Chapter 6
After Jian Sichun said this, seeing Shi Hai's weird expression, he also realized that what he said could easily make people think wrong, so he quickly corrected it.

"Don't get me wrong! It's not what you think! It's because I have something very important to tell you!"

Is there anything that cannot be said here?

It is too strange to directly state that you are going to your own home.

"Then there's no need to go to my house."


Did you just blurt it out without even thinking about it... Naturally?

Shi Hai scratched his head, but still thought of a tactful reason to persuade him to leave.

"Although there is no class, I have other things to do in the afternoon."

"whats the matter?"

"Uh, to meet someone."

Jian Sichun suddenly became alert and asked.

"Who are you going to see?"

Sister, does anyone I go to see have anything to do with you...

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving at all, Shi Hai simply said it directly.

"It has nothing to do with you."


Hey, if you are too straightforward, you will be left alone.

This is also why Shi Hai doesn't like to join in the fun, because he speaks too bluntly to himself, and he is self-aware that it can easily lead to silence.

"Then, goodbye."

Although she might never want to talk to herself again.

Shi Hai walked past her, but just after taking a step, the clothes were grabbed.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Huh - still coming...

Shi Hai turned his head and showed a very troubled look, but Jian Sichun insisted without being discouraged.

"I, I know you think I'm suspicious now, but I really have something very, very important to tell you!"

"So, you're just looking for a place to have a good conversation?"

Seeing that Shi Hai finally didn't reject him anymore, Jian Sichun was overjoyed and nodded quickly.

"...! Right! Yes! That's right!"

"Okay, I see, then you come with me."



Anyway, I originally planned to go to the rooftop of the old dormitory building.

If Tianshui-senpai is not around, that place is also a good place to talk.

After finishing speaking, Shi Hai stepped forward first, and she followed immediately, walking side by side with Shi Hai.

Then I reproduced the scene in class.

Jian Sichun turned her head to pay attention to Shi Hai.

Along the way, Hai felt his heart fluttering, and he just wanted to hurry to the destination, and the speed under his feet was getting faster and faster.

This was not very friendly to the girls who were walking with him, but Jian Sichun still followed closely with small steps.

What he didn't notice was that Jian Sichun wanted to reach out to hold his hand several times on the way, but finally withdrew it.


Jian Sichun cried for a long time, her tears dried up, and her eyes were swollen from crying.

I wash my face with tears every day, I go to sleep when I am tired from crying, I miss it in my sleep, and when I wake up, I find it is a dream, and my heart feels like a knife again.

After repeated countless times, people have become numb.

He simply buried his head in the crook of his arms, making his body so stiff that he couldn't feel it.

After that, I couldn't remember how long it had passed, and I didn't know whether it was day or night, and my consciousness was blurred, and I was so weak that I was only one step away from death.

It doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't matter if you die like this...

It just so happens that I can meet him now...

At a certain moment, she suddenly felt a sense of relaxation in her body, and the exhaustion accumulated so far seemed to have disappeared, and her body was still warm... It was the feeling of the sun shining on her body.

But she vaguely remembered that the curtains in the room hadn't been opened for a long time.

There shouldn't be sunlight shining on me.

And... there seems to be a voice?
She slowly opened her eyes, the voice in her ears became clearer, and everything around her came into view.

But only half of the field of vision.

Strange... is this a blindfold?
"Everyone continue to turn the book to No.30 three pages..."

The dull lecture sound gave people a feeling as if they had passed away.

I see... this is a university classroom.

At that time, I was indeed wearing a blindfold.

What a wonderful dream...

It has been many years since I graduated, but I never thought I could dream of going back to school.

Jian Sichun looked at his desk, did not see the book, and looked in front of him again. The PPT content on the projector screen was a heavy topic to discuss the end of death.

She slowly remembered that this was an elective course of 'Life and Death' she had taken in her sophomore year.

Although basically all the knowledge learned in college has been returned to the teacher, Jian Sichun is still very impressed with this elective course.

It's not because this elective course is so interesting, it's just because this elective course is where she and him meet.

At first, the two didn't know each other, but because both of them were used to being the first to come to the classroom, they would say hello when they saw each other.

But because he is used to sitting in the back row, and Jian Sichun will sit in the front, so the two of them have little chance to communicate in class.

At that time, they didn't even pass each other's names.

The real acquaintance was at a large-scale club exhibition later, and it was only after I met by chance that I realized that both of them had joined the animation club, and both had been members of the ghost club for a year.

Not in class, but outside meeting, each other is very unexpected.

After a good chat, I found out that the interests of each other were very similar, and I felt like I had found a rare bosom friend.

Since then, the number of meetings has continued to increase, and the number of chats has also increased, and finally came together slowly...

Everything is a matter of course.

Thinking of the first episode of the past, Jian Sichun felt his nose sour, and tears were about to flow out again.

She quickly wiped her eye sockets with her arm, wiping away all the tears that almost fell out.

On the skin, the warm and moist feeling gave her a strong sense of disobedience, and she couldn't help but exclaim.


It feels...too real!

The sound attracted the attention of the teacher and other students, and the teacher who was lecturing asked her questions.

She quickly said nothing happened and lowered her head.

After the commotion subsided, she squeezed the flesh on her arm.

The pain woke her up instantly.

If this was a dream, he should have woken up long ago!

Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly is not a dream...!
This not a dream!

What about him?
He should be there, right?

Jian Sichun didn't want to cause any more commotion, so she first looked for it out of the corner of her eye, and then turned her head to look further.

In the end, I saw him without turning around.

He was sitting in the row behind him, and the position was very close.

Sitting so close!
Isn't he usually sitting in the back row?

No, this is not important!The important thing is that he is really there!

Time Sea...!
The most important person in Jian Sichun's life sat there safe and sound.

He even noticed his gaze and cast doubts.

The moment Jian Sichun stared at him, she immediately turned around like an electric shock, and then lay down directly.

Surprised, delighted, moved, regretted...

Several emotions gathered in her heart, making her want to cry and laugh at the same time.

In the end, there was only uncontrollable excitement left.

This feeling made Jian Sichun look back at him again.

The eyes of other people are not important anymore, just staring at him as if wanting to engrave his appearance into his own eyes.

After losing him, I was overwhelmed with grief, shed tears every day, and was still unable to get out of the pain of losing him.

Because there will never be another person like him who will share everything in life with him, be able to get along with him without reservation, without any scruples, and tell him all the deepest secrets in his heart...

The nine years of being with him day and night flashed through my mind.

Those memories are no longer 'the past', but 'things that never happened'.

Since God gave me a chance to come back.

So, this time...

I wish you happiness.

The determination has already taken root in the girl's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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