Chapter 67
Xu Rong's trip to Harbin was three days later than originally planned. This was the phone call he received from Zhao Baogang during the meal with Guo Si and Jin Fangfang.

The media meeting originally scheduled for the day before yesterday was cancelled.

Xu Rong could vaguely guess the reason from various small events in the past.

For sure, the two actresses in Zhao Baogang's own company, Dong Xuan and Li Xiaoran, had internal strife.

He flew to the Northeast again this time, and the play he was going to shoot was called "Harbin Under the Night", in which he played the role of the male Wang Yimin.

As for Li Xiaoran and Dong Xuan, they are the first and second females that have been set for this drama long ago.

The role of Li Xiaoran is Lu Qiuying, the first female, and Dong Xuan, who has become a new generation of goddess by virtue of the role of Shangguan Yan in "Snow Flower Goddess Dragon", plays the second female Liu Xufei.

In terms of popularity and audience popularity, Li Xiaoran, who is not a professional, can hardly compare with Dong Xuan, who is at the peak of his debut.

Moreover, when Xu Rong went to Huang Xiaoming's house for dinner some time ago, he heard him make a very interesting remark.

"Whether it's an actor or an actress, there is no distinction between beauty and ugliness. If you want to be popular, you have to look distinctive, so that the audience can remember the most obvious characteristics after seeing it."

This is where it is difficult for Li Xiaoran to compare with Dong Xuan. It is hard to say who is more beautiful than the other. It is like Wen Wu No. [-]. When beauty reaches a certain level, it is difficult to distinguish between them. But Li Xiaoran is "ordinary" good-looking, while Dong Xuan is good-looking "Characteristic".

This is not the root cause of the conflict between the two that Xu Rong guessed. The most fundamental reason is that the two belong to the same company and are members of the "Zhao Family Class".

At that time, Xu Rong just stole the limelight from her first brother, and Chang Jihong immediately put on her shoes. For such a big event involving the "first sister" dispute, it is not normal for her to be beaten without a fight.

Xu Rong doesn't know the specific details, but he knows it. Since he decided to take over the play, he has kept in frequent contact with Zhao Baogang. Regarding role positioning, character relationships, etc., he must figure out every detail.

In these two months, Zhao Baogang revised the book five times.

At first Xu Rong didn't quite understand what was going on, but later he saw some clues. Every time Zhao Baogang made changes, either Dong Xuan's role was increased a little, or Li Xiaoran's role was decreased.

Zhao Baogang is looking for a balance point that can satisfy both parties.

And in the third change, Xu Rong also fully understood the reason why Zhao Baogang approached him, and borrowed his enthusiasm to praise the two actresses of his company.

He also knew that there was no other way, because Zhao Baogang was both the director and the producer.

He can better understand Zhao Baogang's behavior of changing the script. At this point, the nature of the matter is no longer a matter of the number of roles, but the difference in the status of the two actresses and the inclination of resources in the future.

Unfortunately, despite Zhao Baogang's great efforts, Dong Xuan unilaterally announced three days ago that he would not join the crew of "Harbin Under the Night".

Schedule conflict.

Even thousands of miles away, Xu Rong still felt pain in the face for Zhao Baogang who was far away in Harbin.

It's too embarrassing.

Dong Xuan's statement was like a series of big ear blows thrown in the face of his boss Zhao Baogang, resounding throughout the industry.


No shame!

Because in the past few months, Zhao Baogang has publicly declared on countless occasions that Dong Xuan will be the female lead of "Harbin Under the Night", and the script of "Night" is tailor-made for her, not to mention the "fourth-generation Praises such as "The Leading Actress", "Secret Weapon" and so on, are almost free of money, and they can be praised wherever they go.

But now, Zhao Baogang has almost become a laughing stock in the industry because of his previous remarks.

A boss who can't control an actor.

A script tailor-made for his own actors, the boss who was resigned by his own actress just before it was started.

Good resignation.

This was Xu Rong's first thought after hearing the news.

It's not that it's not a big deal to watch the excitement, he is an actor, and the first thing he considers is whether the film can be shot well.

Two actresses who are competing for "first sister" gather in a group, even if Zhao Baogang personally controls the scene, it may be difficult for the two to get along in harmony.

And fortunately, although "Night" was still filmed in the Northeast, it was not winter after all, and there was no need to experience the low temperature of minus [-] to [-] degrees.

When filming "Crossing the Guandong" last year, Xu Rong was almost froze psychologically.

If it hadn't been for the consideration that Xiao Zhang's hometown is in the Northeast, he would have secretly vowed in his heart that he would never go to the Northeast in winter.

Xu Rong turned his thoughts back, glanced at the white clouds outside the porthole of the engine room, felt that the sun was a bit dazzling, and was about to pull up the sun visor, when he caught a glimpse of Jin Fangfang who was seriously reading the script beside him, he took his hand back again, closed his eyes, and remembered The scene from yesterday.

In order to thank Yang Mi for his "endless help", he invited Yang Mi to dinner yesterday, and at the same time, in order to ensure that the groundless rumors did not turn into solid evidence, he specially called Yuan Shanshan and Jiao Junyan, the "disrespectful" duo.

