I'm just an actor

Chapter 8 Students

Chapter 8 Students
Facts have proved that Li Mingjie's idea is really useful. Xu Rong was sitting among a group of students. Some teachers didn't notice it at all, thinking that he was a newcomer.

Some found out, but after Xu Rong showed his work card and said that he was studying and learning, although the teacher was surprised, he didn't ask any more questions.

This proves that his teaching ability is strong.

In contrast, teaching students is much more troublesome.

"Aunt Wang, right? Hello, I'm Xu Rong, Xingyi's tutor, and this is my work ID."

Standing outside the anti-theft door, Xu Rong said to a pair of mother and daughter behind the door.

The mother and daughter are not too tall. The mother looks about forty years old, with a small round face, double eyelids, and a few wrinkles between the corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

The girl seemed to be about the same age as him, with an oval face, high forehead, eyebrows and eyes very similar to her mother, but probably because she was too thin, her cheekbones were relatively obvious.

It may be seen that he is not very old, and he is still bald. The mother and daughter looked at him with suspicion on their faces.

As a last resort, Xu Rong invited out his student card again, and said with a smile, "I'm a student at Peking University, and now I'm a part-time tutor."

When Aunt Wang saw the witness, she no longer had doubts, hurriedly opened the anti-theft door, smiled apologetically and said, "Oh, it's Mr. Xu from Peking University. Mr. Xu, come in quickly, come in quickly."

As soon as the other party spoke, from the accent, Xu Rong immediately judged that the mother and daughter must be in the Northeast. Although they spoke Mandarin, their characteristics were too unusual.

The girl didn't speak, and her almond eyes kept staring at him, full of curiosity.

Xu Rong entered the door with her schoolbag on her back, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by the girl, and asked with a smile, "Is this Zhang Rui's classmate?"

"Ruirui, call Teacher Xu." Aunt Wang said something to the girl, let Xu Rong sit on the sofa, poured a glass of water, and said with a smile: "Ms. Xu, drink a glass of water. It's such a hot day. is you."

"Teacher Xu." The girl said carelessly, and then fell silent.

"Thank you, Aunt Wang." Xu Rong got up to take the water glass and thanked her. Seeing that the girl was still staring at him, she couldn't help asking, "Which school does Zhang Rui plan to apply for?"

Aunt Wang glanced at her daughter, and said with a wry smile, "She wants to be admitted to Nortel or Chinese Opera, but she has been out of school for several years, and she doesn't know if she can pass."

Xu Rong glanced at the female student suspiciously, and asked, "How many years have you been out of school?"

"Yeah, I'm in the Art Troupe now."

Xu Rong only realized the pain of the teacher when he really started tutoring.

Although Xu Rong didn't come here to be a tutor, he didn't dare to delay the future of his children. After thinking about it, he asked a few questions. He was going to know Zhang Rui's learning level first, and then make a detailed study plan.

Zhang Rui was unequivocal, she finished it in a while, and then looked at him with her head held high.

Xu Rong saw that this student was stupid and bold, he didn't hesitate to solve the problem, it was like a god's help, and what's weird was that she could continue to deduce it after confusing the theorem.

However, the idea of ​​solving the problem is generally correct, and the previous studies should not be completely pulled down.

Xu Rong shook the draft paper in his hand, and said mercilessly: "It's all wrong."

"Impossible! These few questions are so simple, how could I make a mistake?" Zhang Rui's eyes widened, and he said firmly and loudly.

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise and asked, "Why are you so confident?"

"You're not much older than me, are you?" Zhang Rui didn't answer him, but asked rhetorically.

"I'm seventeen, I'll be eighteen after Chinese New Year."

"Ah, you are actually younger than me?"

"But I am your teacher."

"But even if it is, why do you say I did something wrong?"


"Do you think this student ID card looks fake?"

"Uh alright."

"Come on, let me tell you why these questions are wrong."

Xu Rong feels that the current life is quite comfortable. He goes to class every day and still has a salary to get. When he is free, he will read the script.

Of course, it would be better if the students could not be so stubborn.

Different from only studying his own lines in the production team of Daqing Fengyun, this time he pondered very carefully. He carefully pondered and scrutinized every role so that he could compare them when the time came.

Guo Si said to give him three to five characters to test the waters, and he estimated that there were only three. If there is no improvement, it may be that Aunt Xu's favor is in vain.

He knew that this war movie would definitely not be a splash, but he believed that there would be opportunities in the future, so he couldn't always let himself act in such a bad movie, right?
After spending three leisurely months, Xu Rong greeted Jin Fangfang and Aunt Wang, mother and daughter, and told them that she was going to prepare for the final exam, so she packed her luggage and rushed to Jinzhong to join the crew.

He doesn't have many roles. According to the crew's plan, the filming can be finished in about a month. Before he arrived, the crew had already started filming for a week.

Before getting out of the car, Xu Rong realized that he was careless. He knew that the crew was filming in Taihang Mountain and the temperature would be lower, but he didn't expect it to be so much lower. Even though he was wearing a down jacket, he was still shivering from the cold.

He entered the set the next day, and at a glance, it was almost as he had expected, with a small production and a small lineup, and there was not a single worthy actor in the set.

Xu Rong didn't think too much, and planned to be a transparent person as usual, finish filming with peace of mind, and then withdraw.

It's better to add another two or three hundred experience points to raise the acting evaluation to C-. It should be much easier to go to other groups for interviews in the future.

It's just that his appearance is too conspicuous on the set, after all, he is the only actor without hair.

