It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 171 Divergence Points

Chapter 171 Divergence Points

On October [-]th, North Korea.

six in the morning.

Shi Hai woke up earlier than usual, it can be seen that there were some turmoil in his heart.

According to Kaname, the time loop happens at zero o'clock.

In other words, there are only eighteen hours left in the remaining time.

However, the choice of which path to choose has not yet been made.

Although we agreed to make a choice within yesterday, last night, they said 'give them some more time', saying that they would definitely get a reply tomorrow morning.

Shi Hai felt that it was meaningless to force them to make a choice, so he agreed.

As for what Tokai did yesterday, it was just ordinary sightseeing.

Shi Hai and Liu Zhenshan, the mother and son, went shopping on the island and bought some local products, while Xiao Yao acted as a local tour guide for them.

Because the island is not big, there are not many places to visit, so I went to see the aquarium, and then dived to see the seabed under the leadership of divers.

Others did not follow.

It means that at this juncture, no one is still in the mood to go sightseeing.

Obviously there are so many girls who like Shi Hai, but in the end they came to the aquarium with his mother... Liu Zhenshan naturally felt that something was wrong, although Shi Hai himself didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

In the end, Liu Zhenshan couldn't help asking Shi Hai why they became wrong, but Shi Hai didn't tell the whole story, but said that his relationship with them had reached a critical point where he had to make a choice.

Then Liu Zhenshan understood that his son was going to make a break, and had already had a showdown with them.

Obviously, it should be a trip to the island to draw in the relationship and make them more intimate with Shi Hai. Why did it become like this?
After all, the harem is still unrealistic...

As a result, Liu Zhenshan also became worried because he was worried about the children.

Shi Hai is eating what he should eat, what he should drink, what he should be shopping, and he went to bed early without heart.

After waking up, Shi Hai felt that the time might be very tight, so he was a little bit worried.

Shi Hai scratched his head, thinking that if they said later that they hadn't figured it out yet, they would have to forcibly regard it as giving up.

Shi Haila opened the door, came to the living room, and found that everyone except Liu Zhenshan was present.

They all looked at Shi Hai, and Shi Hai knew from their expressions that they had made a decision.

Shi Hai felt relieved now, and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, turns out that everyone is already awake."

Kaname said weakly.

"I haven't slept at all..."

Xiao Kaname looked tired, it seemed that she was also pulled into the 'Women's Association'.

Tian Shui said as if troubled.

"Really, enough sleep is very important for a woman's skin, but because of Shi Hai and you, people can't sleep at night."

Shi Hai rolled his eyes and complained.

"It's as if I did something to you at night... Could it be that when I fell asleep, my body could still move by itself?"

Jian Sichun: "..."

Zhu Lingjie: "..."

Shi Meng: "..."

All three of them blushed and turned their eyes away.

Huh?What's the matter with this reaction?

No way, my sleeping posture is very correct...

Shi Hai was puzzled.

Of course they will not tell the truth, this is a secret that the sisters must keep together.

So Zhu Lingjie coughed twice, and quickly changed the subject.

"Ahem... Anyway, we stayed up because we were discussing the future together."

"Is that so? But I didn't hear any voice last night either?"

"Because we were afraid of waking you up, we talked on the phone."

While speaking, Jian Sichun showed Shi Hai a look at the group chat on the phone.

The name of the group chat is [No one wants to sleep tonight].

Good guy, it really revealed a sense of determination from the group name.

"There are a total of [-] chats!"

"Ten thousand... so intense?"

Even if there are five people, if you want to chat with [-] messages, that means an average of [-] messages per person, right?

What kind of intense language confrontation did you go through to send so many messages?

But Shi Hai can understand after thinking about it carefully, because it is useless to make a decision by himself.

Because the minority obeys the majority, what needs to be done is 'persuade others to choose the same vote as themselves'.

That is, it is mandatory to reach a consensus with the other party.

After making your own decision, you must persuade the other party, pull the camp, and then increase the number of votes.

Because Shi Hai and Xiao Yao each voted for one side, the remaining four actually decided the result.

At the very least, you have to get one person to join your camp.

Now is the time to announce the results.

"So, have you all decided?"

No one answered, they all nodded.

Zhu Lingjie was the first to raise her hand and said.

"I still have to choose to let you live, Shi Hai."

I didn't mean to waver.

It seems that Zhu Lingjie had already made a choice from the very beginning, and she didn't change her choice in the end.

