Chapter 136 Dong Tianbao (two in one for subscription!)

In a daze, Fang Chang felt his cheeks itch, as if something was teasing him.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was resting on a pair of soft thighs.

A pure-looking young girl was lowering her head, her scorched red and terrifying face was like yesterday's nightmare.

She was staring at him intently, her hair was hanging down, and with the breeze, she couldn't help touching his cheek.

"elder brother."

Seeing him wake up, the girl smiled like a white lily quietly blooming.

"Tie Zhu, are you alright?"

Fang Chang stood up with the girl's support, and the memories in his mind gradually became clear.

In order to save Tie Zhu, he had been sending true energy and mana towards Tie Zhu, and he didn't know how long it had passed, anyway, when he was confused because of his serious injuries, he finally saw Tie Zhu opened his eyes.

Then he passed out contentedly.

But at this moment, the injuries in his body have calmed down, only the meridians still have a little burning pain, obviously because of excessive overdrawing, he needs a period of rest.

"Did you feed me medicine?"

Fang Chang asked Tie Zhu.

The girl nodded: "Well, I saw that my brother had healing medicine on hand, so I gave it to him."

It should be the panacea that I took out before I fell into a coma, but I didn't have time to eat it.Fang Chang guessed in his heart.

Most of the power of that golden core supernatural power was blocked by the iron pillar, and he was only hit by some aftermath, so the injury was not serious.

At least not as heavy as when he was hunted down by Taoist Qingniu last time.

The reason why he fell into a coma was purely because he was overdrawn.

"Why are you so stupid? Don't you know you're going to die?"

Fang Chang knocked on Tie Zhu's head, hating that iron can't make a steel road:
"It's so dangerous, next time... Forget it, in fact, you did a pretty good job."

He changed from knocking to touching, looking a little guilty.

If Tie Zhu really listened to him and refused to save him next time, wouldn't he be dead?

After thinking about it, my own life is more important.

The girl didn't seem to understand Fang Chang's selfishness, she just said with a simple and determined face:
"Because I know that with my brother around, I won't die."

Fang Chang thought about it again, and felt that what Tie Zhu said was quite reasonable.

He was dying of serious injuries, and Tie Zhu couldn't save him.

But Tie Zhu is gone, he still has the possibility to save Tie Zhu.

Thinking of it this way, the guilt in his heart went away.

"Anyway, protecting yourself is the most important thing. What if I'm not by your side in the future, what will you do?" Fang Chang said.

But the girl said seriously: "I will always be by my brother's side, and will not be separated from him, unless my brother doesn't want me."

As she said that, she grabbed Fang Chang's sleeve and asked rather pitifully:

"Then brother will not want me?"

Fang Chang: "..."

There must be something wrong with the program!

That's right, there must be something wrong. Why did his little King Kong and the big iron pillar become what they are now?

Um - that's right, it's Mrs. Qin!
Sorry for the first time.

The ignorant Tie Zhu shouldn't be enlightened by Mrs. Qin. He thought she was the mother of two children and had rich and mature parenting experience.

Look what you've taught your kids.

The root of all evil - Mrs. Qin!

Fang Chang seemed to have found the culprit, he severely condemned Mrs. Qin in his heart, and then said with a smile:

"Well, as long as you don't leave my brother, I will never let you go."

After eating so many spirit stones from him and spending so much effort on him, even if the future puppet empress in his heart wanted to run away, he couldn't bear it.

The girl's eyes also turned into crescent moons.

"Brother is the best."

Fang Chang: "..."

He rubbed his cheeks, cheered up and said:
"Okay, okay, let's go back, we've been away for so long, your sister Dongdong should be in a hurry."

Hearing this, the girl didn't speak, but just lowered her head and curled her lips.

A bad woman who stole her brother.

Fang Chang scanned the messy battlefield, and the main cause of all this was the aftermath of the explosion of the golden core supernatural power.

Suddenly, he saw a dead body sharply.

Let's call it a corpse.

Because after such a long time since he passed out from a coma and woke up again, the corpse is still breathing.

Fang Chang climbed on the shoulder of the iron pillar and walked over.

"Brother, he doesn't seem to be dead?"

The girl also found the residual breath in the corpse.

Fang Chang looked carefully, but sighed:

"No, he is actually no different from death, but there is too much resentment in his heart, and the breath in his chest has not yet dissipated, so there is still a trace of breath remaining.

When the breath dissipates, he will be considered dead.

If there is an elixir to bring the dead back to life at this time, it might not be possible to bring him back to life.

But I don't have such an elixir in my hand, and even if I did, I would be reluctant to use it for him. "

After the words fell, the corpse's chest suddenly rose and fell, as if it was gasped.

"Hey, you can hear me."

Fang Chang looked shocked.

He knelt down, looked into the eyes of the big man, and said:

"If you can hear me, give me a wink."

The big man blinked his eyes slowly and with difficulty.

