Chapter 143 Shadow Demon (Please Subscribe!!)

"Golden core real person?!"

Everyone exclaimed, with the same question as the white-faced swordsman in their hearts.

Where did Jindan Daoist come from?
If Yuanjue Temple had Jindan Daoist, how could it be so notorious now.

I saw a black-robed, silver-haired, skinny old man with shriveled cheeks descending from the sky, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a layer of hazy black mist, and several faces could be seen emerging from time to time, twisting like screams of innocent souls.

"Who dares to bully Yuanjue Temple?"

The gloomy old man spoke again, his voice was cold, like a gust of cold wind blowing behind everyone's backs, causing goosebumps.

When the great monk saw the old man, he rushed over immediately, fell to his knees, and shouted loudly:

"Senior brother, you are here! My disciple Huiming died so badly, his whole body was blown up, and there was not even a whole body left.

You must call the shots for us! "

Who would have thought that a great monk with such a vicious appearance could make such a gesture.

For a moment, everyone felt contempt and fear for him.

The white-faced swordsman swallowed his saliva, and asked vigorously:

"Who is the senior? I have never heard that there is such a person as the senior in Yuanjue Temple?
This is the grievance between our Changsong Sect and Yuanjue Temple, and it is an internal matter of the Eighteen Sect Alliance. The senior is Jindan Daoist, and he has no right to intervene in our affairs. "

The old man of prey sneered and replied:
"I used to have a nickname, but I stopped mentioning it when I entered Buddhism. Now you can call me Yuankong, which is the meaning of Junior Brother Yuanjue's hope that my practice will be complete and fully enlightened.

I am a member of Yuanjue Temple, how can I not control the affairs of Yuanjue Temple? "

The Great Monk Fu E also chimed in and said:
"Three years ago, senior brother Yuankong realized his enlightenment and converted to my Buddha. It was the presiding senior brother who personally accepted disciples on behalf of the master and brought them into our temple.

Because the presiding brother admired his Dharma, he was allowed to practice with his hair. "

Everyone present: "..."

Even if you can call the Buddha over, he doesn't look like a monk at all.

Because the great monk ordered his disciples to send out the distress signal of the golden light of the Buddha, more and more people gathered at this moment, almost all of the eighteen sects gathered.

Someone secretly claimed the identity of the old man who broke the shadow.

"He's a Shadow Demon!"

"The second Jindan Daoist after Qingniu Daoist—Shadow Demon!"

"Didn't he want to rebuild Wanying Tower? Why did he get involved with Yuanjue Temple?"

"Didn't you hear, he has converted to Buddhism now, tsk tsk..."

"I said long ago that there is a problem with Master Yuanjue's philosophy, and now something has happened."

"The reputation of Yuanjue Temple is ruined."

"Poor Master Yuanjue has no peace after his death."

Fang Chang, who had been in a state of confusion, listened to everyone's discussions, and also pondered something.

He has only heard the name of Shadow Demon, but never seen him.

Before, he thought that this guy threatened to rebuild the sect and join the alliance of eighteen sects. At least there will be a fight between dragons and tigers in this conference.

Unexpectedly, he fired a single shot and hooked up with Yuanjue Temple behind his back.

what is this?
Backdoor listing?

This empty-glove white wolf is almost the same as when he plotted with Li Hu at the Spirit Sword Gate.

However, Li Hu has Qin Jing's unique knowledge, Qin Jing's relics, the sect master's token, and their identities as fledglings, which perfectly fit the characteristics of closed disciples.

Therefore, everyone also recognized this muddled account.

But Shadow Demon is different.

Shadow Demon, as one of Annan Dao's newly promoted Jindan masters, naturally did not appear out of thin air.

It is rumored that he, as a fugitive disciple of the sect in the Liuyun Mountains, recruited disciples of other sects who were also displaced, and set up a killer organization, Shadow Killer, specializing in some dirty work, and occasionally acting as a looter and a comprehension bandit.

All villains in the organization.

The black and white Shuangsha who died in the hands of Fang Chang back then could be regarded as part-time peripheral killers of Shadow Killer, otherwise they would not have received orders for killers.

As such a notorious figure, it is naturally very difficult to join the Eighteen Sect Alliance and share the benefits of the Lingshi mine.

Fang Chang estimated at the beginning that the shadow demon might make a big fuss at the sect meeting, and he would even have to have a fight with Patriarch Biyun and Taoist Huolong before it subsides.

At that time, according to the strength of both parties, the compensation that should be compensated, and the one that should be let go.

It was a muddled account that the Wanying Building, where the Shadow Demon was born, was destroyed. Eighteen sects were all involved. It is impossible to give up any one of the eighteen sects for this reason.

So in the end, the attitude of the Zongmen Alliance must be tough.

