It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 195 Caught

Chapter 195 Caught

"Kaname...I think you're still cute? So don't be envious of others, show your confidence."

Liu Zhenshan patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder to comfort her.

However, this reassurance not only didn't work, but made Xiao Yao even more ashamed and annoyed.

"I'm not very envious!"

In fact, I was a little bit envious, but Xiao Yao certainly wouldn't admit it.

She had been looking forward to it from the first night in Shi Hai's room, and she also felt that she had occupied the best position.

Because the room she lived in was Shi Hai's room, and Shi Hai didn't move out all his things, so he would definitely go back to his room.

But it never occurred to him that after half a month, he actually never returned to the room once, as if he really asked for his own room.

Zhu Lingjie even came in to help him get the clothes...

Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed Shi Hai's style. In order to avoid embarrassing situations, he directly killed him in the cradle. What he did was a masterpiece.

Kaname was very angry, but there was nothing she could do.

In addition, she now cares more about when other people 'fall ill', so she has no way to focus on cultivating a relationship with Shi Hai.

It was the same situation at Shi Hai's side, because after meeting Bai Yue, there were more things to care about, and Xiao Ruo was Bai Yue's younger sister, so it was difficult to treat her as an independent woman.

This makes it seem like Xiao Yao has no charm as a woman... This makes Xiao Yao hurt her self-esteem a bit.

My skin is a little darker, but this is also my own characteristic!
But after all, it is also true that Shi Hai did not attack her...

So Kaname could only say bravely.

"If you want to say, I'm the type that seniors like! After all, Bai Yue and I look exactly the same!"

At this time, Xiao Yao had already met her sister Bai Yue.

But that's in the future.

She still remembered how surprised she was when she first met Bai Yue. She didn't expect that she looked so similar to this sister she had never met.

It's almost as if they were carved out of the same mold...but logically speaking, they shouldn't be twins.

Tian Shui, who had met Bai Yue, also said.

"Indeed...Bai Yue is Shi Hai's favorite type, so Xiao Yao should also suit Shi Hai's taste."

"It's true."

Others also nodded, because this statement is indeed very convincing.

But it is even more sad for Kaname, who actually has to prove her charm by showing her sister whom she has never met.

So the mood became even more depressed, hugging his legs, lying down on the sofa and falling into a state of autism.

Liu Zhenshan glanced at Xiao Yao, the corner of his mouth raised a subtle arc, and then changed the topic to the next question.

"At that time, Haihe liked to be alone with you, or did he like to be with everyone?"

"This... I think he prefers everyone to be together..."

After Zhu Lingjie finished answering, she looked at the others, asking if they felt the same way.

Jian Sichun said energetically.

"Well! It must be that everyone is happier together! Shi Hai is the same!"

Tian Shui thought for a while, when the two of them were alone, Shi Hai would provide customized sweet service, so more energy was needed.

And when everyone is together, he doesn't need to take special care of someone, so from Shi Hai's point of view, it's easier when many people are together.

"Shi Hai should really prefer a crowd. Even if he sometimes just watches silently from the sidelines, he still prefers the atmosphere."

It's a bit like when you are alone at home, turn on the TV to relieve loneliness. Even if you don't watch the picture, just having the sound will make you feel less lonely.

Although Shi Hai probably doesn't feel lonely at all, but the crowded and lively situation will still make him feel much better.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhenshan asked again.

"Is it also at night?"


Liu Zhenshan's questions today were very explicit, asking some private questions.

But they have to answer the mother's question, and they can't perfunctory it with dirty jokes, such as making a report seriously.

"Well, it's just the opposite at night..."

Zhu Lingjie hesitated for a moment, but said so anyway.

In fact, Jian Sichun would occasionally drag Shi Hai to Zhu Lingjie's room to sleep, which was also a surprise for Zhu Lingjie, but Shi Hai would be very hard, and Zhu Lingjie felt sorry for Shi Hai.

So for the sake of his health, Zhu Lingjie would suggest that she just watch from the side... definitely not to satisfy her own bad taste!
"Although Shi Hai's energy is quite strong, it's not endless energy, and it will indeed be overwhelming."

