It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 89 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 89 Memories
When Shi Hai heard this, he put one hand on his forehead and stretched out the other to block his body.

"Wait, wait, sister, don't be joking, I won this round, right? Then answer my question well, how can we continue to have fun playing like this?"

Tian Shui narrowed his eyes and asked seriously.

"Do you think I'm joking?"


Shi Hai was even more at a loss.

But looking at Tian Shui's serious expression, it seems that he is really not joking...

Shi Hai pointed to his nose, tilted his head and asked.

"So, the future me was really... struck to death by lightning?"

"In the future as far as I know, you were killed by lightning."

"Ah this..."

This way of dying is really weird...

Like being scared to death by a tractor, it makes people dumbfounded.

And is this lucky or unlucky?
How low is the probability that I will be met by myself...

Or... is it not a matter of probability?

While thinking, Tian Shui continued.

"I know you will find it unbelievable. Even I, who witnessed the whole process directly at the scene, find it unbelievable, let alone others..."

Because that scene was too unbelievable, when Tian Shui thought about it, it felt more absurd than sad.

And there is another reason, that is, she knew in advance that an accident would happen.

I just didn't expect it to be such an accident.

"However, I have already been mentally prepared."

"What do you mean? Sister Tianshui, did you already know that I would die?"

"That's right, and you told me yourself."


It's me?

Tian Shui stared straight at Shi Hai and said.

"You in the future... seem to have known for a long time that you will die suddenly and inexplicably."


From this point of view, all the information that Senior Sister Tianshui knows comes from my future self...

So who will my future self get relevant information from?

It can't be done by yourself, right?
Shi Hai felt that he needed more information and asked.

"Hmm... Can I trouble you, Senior Sister, to tell me more about how I died?"

In fact, this is a bit over the top.

Tian Shui can completely refuse to answer, and said that this has surpassed the question he just asked, and if he wants to know, he will win again.

Then the two need to play the game again.

But this time, Tian Shui didn't care about it.

Instead, she generously told Shi Hai all the information she knew.

"Actually, I didn't take it seriously at first, because you often talk about 'the end is approaching', and often take your own life as a joke, doing some dangerous things like walking a tightrope."

"It's not like my style of doing things..."

Shi Hai felt that he still cherished his life.

Because he has been taught by his mother that 'health comes first', Shi Hai pays great attention to safety issues, especially life safety.

When encountering danger, the first thought is "emergency avoidance" rather than "taking risks".

But from Tian Shui's description, the future self seems to be a guy who 'loves to die'.

This is very contradictory.

There should be some opportunity that caused my future self to become obsessed with death...

Then Tian Shui continued to describe the situation at that time.

"That day, you went to the top of the building for some reason, and then you looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy and said, 'Hahaha! God damn it! I want to see how you fuck me this time!', and then Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck down, and you were turned into black coals."

It's really pretending to be struck by lightning!
Shi Hai frowned.

And a little embarrassing.

He always felt that what Tian Shui said was not about him at all...

After all, this line and the way of death are really stupid.

Shi Hai resisted the desire to complain, and raised his hand to ask after the analysis.

"Sister, I have a question. Did I stand on a tall building at that time?"

"Well... it's the tallest building nearby..."

Speaking of Tianshui, he fell into memories.

Before the incident, it was actually the roof garden of the Tianshi Group Center Building, which will become a local landmark in the future.

Tianshui likes to look out from high places, so he arranged his office on the top floor, and the top floor is a roof garden.

When she feels tired, she will go for a walk on it, look at the blue sky and the distance, and her depressed mood will be swept away.

But then her private domain changed hands and became Shi Hai's territory.

And Shi Hai always took her for a walk up there with the reason of 'you take me up to get familiar with it'...

It might be right to go for a walk at first.

But as the number of times I went increased, I unconsciously became a 'walking the dog'.

And at that time, I didn't realize it!

Tian Shui, who is still rational now, recalls that process again, and wishes to strangle that humble self to death.

Then she continued to recall what happened afterwards...

She felt her heart beating faster.

I feel hot all over...

no no no!

Can't recall!

You will lose your humanity!

She quickly bit the tip of her tongue hard.

It was so hard that it felt like he was about to bite and bleed, which caused Tianshui to scream in pain.

"……!Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Shi Hai looked puzzledly at Tian Shui who curled up with his head in his hands and screamed.

What happened all of a sudden?
Shi Hai reckoned that senior sister Tianshui must have recalled how he was struck to death by lightning.

After all, watching a large living person being struck to death by lightning, that scene is indeed too horrifying.

It's just that he didn't see it, because Tian Shui's ears were red because they were covered by his hair.

At this moment, Tian Shui felt extremely ashamed.

His whole body was trembling, and his toes were curled up.

Tian Shui had never shown such a distressed side in front of others.

Even in front of her most respected mother, she never had it...

This man...!
Only in front of this man...!
My dignity becomes as fragile as a biscuit!
After a while, Tian Shui, who had regained his strength, finally raised his head, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Although it was hard to get rid of all the bad thoughts in his head, Tian Shui still stuck out his tongue and let out a sigh of relief...

Because it hurts too much.

"Ha... ha... I accidentally bit my tongue and it got hot... Help me see... Is there any bleeding..."

Shi Hai helped to look carefully at Tian Shui's rosy little tongue and said.

"Hmm... probably no bleeding... Let me pour you a cup of tea for senior sister, you will know if there is any bleeding when you spit it out after a while."

Shi Hai took out a thermos from his backpack and poured her a cup of homemade barley tea.

Tian Shui took the cup, checked it carefully, then looked at Shi Hai suspiciously and asked.

"You didn't put anything bad in it, did you?"

"Of course not, senior sister, who do you think I am..."

Oh, who else are you?

You're a bastard, pervert, scum, sadist!

Isn't it your job to put strange things in the water I drink!

(End of this chapter)

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