Thinking that Shi Hai's life is more important than anything else... Sure enough, Zhu Lingjie is more inclined to normal people.

This is similar to what Shi Hai expected, and another person Shi Hai also knows is Tian Shui.

So after hearing Zhu Lingjie's answer, Shi Hai nodded and asked Tian Shui.

"Is that so... where was Senior Sister Shui that day?"

"Hehe... what do you think?"

"I think if it was you, senior sister, you would stand...on the opposite side of me."

In terms of Tian Shui's personality, since Shi Hai chose the love route of being with everyone, Tian Shui should choose the life route of letting Shi Hai live...

If it was Tian Shui from before, he would indeed stand opposite Shi Hai and fight against him.

But now Tianshui has become different after crying.

First of all, in any case, it is impossible for Tianshui to choose to give up.

Because once he gives up, it is tantamount to giving Shi Hai room to maneuver, and he will definitely use 'trying' as an excuse to easily treat himself as an experiment.

This was the last thing Tian Shui wanted to see.

So as long as you don't give up the current round's attempted route, Tianshui is acceptable for the other two.

So now as long as she chooses the life route, the number of votes will become three to one. If even one of the remaining two chooses to abstain from voting, the result is already doomed.

Judging from the results of yesterday's discussion, Tian Shui can be sure that there must be one person who will abstain from voting, so in fact, voting for life here has achieved her goal.

But after opening his mouth, Tian Shui hesitated.

At this moment, she thought of...

Is this really good?

No, it should mean...

Is this result interesting?
Winning without any suspense, standing on the opposite side of Shi Hai, so that he can no longer continue to create any funny harem, it is indeed in line with Tian Shui's wishes.

But in terms of the result, no one will be able to get closer to his ending... In fact, no one is a winner at all.

It's just a world where everyone gets hurt.

Such a not interesting at all!

Tian Shui asked himself, and immediately came up with the answer.

A confident and proud smile appeared on his face again, and he declared loudly with his hands on his hips.

"You guessed wrong! This time I will vote for love!"

Zhu Lingjie: "Huh?!"

Jian Sichun: "Huh?!"

Zhu Lingjie and Jian Sichun called out together.

Zhu Lingjie immediately stood up anxiously and asked.

"Why! Sister! Didn't we already agree!"

Judging from Zhu Lingjie's reaction, it is estimated that Tianshui was the one who agreed that she would vote for life.

And Jian Sichun was so surprised, probably because she thought it was over when Tianshui made a decision.

Tian Shui clasped his hands together without seriousness at all, and apologized with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Lingjie, as expected, I still think it's more interesting to leave suspense in the end."

Zhu Lingjie couldn't accept this kind of statement at all, and her brows stood on end.

"More, more interesting?! Just for this reason...!"

In the end, he was beaten back by Tian Shui.

"That's not the reason! It's just meaningless to simply live! Life is to live happily!"

Really chic enough.

Shi Hai also laughed happily and said.

"Hahaha...! Sure enough, senior is still amazing, no, you are the kind of woman who will surprise me!"

"Fall in love with me?"

"I've always liked you."

"Cunning man... I'm waiting for the day when you fall in love with me again."


Isn't that interesting to you?

"Anyway, it's two-on-two. The result is still undecided. I think it's more interesting."

In the end, this woman was still a pleasure criminal.

In the end, it will be Shi Meng and Jian Sichun.

The next person to answer was Shi Meng, and Tian Shui's unexpected choice did not change her mind.

"I give up."

Shi Meng still couldn't make a choice.

Let Shi Hai live, but stay away from him, Shi Meng can't accept this anyway.

And if you choose love, it seems that there is no place for Shimeng...

The main reason is that Shi Meng is worried, is it really possible for Shi Hai to have a love affair with his god-sister?
Obviously there was none in the previous life, but in this life there will be?
is it possible?
They can be so confident because they have all been loved by their elder brother, but Shi Meng didn't have that kind of experience.

If you have hope for this, but in the end you are the only one who is not accepted by Shi Hai... Shi Meng feels that he will want to die.

As a result, she didn't want to choose either side, so she could only choose to give up in the end.

"Okay, so that's two votes against two, and one abstention..."

All eyes were on Jian Sichun.

Jian Sichun's choice now will determine the future direction.

If she chooses to give up, the result will be 2v2v2, which is equivalent to a tie. According to what Shi Hai said before, if it is a tie, he will choose the third way, and regard this time as a foreshadowing for the future.