Tian Shui also began to reflect on himself, recently he was indeed a bit too much, similar to Jian Sichun who didn't know what temperance is, it was indeed a bit outrageous.

No matter how coveted nostalgia, it should be enough, so as to achieve 'renewable' and 'recycling'.

And in fact, for Tianshui, she has long been used to the advanced gameplay of 'placement', so even if Shi Hai just leaves her alone, she can learn to enjoy it alone and generate electricity with love.

A colder Shi Hai also needs something more in line with Tian Shui's appetite...

Tian Shui was thinking, maybe he should take the initiative to reveal a little tendency to prefer to be treated toughly... M soul is slowly awakening.

"Well, no wonder you divide your days by week."

"Yes, Mom, I have paid close attention to Shi Hai's physical condition, and I will definitely not let him damage his body."

Zhu Lingjie replied seriously.

Thinking that Liu Zhenshan asked this question to warn them not to send their son to the hospital like a succubus.

This is also a major problem in maintaining the harem in reality.

Shi Hai's time, energy, and love are all limited. How to distribute them in a more fair, reasonable, and healthy way is a difficult problem that the members of the harem need to solve together.

"Speaking of which, Sisi actually just had an ordinary night of sleep last night!"

Even Zhu Lingjie, who has never been exaggerated, used the emphatic word 'unexpectedly', which is enough to see how surprised she was.

Obviously, it was a mess every time before, like wetting the bed, the sheets and quilt had to be changed...

"But today I don't even need to change the sheets and quilts!"

Tian Shui was also taken aback, and looked at Jian Sichun in surprise.

"Really? My God... Sichun, did you suddenly change?"

"Hmph! I'm amazing!"

Jian Sichun had a smug expression on his face, filled with 'quick praise me'.

For Jian Sichun, this is indeed quite remarkable.

After all, she is the biggest head of Haisu when absorbing and using it.

But now even Jian Sichun has begun to restrain herself, which is enough to show that they really "cherish" Shi Hai.

Liu Zhenshan admits that they have indeed done their best, but apart from worrying about her son, she is also worried about them.

"Then you won't... be in a panic?"

"Be patient even if you can."

Zhu Lingjie answered immediately.

Tian Shui also raised her slender legs and said with a cold smile.

"Yeah, if you can't help it, you might as well die. If someone can't help it, I can provide suicide and follow-up services?"

It sounded like a joke, but that expression didn't look like a joke.

"Is that an exaggeration..."

"It's not an exaggeration, Mom,"

It was rare for Jian Sichun to seriously respond to Liu Zhenshan's murmur.

"That means, if it meant that, we would have left Shi Hai a long time ago. After all, Shi Hai himself said that he is not the best choice for us."

"Sure enough, that child has already persuaded you to leave."

"Yes, Shi Hai told us a long time ago, and advised us to give up on him... We are the ones who insist on staying by his side."

Jian Sichun clasped his hands in front of his chest, as if swearing to the sky.

"So we absolutely, absolutely will not betray him because of desire, and we will never die."

Tian Shui also stretched out a hand to advocate.

"It's our wishful thinking to stay by his side. If we still commit acts of betrayal... wouldn't that be a cheap thing? I don't think anyone here wants to be that kind of cheap woman, right?"

No need to answer, because the answer in everyone's heart is the same.

Because this is the unshakable premise that supports the harem.

Xiao Yao draws circles alone...all of them are topics that have nothing to do with this poor little virgin...

I couldn't help but splashed cold water.

"But in fact, senior, his favorite thing is to be alone... I think he is the happiest when no one disturbs him..."

Jian Sichun: "Ah, that's true."

Zhu Lingjie: "That's right..."

Tian Shui: "This is actually..."

The trio also nodded in agreement with this point, and there was no way to refute it.

What Xiao Yao said today hit the nail on the head, very sharp.

But this sentence, everyone just thinks about it in their hearts, and they will not say it.

Because if I say it, it will appear that they are redundant by Shi Hai's side now...

Immediately, the atmosphere cooled down again, and Kaname felt that she shouldn't have said such words.

So as everyone's mother, Liu Zhenshan began to exude her aura of maternal love.

After taking Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie into her arms, she began to give a speech.

