Xu Rong didn't know what Zhang Yang was going to do, and for the time being, he didn't want to think about what Zhang Yang wanted to do.

After "Xu Rong Studio" was changed to "Yourong Media", even earlier, he realized that he had lost control of the company.

Even if he is the actual controller of the company.

Because the development of the company no longer follows his will.

At first he only wanted to build a studio for himself, but after signing Xiao Zhang, Xu Xing, Yuan Yu, and Song Yi successively, the development of the studio was on the verge of getting out of control.

In the face of this out-of-control trend, he could do nothing but watch helplessly.

Everyone in the studio has their own demands, even his most trusted classmate Xiao Zhang, Jin Fangfang and Li Gen also have their own demands, and if he wants to satisfy these demands, he must give up those things that seem inappropriate now. actual fantasy.

More importantly, he gradually realized that with the increase in wealth, status, and power, not only did he not feel happy because of it, but he became no longer happy.

When he was poor, and when he was basically guaranteed food and clothing, he could find some fun for himself every day, such as besieging the teacher who was never tired of it, and encouraging the team leader to reach the grand slam as soon as possible. At first, he thought that he would live even more in the current situation. Happy, but the opposite is true.

The titles of the courtyard, school, and company endow him with the power to allocate resources and even formulate the rules of the game, but it also comes with complicated affairs and heavy responsibilities.

He gradually realizes that every decision and attitude of his will bring good or bad consequences to himself and others, which requires him to carefully weigh whether every decision and every sentence of his is appropriate.

But there are only two exceptions. The first one is getting along with family members. In the eyes of grandpa, he is always a grandson. In the eyes of Xiao Zhang, he is just her husband.

The second situation is to stand in front of the camera or on the stage, because only at that time, he only represents himself and can do whatever he wants.

What Zhang Yang did may be serious, but he didn't want to think about it until the filming was about to start.

Happy time is too short.

"Let's go."

As Xu Rong got up, Wang Yongquan, who was standing by his side, took a step back subconsciously.

Wang Yongquan himself didn't notice any abnormalities, and he followed Xu Rong to the set, saying: "Mr. Xu, I'll tell you about the next scene. Because of Liang Jinglun's instigation, the student movement broke out again without warning. , The students surrounded the polling committee, the city government, the city council and other institutions, demanding to punish corruption and hand over Ma Hanshan. Fang Mengao held Ma Hanshan hostage and asked him to give the students an explanation."

Kong Datou, who was sitting behind the monitor, inadvertently glanced at the two walking through the set, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.

After a few seconds, he seemed to have noticed something, and turned his gaze back to the two of them again, more precisely Xu Rong.

At this time, Xu Rong was dressed in military uniform and walked straight forward without looking sideways. The executive director Wang Yongquan followed him, gesticulating with his hands while talking.

What Kong Sheng paid attention to was Xu Rong's walking gait. His steps were not big or fast, but they were so imposing that people subconsciously ignored the existence of Wang Yongquan beside him.

He squinted his eyes carefully for a few seconds, and vaguely saw the clue.

Everyone in the corner of the studio had already stopped chatting aimlessly. Ni Dahong looked at Dong Yong with doubts again, and said, "Sometimes, people are more popular than others. You see, their parents give such a body. , this right-angled shoulder can bluff people even if you don’t know anything.”

Wang Qingxiang and Wang Jinsong didn't dare to lend their voices any more. Dong Yong just didn't understand Xu Rong, and he wasn't stupid. Xu Rong poked several holes in the fairy tale they just wove just now.

Performing speech, stage, shape, and appearance, Xu Rong's series of movements not only show his solid physical foundation, but also his inner strong performance confidence and understanding of characters.

Compared with the latter, it is easier for laymen to see the former, and the body is the shortcoming of the academic school, because the entertainment industry with film and television as the mainstream generally does not have high requirements for the body.

But Xu Rong is not only a drama actor, but also a Beijing opera actor who focuses on putting on airs and faces, and the latter is the profession that pays the most attention to body among many performing arts. It is a housekeeping skill to highlight the "god" of characters through body.

Dong Yong, who was born in martial arts, naturally also saw this, but it is undeniable that what Ni Dahong said is also reasonable, technology is technical, and Xu Rong's material is really good, not only the height, but also the tall and straight figure, The smooth lines perfectly fit the ideal image of "soldier".

