It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 105 Don't Give Up

Chapter 105 Don't Give Up

"So she sent everyone other than her back to the past in order to change my future?"

"Probably so."

"Then why didn't you just regenerate me?"

Shi Hai felt that this was the most efficient method.

Tell the parties everything directly, and let the parties solve it by themselves instead of going around in circles.

Perhaps the original intention of the idea of ​​"deliberately hiding someone" is indeed "for the good of the other party", but often this will become the beginning of misunderstanding.

Why can't we just be honest with each other, exchange information with each other, and have a good talk?

You have to say nothing, and only regret it when things become irreversible...

If you make it clear earlier, there won't be such a thing!

So Shi Hai admired it very much, and was also very grateful to Tian Shui for telling him these key information.

As a result, as soon as he thought about it, Tian Shui spread his arms and said indifferently.

"Who knows?"

"Uh... Senior, don't you know?"

"How do I know what she thinks?"

Tian Shui held his chest and said.

"What I can tell you, I've already told you everything. Even if you ask me about the above questions, I can't answer you, because what I know is very limited."

"Is that so..."

"It's better to say that I know this much more than others. Even if you ask Jane Xuemei or your childhood sweetheart about these things, they probably won't be able to say anything, because they don't even know their own. I don’t understand the situation.”

"So that's how it is... So, you are actually a special existence, senior sister who knows this?"

"Yeah, I know that because I'm also a 'half participant.'"

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"You have already guessed, junior, that rebirth is a kind of science and technology, so if you want to research this technology and reach the stage of application, you can't do it with just 'knowledge'."

"I get it...we still need money and people."

"That's right, then, I...".

Tian Shui raised Erlang's legs, pointed to his chest, and said arrogantly.

"Very rich."

Developing an unprecedented technology must have required a lot of research dollars.

And more talents are needed to participate in the work of developing this technology.

So, where did all this money and people come from?
The answer is at hand.

Senior sister Tianshui, who is a rich woman, will start a company in the future, and will also invest in the development of high-tech.

She provided vital financial and human resources.

"That is to say, at the campus job fair, she and I joined your company, senior sister, just to get your support in research funding."

In fact, after being reborn, you get rich.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of their approaching Tian Shui is to get her money.

It sounds a bit sleazy... Shi Hai felt that he would not do such a thing on his own words, so he must have listened to that woman's suggestion for doing this.

If Shi Hai knew that he not only cheated Tianshui's money, but even her people in the future, he might start to doubt his character.

"Yeah, later you were in a research and development team and successfully developed a device that can send people back to the past."

"So in your timeline, Senior Sister, I already know these things."

"That's right, in fact, I learned most of this information from you."

"I see……"

After listening to the whole ins and outs, Shi Hai was able to understand why he became so secondary in the future Tianshui was in.

Knowing the existence of such a thing as rebirth, and even participating in the research and development of the rebirth device, it will definitely become very inflated.

The most important thing is that it is very possible that in the future, Shi Hai has already learned of the "mortal situation" he is about to face.

And most of them have already tried to change the outcome of their own death...and 'think they are safe'.

Thinking about it this way, the words of the incomparably high school two seem to be a bit 'appropriate'.

After all, it is really 'against fate'.

As a result, however, the resistance failed.

And in the end, he was struck to death by lightning... It's really black humor.

"But I think you don't have to worry about the future, junior?"

"No, I still have to care about this, after all it's about my life..."

"However, your life should no longer be in danger now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because she didn't come to stop other women from approaching you."


Shi Hai was full of question marks.

"Is there any necessary connection between these two things?"

"Of course, you have to know that she sent other people like me and Jian Xuemei back to the past in order to change the outcome of your death... But it is not enough to just send back to the past, in order to prevent the same future from happening again Happened, she will not let us reborns get close to you."

"I still can't understand, what does my death have to do with you?"

"Maybe there are."

Also used a 'possible', isn't that just uncertain!

Shi Hai frowned and said.

"But in your future, senior sister, wasn't I killed by lightning? What does this have to do with you, senior sister?"

"You took me up together, I was the only one who saw that scene in the end."

"Can this count!"

"I don't know if it counts, but if it was her, she would probably think, 'If Tian Shui hadn't gone upstairs with her, Shi Hai wouldn't have been struck to death by lightning'."

"What logic..."

This is too strong.

Why do you have to associate death with women?

"To be honest, I don't quite understand her thinking... But she probably thinks that you will die because of a woman."


This is consistent with Shi Meng's statement.

It seems that the person calling Shimeng is also this woman surnamed Bai.

"And, I's very possible that she was the first woman to kill you."

"Psychological trauma..."

Shi Hai felt that what Tian Shui said made sense.

It is precisely because I have personally experienced the tragedy that I don't want the tragedy to be repeated.

So there will be 'excessive defense' and 'forced interpretation'.

This is actually the same as the ancients would blame women for the reason for the destruction of the country.

Find a 'reason you can accept' for 'unacceptable things'.

That's why she linked 'Shihai's death' with 'caused by a woman'.

"That's why I was surprised that that woman wasn't the first to come to see you. She should have been the first to appear in front of you, and then warned you not to approach other women."

"Isn't there that letter of warning?"

"She wouldn't use such a 'gentle method', if it were her, she wouldn't even let us 'get to know' you."

"Is it 'blocking' from 'the very beginning'?"

"That's right, but this time, not only did I see you, but even Jian Xuemei... You know, I learned about Jian Sichun's existence very late, and I didn't know her at first, of course The same goes for you, this is obviously the result of her deliberately preventing Jian Xuemei from approaching you."

"But now, many reborns have come to me..."

"Yeah, we can even talk about these things here, can't we?"

Now Shi Hai understands why Tian Shui said that he doesn't need to care about the future anymore.

She was probably thinking that since that woman had allowed other reborns to approach Shi Hai, she must have successfully avoided Shi Hai's death.

Or it has been proved that 'women are not the reason for Shi Hai's death', no matter which side it is, it is a considerable progress.

If she felt it was necessary, she would definitely ask Shang Shihai to explain it in person.

But she didn't show up, and the job of explaining fell on Tian Shui's head.

So it is even more certain that Shi Hai has escaped the shadow of death.

But Shi Hai himself didn't think so.

"Senior sister, have you ever thought that the reason she didn't come to stop you from approaching me is not because she has successfully avoided the end of my death... but because she has given up saving me?"


Tian Shui said firmly.

"You don't understand... Junior, in order to save you, she even tolerated you falling in love with other women..."

As a woman, she can even abandon her true love...

What level of awareness is this?

Shi Hai, who has never been in love, doesn't understand.

But Tian Shui can empathize.

"So... the only thing that saves you is that she will 'absolutely' never give up."

Although Tian Shui didn't like that woman, she would not doubt her belief.

Because they are essentially 'comrades in the same way', women who are willing to give everything for love.

Hearing what Tian Shui said was so sure...

Shi Haidu licked his lips and swallowed his saliva.

This debt of favor is getting heavier...

"One last question...what's her name?"

"Although I don't know if this is her real name, she reported her name as..."

Tian Shui said the name of the original reborn.

"Bai Yue."

(End of this chapter)

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