It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 94 Praise

Chapter 94 Praise (thanks to the leader [ZerPx])
That's why Tianshui originally wanted to study abroad.

In fact, I don't really want to study abroad for further study, let alone for gold plating.

She just wanted to get out of the huge greenhouse her mother built for her to catch her breath.

Otherwise, there will be a feeling that my life is controlled by my mother.

"That level of care is really heavy."

Shi Hai just experienced a similar feeling from his sister last night.

So he also understands that excessive protection and care can make people feel troubled.

To sum it up...

Spoiling is harmful.

"Yeah, it's really heavy..."

It was so heavy that Tian Shui was a little out of breath.

Tian Shui also didn't understand her mother's approach, because unlike the parents who expected their child to be independent as soon as possible, his mother seemed to hope that she would live in the "cradle" forever.

I only buy a bunch of beautiful clothes, expensive bags, and precious jewelry, play social games in the so-called upper class, and live a luxurious life...

I can't wait to turn her into a waste.

But Tian Shui does not want to be that kind of imbecile who is corrupted by desire from the bottom of his heart.

"However, compared to the kind of parents who don't give their children the right to choose and decide their children's future without authorization, your mother, Senior Sister Tianshui, is much better, right?"

"It's true that my mother did not restrict my freedom at all, nor did she specify what I would do in the future... However, she gave me a stronger sense of powerlessness than others."

"Is it actually a sense of powerlessness?"

"Well, when children are young, they will think that their parents are omnipotent, but as they grow older, they will gradually find that their parents can't do everything."

"This is also impossible."

Manpower is exhausted and beyond what we can do.

When you find that your parents can't do things and know how to help take care of the family, it is also the time to grow up.

Shi Hai knew about the difficulties at home very early on, so he is much more mature than his peers.

"But so far, my mother still gives me the feeling of 'she can do anything'."

"Is it so powerful..."

"Yes, so I respect my mother, she is really a legendary figure, much stronger than me, maybe I can't reach her height in my life... I think she is this The most amazing woman in the world..."

This is not childish idolatry.

For Senior Tianshui, who has a mature mind and such a proud personality, to make such an evaluation, it must be that Senior Tianshui's mother is really an extraordinary person.

It sounds like the hidden BOSS after the game is cleared.

Shi Hai shrank his neck and bared his teeth.

"Hiss... Such a powerful person is my mother, I feel so stressed..."

Tian Shui also said with a wry smile.

"Is that right? At first, I also felt this way. At that time, I thought that Lord Mushang might want me to be her heir, so even though there was a lot of pressure, I kept working hard, hoping to become someone worthy of 'Master Mushang. Daughter's successor."

"Wow, senior sister, you are really amazing. I guess I wouldn't have such awareness."

"But what's the use? Mother, she didn't expect me to be the next her, or to inherit everything from her... She only cares and cares for me too much, and takes care of me in every possible way. No matter how much I ask She will help me fulfill any outrageous request."

"Good guy, senior, is your mother Santa Claus?"

"Probably a little more powerful than Santa Claus, and about the same as Shenlong and the Holy Grail."


Hearing that Tian Shui could still joke and say witty words, Shi Hai couldn't help but laugh a little too.

But he could still hear that there was a trace of unwillingness and helplessness in these words.

Tian Shui was still very sad.

Because no matter how hard she worked, how much she wanted to prove herself, and how many achievements she had made, in the eyes of her mother, it was all trivial, even worthless.

To Tianshui's ears, her words of concern sounded like, "Shui Shui, don't torment yourself anymore, why are you exhausting yourself?"Whatever you want, I'll just give it to you'.

That sense of frustration and powerlessness made Tian Shui extremely unwilling.

But Tian Shui didn't just fall.

Instead, he became more rebellious.

That's why she came out independently to start a company and grow her power.

The purpose is to prove myself to the most respected mother.

"But the more she was like that, the less I wanted what she gave me."

"A rebellious mentality?"

"It can be said that, so I also bought this apartment myself."

Tian Shui said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Although it's enough to make quick money from futures trading, the principal is also my own scholarship, and I never took a penny from my mother."

"Ohhhh! That's awesome! Senior sister!"

Yes, praise me more!Compliment me more!
Tian Shui was very excited and continued to sell himself.

"Also, all the things in my house were bought with my own money. I am completely independent now! I even have a seven-figure deposit!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh! Niu X! Senior sister!"

Shi Hai let out an even more exaggerated sound of admiration.

"Although I heard about your deeds before, senior sister, I knew you were very good, but to be honest, I thought it was the result of your elite education before, but now I really think you are amazing, senior sister. ah!"


Hearing Shi Hai's praise, Tian Shui's brows and eyes were frowned, and he was so flattered that he couldn't help snickering.

Tian Shui could tell that this was different from the crappy flattery Shi Hai said before, and now he was admiring himself from the bottom of his heart.

So Tian Shui was so happy that the non-existent fox tail behind him started to flick.

It would be even better if he could give a pat on the head while praising...

Thinking of this, Tian Shui glanced at Shi Hai with one eye closed, and asked hypocritically.

"But... Junior, don't you think I'm being hypocritical?"

"Although for those who don't have such conditions, they should be very envious of your family, senior sister, and think that you are hypocritical... After all, it's good to have fun every day? Why can't you find it for yourself? How about comfortable?"


Tian Shui pouted, feeling a little unhappy.

That wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"But if you think about it differently, I can probably understand your emptiness, senior. When everything is within reach, it will make people lose their pursuit and feel lonely... In other words, you have no soul."

"Right! I knew you would understand me!"

Tian Shui leaned out excitedly, put his hands on Shi Hai's shoulders, and his eyebrows danced brightly.

That's all she wanted to hear.

"So senior sister, you obviously have unique conditions. Even if you are lazy and spend your whole life squatting at home, but you took the initiative to stay away from those temptations. This is even more commendable. It's really amazing!"

Shi Hai really started to admire Senior Sister Tianshui.

After all, the vast majority of people in Tianshui's position, if they accept this level of doting, will probably feel swollen and self-degenerate, becoming a bad and perverted playboy with almost zero IQ.

But Tianshui did not.

She still pursues independence and self-improvement.

It can be said that the mud is not stained.

And listening to Shi Hai's sincere praise, Tian Shui was completely refreshed.

This man has never praised her, he just keeps humiliating her, mocking her, rubbing her self-esteem to the ground like a rag.

But now listening to this man's heartfelt flattery...

She suddenly understood Zhu Lingjie's addiction very well.

It turns out that being praised is such a cool thing!
Ah~ It's so cool!
 Thanks to the leader ZerPx for the reward.

  Of course, there are also tips from other readers, and I have also written them down.

  Although I said earlier that the lord adds two updates, it actually doesn't just refer to the lord.

  It should be counted as a cumulative reward, that is, a cumulative reward of 5 plus one update, which is considered a reward.

  So this chapter counts as an additional update, and it still owes 2 updates.

  Work hard to pay off your debts.

(End of this chapter)

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