"It's maddening that people compare themselves to others. If I had his face and figure, I would have been popular 20 years earlier."

Seeing that others stopped digging, Ni Dahong shoveled two more shovels. He was not afraid of Dong Yong's counseling at all. He had just collaborated with Xu Rong in "Number", and he knew very well that Xu Rong's strength was not in his body, but in his ability to affect his peers all the time. The strong rhythm of the performer.

In the middle of the set, Xu Rong stood up, looked at Cheng Yu, and asked, "Brother, do you want to go through it first?"

Cheng Yu smiled, showing two rows of not too white teeth, and said, "I heard that you don't have the habit of rehearsing plays either? Just go."

"it is good."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the temptation in each other's eyes.

Wang Yongquan, who was standing aside, looked at the two politely respecting the old and loving the young, and said, "Then let's start now."




"ready, go!"

In the general storage warehouse of the polling committee, there is only one accounting table and one chair in the empty warehouse. Standing between the two, the warehouse looks even emptier.

Xu Rong was about two meters away from Cheng Yu, looking expressionlessly at Cheng Yu who was lying sideways with one hand bandaged and the other handcuffed, and did not speak.

Ma Hanshan had just personally killed his superior, Cui Zhongshi, whom he regarded as his elder brother.

He is the captain of the inspection brigade, and he shoulders the responsibility of investigating corruption, especially for the students in Peking. After Cui Zhongshi died, Ma Hanshan was the only second person who knew about the corruption case of the polling committee, even though he wanted to be killed immediately. Ma Hanshan, but because of his central role in the corruption case, he must suppress his anger.

After about five seconds, Xu Rong still didn't make a sound, staring at Cheng Yu's side face with light lines imprinted with almost no color in his face and eyes.

Cheng Yu looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, looking sideways. Xu Rong is the number one person in today's Chinese film and television circles and drama circles. Gossip about him is flying everywhere, but what is his professional level? In fact, there is no accurate grasp.

But the attitude of Chen Baoguo, Wang Qingxiang and others made him have to pay attention.

It's just that he waited and waited, but he never heard Xu Rong's lines. Just when he thought this line was about to be abolished, he suddenly heard a deep voice.

"Have you heard?"

The creases on Cheng Yu's face remained motionless, and he still raised his head and said, "I've heard too much."

Xu Rong stared at him for three seconds, turned around, walked to the door, and kicked the small door on the warehouse door to close, making a heavy "bang" sound.

When he turned his head, he found Cheng Yu, who was in handcuffs, scratching his head embarrassingly.

Cheng Yu said the wrong word.

Cheng Yu also felt that he was wronged and wronged. Xu Rongjin was too slow and sudden, which made him wonder if something was wrong with the other party. According to his own rhythm, he added two words to the original line "I have heard too much." It became "I have heard too much.".

To his surprise, Xu Rong was different from his usual opponents. He waited for him for three seconds without giving an inch, and suppressed his rhythm again.

This game is dead.


Kong Sheng didn't expect the two Shidi's first cooperation with NG to be so fast, and his earphones haven't been adjusted yet.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Heping in bewilderment, because the screenwriter and producer of "Peking" hardly changed any lines, and before that, Cheng Yu had never made such a low-level mistake.

Liu Heping is considering Xu Rong's words after changing his lines. As a screenwriter and producer, he has the habit of not allowing others to change his lines. As a big name and investor, Xu Rong has the habit of "supervising production". Guessing, it is unlikely for him to force Xu Rong to give in. When it really comes to that juncture, he wants to give each other a step.

Aware of Kong Sheng asking himself, he looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Baoguo watched this scene with great interest, and Wang Jinsong frowned. The first cooperation between Xu Rong and Cheng Yu can be said to be a mess.

The sparks between the two did not collide, but there were a lot of sparks.

Ni Dahong pouted, he knew too well why Cheng Yu said the wrong lines, he wanted Xu Rong to follow his rhythm.

It’s okay to meet ordinary peers, but Xu Rong’s sense of rhythm is too strong, but this strength is not absolute. When you meet ordinary people, you have to follow his rhythm whether you like it or not. When encountering an equally top-notch actor like Cheng Yu, trying to make the other party follow his own rhythm is the competition between the two parties for the rhythm.