But after a meal, he listened for a long time to the scolding, what about eating what was in the bowl, looking at what was in the pot, and always messing around and finally dying, his scalp felt numb.

When Xiao Zhang asked him whether he agreed in advance, he only said, "That Jin Fangfang is so smart, I picked the one that Teacher Xu thought was ugly" and didn't say anything else. .

On the contrary, Yang Mi was quite open, but she just smiled and said that if there is such hype in the future, she should make it clear in advance.

Xu Rong looked at Yang Mi on the dinner table who seemed to be smiling indifferently, and couldn't help but feel a sudden twitch.

Broken and owed favors.

If Yang Mi scolded him, he apologized and even punished himself three cups, but the matter passed, and it was exposed lightly, so he couldn't really pretend that nothing happened.

In the future, we should try our best to deal with this smart girl as little as possible. Maybe when she sells her, she will help count the money.

The reason why he chose Yang Mi earlier was that he had no choice. He didn't know many actresses well, and he couldn't open his mouth if he had a normal relationship.

Sun Li and her boyfriend from the same company are talking about you and me. If there is a real quarrel, then he is a third party involved.

Compared with the label of "youthful and romantic" proposed by Jin Fangfang, "Hairun's small shovel" is much more ugly.

Chen Shu is a good candidate, and he can also create momentum for the "New Shanghai Bund" that is being broadcast, but he himself is a little guilty. After all, he did have thoughts about her back then, even though nothing actually happened.

In fact, in comparison, he was more familiar with Aunt Xu than Sun Li and Chen Shu, but after seeing Auntie's energy a little while ago, he decided to maintain proper respect for Aunt Xu.

It's not that I dare not, but that I simply admire Aunt Xu's character.

As for Zhang Xinyi, he didn't think about it at all. Even though the cooperation was quite pleasant, he always felt that he couldn't see through her.

But it's not like he hasn't seen such a person before. The real and straightforward people are filming "Horseback Bank" in Anhui Province.

After such exclusions, Jin Fangfang found helplessly that Yang Mi was the only female star who was familiar in Xu Rong's circle and had a certain reputation.

Jin Fangfang only felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

It was as if when the two groups had a group fight, she was charging invincibly, but Xu Rong, who was a teammate fighting side by side, suddenly stopped, squatted on the ground, and said: "You go first, I will tie a shoe bring."

"Mr. Xu?" Jin Fangfang finished flipping through the script outline, touched him with her arm, and asked, "Why did you choose this book? I don't think there is anything outstanding about it?"

"A lot of money." Xu Rong shrugged and said, this is the truth.

He has accepted three film contracts this year, and the next two to be filmed are all acquaintances, so the film salary is based on the normal standard, [-] episodes, just crossing the first-line threshold.

"Harbin Under the Night" is different. Zhao Baogang offered him 50 yuan, but he finally got almost [-] yuan, which is more than all the movies he has made in the past.

Another reason is that the overall logic of the story is not a big problem, and it is still a popular subject.

Since the decline of martial arts dramas, as long as the scripts of spy war dramas are not too bad, they can generally achieve good ratings.

When Xu Rong came out of the airport passageway, he looked at the female fans who were waiting for the airport, and looked at Jin Fangfang suspiciously: "What's going on?"

Most of his business invitations in the past came from the south. In the north, especially the northeast, he didn't have much influence, and there shouldn't be fans picking him up.

Jin Fangfang wanted to roll her eyes, but considering the image she was shaping, she forcibly held back and said, "These should be Ding Li fans."

Xu Rong understood, "New Shanghai Beach".

It was really unexpected. He also thought that this drama would become popular, but he didn't expect it to be a sweeping trend.

Although it was crazily criticized by some film and television critics who kept using their presence, it did not affect the popularity of this drama at all.

As the male second, and the popularity of "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" is still there, he has been talked about no less than Huang Xiaoming.

Among them, the most commented words are compound progressive acting crushing.

The third man hangs and beats the second man, and the second man hangs and beats the first man.

That is, the strong contrast between Li Xuejian, Xu Rong and Huang Xiaoming.

When Xu Rong saw the comments on the Internet, he couldn't help secretly rejoicing. Without the support of Huang Xiaoming, a benevolent senior brother, the popularity and goodwill accumulated in the previous "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" would have been wiped out.

At the same time, he also kept an eye out and never cooperated with Li Xuejian again until the comprehensive evaluation of his acting skills reached A+. Li Youbin was just a cancer, but Li Xuejian played a supporting role and forced everyone to serve him as a foil.

But Huang Xiaoming can also get lucky secretly. Anyway, he still has a large number of pretty girls to support him. When "New Shanghai Beach" became popular, the most miserable girl is Sun Li.

Whether in newspapers, magazines, or on the Internet, there is almost no good thing to say about her, and the overwhelming sound is full of scolding.

Not only is her temperament and appearance overwhelmed by the second female Chen Shu, but the most weird thing is that as she is constantly being compared with the previous version of Feng Chengcheng, under the background of Sun Li, the former "Feng Chengcheng" Zhao Yazhi has recently made more announcements in the mainland. When I got up, I felt a little inexplicably rejuvenated in my career.

It's not scary to be really popular, whoever is ugly is embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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