Chapter 184

This is a subversive new point of view.

For a long time, Shi Hai felt that he was the only one who had not been reborn, but the extra knowledge and skills in his head could not be explained.

But now, according to Bai Yue's explanation, it can be completely explained.

Shi Hai is not only not reborn, but has 'experienced multiple rebirths', and the last rebirth is to replace the current memory with the 'initial memory'.

And it seemed to Shi Hai himself that 'nothing happened'.

"So that's the case... This can also explain why the knowledge is retained, because even if the knowledge is replaced, it will still be the same and will not change!"

"That's right, that's it."


It is difficult for Shi Hai alone to think of this point of view.

Because the preconceived notion affected Shi Hai, making him feel that rebirth should be to return to the past with the future memory of the unknown prophet.

But in fact, as long as the memory itself can be recorded and transmitted, the memory can be transmitted at any time, and it can be transmitted as many times as you want.

"It's a shame you thought of that."

Shi Hai was really convinced by Bai Yue's mind.

It only took one night to solve most of the mysteries on him... It was so terrifying.

"Because there is so much information, it is only a matter of time before conclusions can be drawn."

"Isn't all your information provided by me? I didn't expect that."

"That's the IQ gap."


Good guy, let's make fun of it.

From the moment they met yesterday, Shi Hai noticed that Bai Yue's expression had basically not changed, it could be said that his face was paralyzed.

But now you can find that the corners of Bai Yue's mouth are slightly upturned. Of course, if you don't pay attention, you won't notice it.

It seems that Bai Yue is somewhat proud of this.

"It's good to be able to explain the principle... Then it's about time to explain what you said yesterday."

Bai Yue said yesterday that she would end this chaotic situation and bring everything back to the original point.

Shi Hai had been thinking about what Bai Yue was going to do last night, but in the end he couldn't think of what she wanted to do.

"But before you explain, I must say... If you want to change everything back to the way it was, then I don't think it's possible."

Shi Hai spread his hands together and first gave his own opinion.

"No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to go back to the beginning, which is the situation in the first week."

"I agree with that too."

Bai Yue folded her arms and nodded in agreement.

"Because it's not about you and me anymore, many people have been involved, and even if everyone's memory is reset, because of the extra knowledge, it will definitely unfold differently from the original. "

"Don't you know it well... So, now, there is no way to turn back."

Whether it's Shi Hai or Bai Yue, their fate has deviated greatly from the original track.

The future where the two become a couple is already a 'future that will never happen again'.

And it's not just Shi Hai and Bai Yue...

Shi Hai and Jian Sichun, and Zhu Lingjie, and Tian Shui, and Shi Meng's future...

Although speaking of the present, those are things that have not happened yet, but they are already in the 'past tense' that cannot happen.

"And I thought about it carefully, and sure enough, I still can't accept that you will die instead of me."

"Why? Are you in love with me again?"

Bai Yue bluntly asked Dang's question, which made Shi Hai choke.

I'm afraid this woman has no EQ at all...

Contrary to the group of women in the family who have a high concentration of love, to Bai Yue at this moment, love may be just a term that knows its meaning, but cannot understand its true feelings.

But Shi Hai really thought about it seriously, did he like Bai Yue now?

Shi Hai could also feel that since he saw Bai Yue yesterday, he had been thinking about meeting her again, and was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

But this excitement... cannot be called love.

It's more like meeting a particularly compatible companion and wanting to discuss issues with her as soon as possible.

From this point of view, it is actually curiosity at work.

The strongest desire in Shi Hai's heart is to get answers.

And Bai Yue is the woman who can satisfy his desire.

"...I don't think so."

"That's good, if you fall in love with me like this, then you are dead."

It turned out that I was worried about triggering the precondition...

Is this the embodiment of Bai Yue's gentleness?
"And if you still like me after chatting with me, then you are really a strange man."

"Why? I think with your appearance, there should be many men willing to chase you."

Bai Yue was very beautiful, with a high face value.

In fact, I knew this from the moment I met Kaname.

"However, I am a strange woman. Even if a man takes a fancy to my appearance, after talking to me, he will avoid me for fear."

"It turns out that you have self-awareness...doesn't anyone try to attack you?"

"Yes, but those people just regard me as an 'innocent girl who doesn't understand love'. They just want to show an emotional and shy expression in front of them after they get me, for their appreciation. In the end, it's still for satisfaction. own desires."

" understand quite well, don't you?"

Shi Hai was a little embarrassed, because he also regarded Bai Yue as a wooden girl who didn't understand love.

But now it seems that it's not that she doesn't understand, it's just that she hasn't been moved...

This is similar to myself.

"I also have a minor in psychology, and I have obtained the qualification certificate of a psychiatrist. If you have a psychological problem, I can also help you see a doctor."

A science girl who specializes in brain science, but also a minor in psychology...

She is simply a witch who has mastered the 'heart' and 'brain'.

"You're a little too sensible."

"Aren't you the same?"

Bai Yue glanced at Shi Hai and directly pointed out his current emotional state.

"You are surrounded by a group of beauties, but you haven't fallen in love with any of them, right?"

"Did you see all of this...Obviously I said yesterday that in the end we chose the route of love, so I will conceive love with them."

"Love has a 'bias', which contains 'exclusive attributes'. If you really fall in love with someone, you must fall in love with one of them, and it is impossible to fall in love with all of them at the same time. But judging from your description yesterday, you don't have any obvious preference for a certain person, which proves that you haven't fallen in love with them yet."

"Thank you for your explanation, Doctor."

"You're welcome, patient, then it's your turn to answer my question. Since you don't like me, why don't you accept my proposal?"