But how could he miss such an excellent opportunity to dig a hole for Dong Yong, coughed lightly twice, and muttered to Dong Yong: "See, Xu Rong is actually like that, it all depends on If you can't support it, he will immediately 'die' and show you."

Dong Yong no longer doubted at this time, but suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

He was really worried that he would not be able to support himself.

Although it was only a back and forth, Cheng Yu already had a general understanding of Xu Rong's level. He carefully recalled the scene just now, and asked in a tone of asking for advice: "At the beginning, why did you wait for a few seconds?" bell?"

Although Xu Rong was puzzled, he still said: "Mr. Cheng, do you remember what was the scene before this scene?"

"Students gathered around polls to protest and shout slogans." Cheng Yu understood Xu Rong's intentions halfway through his words. Although he couldn't give a specific theoretical analysis like Xu Rong, he could understand that it was roughly due to the needs of ups and downs. "Then I will follow your rhythm."

The reason why he made the concession was because of the shooting just now. Although his rhythm was temporarily out of order, Xu Rong kept his pressure steady.

"Come again."

"ready, go."


Xu Rong kicked the door, walked not far from Cheng Yu, took a step across and stood still: "Then don't listen, just talk."

Cheng Yu squinted at him and asked, "What did you say?"

"Food, the money for buying food, the account for buying food, including the people who were starved to death." Xu Rong suddenly stopped when he said this, and his voice sank, "The people who were killed."

He stared straight at Cheng Yu, stared at his quietly tense face, and smiled abruptly: "We don't mention these things today, how about it?"

Cheng Yumeng froze for a moment, and with a roguish grin on the corner of his mouth, he sighed and said, "Don't mention this, is Captain Fang going to tell me about drinking and women?"

Xu Rong opened his mouth and didn't answer again, not because he couldn't catch it, but because he was amazed by Cheng Yu's outburst.

When Cheng Yu mentioned the two words "drinking" and "woman", the tone of his voice didn't increase significantly, and he didn't give any accent, but gave it a wonderful tact.

A verb and a noun are swirled in his mouth, but they can give people unlimited room for imagination.

These two words epitomize Cheng Yu's unique performance style.

Expressive, no makeup, "drinking", "woman".

Xu Rong vaguely felt that he had touched the wonderful element in Cheng Yu's performance.

And Cheng Yu finally felt the feeling of filming with Xu Rong. This is an actor who can perform tricks so that the co-actors are very relaxed and not easy.

Xu Rong's play is very easy to pick up. His play can create a situation of "really listening, seeing and seeing the real feeling" for the co-actors, but if he follows his vision completely, he will be completely suppressed by him 100%. This is Cheng Yu It's unacceptable, but if you want to break through the limit set by Xu Rong, you need to put in more effort.

"Feel sorry."

Wang Yongquan saw that the two of them didn't say a word, didn't talk about rearrangement, and didn't talk about rest, so he approached and asked, "Teachers, do you want to take a break?"

Xu Rong waved his hands silently, looked at Cheng Yu's face without makeup, and asked, "Has Teacher Cheng ever put on makeup?"

"Yes, but the filming is too tiring." He paused, and then asked the doubts in his heart, "How did you manage to perform the tricks so, so beautifully?"

Cheng Yu has long discovered that Xu Rong's performance occasionally bursts out with a strange sense of beauty for a moment, even as a co-actor, he can't help being amazed by this beauty.

Just like when he took a step across and said, "Then don't listen, let's talk." When he took this line, the step across made him feel very interesting, and a simple movement made him feel Fang Mengao's emotions instantly. .

"The lines and shapes are all to show the direction of the character's fate. From the perspective of a play, fate is made up of points one by one, and then down to the subtleties. Each point goes from low to high, and finally forms a peak." Seeing the doubtful look on Cheng Yu's face, Xu Rong knew that his words were probably wasted, so he pondered for a moment and concluded, "Teacher Cheng, have you heard of Peking Opera?"

Cheng Yu slapped his forehead and suddenly said, "Oh, I understand if you say that."

Xu Rong looked at Cheng Yu curiously, hoping to see the answer he wanted, and said, "Teacher Cheng likes drinking, women?"

"why do you say so?"

"When you mentioned 'drinking' and 'women' just now, your tone was very mellow, but it sounds nice and has a very personal touch."

Cheng Yu didn't answer him directly, but asked with a smile, "You don't like it?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I don't like drinking very much."

"Hahaha." (End of this chapter)

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