It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 2 Lunch Break

Chapter 2 Lunch Break
During the lunch break, Shi Hai walked out of the classroom with a book.

The love letter is in the book.

In short, you have to find a place where no one is around to confirm the contents. After all, the pale pink envelope is too eye-catching.

If there is no one in the school... probably only the old dormitory building.

Last year, after the school's new dormitory building was completed, the old dormitory building was abandoned, but for unknown reasons, it has not been demolished for a long time.

Shi Hai is a day student and has never lived in a dormitory, but he also came to help when the resident students moved their dormitories last year.

In fact, he met Chu Chen at that time.

At that time, the senior students asked the junior students who had just entered the school to help them move things, but Chu Chenniao ignored them, so the two sides had a conflict.

Later, it was Shi Hai who joined in to smooth things over and muddy the mud, and only then did the conflict between the two parties be reconciled.

Afterwards, those seniors would go to trouble Chu Chen from time to time, but because Chu Chen beat them up in the school basketball game afterwards, they lost face, and the physical education teacher also protected Chu Chen very much. Chen is the new trump card, so they dare not trouble him anymore.

Thinking about this past event, Shi Hai had already walked to the front of the old dormitory building.

Quickly walking into the old dormitory building, Shi Hai found that it was actually quite clean.

Obviously it has been deprecated, so no one has cleaned it, why is it still so clean?

Moreover, rustling voices can be heard, which proves that there are people here.

It seems that rumor seems to be true.

Shi Hai heard that some young lovers in the school would use the old dormitory building as a tryst place.

It's not so easy now, Shi Hai originally wanted to find a random room and go in to read the letter, but what if he entered someone's room?
Thinking it's better not to ruin other people's good deeds, Shi Hai walked up the stairs.

Conversations can be heard on every floor, however.

I complained in my heart, 'What the fuck, is this a holy place for dating? 'Continue to go up, and soon come to the top floor.

After all, the old dormitory building was not very high, only five floors in total.

However, the top floor is also noisy.

Shi Hai couldn't take it anymore, and thought he might as well just read the letter here. Anyway, when there was no one in the aisle, he saw a very conspicuous 'No Entry' warning sign.

Behind the warning sign is the stairs leading to the roof of the building.

Shi Hai didn't really want to go to the rooftop, but thought that the corner of the stairs was a blind spot, and he probably wouldn't be found reading letters there, so he went up the stairs.

Then at the end of the stairs, he found that the roof door was actually open.

Normally, the entrance and exit of the roof terrace are locked, but the door is actually open.

Could it be that this place is also occupied by young couples?

In Shi Hai's mind, he could already imagine the loving scene of a couple feeding each other.

However, he looked sideways at the end of the stairs, but he didn't see anyone on the roof, nor did he hear voices.

oh?Is there no one?

Then I will borrow it without hesitation.

Shi Hai walked into the rooftop decisively.

"It's forbidden to enter here, didn't you see the warning?"


Shi Hai was startled by the voice from above his head.

Is there someone?Where is the sound coming from?
No one around, which means...

Shi Hai looked back and saw the person who spoke, standing above the entrance and exit of the rooftop.

She stood there condescendingly, with her hands on her hips, because behind her was the sun, as if the brilliance was covering her body, it was so dazzling that she couldn't look directly at it.

Shi Hai frowned, raised his hand to shade his eyebrows and replied at the same time.

"Didn't you come in too?"

The other party didn't answer Shi Hai, but jumped down very suddenly.

Almost reflexively, Shi Hai rushed over, dropped the book in his hand at the same time, and stretched out his hands to catch him.



was stepped on.


Shi Hai screamed and fell to the ground.

The back of my head hit the floor, and I felt my head buzzing.

But the other party landed gracefully and steadily like a superficial touch.

Shi Hai felt that it was really unnecessary. Fortunately, he leaned back and prepared for the body in advance, so he didn't suffer any injuries.

"Are you OK!"

A voice of concern came, and the girl's face appeared in Shi Hai's field of vision, looking anxious and distressed, and she lectured with a half-complaint.

"Idiot...! I've practiced dancing! I won't get hurt if I jump from this height!"

Then he carefully picked up Shi Hai's head with both hands, and placed it on his lap.

After a few seconds of resting on the knee pillow, Shi Hai felt less dizzy, so he got up and shook his head and said.

"Just in case..."

And compared to the impact on the back of the head, the step on my face hurts more.

Shi Hai touched his nose, thankfully he didn't have a nosebleed, but he didn't know if there were any shoe prints...

By the way, where are the books?
But there is still that love letter in that book!
Shi Hai looked around for a while, found the lost book by his side, and walked over to get up to pick it up.

Looking back again, I saw that the girl just now had a different expression.

The worry disappeared without a trace, replaced by a look of contempt.

"You rushed here not to save me, but to peek at the 'beautiful scenery' under my skirt?"

Shi Hai rolled his eyes and said.

"I did not see anything."

I really didn't see it, but I saw the pattern on the sole of the shoe.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you see it, I'm wearing safety pants anyway."


Shi Hai was speechless, so the girl smiled and said narrowly.

"What? Disappointed?"

"You're fine, I'll go first..."

"Wait, I haven't asked you yet, what are you doing here?"

Shi Hai raised the book in his hand and pointed to it.

"Just... find a place where you can read quietly."


She made an intriguing sound and narrowed her eyes to stare at Shi Hai's face.

For some reason, Shi Hai felt a little guilty.

No, what's so guilty about this?I didn't do anything shameful... I quickly slipped away.

Just as Shi Hai wanted to leave, the other party was very good at seizing the opportunity to ask questions.

"Then you don't know that this is my place?"

"Your territory?"

Shi Hai was obviously puzzled.

This should be a public place, right?
"Yes, this building is mine."

Good guy, why don't you say that the school belongs to your family?

Shi Hai complained silently in his heart.

However, the complaint in her heart seemed to be heard by the other party, so she asked back.

"You do not believe?"


"Because my mother and grandparents funded and built this school, and it can even be said that this school was opened for me."


Return the mother to the adults.

It sounds really contrived.

Are you the young lady of some noble family?

"That's right, it's about privilege."

He even admitted it graciously.

Is this a confident woman?
(End of this chapter)

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