"I don't think you need to care about such 'little things'."

"That child is indeed a strong man with a heart as strong as obsidian. Probably, even if he is alone, he can live a good life, and he won't feel lonely..."

"But 'can' is one thing, 'whether you want to' is another."

"As a mother, I still don't want to see my son die alone..."

"And the kid doesn't hate or reject human society, does he?"

"He knows what love is..."

"He was also able to love others."

"And you who have spent the best years of your life with him, who understand him, love him, and tolerate him, are undoubtedly the most suitable lovers to spend your life with him."

"So, now...Mom, I allow it."

"You can absolutely love that child more and give him everything you have without reservation. I believe that child will also give you everything you have."

"Then, just like my mother, I left my most important son at home... You also try to keep him by your side, or even make him never leave you."

"Let's build a happy and harmonious family where everyone loves each other and loves each other, shall we?"

Liu Zhenshan's words greatly encouraged them who love Shi Hai.

Not just an affirmation of their love.

It is also the recognition of the relationship between them and Shi Hai.

And for Jian Sichun, this can even be called...

'Apocalypse' from Our Lady!
"I will 'forever' and 'deeply love' Shi Hai!"

"That's good...then I'm completely relieved, Mom."

Liu Zhenshan had a smile on his face, but the smile was no longer pure compassion, but had a taste of 'successful trick'.

In fact, after hearing Jian Sichun's answer, Liu Zhenshan became more certain.

Sure enough, Jian Sichun was the most suitable 'template'.

More suitable than anyone.

Her love is the purest.

She wants to show the best part of herself to Shi Hai, and the desire is still very strong.

In her words, in order to be 'together forever' with Shi Hai, she will definitely move towards an 'infinite loop'.

However, Shi Hai has now extinguished her idea of ​​stepping into the cycle.

Probably because of what happened during Golden Week...

Liu Zhenshan now knows why she set up a seemingly meaningless time loop during Golden Week.

She originally thought it was just to involve Kaname, an 'unexpected new character', in an attempt to disrupt the original direction.

But now it seems that healing Jian Sichun and others' constantly twisted minds is also one of the purposes.

However, Liu Zhenshan once again ignited the fire in Jian Sichun's heart.

And others have accepted her concept very well.

Only one person felt something was wrong.

It's Xiao Yao.

When she first heard Liu Zhenshan's words, she was really moved.

But as she listened, she felt something was wrong.

Because the eyes she looked at Jian Sichun and the others gradually became familiar, just like the ones she had seen in the future!
This woke her up, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

These words... are simply brainwashing!
And it's a brainwashing for those reborn who love Shi Hai!

The most incredible thing is that the one who said these words was... Shi Hai's mother...

The person least likely to be alerted...

Everyone will definitely not guard against mother...

Because, that's mom?
She has been doing good deeds all her life, and there is no bad water in her stomach. She is like a mother like the Virgin...

What exactly is going on?

Who influenced Yoo Jin-sun?

For her to deliver such an extreme speech...

Is it her?Is it that woman?

But how did that woman affect Liu Zhenshan?
At this point in time, she and Liu Zhenshan should not know each other, right?

Even if Xiao wants to break his own little head, he can't figure it out.

But she still figured out one thing.

That is to find Shi Hai.

You have to tell Shi Hai everything that happened just now, and make him vigilant.

Otherwise... this family will undoubtedly become an abyss of love and desire that will imprison Shi Hai.

Kaname swallowed, secretly and cautiously got up from the sofa, and walked towards the door.

However, just as her hand touched the doorknob, Liu Zhenshan also grabbed her shoulder at the same time.

You can tell from the dent that a lot of force was used.

"Uh... aunt?"

"Where are you going?"

"I just want to go out and get some air..."

"Is that really the case? Isn't... isn't he going to escape and inform Shi Hai?"


Kaname even suspected that she had heard wrong.

The person who said this to her was actually Liu was Shi Hai's mother!
She rested her head on Kaname's other shoulder, and said in an inaudible voice.

"Caught it~"


"It's you who came back from rebirth, right? Little cutie... hehe~"


Kaname trembled instantly.

Moms are reborn too!
(End of this chapter)

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