It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 189 Particularity

Chapter 189 Particularity

It seemed that Bai Yue thought Ye Guang was one of the werewolves.

These words really startled Shi Hai.

Because Shi Hai didn't think that what Ye Guang said was suspicious at all.

Moreover, the information he provided just filled in the parts that neither of them knew, and there were no loopholes.

The most important thing is that Shi Hai couldn't think of any reason for Ye Guang to betray them.

Even if there was such a reason, it was probably related to Bai Yue's thoughts before, and it was a reason that they couldn't imagine at all.

After all, this handsome guy who looks sunny is actually an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. It is not impossible that the city is so deep that he can lie as he wants...

Bai Yue said just now that the biggest difference between her and Shi Hai was that Shi Hai would give priority to believing, but she would give priority to doubting.

But these five words have already drawn a direct conclusion.

But Bai Yue definitely wouldn't make it out of nothing.

So, could it be that she has found evidence that Ye Guang is a traitor?
Although I have doubts in my heart, it is obviously not a suitable occasion for continuing to talk in depth.

And Bai Yue didn't intend to say more, so he quickly let go of Shi Hai, took half a step back and said a little shyly.

"Don't get me wrong... this is just a farewell as a friend."

"... I see, thank you."

"Well, see you next time."

If you want to talk about it in detail, you can only talk about it later.

After Shi Hai left, Ye Guang still stayed in the laboratory, teasing the expressionless Bai Yue.

"Oh~ I'm already reluctant? Sure enough, even if you don't have any memories, you still get along so well."

He wasn't too surprised by Bai Yue's sudden intimacy. After all, this was the initialized Bai Yue, so it was not surprising that he would have feelings for Shi Hai.

But Bai Yue didn't pretend to hide it.

If you become angry here, it will appear unnatural and arouse his suspicion.

So Bai Yue imitated the feeling of being really reluctant to part with Shi Hai, and admitted it straightforwardly.

"I have more affection for least much more than for you."

Bai Yue was not as gentle to Ye Guang as he was to Shi Hai. He didn't even bother to say a word, so he just said, 'Why don't you leave? ' The repelling look.

Ye Guang could naturally understand her eyes, but he stayed cheeky and asked Bai Yue.

"Speaking of which, how did you meet Shi Hai this time?"

Bai Yue walked to the window, looked at Shi Hai's back when he walked out of the building, and replied calmly.

"I met in the library, and he also came to borrow books. It seems to be books related to Mayan prophecy and the end of the world... It should be read as a story."

"Oh? Books about the end of the world... Really interesting, do you know how you met Shi Hai in the first place?"

"It was also in the library. On December 12st, the day of the end of the world, he held several books related to the end of the world and sat across from you to read. You think he is quite interesting, but on the day of the end of the world Reading books about the end of the world is like cramming."


Bai Yue couldn't help laughing out loud.

Listening to the scene described by Ye Guang, Bai Yue really felt that he would become interested in Shi Hai.

Meaning, on the day of the end of the world, I met a person in the library who was looking at a book about the end of the world...

Regardless of whether the end of the world is real or not, you must be wondering what this person is thinking?

"Later, you chatted with him for a few words, and the more you chatted, the more you got along with him, and you also felt that he was a man to make, so you brought him to the research institute. Otherwise, the original Shi Hai didn't want to take the path of science. ..."

After talking about Shi Hai and Bai Yue's first encounter with great interest, Ye Guang clapped his hands and praised.

"It can be said that you are his guide!"


"What's even more amazing is that after both of you lost your memory, you became his guide again. This is simply a fateful encounter, isn't it?"

"It is indeed fate..."

Subtle, slightly disgusted tone.

Then Bai Yue sneered, looked at Ye Guang with disdain and asked back.

"Heh... Isn't this the suggestion you gave? Knowing that 'I won't go to the school library at all', I still gave him this suggestion."

That's right, what Ye Guang actually gave Shi Hai was false information.

Bai Yue often reads books, but she has long been used to using e-books, so she seldom goes to the library at all.

Only occasionally, when you can't find an e-book, will you choose to go to the library to find a physical book.

