Chapter 93

"What are you looking at, so serious?"

When Chen got into the car, seeing Xu Rong frowning and staring at the phone screen, he subconsciously asked.

She didn't make an announcement today, so she didn't need to come here at first, but because the top fireworks team specially invited by the crew, out of curiosity, she also followed to take a look. Anyway, she was idle in the hotel.

She poked her head over, glanced at it, and saw that it looked like an outline of a script. She was sitting on the opposite side of the corridor, and said with a smile, "Busy people, one scene hasn't finished filming yet, and you're ready to pick up another one?"

"Coincidentally." Xu Rong glanced at her and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, a director asked me to shoot a spy war before, but because the policy was tightened and the script needed to be overhauled, so it was postponed, and I was going to shoot another scene first. "

"What play?" Although Xu Rong didn't hide, she didn't stare any more, but asked instead, "Does Teacher Xu take me? Since I terminated the contract with the company, I haven't been able to get a play."

Xu Rong curled his lips and ignored her. Chen was obviously joking. She came out to work alone now. If she said that the resources were not as good as before, he had no doubts. When it came to the play, it was obvious that he was making fun of him.

But Chen is not his ideal partner. With her fame and status, the role must be the first or second female. A comprehensive evaluation of A- is still far away.

Of course, if someone is like Chen Guanxi in the past few years, he must be the one to smash 2000 million, even if the book is self-conscious, he will consider it carefully
The reason for the lack of money is that as an actor, it is inevitable that there will be times when he misses. For example, in "Bright Sword" at the beginning, he did not expect that it would become popular to the extent that it will later.

With such a high investment and remuneration, there is still a possibility of explosion.

Just as he expected, a group of actors waited in the car for a long time. At eleven o'clock at noon, the sun was high in the sky, and Producer Pan, who was still in the police station, sent back a message that the deal was settled.

The cost is [-] a day.

This is due to the halo of celebrities such as Gao Xixi, Chen, and Xu Rong. The relevant local departments worried about the impact and forcibly suppressed the price.

The local villagers seem to be very familiar with this. After collecting the money and writing a receipt, they drove the tractor back to the village without staying for a minute.

It's not like the first time I did it at all.

The villagers didn't have the slightest curiosity about the filming, and they probably knew in their hearts that if they hated the crew, they would just be looked down upon for nothing if they stayed.

The firearms and equipment are similar to other groups. They are all pyrotechnic guns. When the trigger is pulled, the flames and gunshots are actually controlled by the circuit board inside.

The real difference lies in the accuracy of the explosion point. Xu Rong watched the pyrotechnician put the gunpowder and thunderbolt into a small plastic bag, then put it into the dug earth pit, bury it with wet soil, and mark it so that Prevent actors from accidentally stepping on it during shooting.

Not only Xu Rong, Chen, Hu Ke and others also observed the pyrotechnic team's operation closely.

It seems that there is not much difference from other pyrotechnic teams.

The pyrotechnician is a 27-year-old young man. He was watched by several celebrities, probably to show off on purpose. The whole process was smooth and smooth.

He also answered all the questions asked by several people, but his master seemed to only teach him how to do it, and did not teach the deep-seated reasons. When Chen asked about the reason for the ratio of gunpowder, the young man was not blushing and heartbeat After talking for a long time, a few people didn't understand it.

"Three Two One"

With the actors in place, the assistant director picked up the loudspeaker, and after the sound fell, fireworks and smoke rose from various explosion points one after another.

Xu Rong squinted his eyes and looked at the field. He probably understood the reason. The diameter of the explosion point ranged from four meters to ten meters, but the effect of the explosion was almost exactly the same as the previous estimate. This should be the reason for the high fee s reason.

Accuracy means that the safety of personnel can be guaranteed.

War movies are the most prone to accidents, especially explosion scenes. Injuries are commonplace, and deaths are not uncommon. However, such incidents are often resolved in private. Once the exposure attracts attention, there is a possibility that it will be stopped.



Gao Xixi looked at the replay, and suddenly, he saw a hole, and couldn't help frowning, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said dissatisfiedly: "Props, props, who put the bones?"

"No, director, where did you get the bones?"

The answer from the walkie-talkie made Gao Xixi focus on the surveillance again.

In the field, Yu Hewei, who happened to be passing by, subconsciously picked up the bone at his foot, weighed it in his hand, and said with a smile: "Our props are really powerful, this bone looks real."

Xu Rong was listening to Gao Xixi's communication with the prop teacher, looked at Yu Hewei who was smiling in the field, looked at Chen strangely, and said to Yu Hewei: "The one you hold in your hand, maybe... It is true."


Yu Hewei was stunned for a moment, threw the bone on the ground, and after taking two steps back, he asked the head of the props group with an extremely ugly expression: "Teacher?"

The prop teacher coughed twice, did not dare to look at Yu Hewei, but turned his gaze to the pyrotechnician, and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, did you bury it too deep and blow up the grave?"

