seeing that the article put Xu Rong alongside Guo Moruo, Lao She, Cao Yu and others, Jin Wenbin, who had a higher education, found it difficult to accept it emotionally.

Xu Rong is tied with Guo Laocao?

He didn't have much impression of Guo Helao. Even though their works were excerpted in the textbooks when he was in school, he really didn't understand the goodness of those works. His impression of Cao was because he had seen two scenes led by Xu Rong. Starring in "Thunderstorm".

If it was a third-rate media like the "Beijing News" that used gimmicks to attract readers, he would not hesitate to cut through this kind of junk news, but based on his trust in Renri, he continued to read it with curiosity.

When Jin Wenbin saw Bai Yansong's introduction to Xu Rong in the report, and Zhongchuan's principal Su Zhiwu's praise of Xu Rong, he suddenly felt a surge of emotion. With great ambitions to do a great cause, but standing on the long river of human civilization, juxtaposed with many sages in ancient and modern China and foreign countries, even if it sounds fascinating.

Driven by curiosity, he immediately found the academic achievements that made Xu Rong one of the "masters" from the Internet.

With just one glance, I felt the malice from the "Master".

"Performance is a systematic presentation of the individual actor, the external environment, and all parts of himself in a state of harmony."

He is familiar with every Chinese character in the discourse, but at this time they are pieced together in a way that is unfamiliar to him to form a sentence that he cannot understand at all.

Although he couldn't understand it, his doubts about Master Xu Rong's name were instantly reduced.

Because this thing looks awesome.

Jin Wenbin was not the only one who had the same idea. Chen Baoguo, who was preparing for the filming, was speechless for a long time when he saw the special edition of Human Art sent by Wang Qingxiang.

Xu Rong has indeed created a brand new system, but as he himself said, it is not a perfect system.

But even if it is an imperfect system, it still gives him a feeling of looking up to the mountains.

The "harmony theory" put forward by Xu Rong faces up to the unsustainable phenomenon of the ideal state of "experience", and gives a method to reconcile to the state of "harmony" from the thinking of yin and yang harmony.

At the same time, its voice and stage skills got rid of the shackles of traditional bel canto, and created a new line system with "harmony" as the core concept, Qi as the core, and various techniques such as resonance, interval, and accent.

Although he had expected it last year, seeing Xu Rong's discourse on how to adjust the relationship between "I" and me through "harmony" at this time, while he was puzzled, he also inevitably gave birth to a feeling. Annoyed emotion.

In fact, he has long been aware of the contradiction between "I" and me, but he never thought that he could use the philosophical thinking of "harmony" to demonstrate the relationship, and then use the philosophical thinking of "yin and yang" to adjust it. I thought of taking Qi as the core and realizing the qualitative change of the sound through the resonance of the cavity, and I didn't expect that the performance should follow the unity of inside and outside in theory.
After a general analysis of Xu Rong's innovations, the annoyance he had just had in his heart disappeared without a sound, and he suddenly realized that the difference between himself and the master may not only be that he didn't understand what was presented in the discussion culture and knowledge.

Under the hype of the mainstream media, for the first time, Xu Rong has received widespread attention from home and abroad because of his academic achievements rather than film and television works.

His past experience has once again been reinterpreted and defined by the mainstream media one by one, such as the "Death Note" that once made the entire Nortel teachers become dismayed, such as the "Upstart" dubbed by more than 200 million students. Actions", but after redefinition, these actions have become the contemporary "Cheng Men Lixue" and "Wearing the Rooster and Dancing".

And his conflicts with Chang Jihong, Zhang Jizhong, Yu Zheng and others have also been redefined as the "personality" of the master.

In this context, the discussion of the special issue of Human Arts has gradually been translated into other languages ​​and appeared in some foreign periodicals and magazines.

Taking advantage of Xu Rong's inexplicable momentum, Hairun strongly announced that "Drug Wars" will be scheduled for June 6th, together with American blockbusters such as "The Hunger Games", "Prometheus", and "Snow White and the Huntsman" , as well as major productions such as "Painted Skin 15", "Ruffian Heroes", and "The Vanishing Bullet" jointly launched by the three sides of the Taiwan Strait to launch a decisive battle for the summer vacation.

The setting of "Drug Wars" on June 6th was not a temporary idea, but a consensus conclusion reached by Jin Fangfang and Hairun's publicity team after discussions.

In recent years, there has never been a precedent for the TV series starring Xu Rong to give up schedules for their peers. Even CCTV has to give it a try. However, "The Founding of the Party" started on June 6 last year and won the championship of the summer program. Mixed a lot of water, but also off to a good start.

In the film market, Xu Rong has no typical labels. For example, when it comes to kung fu movies, several actors will immediately pop up in the audience's mind, and when it comes to comedy, several other actors will pop up.

Jin Fangfang hopes that in the future, when the public mentions summer vacation files, they will immediately think of Xu Rong.

What puzzled Jin Fangfang was that the promotional slogan that she and Hairun had agreed upon, "Salute to the guardians of the people, pay homage to the demeanor of the masters!" was forcibly changed by Xu Rong to "Salute to the cutest person!" The promotional posters of the movie were also changed beyond recognition by him.

