It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 97 Serving

Chapter 97 Serving
If he was asked to stay with this request, Shi Hai would definitely stay.

But that doesn't make sense.

Anyway, he will definitely not do anything out of the ordinary.

I have seduced him so much just now, but I didn't see any reaction from him... This man's self-control is at full strength.

Just let him stay here for one night so what?
He was afraid that he would do push-ups all night to suppress his rising desire.

So Tian Shui gave up on keeping him overnight, but...

You can let him stay until you fall asleep.

"Dear junior, I suddenly thought of what I should ask you to do for me."

Seeing Tian Shui's malicious smile, although Shi Hai was slightly worried, he still made a promise verbally.

"Sister, tell me, I will try my best to do it."

Tian Shui propped his chin with his hands, looked at Shi Hai with ambiguous eyes and said.

"Then...can I ask my junior to help me fall asleep?"

The corner of Shi Hai's mouth twitched, and he asked back with a raised brow.

"This... senior sister, isn't it appropriate?"

Seeing his prudish appearance, Tian Shui wanted to laugh, and then joked.

"Ouch~ Junior, don't you think it's wrong?"

"Is there any other meaning to this? I think anyone will think of 'Servant Sleeper'...well, regardless of gender."

"Hehe, I don't mean to ask you, junior, to warm my bed. I just want you to serve me and prepare for bedtime."

Tian Shui raised his hand to take off the hair tie, gathered his hair in front of his shoulders and said.

"As for me, I will make a series of preparations before going to bed, such as bathing and changing clothes, trimming nails, drinking a glass of sleep-helping milk, etc... Today I want you to help me with these tasks."

"I see, is it similar to a butler's job?"

"Yes, this shouldn't be too much, right?"

"No problem, just leave it to me."

Shi Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

This request is really not too much, he originally thought that Tian Shui would ask him to kneel down and lick her feet, or use her as a chair to sit on.

After all, she has said similar things before, which proves that she has that kind of thinking.

So in comparison, it would be relatively easy to just serve her to prepare for bedtime.

However, in the series of preparations Tian Shui just mentioned, there are some unsuitable jobs, and he still wants to avoid them as much as possible.

The most difficult thing to do is of course: bathing and changing clothes.

"Sister, didn't you take a bath just now?"

Tian Shui pouted and complained.

"How can that be counted? Just now I just went to take a shower to wash off the sweat from exercising. Have you ever seen a girl who takes a shower in less than 10 minutes?"

"All right……"

It doesn't seem to have.

It's like my mother has to stay in the bathroom for at least an hour every time she takes a bath.

Shi Hai once wondered why it took an hour to take a shower. Judging from her mother's answer, it seemed that washing hair and doing nursing work took more time.

That being the case, Shi Hai said.

"In this case, senior sister, I won't go in to help you when you take a bath. After you finish washing, if you need me to help you wash your hair, how about I help you?"

What Shi Hai was most afraid of was that senior sister Tianshui asked him to help wash his body.

If you're just looking, just keep your eyeballs under control.

But if he wanted to get started, it would be hell if he didn't respond.

The best way to prevent misfires is not to wipe the gun.

But of course Tian Shui didn't want to let him go just like that, he just wanted to make him fall in love with him completely.

Now this innocent male college student Shi Hai is much easier to deal with than the big devil Shi Hai in his previous life.

It's rare that the effect of "body group opening" will not be immune, and the effect is very good. Of course, we must make good use of it.

"That can't be done, junior, didn't you say that as long as it is something you can do, you will help me do it?"

Tian Shui stretched out his hand and raised Hai's chin with his index finger and said.

"Help me take a bath... Is this something you can't do?"


"Or, it's just helping to take a bath. Do you have any 'shouldn't thoughts'? Hehehe..."

This is really troublesome.

Shi Hai knew that answering this question, yes or no, was a wrong answer.

Answering the meeting is tantamount to admitting that she has special thoughts about Senior Sister. That day, Senior Sister Shui will definitely seize this opportunity and play tricks on him even more.

And if the answer is no, then you have to bite the bullet and go to bathe and wipe your senior sister's back, and once you enter that link, Tianshui has countless ways to create a bad scene.

For example, 'the soap has fallen', 'the front must be washed', 'you can come in and wash together'.

Shi Hai didn't know if he would be able to withstand it when the time came.

After all, he had never experienced such an exciting thing before.

Once you overestimate your willpower, you will probably drown in the gentleness of Tianshui.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to continue to follow her rhythm here. Shi Hai needs to answer the questions with questions, and throw the questions back to the senior sister.

"That is to say, does senior sister not mind being seen or touched by me?"

This question may seem ordinary, but it is actually a tricky question that is difficult to answer.

Because if Tian Shui replied that he didn't care, Shi Hai could say, "It turns out that senior sister, you only treat me as a servant, so I have no problem", and Tian Shui had to treat him like a servant. Then deliberately create some ambiguous scenes.

And if Tian Shui expressed that he cared a little bit, it would be even worse, which was equivalent to expressing 'I'm interested in you'.

This is not good, after all, in the relationship between a man and a woman, the party who expresses his affection first is the party who is in a disadvantaged position.

Afterwards, Tian Shui will definitely be led by the nose by Shi Hai, just because he knows that 'this woman likes me'.

This was not what Tian Shui wanted.

Then, the scene froze again.

Knowing that going on like this would be a waste of time, Tian Shui decided to give in for a while and agreed to Shi Hai's proposal.

"That's still what you said, junior, wash my hair for me... But there is one more thing to add, wash my feet, it should be okay, right?"

"no problem."

Shi Hai also washed his mother's feet before.

Of course, it's not because of mother's kindness and filial piety, it's just that Shi Hai couldn't stand the smell when washing his mother's stockings.

At first, he thought that the strange smell came from his mother's feet, so on his mother's birthday, he pretended to be filial and offered to wash his mother's feet. After that, he scrubbed them carefully with strong deodorant soap again.

But when he washed it, he discovered that his mother's feet didn't smell bad at all, and they weren't dirty at all.

After this time, he realized that the peculiar smell came from the stockings themselves.

I'm afraid Shi Hai didn't expect that he washed his mother's feet to get rid of the peculiar smell on the stockings, but in the end it made the stockings smell worse...

Speaking of now, now that the two sides have reached a consensus, the next step is to enter the implementation stage.

Tian Shui stretched out his hand and said.

"Then, junior... no, servant, come and take me to wash my hair."

"Okay, as you wish, miss."

Shi Hai also made a butler ceremony in a decent manner, took her hand and led her to the bathroom.

This is the beginning of the housekeeper Shihai's service to Miss Tianshui.

(End of this chapter)

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