The pyrotechnician smiled awkwardly. He noticed something was wrong as soon as the explosion point exploded, but he could only hope that the crew would not find out. Just now he bragged so much, but he was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye. He couldn't afford to lose this people.

But in essence, he also felt that he was quite innocent. There were so many small mounds in the barren mountains and wild places. He didn't know that the calf-high mound was a grave mound before, but now seeing the whole group staring at him, He laughed twice and said, "Maybe. Maybe."

Gao Xixi coughed and said to Yu Hewei, "Wash your hands first."

Turning his head, his face became more serious, and he whispered to the director of production: "Go and order incense candles and tributes, where did they explode, and bury them back for me, and then say goodbye."

After filming one scene, the crew stopped filming again. Although a group of people grew up under the red flag, no one would dare not believe in this thing, and on weekdays, everyone shouted to believe in science, but for some people who are extremely effective The "master" who is always popular, but always flocks to him.

The production director bought paper money, roast chicken, fruits and other tributes, and also got a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine. He followed Yu Hewei and the pyrotechnician to bury the bones again. Forget it.

But probably this incident left a shadow on Yu Hewei, and in the rest of the scenes, his condition was extremely poor.

Not only him, but Xu Rong is also rotten, not far away is a grave, which was just blown up and then sealed, so I couldn't help but panic.

So much so that when he saw a small mound that was a little higher, he had to go around it, who knew if there was someone lying underneath it.

Gao Xixi had a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened, even though he was screaming bad luck in his heart, he also understood that since the villagers came to make trouble today, the big guy spent a long time working hard, and he was not very happy. If he keeps gloomy, it will only make the mood of the whole group worse.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was just overcast, and the crew was like a group of stragglers who had lost a battle. As soon as Gao Xixi finished speaking, the crew immediately packed up their things, moved them to the car, and ran to the hotel as if fleeing.

Who knows if this place was a mass grave hundreds of years ago.

When rehearsing the play that night, Xu Rong found that Xu Xing was always absent-minded. He could sense some of her thoughts, but he didn't think it was right.

When he was resting on the sofa after rehearsing, he saw her with her head down, as if she was thinking about something on her mind, and asked, "What's the matter? You've been distracted since the morning."

Xu Xing suddenly raised his head, seeing his brother looking at him with concern, he quickly shook his head and denied, "No, it's nothing."

"Don't always think that what is commonplace is right." Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "It's really hard to be popular if you only have acting skills, but it's a reliance on crossing the threshold. You can't cross it. For some plays, you don't even have to audition. No chance."

Xu Xing nodded and said, "I know, brother."

Xu Rong didn't know whether her promise was out of sincerity, or simply dealing with herself. He had already said what he said, and it was up to her how to do it.

"Brother, I have something to do." Xu Xing hesitated for a long time, and finally told the real reason for his distraction, because since yesterday afternoon, he found that his brother communicated more with Chen.

As his assistant, most of her attention was focused on him, and she also noticed the changes in the relationship between her brother and Chen.

She had heard about couples in the crew, it was not uncommon, and she didn't find it difficult to accept. On the contrary, if Chen was her sister-in-law, she would be more acceptable.

Xu Rong felt that his throat was a little dry after queuing for a while just now, so he got up and went into the room, picked up the throat lozenge on the bedside, put it in his mouth, and asked in a slightly vague voice: "What's the matter?"

"Brother, I told you, don't be angry." Xu Xing half-kneeled on the sofa, pouted his buttocks, carefully glanced at Xu Rong, saw him nod, and said slowly, "It's you and Chen, aren't you Do you like Sister Xiaofei very much? Why did you talk to her so much today?"

"You don't know, she always looks at you when you are busy."

Xu Rong opened his mouth in astonishment. He didn't expect that Xu Xing's mind was not because of these small details. He also noticed what she said, and Chen didn't hide it. He was discovered by him, so he just smiled lightly.

But he didn't intend to hide it from her, and said: "Actually, I don't know the reason. She will have that reaction, but don't think about it, the things you think will not happen."

Xu Xing was a little relieved, because there were seven or eight students from Nortel and Chinese Opera in the group, and she was afraid that her brother would be unable to hold on for a while and made a mistake, so it would be reported back to the school.

Regarding Xu Rong's doubts, she understood the reason very well, and explained with a smile: "Maybe it's because you feel that you are more responsible. With her past experience, she definitely hopes to find a man who is responsible and responsible."

Xu Rong was not very interested in these, and said casually, "Maybe."

"Didn't they say that in many dramas, people who act as husband and wife can do it outside the drama?"

"It's other people's business." Xu Rong said "uh" and said with a smile, "According to what you said, if I can't get along with her now, if I have a girlfriend, then it's irresponsible I'm afraid she might be kicked off before going to bed. This is a contradictory topic, and how do you know if she can do it? of."

