Chapter 58
Shi Hai followed Zhu Lingjie to the opposite door with a basin full of dirty clothes.

Shi Hai hadn't been here since the last time he helped Zhu Lingjie clean her house.

You can see that there are many small and cute decorations in the living room. There are also many plush dolls on the sofa, and the water cups on the coffee table are also replaced with pink ones.

It can only be said that girls are worthy of being girls, and in just a few days, they have transformed the vacant house into a cozy nest with a good atmosphere.

Obviously they always come to their own home, when did they get these decorations?

Are girls masters of time management?
A few days ago, Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie came to Shi Hai's house early in the morning.

Because they had the key, they came here before Shi Hai got up, and they would step on his wake-up button and click into his room to wake him up.

Not knocking yet.

When Jian Sichun came in, he ran over and sat by the bed, poked his face with his hand, pinched his earlobe or nose, and gave a silly 'hehehe' smile.

On the occasion of Zhu Lingjie, there were not so many pranks, and he would gently pat his chest with very light movements, but every time Shi Hai woke up, he would be startled, because the distance between the faces was too close.

If I was accidentally scared and looked up, I'm afraid I would have kissed him.

Even if they kiss, it won't be a sweet kiss, it must be a collision of teeth, which is painful and embarrassing.

Even when he changed his clothes, the two of them would still stay and choose what clothes he would wear today.

Would it be embarrassing for a girl to bump into a boy who agreed to change clothes?

Could it be that as long as you are not embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is the other party?

Although Shi Hai reminded them, the two of them ignored it as if they pretended not to hear, and they still committed the crime knowingly afterwards.

In the past few days, Shi Hai has felt that the time he spends alone has been infinitely shortened. It seems that from opening his eyes in the morning to closing them at night, these two people will be within his field of vision.

The sense of presence is too strong.

Only when he is alone at night when he sleeps, Shi Hai really relaxes at that time, thinking that he can finally calm down for a while.

Of course, Shi Hai didn't know, if it wasn't for the consideration that the current favorability is not high enough and the relationship is not in place, they probably wouldn't even want to let him go to sleep.

Shi Hai couldn't offer any opinions, anyway, it's useless, 100% will be slapped back by his mother...

Liu Zhenshan's favorability was quickly filled by them, and she had already received treatment and recognition at the level of a pro-daughter.

In addition, the recent breakfast and dinner were cooked by these two people, so Shi Hai couldn't complain.

In fact, Hai didn't dislike them that much at the time.

Through these few days of getting along with each other at close range for a long time, he also gradually understood the characters of these two people. Although he could not say that he had fully grasped it, at least he could understand that their hearts were not bad.

Their family background is very good, but Shi Hai's family is regarded as 'poor', so they didn't approach him for anything.

Don't need to worry about being cheated, then their various behaviors will become cute.

Including Shi Hai, no man would hate a beautiful girl who treats him so well.

And still two.

It's just that he was uneasy.

Because of that letter, if he didn't figure out why these two people were so kind to him, Shi Hai couldn't treat them as 'women'.

Be friendly, yes.

Talking about love is not enough.

But it doesn't seem so easy to get them to confess.

As Tian Shui said, he needs to 'digg out their secrets'.

Usually, of course, no one will reveal their flaws, so it is necessary to artificially create some incidents.

For example, while waiting for the clothes to be washed, it is a good time to start, maybe you can find out some information.

But when Shi Hai was going to the bathroom and throwing his clothes into the washing machine, Zhu Lingjie stopped him.

She forcibly snatched the basin from Shi Hai's hand and said.

"That...just leave the clothes to me, and I'll put them in the washing machine for you."

"Oh... OK."

Shi Hai thought that most of the girls' underwear was still hanging in the bathroom, or that the girls used the bathroom, and they didn't really want boys to go in.

After all, the time Jian Sichun peed on the carpet, she even told Shi Hai not to breathe...

Girls care about taste.

In short, it still needs to be avoided.

Zhu Lingjie really cares about the taste.

But not my own.

It's Shihai's.

Sister-in-law Shi Meng didn't follow, in fact, now is a good opportunity to get closer to Shi Hai.

But... She still wants to smell it first!

Zhu Lingjie's desire overcame all other thoughts.

She couldn't wait to walk into the bathroom, closed the door, and looked at the 'treasure' in the basin, unable to hold back her excitement any longer.

After counting, there were three pieces of clothes and two pairs of trousers.

Among them, the short sleeves and trousers were just taken off today, soaked in sweat, and the smell is strong. The other three should be clothes accumulated a few days ago, and the smell is almost unpleasant.

Let's start with the less strong taste at the beginning...

After all, it's been a long time since she smelled it. Zhu Lingjie was afraid that she would get too excited, and the dirty clothes that needed to be washed might increase.

First of all, Zhu Lingjie picked up Shi Hai's shirt, pinched the collar with both hands, put it in front of her nose, and sniffed it...

Well, the shirt isn't dirty and doesn't smell strong, but it's just right for the first item.

The 'hobby item' was in her hand, and she couldn't restrain herself any longer.

Anyway, no one was watching, and she no longer pretended to be reserved, and simply buried her face in Shi Hai's shirt...

Take a breath.

Hmm~~~ This familiar taste...satisfaction arises spontaneously.

While feeling satisfied and at ease, Zhu Lingjie's sense of guilt and guilt gradually expanded.

I'm such a shameless and terrible woman... Zhu Lingjie thought.

Different from the upright 'sucking clothes' after getting Shi Hai's permission in the previous life, now he is 'sucking clothes' in the name of 'washing clothes' without permission...

There was a sense of excitement as if she was doing something she shouldn't be doing, which made Zhu Lingjie gradually come to the fore.

20, 30 seconds...or 1 minute.

One piece per minute, five pieces only takes 1 minutes, it won't take too much time...

Shouldn't have been noticed.

Otherwise... just say that I pressed the wrong button?

It is said that the washing machine should have been pressed on the 'standard mode', but it was accidentally pressed into the 'power mode', so it took longer to wash.

Zhu Lingjie's washing machine takes 45 minutes in the standard mode, and 10 minutes longer in the powerful mode.

This excuse can have...!
It will be a full three 10 minutes longer!

Wouldn't that be a good way to breathe?
Zhu Lingjie is like a drunk person, her courage has grown, and she would not dare to have such a thought in normal times.

And in fact, there are logical problems. Even if the power mode is longer, the washing machine will only make a sound when it is turned on. If there is no sound in front, people outside will still feel something is wrong and come to check.

It can only be said that desire can really overwhelm people and make them lose their minds.

But Zhu Lingjie's 'evil plan' failed after all.

Because immediately someone opened the bathroom door and walked in.

It wasn't Jian Sichun, nor Shi Hai.

It's a dream.

She was caught by her sister-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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