The original promotional poster of "Drug Wars" was based on a black background. Sun Honglei, who was wearing the uniform of the People's Guard, stood on the left side of the poster, holding a gun in both hands and pointing directly at the right side of the poster, holding his hands high, but smiling Xu Rong.

Under Xu Rong's insistence, the background color of the poster did not change, but the picture changed to Sun Honglei's back saluting to the camera.

On the top floor of Hairun Building, Liu Yanming was standing on the treadmill, seeing Xu Rong concentrating on following his bodyguards to practice military posture and goose steps, he said, "Now you know what I told you about being 'unhappy'?!"

Xu Rong walked back and forth a few times, said "thank you" to the coach, took the towel handed over by the girl wearing a cheongsam with high slits, gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "Do you think I'm living a good life now?" unhappy?"

Liu Yanming didn't answer his meaningless question, and said, "I went to Shanghai to visit a rich friend two days ago, and that guy was lying on the carpet in the conference room sleeping like a dead dog. I didn't see that four secretaries and seven or eight employees just watched him sleep so steadily, neither daring to shout nor move, hahaha."

Being named "rich friend" by Liu Yan, Xu Rong can naturally guess that the probability of wealth is tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. He pondered for a while and said: "I used to think that when I had money, I would With fame and influence, I will be very happy every day, but how should I say it now, I am not completely happy, what do you think is the reason for this?"

"Because most of the things you do have no sense of gain." Liu Yanming seems to have thought about this problem a long time ago, "Most of the things we want can be bought directly, and some things that are not needed and impossible to get You can’t buy things with money, and money has become a bunch of pure numbers, for example, if you take a breath of fresh air, will you feel happy?”

After talking for a long time, Liu Yanming's chubby body was also panting a little. He got off the treadmill and said: "Conversely, our wealth is at risk of being reduced or lost at any time. When the economy is improving Under the general situation, keeping the wealth unchanged is regressing, but after the wealth grows to a certain level, its utility is almost infinitely close to zero.”

"So at this time you have to find at least one thing you want to do. For example, I want to make a movie. Even if it doesn't bring me much profit, as long as it doesn't make me lose too much, I'm willing to do it."

Xu Rong shook his head lightly. He felt that his situation was not the case. By chance, the influence of the new theoretical system seriously exceeded its own influence.

He never thought of seeking the title of "master", but now many mainstream media directly put the title of "master" on his head, which makes him feel uneasy and even panic.

"Actually, I really don't think I can afford the title 'Master'."

Liu Yanming is very aware of Xu Rong's state at this time. When he realized that he was rich for the first time, he also went through the same mental journey. He always felt that his ability could not control so much wealth. It didn't matter anymore, and asked instead: "By the way, have you settled on your personnel relationship, is it in Renyi or Zhongxi?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly and shook his head, saying: "The personnel relationship is in Renyi, but he is still the vice president of the Chinese Opera."

Regarding the ownership of the personnel relationship, when he entered the Zhongchuan Auditorium and saw the ten mainstream media present at the appointment ceremony, he had already determined that he would return to Renyi.

Zhongxi has completely lost the capital to keep him.

It's not that the leadership of the competent department is not strong enough, but the full name of Zhongxi makes him have to return to Renyi.

Just as the National People's Congress will never be able to achieve a high ranking among world universities, driven by ideology, the influence of Chinese opera will be greatly limited.

After eating in Hairun's cafeteria, Xu Rong returned to the courtyard, took out the old dean's biography from the bookshelf, read it carefully, and occasionally circled the important content with a pen.

It was not the first time he had read the old dean's biography, but at this time, he wanted to take it out to see if there was anything he could learn from it.


In the last eight years of his life, due to kidney disease, he spent almost all of them in the capital hospital, and also ate starchy food for seven full years.

Seeing that when the secretary of the Federation of Literature and Art reported to him on his work a few days before his death, the old dean still emphasized that "a person must have noble sentiments, noble morals, and at the same time specifically emphasize that he must have a high culture", Xu Rong took a pen and lightly drew a horizontal line.

After seeing the old dean who was being rescued because of his wife's call, the heart detector jumped a few times from a parallel line, and then fell silent, Xu Rong put down his pen and exhaled lightly.

Looking at the white ceiling, the old adage, "When a man's body is full of man's mind, man's man's mind is full of mind" once again appeared in his mind.

At the age of 23, the old dean established his status as a "master" in the literary world with "Thunderstorm".

He is 26 years old this year, and the outside world has already put the "master" hat on his head.

It made him feel anxious and even panicked.

Because he knows that he is still just starting out on the road of acting and drama, and he doesn't know whether he will encounter the same helpless ending as the old dean in the future.

In the last eight years, why did the old dean insist on treatment when he could only eat starchy liquid food?

Probably unwilling.

He silently set a goal for himself in his heart, to be 40 years old.

Before the age of 40, that is, within 14 years, he must complete the construction of the system.

(End of this chapter)

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