In the end, Shadow Demon actually found another way, and found such a way - join if you can't beat it.

The reputation of Yuanjue Temple accepting villains has long been spread, and the belief that Master Yuanjue teaches without discrimination is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, Shadow Demon insisted that he had worshiped in Yuanjue Temple a few years ago, which somehow made people think it was possible.

And now that Master Yuanjue passed away, there is no proof of his death, and the other disciples of Yuanjue Temple, like the Great Monk Fu'e, admit that the shadow demon's alias is Yuankong.

So this sudden war of invasion turned into an internal affair of the alliance in an instant.

As for the farce performed in Yuanjue Temple today, there is only one reason in the final analysis, to make things bigger, so that the Shadow Demon has an excuse to come out in a fair manner.

With Yuanjuesi playing the role of a weak person, even if other people want to make a move, they have to worry about their reputation. After all, there is the golden core real person, Shadow Demon.

In addition, Fang Chang really couldn't think of the reason why Yuanjue Temple suddenly came forward to offend the four sects.

This competition has been premeditated for a long time, it is not only an excuse, but also a demonstration of strength.

As for the sacrificed disciples, who cares.

But can he succeed?
If this method of backdoor listing can be successful, then if there is no Jindan Daoist in the eighteen sects in the future, I am afraid that they will all suffer the same fate.

After all, who doesn't have a lost ancestor?

As long as the bones of the sect are weaker, they may be taken away by the foreign Jindan monks. The temptation of the Lingshi veins is too great for them to hold on.

Fang Chang secretly put away Maza and melon seeds, waiting for the development of the situation.

Anyway, it's the Changsong faction that's taking the piss now, not their Spirit Sword Sect, so I'm happy to watch the excitement.

Hearing the identity of the Shadow Demon, the white-faced swordsman turned even paler.

He didn't want to defy Jindan's real strength.

But at this moment, he couldn't bow his head.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his lips trembled, and he was speechless, seemingly afraid, but actually delaying time.

Finally in the midst of prayers he did not know how many times.

The owner of Zhengqi Villa is long overdue.

"Wait a minute!"

"If you have something to say, don't do it!"

A middle-aged man with a high crown and a rich belt, elegant and mature temperament came by the wind. The person who came was Ling Yun, the owner of Zhengqi Villa.

He stood between Changsong School and Yuanjue Temple, showing his impartial attitude.

"Accidents happen that no one can predict. Why don't you give me a face, let's sit down and have a good talk. There is a solution to everything."

"Okay, I would like to see what you plan to explain to me."

A little bit of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of the shady old man, but his face remained sullen.

The white-faced swordsman murmured: "I can't make a decision on this matter, I have to ask my head."

"It's easy to handle."

Ling Yun shouted to the side: "Master Duan, what do you think?"

It turned out that the head of the Changsong faction had already arrived, but he never showed up.

After the words were finished, a thin, bearded man walked out of the crowd. He looked quite capable.

He has never worn a sword, and his temperament is not very high, except for a pair of eyes, which are piercing and seem to glow.

And he is Duan Yiping, the leader of Changsong School.

"With brother Lingyun coming forward, I will not object."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "That's good, while all friends are here, everyone listens, so that no one will really bully others."

"Who will speak first?"

"I come!"

The white-faced swordsman lifted his spirits when he heard Ling Yun's words, and told the truth about what happened just now.

"...The other three factions can all testify for me in this matter, and there is absolutely no falsehood. The Yuanjue Temple failed to provoke, and used it to frame it. It is really hateful!"

After hearing this, Ling Yun looked in the direction of Yuanjue Temple.

"Secretary Fu E, do you have any objections to Elder Xue's words?"

He intentionally or unintentionally ignored the existence of Shadow Demon.

The timing of Shadow Demon's appearance was too good. As a landlord, he had to deal with the dispute between the two factions first.

As for the specific identity of the Shadow Demon, without the presence of the two masters of the Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect, he would not be able to suppress it on his own.

Even if the two real people don't show up at this time, they may have already expressed a certain attitude.

If he was a bad guy in vain, he would offend Shadow Demon, the new Jindan real person, and it would be very embarrassing to meet him in the future.

And the great monk who was backed by Shadow Demon continued his performance at this moment.

"Nonsense! Total nonsense!"

"It's obvious that the four sects of them joined forces to bully others. Poor poor monk, in the Mood for Love, lost his life because of their sparring before he had time to see the world."

"Fortunately, there is Senior Brother Yuankong in my Yuanjue Temple, otherwise our Yuanjue Temple will suffer this injustice today."

"The poor monk knows that the monks in Yuanjue Temple made mistakes before becoming a monk, but no one can make mistakes. The presiding brother taught us to be kind, and we have changed.