So it was only natural that Shi Hai waited in the library but couldn't wait for Bai Yue, because the probability of Bai Yue appearing in the library was so small that it could be ignored.

This should be the only time Bai Yue went to the library in the past six months, and ended up meeting Shi Hai...

This is not so much a chance event as a 'must have happened'.

"According to the deduction method of fate you mentioned, it is an inevitable result that I will meet Shi Hai in the library. What is the precondition?"

When asked this question, Ye Guang also said helplessly.

"I really don't know about this? After all, you will either not appear in front of Shi Hai, or you will go directly to Shi Hai... The 'first encounter of strangers' between you and him only happened In the first week, I don't know what the prerequisites are..."

Bai Yue still stared at him with squinted eyes, apparently half-believing in his words.

Ye Guang added again.

"However, if this is an inevitable event, the time of occurrence has changed..."


"That's right, generally speaking, under the same preconditions, the resulting event will occur at a fixed time, and the first encounter between you and Shi Hai was on December 2012, 12."

"By the way, why do you even know this? And you know it so clearly, it's as if you were on the scene... It makes people uncomfortable..."

"Wow, you obviously told me this just to show off...and because this time is easy to remember, because Shi Hai's death time is fixed on December 2021, 12."

Very good, another key piece of information has been extracted.

However, Shi Hai's death date is actually fixed?

So the rebirth of the nine-year phase turned out to be a 'whole' nine years.

"Then if the time shouldn't change according to what you said, it's only October, why did I meet Shi Hai earlier?"

"I said just now that the preconditions are the same, the time will be fixed. In addition to the major premise that the result will inevitably happen, the preconditions also have various conditions that do not affect the result, but affect the 'time' and 'place'. Minor premise, here is the knowledge about the 'rate of change'."

"The rate of change... refers to the rate of change of personal destiny."

"Well, of course, it definitely doesn't refer to the rate of change of the world line. There is no way to calculate such a huge thing, and the amount of calculation is even above astronomical figures..."

"I know, no need to explain."

"In fact, we have also invented a device that can roughly calculate the rate of change of a person's fate. It can intuitively check a person's real-time rate of change in fate. If the major premise changes, it will be an integer change, while the minor premise is a change in the decimal point. .”

"A device that can calculate the rate of change of fate? Is it really reliable to make something that has not fully analyzed the deductive method of fate?"

"This, although it is indeed only an approximate value, is accurate most of the time, and it is only occasionally wrong."

"Totally imprecise."

"Yeah, that's why the original you keeps moving forward in order to make it stop making mistakes."


It seems that the former self has progressed to the final stage.

Or 'done'.

Mastered the complete deduction of fate, and this became the fuse.

That's why they were killed.

Such speculation is the most reasonable.

"So, while the major premise remains the same, the minor premise has changed... Maybe it's because Tian Shui told Shi Hai about you in advance, and then I mentioned the key location of the library, so the event ended It happened earlier."

No, in addition to this, there is a very important small premise, and it is an important thing that can make Shi Hai recognize Bai Yue at a glance.

That is, he had already met Bai Yue's younger sister, Bai Key, and was very close to Xiao Yao.

Otherwise, it was impossible for Shi Hai, who only knew Bai Yue's name, to pay attention to a stranger in the library.

But Ye Guang didn't mention it.

When he was explaining just now, the only thing he didn't explain was the five-day cycle that Kaname was obviously a special event that cannot be ignored.

Doesn't he know about Kaname?

Still pretending not to know?

There is still doubt here.

But regarding Xiao Yao's matter, Bai Yue still did not raise it hastily, but continued to ask about the details of Shi Hai's death.

"No, according to what you said, when the major premise and the minor premise do not change, the time of death will be fixed, and when the major premise of Shi Hai's death has not changed, the minor premise must also change. Zhou Mu and the people he was with were different...then why is his death time fixed?"

"This is what is special about the Shihai incident. Simply put, it is a 'special case'."

Ye Guang also said quite distressed.

"You should understand that when studying theories, what you hate most is the 'special cases' that cannot be explained by the rules of general applicability."

