Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 145 Conspiracy and New Rules

Chapter 145 Conspiracy and New Rules
Just when Fang Chang finally found a chance to pretend to be aggressive, someone was also not idle.

Zhengqi Villa Center.

A tall building that can overlook half of the mountain villa is called Zhengqi Building.

Top floor platform.

Four people are making tea and talking.

If there were people from eighteen sects present, they would definitely be shocked to see these four people.

Because they are the Patriarch Biyun, Taoist Huolong, Shadow Demon, and Ling Xiao, the former owner of Zhengqi Villa.

The former owner has white hair, but looks like a young man with fair complexion and full of vitality.

If he dyed his hair black, he might be younger than his son.

The first three are all Jindan real people, and now Ling Xiao can sit on an equal footing with them, and his cultivation level is self-evident.

Obviously, the reclusive former owner has quietly broken through the golden core realm.

"Brother Ling is very elegant, hiding in this upright building, forming a family of his own, who cares about spring and autumn, winter and summer outside the building, this kind of leisure, I really envy you.

Now he has become a real person, just sit and watch the situation.

Upright upstairs, the scenery is unique. "

Patriarch Biyun picked up his teacup, looked at the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky, and sighed with emotion.

Ling Xiao said with a self-conscious smile: "I am a person who is dying, but with the help of the power of heaven and earth, and a little bit of luck, it is just a fluke."

"Being able to become a golden elixir, all breakthroughs are not a fluke, Ling Xiao, you old guy is still so hypocritical."

Huolong Taoist is as fierce as fire, and he never hides his words.

In other words, mouth stink.

But who let his strength lie there, Patriarch Biyun and Ling Xiao smiled wryly when they heard the words, as if they couldn't do anything about him.

As for how many times he had been killed in his heart, only God knows.

Only the fourth person, Shadow Demon, as the newly joined Jindan real person, is not smiling at the moment, nor is he not smiling, and he is awkward there the whole time.

"Let's gossip less, since we are all sitting at the same table, let's talk straight."

While talking, Taoist Huolong was playing with a small fiery red round stove in his hand.

The stove has three legs, and five fire dragons are wrapped around the body of the stove. The five dragons point upwards and breathe fire, which is lifelike.

He suddenly put down the stove and said: "Thirty years have passed, some sects are obsessed with their past achievements, and they can't keep up with us.

Just like the sects at the bottom of the ranking, the sect master didn't even come to this sect conference, it seems that they are determined to admit defeat.

Anyway, there is a guaranteed share, so I just admit defeat.

For this kind of people, it would be a waste to give resources to them, so why not just give them to us to train more disciples.

This time the Zongmen Conference, I plan to keep only half, that is, the Jiu Family, what's your opinion? "

"Nine families?"

Patriarch Biyun smiled slightly, but what he said made people feel cold.

"Is it too much, Brother Ling, what do you think?"

Ling Xiao nodded: "Brother Xia's words are very true. In the past, there were mixed fish and dragons in the Liuyun Mountains, so we had to hug each other to keep warm.

But for a long time, I was the one who waited in front of us to fight the enemy bravely, and only then did we have the grand occasion of the Zongmen Alliance today.

Those sects ranked at the bottom only took advantage of a momentary opportunity, how could they sit back and enjoy this achievement.

When we first formed the alliance, many of us didn't even break through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

But now, some people are still wasting their time in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and some have already hit the Gold Core Realm.

If you don't work hard, you should be eliminated.

The 30-year share is worthy of the original alliance. "

"Nine are still too many, let's count it as five."

"Biyun Sect, Fire Dragon Sect, Zhengqi Villa, Yuanjue Temple, and the rest of the family, we must give them something to think about."

The implication is that without Daoist Jindan, he is not eligible to join their new alliance.

Huolong Taoist frowned: "Only five families are left? Too few, Yiqingshan, Tiangong School, Lingjianmen, just these three schools, the strength of any one should not be underestimated.

If they start to make a fuss, don't we have to take action to suppress it ourselves?
Once we make a move, we will only let others take advantage of it.

Don't forget that old fox in Yang Lu has been eyeing us all the time. We have forced too many sects to rebel. Once they join the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion for revenge, the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion will take a big advantage for nothing and cultivate an enemy for us for nothing? "

This is why they are reluctant to use ultimate violence.