And Jian Sichun chooses the other two, that is to win 3 to 1.

I didn't expect that it would be left to her to decide in the end...

In fact, no one knew which side Jian Sichun would choose in the end.

Although she insisted on the love line at the beginning, when Shi Meng said that she would definitely abstain, and Tian Shui reached a consensus with Zhu Lingjie, Jian Sichun's choice became unimportant.

So she said at the time, 'this is fine', saying that she would respect the result and choose the route of life.

But she never thought that the final choice actually fell on her head.

Maybe Tian Shui changed his decision temporarily just because he wanted to see this scene.

Under everyone's gaze, Jian Sichun took a deep breath and said.

"Let me say something first... I really still think it's too hasty to use such a choice to decide the future."

"Well, I know, this is just a temporary direction."

"Tch, although Shi Hai said so, as long as I make a decision and decide which route to take, you will definitely strictly abide by it... After all, you are the kind of person who will definitely abide by the agreement .”


Shi Hai could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, they knew themselves too well.


Jian Sichun let out a long breath as if he wanted to let out all the depression of the past few days, then turned his head to look at Zhu Lingjie, and said with firm eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lingling, as expected, I'm just an idiot."

Zhu Lingjie smiled wryly, she knew what Jian Sichun's decision was.

"...No need to apologize, I already knew Sisi that you were serious."

From the moment you told me 'I want to be with you all the time', I already knew that your feelings are pure.

Although you said that you are a person without dreams...

But actually, this is your dream.

Zhu Lingjie rubbed her cheeks, turned a wry smile into a smile, and encouraged her best friend.

"Don't force yourself, just be yourself."


Jian Sichun looked straight at Shi Hai again, pointed at him with his index finger and said.

"Then... I'm going to tell you! Shi Hai! Be mentally prepared!"

"Well, I'm listening."

"Then listen carefully! This time I will choose..."


Liu Zhenshan also got up early today, and she also seriously thought about it last night, as an elder and the man's mother, what should she say to them...

As a result, nothing comes to mind.

After all, each of them is too good.

So good that it seems a bit wasteful to match his own son.

One is the same, everyone likes Shihai... This is almost the same as the probability that a comet hits the earth and hits his own head.

And Liu Zhenshan has never been the kind of strong mother who would arrange a blind date for her son without authorization.

If Liu Zhenshan had decided who his daughter-in-law must be from the very beginning, Shi Hai would probably not be in this predicament.

But...she really can't bear them, everyone is a good boy...

Cheerful and lively Jian Sichun.

The gentle and virtuous Zhu Lingjie.

Caring and capable Shimeng.

The generous Tianshui.

And after getting along yesterday, I found that the lovely landlord sister also seemed to have that kind of meaning for her son... Well, let's not count Xiao Yao.

In short, Liu Zhenshan can't make a choice, so he admires Shi Hai who can make a decisive decision.

But to put it bluntly, this is the irresponsibility of being a mother.

To put it nicely, it gives freedom to love, but in fact it just doesn't care.

Obviously, even if he is regarded as a bad person, he should make a choice for his son...

Although there is no way to make decisions for the children, we can't let the atmosphere freeze like this anymore!

Even if it's nonsense, you have to break the bad atmosphere!

Liu Zhenshan took a deep breath outside the door, finally got up the courage to open the door, and said in a voice full of vitality as much as possible.

"Morning! Everyone! Today is already a holiday, let's put all these heavy things aside and have a good time!"

She didn't answer the first time she finished speaking, so she secretly thought that it was bad, and I'm afraid they were all in a bad mood.

But in the next second, I heard the lovely Jian Sichun hugging me happily.

"Ah! Mom! You woke up so early today!"

Reflexively embracing this sunny girl who is not a daughter but called her mother, Liu Zhenshan was still a little unresponsive.

"Ah, ah, um...huh?"

Then Zhu Lingjie also came over with a smile and a breakfast plate.

"Good morning, mom, we just have breakfast ready, let's finish breakfast first and then think about where to go today."


what happened……?
It seems... the gloomy atmosphere is gone?
On the other side, Shi Meng and Tian Shui also said good morning to Liu Zhenshan, and then the two continued to talk, Shi Meng was listening carefully, while Tian Shui seemed to be imparting some experience.

Anyway, neither of them seemed to be in a bad mood, and they seemed to get along quite well.

Shura field, is it over?

But... what was the result?

(End of this chapter)

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