Yes, the theory does not allow exceptions.

Once found to be different, it can even completely overthrow the theory itself.

This is what people often say that the physics building has collapsed.

"Generally speaking, as long as one avoids the major premise of a person's death fate, death can be avoided. So in fact, it is surprisingly simple to change a person's death outcome, and there is no need to go through a lot of trouble."

"Is that true..."

It's like avoiding the death FLAG in the game, you won't enter the death ending.

In fact, Bai Yue also felt strange for a long time.

Even if the research theory is very important, why not rescue Shi Hai first and let him join the research without any worries, but keep him in the dark?

At least from Bai Yue's point of view, it must be much better than bringing this smiling tiger monster over here with Shi Hai.

And there is no need to wait until a complete deductive method of fate is developed before saving Shi Hai.

Shi Hai's life was not very long, and he didn't encounter many things. The preconditions can be analyzed by exhaustive method, right?

So, it really wasn't that I didn't try to save him, but that I couldn't.

"Yeah, the more rebirths you have, the more bizarre Shi Hai's death feels...just as he's not around, I'll tell you the whole thing, our 'research results'."

"Don't be a secret, if you want to say it, say it quickly."

"First of all, there is only one major premise as a prerequisite for Shi Hai's death event. Once triggered, he must die at a fixed time. This seems to be inconsistent with the deduction of fate, but his'death place' and'death The law' will still change... and the rate of change is indeed changing, which is very strange, why is only time fixed?"

"There's no answer yet, right?"


"Tsk... let's continue."

"Then, the premise of his death is also the strangest one I have encountered so far. It is actually related to the love between the two parties. This is also a special case that does not have the same case."

"Where is it strange? Is it a strange feeling, or a strange object?"

"It's all very strange. First of all, it's the scope... It's called love, but it doesn't just refer to love as a feeling."

"...What? Isn't it 'love emotion between a man and a woman'?"

"If so, it wouldn't be so difficult... not just love, even brotherly love, friendship, caring, loving kindness, even not being biological, but 'loving something' are all included in the major premise .”


Bai Yue took a deep breath.

"In a broad sense, all emotions that can be labeled as 'love' can trigger preconditions."

"Is it too much?"

"It's not over yet..."

Ye Guang shook his finger, smiled wryly and revealed the second special feature.

"The second special feature is 'no object fetching'."

This is quite understandable.

Because when Shi Hai dated different women, they all died in the end.

But now it seems that this is not normal?
"Generally speaking, if the conditions of the major premise are related to people, then they are fixed characters. For example, if man A marries woman A, he will be cuckolded by woman A in the future, but if man A marries woman B, he will be cuckolded by woman A in the future. He cheated and was stabbed to death by woman B, so as long as man A doesn't marry woman B, at least he won't die... But no matter who Shi Hai falls in love with, he will die in the end."


"Yeah, so obviously Shihai is not a sentimental person, he can even be said to be a rare person who is very dedicated, but so far he has not found a future that allows him to survive."

"The only way to save him is to get rid of all the feelings that can be called love in his heart?"

"Yeah... And this is something we can't do, at least until now, we haven't had the technology to accurately remove the human emotional module..."

After speaking, Ye Guang said sarcastically.

"And even if it can be done, is it appropriate to get rid of his feelings in order to save his life? If a person loses love, what do you think will happen?"


Bai Yue clenched her teeth.

It is impossible for her not to know, because she even told Shi Hai about the emotional roulette.

According to the emotional roulette, loss of love is equivalent to loss of joy and trust.

And that's pretty much the equivalent of losing almost all positive feelings.

From then on, Shi Hai will become a human demon with only negative emotions.

Then it's better not to leave any emotion, to remove all emotions...

But if this is done, what is the difference between Shihai and the robot who survived without emotion?
"So you understand? If you want to save Shihai, you have to deprive him of his 'qualification to be a human being'."


Either die or not be a human being.

Is there any need for this kind of choice?
Perhaps for Shi Hai, fate is indeed unfair...

The whole world does not allow his existence.

It's almost like... God wants him to die.

(End of this chapter)

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