Otherwise, these Jindan real people have already reached an agreement, so there is no need to leave other places for them.

An extra share, that is hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, who doesn't like it.

However, practice is never simply fighting and killing. Before suppressing all dissatisfied forces, compromise will be everywhere.

Patriarch Biyun pondered for a moment, then said: "The Daoist Master Yiqing was in the Foundation Establishment Realm 30 years ago, and he was also known as the old man. Although he has rarely made a move in the past ten years, his strength cannot be underestimated.

If he is not old yet, and even breaks through the golden core realm secretly, he will give them a place at that time.

But the Tiangong faction is probably your selfishness, Fire Dragon.

Although their organ creations are powerful, their weakness is that they are not good at fighting. I know that the Tiangong faction is a partner of the Fire Dragon Sect. What promise did you give them in private?
This is everyone's interest, and your small calculations are not allowed.

As for the Spirit Sword Sect, after Qin Jing's death, the juniors were still a little short of success.

Again, if you really have the ability, it is not impossible to give them a place.

Five families are indeed a little less, let's change it to six. "

"From now on, the Lingshi mine vein will be divided equally between the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect, and the remaining [-]%. Let the four of you discuss it."

"What do you think?"

Patriarch Biyun looked at the three of them.

Huolong Taoist heard such a distribution, muttered in his mouth, but did not object.

He did have some selfish intentions, and now that Patriarch Biyun pointed it out, he thought about giving some compensation to the Tiangong faction in private.

Maybe he can take the opportunity to let the Tiangong faction merge into his Fire Dragon Sect.

Ling Xiao nodded slightly.

Biyunzong and Huolongxiong have dominated the Liuyun Mountain Range for many years, and the strength of the two sects is definitely not comparable to them with an extra Jindan real person.

Now they only ask for [-]% more than before, which is already a great deal of face.

The remaining [-]%, even if it is divided equally, they should have [-]%.

What's more, the other two don't have Golden Core monks yet.

As for Shadow Demon, I have no opinion.

"Of course, Fire Dragon's worries are not unreasonable."

Patriarch Biyun looked at Shadow Demon: "Brother Wan, I will leave this matter to you."

Shadow Demon's original name was Wan'an, and Wan from Wanyinglou. As for Biyun's ancestor, his original name was Xia Wuhui, so Ling Xiao would call him Brother Xia.

Only Taoist Huolong never used his original name, and his nickname was Fire Wolf when he debuted. Later, after he got the magic weapon Wulongshen Furnace, he changed his name to Taoist Huolong.

Hearing this, the Shadow Demon smiled suddenly on his dark and prey face.

This is where the value of him being able to join in midway lies.

The other three families cherish the feathers, and he doesn't do more dirty work, so he is not qualified to enter the venue to share the cake.

"Please don't worry, I will let them withdraw with dignity. If they don't want to be decent, I will give them dignity."

He has never been a loner, and his notorious shadow killer is enough to give other small sects a decent exit.

It's not impossible for him to take action himself when necessary.

As a killer, he has never used the concept of bullying the small, and only kills with one blow.


The next day.

The Zongmen Conference was officially held in the Martial Arts Field of Zhengqi Villa.

Ling Yun, the current owner of Zhengqi Villa, served as the host, while Biyunzong and Huolongzong attended the scene as the acting leaders of the Eighteen Sect Alliance.

The other sects who made up the number also came together.

It's just that today's atmosphere is not as lively as in the past, but a little more quiet and chilling.

The Zongmen area at the bottom of the ranking is even more terrifyingly quiet.

They seem to have predicted their own fate, but they still have a glimmer of expectation.

Mrs. Qin recalled the scene of the last Zongmen Conference, and she always felt that something was wrong. She felt a little nervous, and felt that something was going to happen.

"Jianchun, it's better for us to be careful in this meeting, otherwise we won't fight, your safety is the most important thing."

She whispered to Li Hu.

Hearing this, Li Hu unconsciously slid his finger between his brows, and responded with his jaw:
"Aunt Fang, don't worry."

As for not fighting, that is impossible.

After all, Fang Chang had finished pretending to be forced, if he didn't come up now, he would trap Fang Chang in unbelief and himself in injustice.

