Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 134 I will support your family!

Chapter 134 I will support your family! (First order 1100 plus update! Please subscribe!!)

With the gradual improvement of cultivation and foundation, Fang Chang's self-confidence is also getting stronger and stronger. The threat of youth may work for him in the past.

But the man he is today is not the man he was yesterday.

Fang Chang looked directly at the young man, and the technique moved with his thoughts, and the master-level inner demon trick suddenly activated.

Although the Indestructible Admiralty Talisman can resist all physical attacks of energy forms, it is difficult to prevent the invisible and intangible attacks of the spirit.

The young man's face immediately turned blue.

Fang Chang didn't give him a chance to be enchanted, he just took his soul away, trying to destroy his soul.

But suddenly a ray of light lit up on the young man's chest, and a mirror-shaped pattern was faintly revealed under the clothes.

The young man suddenly woke up, and touched his chest with his hand.

"It was the goggles that saved me!"

He looked at Fang Chang with shock and anger in his eyes.

"Spirit attack?!"

Spiritual attack is an extremely rare secret art even in the capital, and it is extremely difficult to get started. He actually saw it in such a remote place.

Spiritual consciousness attacks can destroy people's spirits without a sound, ranging from coma to death.

If it weren't for the protective mirror in time to protect him, he would have been broken into his soul just now and turned into a living dead.

Fang Chang let out a light sigh: "As expected of a young man with a rich background, he has such rare self-defense treasures, but how many times can you block them?"

Fang Chang's thoughts moved again, and the tricks of inner demons were activated again.

There was a cracking sound from the mirror on the young man's chest. Obviously, if he only defends but does not attack, the protective mirror cannot defend many times at all.

"You dare to kill me?!"

At this time, the young man finally became stern.

"My grandfather is Sima Changren of Tiance Mansion. If you dare to kill me, my grandfather will never let you go!"

"Then you deserve to die even more."

Fang Chang's face was stern, with traces of sweat dripping from his forehead.

It takes a lot of energy to perform the tricks.

Especially after the proficiency reaches the master level, the energy consumed is greatly increased. After using his mental strength many times, he is also a little tired.

The young man saw that Fang Chang was unwavering, but the goggles on his chest kept making strange noises. Obviously, Fang Chang was not idle when they were talking, and he was always trying to attack his spirit.

He yelled at the big man who was fighting the iron pillar:
"Dong Bao, come here!"

Hearing the sound, the big man swelled his arms, knocked back the iron pillar with a fist, and a layer of light and shadow was emitted from the gilt inner armor on his body, and then exploded directly.

In order to force the iron pillar back, he directly blew up the inner armor without hesitation.

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the explosion, the big man plunged into the young man's golden bell.

There was a flash of light in the young man's hand, the golden bell went out instantly, and then a white light enveloped the two of them.

A stream of light shot up into the sky in an instant, leaving only the young man's bitter voice behind.

"When I come next time, it will be when you die!"

"He ran away!"

Dongdong grabbed Fang Chang's arm nervously.

Although Fang Chang acted recklessly, she didn't blame her, she was just worried about the youth's subsequent revenge.

"Can't run."

Fang Chang wiped the sweat off his brow, and greeted Tie Zhu and the half-disabled White Tiger Puppet.

There was a slight breeze behind him, and a pair of transparent wings, as thin as cicada wings, opened suddenly, like bat wings.

Then there was a strong wind, and Fang Chang had already picked up the iron pillar and the shrunken white tiger puppet and flew away.

This is the Chasing Wind Wing, a middle-grade flying weapon, faster than the flying boats he has used before, and it is almost the speed of sound when it is fully exerted.

Originally, in the name of Qingniufang City, he spent a lot of money to buy an escape weapon from the Fire Dragon Sect, but now it has become a magic weapon for chasing and killing others.


A stream of light fell to the ground, like a meteor falling to the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

Even though the young man was protected by a big man, he was knocked dizzy by the heavy impact.

It took him a while to wake up.

"Dong Bao, your vajra physique, your extremely evil fist, why are you being entangled by a little girl.

If you weren't so bad today, how could I lose such a big man? "

The young man was muttering that he would not be a human being if he did not take revenge.

His life was smooth and smooth, and he had never suffered such a big setback.

One must know that his grandfather was the Sima of the Tiance Mansion, which once belonged directly to Emperor Taizong's institution, and the first Sima was the future prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

Although Tiance Mansion later became a violent machine, and the symbolic meaning of the previous position was not so obvious, Sima might not be able to become prime minister.

But the position of Sima is still the No. [-] figure in the Tiance Mansion, with a high position and authority. When necessary, even the great monk Nascent Soul has the right to transfer.

Of course, having the right to do so is one thing, but being able to mobilize it is another.

But even if he was separated from all identities, his grandfather was still a real person who was at the peak of Jindan, only one step away from being able to break a pill into a baby.

The big man on the side did not refute, but suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, spitting blood.

The youth was taken aback.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

The big man looked weak and said: "My overbearing body was broken by that female doll, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect the way for you for a while."

He was first attacked by the white tiger puppet, then disturbed by the inner demon, and then stabbed by the purple bone blade. After the power of purple thunder entered his body, he forced the wounded and punched Tie Zhu hundreds of times, and finally protected the young man Leaving the battlefield, under too much pressure.

Being able to support it until now is already his domineering body.

"Hegemony has been broken?"

The young man was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dong Bao, my Yuwen family treats you with great kindness. You once said that you would die for the Yuwen family, didn't you?"

The big man didn't know why the young man said that, but he still nodded.


The young man continued: "Over the years, you have protected me many times and saved me from many dangers, and I am also very grateful to you.

But this time, I made up my own mind and plotted against Qingniufang City, but my good deed was ruined by that little boy. If this matter is reported back, Grandpa will definitely blame me and say that I am not good at doing things.

So you must help me. "

The big man was still a little confused: "How can I help you?"

The young man's eyes showed a bloodthirsty luster, and he sneered:

"You are the golden elixir seed that grandpa valued, as long as you die, no matter who is at fault this time, Qingniufang City must have no possibility of existence.

Moreover, in order to break through and build a foundation, my young master practiced magic ways and adopted supplementary exercises, which caused my foundation to be vacant and the Yin energy in my body to be too heavy. I just need your masculine and hot blood to replenish my foundation and reshape the Golden Core Dao! "

Hearing this, the big man was about to react, but saw the young man wave his sleeves, and seven or eight silver needles were inserted straight into the acupuncture points all over the big man's body, restraining him.

"Before you were unbroken, you were impenetrable by all kinds of laws, and it was really difficult for me to attack you."

"Since your hegemony is broken and you can no longer serve this young master, I will use your blood to help this young master."

"This is also my first time, so don't resist, lest you make a wrong move."

The big man's eyes were about to burst, and he forced the silver needles out of his body one by one: "Yuwen Chenghuai, if you kill me, my lord will definitely find out the truth!"

The young man sneered: "What a character my grandfather is, you think he doesn't know that I secretly practice magic skills.

He keeps you by my side, one is to protect my way.

Two, if you can't break through the golden elixir in the future, it will be the foundation of my future golden elixir road. "

This is naturally because he lied to the big man, in order to break down his resistance.

Sure enough, upon hearing these words, the big man's strength of resistance suddenly weakened, and his eyes revealed the meaning of death.

"I can have today, all thanks to the kindness of the lord, since the lord arranges, so what if I die!"

He closed his eyes, no longer resisting.

"After you die, I will take care of your family!"

The young man made a sharp claw with a scarlet light, and grabbed it down suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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