Just after putting on makeup, a middle-aged man with a big nose, small eyes, a small mouth, and a gray face in a ragged military uniform caught sight of him and asked, "Hey, that bald head, are you my guard? "

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that the middle-aged man should be Li Youbin, the lead actor in this drama.

He gave a non-standard salute with a "swish", and said loudly: "Reporting to the head, the monk is reporting to you."

Li Youbin was taken aback by what he did, and then he laughed and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You are quite strong, what's your name?"

Xu Rong hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, my name is Xu Rong, you can just call me Xiao Xu."

"I'd better call you a monk, by the way."

Seeing that Xu Rong's lips turned purple from the cold after a while, Li Youbin hurriedly asked the crew for a cotton coat, and dragged him to introduce them one by one.

Xu Rong didn't use the system to check everyone's comments this time.

In the past three months, he reflected on his behavior on the set of "The Great Qing Dynasty".

Because he checked the evaluations of all the actors in the crew early in the morning, he went to Zhang Fengyi and Jiang Wen when he had nothing to do. Except for Li Weijie, a fellow villager, he basically didn't make any friends.

He didn't realize anything at first, but after Aunt Xu signed a contract with Hairun and realized the importance of connections, he realized how stupid his original behavior was.

He can't eliminate his utilitarianism, but he can block the source of utilitarian behavior.

He understands that once he reads the system review, he may be subconsciously utilitarian, so he decides not to check other people's reviews easily in the future.

When he first started filming, he knew that his dawdling ideas were about to fail.

After a long time, Xu Rong felt that his legs were swollen from running. His role was Monk Wei, but because of the small scale of the crew, there were not many extras. When it came time to film a war scene, he could only use actors and take off his hat. It's Monk Wei, wearing a hat is a group performance, and the task is to run back and forth in front of the camera.

Not to mention him, even Li Youbin and He Zhengjun, the political commissar, ran when they should.

Seeing Xu Rong squatting on the ground, Li Youbin was wearing a thick padded coat, with his hands folded, and the script under his armpits. He walked over and asked, "What kind of monk is he? Can you hold on?"

Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and said, "It's a small matter."

Probably because Xu Rong had an idea when he greeted him earlier, Li Youbin seemed to have a good impression of him, and said with a smile: "You boy, just hold on."

The crew probably considered that he joined the crew on the first day, and there were not many scenes arranged, but since the second day, the intensity immediately went up to a higher level.

Especially the fight with Zhang Xiaojun who played Duan Peng made Xu Rong suffer a lot.

Originally, the crew was very rare, because the director said that they had to fight for real.

After listening to Teacher Wuzhi's explanation, the two of them gesticulated the moves, and then started to act.

Most of the crew quietly put down their work, ready to watch something new, it's really rare to make a TV series these days.

Just joining hands, the two of you are doing Tai Chi like an old man in the park. You finish my moves with the sound of haha, and the onlookers burst out laughing after they were dazed.

Director Chen Jian slowly turned his head, looked at Wu Zhi Yu Yonggang, and asked, "Teacher Yu, this is what you taught?"

The dark and thin Yu Yonggang also felt a little uncomfortable, he gave a dry laugh and said, "Director, wait a moment."

After Yu Yonggang finished speaking, he ran up to the two of them, and said helplessly, "Brother, my two brothers, didn't you just say that the pace should be fast, don't you bring such a playful person?"

Xu Rong smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Xiaojun scratched his head hesitantly, and said, "That... can I trouble Teacher Yu to give us a demonstration."

"Okay, I'll be your opponent, you follow my rhythm first."

After Yu Yonggang finished speaking, he looked at Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaojun and asked, "Which of you will come first?"

Xu Rong didn't even think about it, and said, "I'll do it."

"The punch is too soft."

"Hide, I didn't tell you just now, you fight first and then hide."

"It's too slow, take another shot."

The three tossed about for more than two hours, and received a lot of punches from each other. Chen Jiancai nodded slightly and said, "This is how it looks, but it still doesn't work. The eyes are not aggressive. Practice for a while."

Seeing that Xu Rong immediately put on his posture again, Zhang Xiaojun leaned on his knees and panted, "Monk, no, no, please let me rest for a while, I really don't have any energy."

Xu Rong was also very tired at the moment, and said: "Wait, neither of us is polite, just follow Teacher Yu's instructions, really hit, walk around, and then shoot directly."

The reason why he made such a decision was because he considered it for the afternoon. He had already heard that this movie was a gift film and had to be released next year, so the intensity was extremely high. He had exhausted his physical strength now and couldn't run in the afternoon.


"Let's go first."

This time, the two of them didn't hold back their fists and kicked with all their strength, and in order to satisfy the director, even if they were punched hard, they kept silent.

Chen Jian looked at it again, and saw that the two were fighting fiercely, punching to the flesh, clapped his hands, and said, "That's right, each group prepares."

"Everyone be quiet."


"Start up."


After nearly two hours of rehearsal, both of them held their breath this time, and the fluency was better than that of the previous practice.


Xu Rong rubbed his ribs and said with a wry smile: "Old Zhang, why did you strike so hard? If it weren't for the thick clothes, I guess your punch just now could break my ribs."

Zhang Xiaojun pressed his arm that was numb from Xu Rong's kick, and said, "You still have the nerve to talk about me, my arm is swollen from you kicking."

"Save one, do it again."

When the two heard Chen Jian's voice, they looked at each other helplessly.

"Come on, it's okay."

"This time we have to go through it all over again."

(End of this chapter)

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