"Besides, it's still the same sentence. Don't always think that what is commonplace is right." Xu Rong felt that such dry reasoning was too weak, and added, "For example, if you have a boyfriend, when you finish filming, you If you don’t know each other clearly, you don’t naively think that the other party will never know, do you?”

"What kind of values ​​do you uphold, the people you get along with will probably be similar. If you have an understandable attitude towards cheating during filming, I can guarantee that your future boyfriend will also cheat. , I watched a movie before, it was filmed by He Zhengjun, on the night he cheated, her wife chose to cheat because of conflicts."

"Although it's a bit dramatic and exaggerated, I can't say that this phenomenon doesn't exist, and I can't imagine that the other party can't detect it. There are people coming and going under the nose. You also know that many of the supporting roles are school students. Who I know if it will spread."

"Before doing something, it's always right to plan for the worst. You can't always think of the best. You often walk by the river, and your shoes will always get wet." Xu Rong picked up the script, glanced at the lines, and then Putting it down, he smiled and said to Xu Xing, who had a tense face, "Actually, the most important thing is, if I really do it, Xiao Zhang knows, can he accept it? I met her when we were not in college. She can be regarded as a childhood sweetheart, there is no need to lose watermelon for sesame."

Xu Xing was still a bit puzzled. Now that she had asked, she no longer kept it a secret: "But brother, Chen is so beautiful, are you really not tempted at all?"

"Be tempted, why not? Is he still a man if he doesn't?" Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders, looked at the puzzled Xu Xing, and quietly shaped her new values, "Yi Li actually said in the interview that I am a worthwhile person." Ambitious people, I don’t deny this, but ambition alone is not enough, you must have self-control and dedication to match it, otherwise it is daydreaming, everyone in the world will dream, and I will do better and bigger than me There are many, but there are many reasons why I can get to where I am today. Self-control is only one of them. Actors and entertainers are a special industry. You have no idea that the big mistakes you make today will lead to future What a consequence."

Xu Xing nodded half-understanding, and said: "Brother, let's continue."

Since the location shooting was finished, the production crew suddenly had troubles. The next day, when the camera was turned on, a shot was shot several times. Gao Xixi was not satisfied, so he talked with the director of photography for a while, and came up with a new idea.

First lay the track on the high platform, and then lift it up and down. The camera on one side looked pale, but the director and the director have said that even if they don't want to, they can only bite the bullet.

Xu Rong looked at it, and felt that it was not safe. The center of gravity of the lifting and lowering changed back and forth, and the center of gravity was high, so it was hard to guarantee that there would be no accidents.

Sure enough, after a while, the high platform collapsed with a "bang". Fortunately, the operator was young and agile enough. He made a 180-degree turn in the air and fell firmly to the ground. It was thanks to his arms that he supported it, otherwise he would have landed on his face first. up.


Accompanied by the twisted and disfigured painful wails of the handheld's arms, as well as the smashed camera and lens on the ground.

When the camera was sent to the hospital, no one on the crew paid too much attention to it. Various accidents inevitably happened during the filming process, but the camera had to rest for a while.

In the afternoon, a crew accidentally fell into the water on a passenger ship rented by the crew from the pier for [-] a day. Fortunately, a few crew members with good water skills were able to catch him in time and drank a lot of water. The relief is that people are fine anyway.

However, two accidents happened one day in a row, quietly casting a gloomy atmosphere on the crew.

Especially Yu Hewei, who touched the bones, after all, everything happened before his eyes. When he was giving artificial respiration to the field staff who fell into the water, his face, who was standing beside him, turned pale with fright.

He suddenly became extremely cautious. Before each shooting, he had to check again and again. He didn't even dare to take a big mouthful of food and water, lest something unexpected happen to him.

In the night scene, in the middle of shooting a scene, the headlights flickered twice, and the whole set was instantly plunged into darkness. Before the generator could be turned on, a burning smell permeated the air.

"There's a fire in the dressing room." A sudden and sharp cry resounded through the set.

"As for the flashlight, turn on the flashlight to put out the fire first, and the other groups should not move around." Gao Xixi's voice was only a few seconds apart, and he picked it up immediately, showing his rich experience in dealing with such incidents.

The fire was not rapid, and it was extinguished in time. After the electricity was re-supplied and checked, the damage was not too great, except for a plastic chair and a cosmetic box placed on it.

But the air flowing between the crew became more and more dull and stagnant. Even Chen, who was always optimistic, huddled together with his assistant in silence.

Although there are traces of the cause of the accident, when one thinks that a person’s grave was blown up in an exterior scene yesterday, and today there are so many troubles, once the accident is in the minds of everyone, it is inevitable to attribute the cause to something inevitable. In terms of the unknowns of the test, and looking back at the accidents of the crew, everything seemed a lot more sinister.

And Gao Xixi, who is at the helm of the crew, finally couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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