"Well, first of all, I don't like things like 'someone die for me'. It makes me feel like I owe someone my life, and I hate the feeling of being in debt."

"So that's the case, let me put it another way. I'm not going to die in your place, but to take back the death that originally belonged to me. Do you understand?"

"Do you think I deprived you of the right to die..."

"That's right, if you think about it that way, it's not that you owe me your life."

"But death doesn't necessarily belong to you, right? Judging from the results, it's me who dies every time, and even if I don't meet you, it's still me who dies... From this point of view, from a It must be my destiny to die after nine years."

Of course, there is a premise that Shi Hai falls in love with someone.

"I do not think so."

Bai Yue shook her head and said.

"Let's put it this way, assuming you and I retrieved the memory of the missing week, what would happen in nine years' time?"

"You mean, what would happen if I fell in love with you again?"


"Then it will still be me dying to save you... because the precondition has already been triggered."

"Then, what if you didn't come to save me at this time? In that case, I would be the one who died."

"No, this... If I really fall in love with you, it is impossible for me not to save you..."

"Why did you come to save me?"

"Because you're going to have an accident."

"Why did I have an accident?"

"Because I'm in love with you...wait...!"

The two asked and answered, and when the answer reached this point, Shi Hai realized something was wrong.

"That's right, did you find out? You will die to save the one you love. This is indeed the result, but the precondition is not locked on your death, but locked on the 'accident' .”


Shi Hai felt his scalp go numb.

This is yet another theory that overturns his thinking.

"The person I fall in love with will definitely encounter an accident? Am I the god of death in love..."

That is to say, as long as Shi Hai really falls in love with him, the death scythe will be placed on the other party's neck.

Then the god of death floating behind his lover sneered and said, "Choose, you don't die, she dies."

If this is the so-called fate, it would be too funny...

"It's not necessarily the result of your love."


"Because the women around you are your former partners with future memories, so they are all in a state of falling in love with you... So it seems that as long as you fall in love with a woman, this will lead to this result, But I think preconditions should be 'relative'."

"In contrast... you mean, when the person I fall in love with also loves me, an accident will happen to her, and I will die to save my lover?"

Bai Yue nodded in satisfaction and said.

"That's right, this is much more rigorous. In fact, this is exactly the result of the many weeks of play so far."

"This is even more ridiculous!"

Why do people who really love each other have to die!

What pure love killer!
Destiny is not used to the current charge, so added a rule called 'now charge me to explode'?
Then why didn't other current chargers explode, but Shi Hai was the only one who was so unlucky that he was arranged?

Shi Hai couldn't help holding his head and complaining.

"Why am I like this?!"

"Yeah, why are you the only one like this?"

"Uh, don't you know..."

"I don't know everything, I only know what I know."

Oh, the monitor's famous quote.

Is Bai Yue also watching animation?

"But I believe there must be a reason...or a rule to follow."

"Is it the law of fate..."

"Well, I guess fate will definitely not target you for no reason, most likely because of what you have done, triggering a special mechanism in the laws of fate..."

Bai Yue pinched her chin and said what she was most concerned about now.

But Bai Yue couldn't figure out what the law was at this time.

So she didn't get too entangled in this point, but looked at Shi Hai again and said.

"Then, back to the original topic, I now know that it was me who should have had the accident, because I fell in love with you too..."

Bai Yue held her shoulders, turning her head away as if she was ashamed to admit it.

"I think the same as you. If I continue to be with you, I may really fall in love with you. At least now, if I want to find a man who is pleasing to the eye to marry and have children, the first thing I think of should be is you."

"Uh...thank you for the compliment?"

Bai Yue's face finally turned rosy, and her voice raised a few degrees unconsciously.

"I'm not praising you! I'm just discussing! Anyway... so death is mine!"

"No, wait, according to your words, both of us should be responsible."

However, Bai Yue frowned as if he had made a big mistake.

"No, it must be my fault that I fell in love with you, damn it."

"What are you talking about?!"

Shi Hai rolled his eyes, making him speechless.

But looking at her remorse, Shi Hai felt that she might really feel that she was to blame for falling in love with a man, which caused her own accident and even killed him.

But in fact, it's all the fault of fate like shit, so what's wrong with two people who really love each other?

"No matter what you think... Anyway, I'm not in love with you now, and you don't want to fall in love with me after knowing the truth, right? So you don't have to bear this responsibility yourself..."

Bai Yue secretly glanced at Shi Hai and asked.

"That is to say..."

Shi Hai nodded.

"Ah, I have already made an appointment with them, and I will definitely fall in love with them in the future, so the result of death will be borne by myself."

Bai Yue lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Is that so..."

Then he raised his head suddenly, with a bright smile on his face, and said happily.

"Then go to hell!"


Shi Hai couldn't help rolling his eyes again.

Who said it?
Who said that if it was Bai Yue, she would choose to save Shi Hai's life no matter what...

Now I have already opened my mouth and said 'you go to hell'!
"Are you so happy..."

"Because I thought about it carefully, and there is no need to save your life."


"Especially after having a more in-depth exchange with you, I think so even more, that is..."

Bai Yue stared into Shi Hai's eyes and said sincerely.

"Sure enough, you are indispensable."

"This is different from what you just said..."

Indispensable, but let him die?
Bai Yue, what did she mean?
If this inconsistency is said by someone else, Shi Hai will definitely feel that the other person's brain is not normal, or that he is schizophrenic.

But she is Bai Yue.

Bai Yue must have a reason for saying this.

So, after Shi Hai thought about it seriously, he thought of a possibility.

"...You don't want to preserve my current memory and let me be reborn?"

Bai Yue snapped her fingers and smiled even wider.

"That's right, let's be reborn again, Shi Hai."

(End of this chapter)

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