You don't want to give us a chance. "

"Poor monk, poor apprentice!"

As he spoke, the great monk's eyes were red and weeping.

"Buddha, the poor monk is a monk, don't tell lies, otherwise you will go to the tongue-pulling hell after death."

People from the four factions: "..."

Now they will never believe in Buddhism.

The white-faced swordsman blushed with anger.

"What nonsense!"

But the great monk shouted: "Then do you dare to swear? Did you tell your disciple not to hold back just now, and that's why you killed the poor monk's disciple.

Is this what you said?
Can you swear it? ! "

The white-faced swordsman pointed at the monk angrily, his eyes tearing apart: "You were the one who provoked first! Shameless! Really shameless!"

The great monk looked even more angry: "The poor monk only asks you if you said that. If not, do you dare to swear?"

At this moment, the female cultivator of Baicao Valley couldn't stand it any longer.

"Fu E, don't be so eloquent, Senior Brother Xue's words are true, it's all because you provoked first and refused to help your own disciples, I, Baicao Valley, can testify to this matter."

"The Tiangong faction can also testify."

The Tiangong faction monk who had been silent all this time spoke.

"The same goes for the Spirit Sword Gate!"

Elder Tang looked at Fang Chang with his eyes, and seeing him chin slightly, he immediately straightened his back and responded loudly.

The great monk directly sprayed it four times: "You four snakes and rats have a nest, so naturally you give false testimony to each other. If the poor monk doesn't believe in the world, there will be no justice!"

Ling Yun knew that this matter was unclear.

It is not good for anyone if the public says that the public is right and the wife says that the woman is reasonable.

He thought in his heart that if someone wants to hold another exchange meeting on his home site in the future, he must either sign a life and death certificate, or arrange a picture crystal.

Otherwise, just by opening your mouth, you can stir up three points even if you don't reason.

Besides, at this moment, does the truth matter?

Ling Yun glanced at the oppressive Shadow Demon who didn't say anything, sighed silently, and asked:
"Senior Yuankong, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Shadow Demon said: "Pay back the debt, pay for the murder, hand over the murderer, and the other four families will apologize to the disciple who died in this temple, then I can forget the past."

Ling Yun looked at Duan Yiping again.

Duan Yiping maintained a calm smile on his face, even when he heard the threat from the shadow demon, he just said indifferently:
"I believe Elder Xue's words, and I can't do it even more if I hand over my disciples."

Shadow Demon smiled coldly: "Are you provoking me?"

Duan Yiping remained calm: "This is Zhengqi Villa, the land of the alliance of eighteen sects. Senior wants to use the big to bully the small, so I'm afraid I found the wrong place."

As soon as this remark came out, not only the disciples of his own sect were moved, but also the disciples of the other three sects felt that the head of Duan was responsible and not afraid of power.

Only Fang Chang glanced at Duan Yiping in surprise.

Since Mrs. Qin's elder brother can use his younger sister to marry him, he shouldn't be such a tough person.

Is there another secret?

"Good good!!"

Shadow Demon uttered three good words in a row, the pressure in the air increased, and a huge ghost figure sprang up from behind him, as if to wrap half of the sky.

A clear light swayed in front of Ling Yun, dispelling the power in front of him, and maintaining a decent appearance.

"Senior, this is Zhengqi Villa!"

Shadow Demon stopped moving, took a deep look at Ling Yun, and said:
"Since this is the case, I will give Zhengqi Villa a face, but this matter must be settled, so let's go to the stage of life and death according to the alliance agreement.

Of course, if you don't think that I am a member of Yuanjue Temple, then I don't have to follow the rules. "

In order to avoid the civil war among the eighteen sects, the great sect found an excuse to annex them, so when disputes inevitably arise between the two sides, there is still a choice between life and death in the end.

At that time, two referees from the Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect will be invited. Once they take the stage, life and death will be irrelevant, and all grievances will be eliminated.

If anyone retaliates afterwards, his share of spirit stones will be deducted and distributed to other sects, so everyone is willing to be this supervisor.

But the eighteen sects are relatively restrained, and none of them is on the stage of life and death. Usually, even if there is a conflict, each other will hold hands.

The main reason is that the establishment period of the alliance is relatively short, and there are also reasons for the abundance of cultivation resources year by year.

Duan Yiping nodded slightly: "That's it."

"Even if my disciples die, they will die standing up!"

The disciple Qiu Ming behind him was moved to tears:
"Master, I will not let you down!"

"it is good!"

"At the next day's meeting, I invite Patriarch Biyun and Taoist Huolong to be witnesses. We will see you on the stage of life and death!"

Seeing Duan Yiping, the Shadow Demon didn't let go of his mouth, and led others away in a huff.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned to look at the other three factions.

"By the way, all four of you can go!"

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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