It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 75 Recognition

Chapter 75 Recognition
Shi Hai also felt that it was very lucky to be able to get the love of two girls.

Even if you can meet a partner who loves each other in this life, you are very lucky.

If they can meet each other, Shi Hai is also willing to give his heart to love each other for the rest of his life and stay together forever.

But in the case of the two...he can only say that he will try to be as thorough as possible before making a judgment.

Anyway, there is definitely no such unrealistic idea of ​​hugging left and right.

That's not realistic.

But the problem is that now it is not as simple as pure emotional entanglement.

So when faced with Zhu Lingjie's confession, considering Zhu Lingjie's special situation, he wanted to refuse it first.

In the end, Jian Sichun slapped her back.

The truth is that Shi Hai will not be able to fix it.

If Jian Sichun also liked her, why did she help Zhu Lingjie?
Helping a rival in love, isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

Obviously there is something hidden inside.

So, the current situation is not because Shi Hai wants to procrastinate, but because his sister said "give some more time", so Shi Hai had to "maintain the status quo" for the time being.

Of course Shi Hai didn't want to just procrastinate like this. After all, if this goes on without any results, wouldn't it be delaying his sister?
As I said before, Shi Hai hates the 'feeling of debt'.

And 'emotional debt' is also a debt.

The girl's heart is on him, but he hasn't responded for a long time. What's the difference between that and a scumbag with a spare tire?
Reality is not a love game, procrastination is not good for everyone.

When you stop, you will suffer.

When it is broken, it is broken, and it is not disturbed.

So if possible, Shi Hai wanted to make a decision earlier.

Originally, if he didn't know that something would happen to his mother, he planned to have a showdown with Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie in the near future, and deal with the relationship between the three of them as soon as possible.

Even if doing so means that he personally breaks the harmonious situation of the threesome...

That's better than the stomachache unfolding later in the love triangle.

But now that he knows that his mother will have an accident in the near future, he still has to contact Jian Sichun, a reborn person.

He also had to test Zhu Lingjie to see if his childhood sweetheart neighbor was also a reborn person.

I really can't cut off the relationship with them all at once.

Even if it is unhappy, the ambiguous relationship must continue.

And Liu Zhenshan didn't know about these inside stories, he just felt that his sister was so active, so it's not a matter of Shi Hai nodding who is his daughter-in-law?
Then why is my son still so calm?
Liu Zhenshan felt that something was wrong with him.

She needs to find out why.

"Or is Mengmeng your favorite? So you like flat ones..."

"Why are you talking about Mengmeng again? She is your daughter and my sister... In other words, it doesn't matter whether there is peace or not."

Shi Hai feels sad for his younger sister, even his mother thinks she is flat.

"I'm a fool when you're a mother, Mengmeng smells like you all over her body! Could it be that the two of you started playing twister when you woke up in the morning? It's more likely that you had sex together last night!"

"Mom, don't talk nonsense, I didn't do anything, I just put her to sleep."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenshan showed a sly smile.

"She really slept in your room last night~"


Fishing, right?

Really your mother is a master at fishing.

I'm afraid that what's ahead is just foreshadowing, Liu Zhenshan has long guessed that Shi Meng didn't sleep in his room last night.

There are only three rooms in the house. If the daughter didn't come to her place, where else could she go?
It could only be into my brother's room.

Now with Shi Hai's personal admission, Liu Zhenshan can continue to question.

"But even if you are a younger sister, you would actually be willing to let her sleep in your bed. This is too abnormal! It's not like you at all!"

When it comes to love gossip, Liu Zhenshan turns into a detective.

This woman knows the world well.

Shi Hai felt a headache, his mother was very annoying.

As long as she sees some clues, she will climb up the pole until she finds out the truth.

Shi Hai felt that his strong thirst for knowledge must have been influenced by his mother.

But Shi Hai himself has not fully understood the current situation, so how could he tell his mother?

Letting her get involved will only complicate the already complicated situation.

So Shihai started with the most classic and thin mud.

"What's abnormal about this, I didn't deliberately avoid women, your son and I don't have gynophobia..."

"Yes, you don't have gynophobia, so my mother believes that if you meet a woman you really like, you will bring her home and let her sleep in your room."

"Then it's over? It's not surprising, is it?"

"But do you like Xiaochun? So do Lingling and Mengmeng. Do you like it from the bottom of your heart?"

"I like it, who doesn't like beautiful women? It's also eye-catching."

Liu Zhenshan knew his son well, if he didn't fix the question in a certain range when asking, Shi Hai would probably just play it haha ​​and perfunctory it.

"I knew that if you used the word like, you'd definitely get away with it casually... Let me ask you again, Shi Hai, do you 'love' them? I mean the love between a man and a woman."

"...I can't talk about it."


"So what's the matter? It's said that it takes time to fall in love. I haven't known them for a long time, okay?"

"You see, you've said it all, and you haven't known them for a long time, but you actually brought them home?"

"Just friends, just come to play at home..."

"Just friends coming to play at home? I think it's more like bringing your girlfriend to meet your parents. Even if you don't think so, they must think so. And if you haven't known each other for a long time, how can they like you so much?"

"I want to know that too... Maybe it's because I'm handsome."

"Ha ha."

The mother and son sneered at the same style.

Liu Zhenshan continued to analyze.

"Then let's not talk about why they like you, Shi Hai, your reaction is also very strange... If you are really my son, then you won't turn a blind eye to the wishes of other girls and keep procrastinating."

"That's how it is...Mom, it's not that you don't believe in me, but you believe in me too much."

"That's right, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive your mother and me. What you are doing now is very similar to the one that our mother and I have seen together before. There are many girls, but there is only one boy, and the girl The kids love the animation of the boy..."

"You mean harem anime?"

"Yes! It's the male protagonist in the harem anime! Apart from being gentle, he is useless, but there are so many good girls who like him, and I feel unworthy for those girls!"

"Mom, you can really empathize..."

"Shi Hai, you are like that kind of indecisive man right now! So tell me honestly! What are you thinking?"


Damn, I can't keep going.

Under the pressure of Liu Zhenshan, Shi Hai retreated steadily.

If it goes on like this, she might even dig out the fact that her sister is a reborn person.

Especially the fact that she will die in the near future, and her son will also turn into a vegetable...

Shi Hai thought it was 'absolutely' not to tell his mother.

Because it involves 'family safety', Liu Zhenshan's thoughts will become very 'extreme'.

God only knew what she could do knowing what was going to happen in the future.

When Shi Hai was thinking about how to change the subject or run away, Liu Zhenshan asked suspiciously.

"Shi Hai, you...could it be that you were taken away?"

Well, as expected of my mother, this brain circuit... is quite strange.

"Mom, have you read too many fantasy novels lately..."

Liu Zhenshan leaned over to look carefully at Shi Hai's eyes, and said with a serious face.

"Hmm... It's really not like Duoshe, you should still be my son... Could it be rebirth?"

"I really want to be born again!"

This is the truth.

If Shi Hai himself was reborn, then there wouldn't be so many troubles.

"What the hell is that? Shihai, you don't really want to step on two boats, do you? Oh no, if you add Mengmeng, you're going to step on three boats..."

Shi Hai originally wanted to deny it.

But it suddenly occurred to him that if he denied it here, and his mother continued to ask, he still didn't know how to answer.

So at this time, he simply admitted it.

"That's right, mom..."

Having said that sentence, the original he would never have said it.

"I want to open the harem."

(End of this chapter)

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