It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 65 Opportunity

Chapter 65 Opportunity
The roots of troubles.

This has been said since ancient times.

But Shi Hai never felt that this was a legitimate remark.

Those ancient people who can write such words are really shameless if they insist on throwing the blame for the country's subjugation to women.

Is it a sin to look better than others?

Isn't it more sinful for a man who can't restrain his desire?
If you have to say that beautiful women are also at fault, then the fault probably lies in their inability to protect themselves.

But in ancient times, no one dared to speak of the emperor, so we could only satirize the women around the emperor.

Everyone is innocent and guilty, and beautiful appearance can be regarded as a natural talent, which will be envied by others and become the point of attack by others.

For example, Jian Sichun's heterochromatic pupils, Shi Hai thinks they are very beautiful and fashionable, which is a plus point.

I'm sure most guys think the same way.

But a certain part of women may not necessarily think so, 'she looks better than me' is enough to be the biggest motivation to regard the other party as an enemy.

Because for women, appearance is not only a 'weapon' to capture a man's heart, but also a capital to determine 'status'.

Although there is such an axiom that "it is better to be born with a good skin than to be born with a delicate heart"...

But most men are not exempt from vulgarity.

Because the appearance can be seen at a glance, but it takes a long time to understand the other party's sincerity.

And people will be afraid that they spend a long time giving, but in the end they will get nothing, and they will even be stabbed in the chest by a knife projected by the other party.

As the number of injuries increases, I no longer want to understand the hearts of others, and will only live in my own world.

Therefore, in this era where the pace of life is getting faster and faster and people's patience is getting worse, a good skin is more sought-after than a Linglong heart, and it is also more valuable.

And where there is demand, there is a market, and the price has also been pushed up.

Therefore, those women who are confident in their appearance will put themselves in a high enough position, because they know that they are 'hot enough' and 'worthy enough', and the licking dogs around them are the best proof.

That's why he regards most dog-licking men as spare tires, and he is willing to become the palm of a man who is rich enough.

And as this kind of 'trading' becomes more and more popular, even women who don't have a natural appearance will spend money to create an appearance that meets the public's aesthetics.

It is the "plastic face" of this era and the "net celebrity face" of the live broadcast era in the future.

Human beings are, after all, 'visual beings'.

After all, there are still a small number of people who can not be confused by foreign objects.

Shi Hai once thought that even in the face of peerless beauties, he could be 'not confused'.

Beauty and white bones, pink and white skeletons, time will take away youth, they are all 'time-limited beauty' that's all.

But maybe that's just a narrow mindedness that hasn't seen the world.

In the recent period, he may have seen more beautiful women in reality than he has seen in the past 20 years.

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen... seems to be my own mother.

Ah this...

After Shi Hai thought about it, he still included Zhu Lingjie, although Zhu Lingjie in junior high school was really too "earth girl".

In short, the so-called 'corrosion' happens little by little.

People just unconsciously become what they hate the most.

It's only a short 'week' now, and Shi Hai already has a good impression of them.

What kind of mental state will he be in 'nine years later', he himself can't be sure.

Maybe he will become a scumbag with a chaotic relationship between men and women...

So Shi Hai decided to pay more attention in the future.

Things like letting Jian Sichun sit in his arms before had to be rejected.

After re-closing the defenses in his mind, Shi Hai continued to ask.

"Meng Meng, you don't know what the specific accident is, but you insist that it has something to do with a woman. It seems that someone told you so?"

Shi Meng said that she had never met Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie, but she showed obvious disgust towards them.

That must not be her own idea, but 'someone' instilled such an idea in her.

"Well...someone told me."

"Can you tell me who that person is?"

Shi Meng said with a wry smile.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you... It's that I don't know who she is. That person was talking to me through a hidden number. I tried to call back, but when I called back, I could only hear 'It's empty. No.' reminder..."

"The secrecy is well done."

It seems that he doesn't want people to know his identity.

"So what did that man tell you? Did he just say that I got into an accident because of a woman?"

"Well, she told me that brother, you will encounter misfortune because of your relationship with the 'broom star woman', and also said a very important thing."

"What is it?"

Shi Meng turned her head to stare into Shi Hai's eyes, and quietly said something that made Shi Hai's spine shudder.

"She said she would give me a chance to be born again."


Give me a chance to be born again!

This is the most important news he has heard recently!

In other words, rebirth isn't some 'random anomaly'.

It is indeed a 'man-made phenomenon'.

Leaving aside what the principle of rebirth is, the existence of a person who can regenerate others is already terrifying enough.

What is this person's purpose?
What is the relationship with the future me?
Why did you say these things to Shi Meng?
And why let Shimeng be reborn and go back to the past...

There are more and more mysteries.

And these questions, even if you ask Shimeng, you probably won't get an answer.

So Shi Hai started by asking questions that he could confirm.

"Did the other party specifically name Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie?"

"No, she didn't mention who it is..."

"Then why do you believe her? It sounds fake."

"I didn't believe what she said at first, but she also knows some secrets that only me and you two know... I became dubious."

It turns out that if this kind of secret is told by others, it will indeed shock people and become convincing.

"But in fact, I have also thought about it. It is also possible that the person who called is the stalker who is pestering you, brother, or even the person who harmed you, but the villain will file a complaint first and want to blame other women..."

Shi Meng was not stupid, of course she would not believe what the other party said, and she was still mostly skeptical at the time.

The reason why Shimeng thinks so is because the elder brother he knows is a gentleman.

It's not a scumbag who will have mixed relationships with many women.

"Because brother, you have never been very popular with women, you have always been single, and you are still..."


Shi Meng quickly changed his mind.

"Ah, no, what I mean is, brother, you have always respected women more and kept a pure body..."

"You should just say virgin..."

Shi Meng looked away in embarrassment, but continued to speak.

"Hmm... so, she said that brother, you were in an accident because of a woman, and even turned into a vegetable. I really find it hard to accept..."

The hidden meaning is 'this is not what a virgin should encounter'.

"All right……"

This is really convincing.

Shi Hai felt that he had thought too much just now, and it seemed that nine years later, he hadn't turned into a scumbag.

But when you think about it, it's kind of sad...

So nine years later, I will be 30 years old, and still maintain a virgin body...

Instead of becoming a magician, did he become a vegetable?

This is too bad!

(End of this chapter)

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