Fang Chang asked again: "You are holding on to your breath, is it because you have an unfulfilled wish? If so, you can blink again."

The big man blinked slowly and hard again.

Fang Chang continued to ask: "Do you want revenge? Or worry about the future?"

"For the former, I almost reported it for you, but it's a pity that he ran away. Whether he can take revenge in the future depends on whether he will continue to come to kill me.

In the latter case, I will try my best to find you a place with good geomantic omen.

Although we are considered opponents, we are also regarded as respectable opponents, so you can rest assured that I will not desecrate your corpse. "

But the big man didn't even blink his eyes.

Fang Chang sighed and said, "Isn't it?"

"Why don't you tell me yourself, I'm tired of guessing."

The big man's chest rose and fell again, even adding a trace of resentment in his chest.

"Oh, by the way, you can't speak in this state."

Fang Chang touched his chin, wondering: "But I really can't guess."

"It's not enmity, or yourself, but is there any unrepaid kindness, unresolved grievances, or your family and friends?"

The big man's eyes finally moved again.

"Is it your family?"

Fang Chang understood his eyes this time: "Are you worried about your family?"

The big man finally showed relief in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I don't know your last name, and I have no obligation to help you take care of your family.

But I think that Mr. Yuwen is cruel and ruthless, even your bodyguard will kill you at will, and your family will probably be wiped out by him.

Poor thing, it's not enough for me to die, and my whole family has been implicated. "

Fang Chang said sarcastic remarks.

The resentment in the big man's chest suddenly intensified, and even his body felt a trembling feeling.

But a pity.

This place is not a place full of yin and evil. There is no right time and place to help him. Resentment alone is powerless to help him return to heaven, and he can't even turn into a zombie.

Suddenly, Fang Chang patted himself on the head, as if he just realized it.

"By the way, I have a method that can protect your sanity and even make you reborn once, but there are some disadvantages. Would you like to try it?"

The trembling of the big man's body stopped, his pupils suddenly widened, but he blinked quickly and slowly as if thinking of something.

Fang Chang nodded and said, "Do you agree?"

"However, I can explain in advance that although this method can make you immortal, this method will harm the harmony of the sky and strengthen karma.

Not only did I pay a lot, but you will also pay the price. From now on, you will become a ghost, you will not enter reincarnation, and you will have no chance of rebirth.

Would you like this too? "

The big man's eyes didn't move anymore.

Fang Chang waited for a while, then got up and regretfully said:
"That's good, your whole family can reunite underground, and you will be brothers and sisters in the next life, parents and children, and reunite your family relationship."

"I'll go find a good pit for you first."

"and many more!"

The big man struggled to make a sound, like a knife and saw, very difficult, and black resentment spit out from his mouth.

Fang Chang turned around and looked at the big man: "Do you want to?"

The big man blinked.

How could he not know that Fang Chang was provoking him on purpose, and he also knew that this method would definitely make him a puppet of Fang Chang and be driven by him.

Otherwise, Fang Changxian would be bored and babble so much with him.

But Fang Chang's words were like a knife piercing his heart.

He sold himself to Yuwen's family for the sake of his family's life, and he can also come back as an evil spirit to claim his life for his family's life again!
"Don't resist!"

A smile appeared on Fang Chang's face, and he quickly restrained himself. He chanted a mantra, rubbed his palms together, and a row of small white paper figurines appeared.

As his magic power surged, the paper figurine was suspended in the air and surrounded the body of the big man.

The paper puppet art of the master realm!

Having reached this level, he can already use a small piece of paper to turn into a puppet at any time, without the need for complicated material preparation.

According to the amount of mana you can transfer, you can reach up to [-]% of your own strength, and the upper limit is the foundation building state.

However, such temporary puppets are basically disposable.

But at this moment, what he wants to make is not a paper puppet, but to extract the resentful soul of the big man and turn it into an evil spirit as the spirit of the puppet.

Just like the white tiger soul in the white tiger puppet, he gained experience and insights from the refining process of the white tiger puppet, and only then did he have a deeper understanding of it.

This is already the expertise of a high-level puppet. Thanks again for the friendly sponsorship of Taoist Qingniu.

Such a puppet spirit can't compare to the self-generated spirituality of a puppet like Tie Zhu, but it is better than the puppet spirit's complete spiritual intelligence.

Just need to keep changing his puppet body, then he will become stronger accordingly.

However, this kind of puppet spirit is very rare.

Fang Chang is also the first production.

First of all, it has to be a strong soul like a big man who is full of resentment, and it has to be voluntary, otherwise once he resists, all previous efforts will be wasted.

The advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious.

The most important thing is to increase karma.

Forcibly keeping living souls in the world, disrupting the reincarnation of heaven and earth, has violated the rules of heaven and earth.

If there is too much karma, when the realm is advanced in the future, when you want to communicate with the rules of heaven, it is easy to be forced by God, which is the so-called thunder calamity.

Of course, the low realm still has no effect now, at most it is disgusted by Buddhist monks.

Still the same sentence, as long as the so-called rules of heaven take a look at him, it is considered that the local heaven is not advanced enough.

There is another small downside.

It's just that the evil spirits are ferocious, and once they cannot be controlled, they are prone to backlash.

But for Fang Chang, who has the spirit body of the imperial puppet and the eye of the demon, he only hopes that the backlash will be more fierce.

Otherwise, it is easy to not feed the eyes of the demon, and you have to call the demon to come for extra meals.

I saw black smoke billowing from the big man's body, and the resentment was absorbed one by one by the surrounding paper figurines like a cloud of mist.

The paper figurines that were originally pale white turned black one by one, as if soaked in ink.

Fang Chang only felt that the mana in his body was rushing out like a flood, and the meridians that were already tingling would start to burn with pain again.

He quickly swallowed a magic pill to restore mana.

"Hey, how much resentment do you have?"

The quality of this evil spirit was beyond his imagination. With the power of the evil spirit alone, he might be able to fight the foundation-building monks.

If he is given another third-order puppet body, even Jindan Daoist can fight.

This blackening is more than three times stronger, at least ten times stronger.

It is not in vain for him to force his karma.

It's just that the materials for the third-order puppets are hard to find, and he doesn't have any money yet.

The richer you get, the poorer you are, it's hard.

Fang Chang's mana was finally absorbed.

And the paper figurines that surrounded the big man's body just now also merged into one at some point, turning into a tall figure surrounded by a cloud of black air, full of evil spirits.

"I, Dong Bao, have come back to life!"

The big man clenched his fists high and roared to the sky.

His scarlet eyes looked at Fang Chang, throbbing with bloodthirsty desire, filled with resentment, he was Dong Bao at the moment, and he was no longer Dong Bao.

Fang Chang said calmly:
"Don't look at me like that, it's all voluntary."

"However, usually when an evil spirit like you appears for the first time, it will be filled with resentment and turn against the master. How about we follow the procedure?"

A series of black chains grew out of Dong Bao's body, like chains of ecstasy born from hell, trying to pull him back into the ground.

With the addition of chains, the tyranny in Dong Bao's eyes gradually disappeared, and he half-kneeled in front of Fang Chang.

"Dong Bao is willing to die for the lord!"

Only then did Fang Chang know the name of the big man. He muttered a few words, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Since you have lived a new life, why don't you change your name to Dong Tianbao, Dong Tianbao whose fate is up to me!"

Dong Bao raised his head and murmured.

"Dong Tianbao, my fate is up to me."

Although he didn't understand the connection between the two, the latter sentence touched him a lot, because his fate was never up to him.

"Thank you, my lord, for the name!"

Dong Bao quickly accepted his new name.

Fang Chang saw that Dong Tianbao was so sensible, so he used to draw cakes.

"I know you don't feel well in this state, but don't be discouraged, although you are now in the body of an evil spirit, who said that evil spirits have no spring.

As long as you follow me well, after I become a fairy, you may not have the possibility of the cathode generating yang and becoming a ghost fairy.

Wouldn't it be great when you return to the world and your family will follow you to heaven. "

Because the cake was too big, Dong Tianbao didn't eat it for a while, and now there was only silence.

Fang Chang immediately noticed this problem. They don't even have the golden core realm now, and becoming an immortal is too far away.

So he switched to something practical.

"I have a few friends in the capital, you give me some secrets that only you and Mr. Yuwen know, and I will send someone to tell him that you are not dead yet.

Presumably he is under the trap of the mouse, and he dare not really take action against your family. "

Moreover, without knowing Dong Tianbao's true life and death, this Mr. Yuwen was afraid that he would not dare to take action against him and Qingniufangshi.

Killing two birds with one stone is a win-win situation again!

Only that Young Master Yuwen lost miserably.

Hearing this, Dong Tianbao finally became more energetic now, and told all kinds of private secrets of Yuwen Chenghuai one by one.

As Yuwen Chenghuai's protector, he guards him day and night, and he is almost standing by Yuwen Chenghuai's bed watching him play with women. Don't know too much about Dong Tianbao's secrets.

Fang Chang became more and more angry as he listened, and then became more and more angry.

"Damn it! Damn it! You bastard!"

"To have ruined so many girls from good families, the villain is innocent, and even seduced his own little mother!"

Fang Chang wrote down one by one, and said viciously:
"Wait, I will settle these accounts with him one by one."

Just because of a bastard like him who eats more and takes more, there are so many more sad singles in the world.

Dong Tianbao did not dare to touch Fang Chang's brow, and silently collected the corpse for himself.

There is no need for any geomantic treasures, just cut down a few big trees and made a simple coffin for it.

Although some ghosts are too far away, what if.

At that time, he still likes his original body.

So as long as you draw cakes anytime and anywhere, employees will eat them without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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