In addition, Jindan Daoist, he already had the intention of competing.

Think of what Fang Chang said to him.

The best way to gain respect from others is to fight.

And that's what he's good at.

Fang Chang leaned crookedly on the seat beside him, his face was slightly pale, the iron pillar standing behind him massaged his temples, and the gentle magic power combed his blood.

"Brother, is this comfortable?"

Fang Chang replied weakly: "Well, the strength is very good."

Elder Tang glanced at Fang Chang intentionally or unintentionally.

Why did this deacon Fang go out with the sect master, as if he was drained, but the sect master was full of energy and looked radiant.

This is really hard not to misunderstand.

Next door to Spirit Sword Gate are the residences of Changsong Sect and Baicao Valley.

At this moment, both Duan Yiping and Huarou looked gloomy.

Although Fang Chang's cowhide was very loud, everything was a verbal agreement, and if he really agreed, it would depend on the next development.

If Li Jianchun loses to Shadow Demon, what he said before is a blank slate.

If they win, or even kill the Shadow Demon as Fang Chang said, then it will be very difficult for them to end if they don't agree.

But just handing over their own foundation to others, from the top leader of the sect to the master of the line, how can they be in a good mood.

For a moment, they didn't know whether they should pray for Li Jianchun to win or lose.

"Cough cough!"

Ling Yun stood on the stage and coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention.

"Today is the time for the third Zongmen Conference, Zhengqi Villa is honored to be able to serve you for three consecutive sessions.

But here, Ling still wants to say goodbye to everyone.

After this conference is over, many of us may leave sadly and never have the opportunity to participate in the conference again. "

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd exploded.


"What does Master Ling's words mean? Why can't we see each other?"

"Could it be that the rumors are true that the Zongmen Alliance wants to kick us out?"

"People from Fire Dragon Sect and Biyun Sect, come out and talk!"

"We have shed blood for the alliance, we have made contributions to the alliance, you can't do this to us!"

Most of the people who spoke were those sects at the bottom of the ranking.

Especially those sects at the end that Taoist Huolong mentioned didn't even come over. They were fine, but they were kicked out suddenly. How did they go back and explain to their own masters.

The most important thing is, without the income of the alliance, how will they live in the future.

But the middle-ranked sects were silent.

Since Ling Yun dared to reveal this news in public, it meant that some things had already been discussed behind the scenes, so there was no room for them to object.

Fortunately, the tandem of these few days has worked.

They exchanged eyes with each other, their lips moved, and their spiritual consciousness began to transmit sound.

It is of course impossible to be kicked out without saying a word. Together, they still have the power to make the two sects afraid.

Even if he is going to be kicked out, at least the compensation must be in place.

"Who is making noise!"

A majestic voice came, and the figure of Patriarch Biyun appeared on the stage.

The others were about to speak when they saw Taoist Huolong appearing on the stage, sweeping down with fiery power, his eyes were not angry but mighty.

Then there's Shadow Fiend.

His sinister face and ghostly demeanor make people shudder.

There is also Ling Xiao's ethereal figure with fluttering white hair. Although his temperament is chic and ethereal, the power of Jindan Daoist is still unreservedly released.

"Four, four Golden Cores?!"

Now everyone is speechless.

Two Jindan real people, they can also force a fragile balance by standing in line.

Now that four Jindan real people appear all of a sudden, how can they fight.

When Ling Yun saw that the crowd had suddenly quieted down, he pressed his hands down, and his voice, hidden in mana, spread throughout the venue.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, I blame Ling for not explaining clearly just now, the so-called no longer meeting is only out of consideration for the future development of the Zongmen Alliance.

The two leaders of the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect, as well as the newly formed Alliance Council of Elders decided to eliminate some incompetent people in the alliance.

Hence the decision to streamline the sect today. "

"As for how to distinguish whether you are eligible to stay in the alliance, it is actually very simple. In the cultivation world, strength is the most important thing, as long as you can meet any one of the two conditions.

First, there are one or more Jindan real people sitting in the gate.

Second, there are more than [-] foundation-building monks in the gate, among which there must be more than three foundation-building late-stage monks.

In addition, the sects that do not meet this condition must be downgraded to the alliance's reserve sects. Only after the conditions are met in the future can they formally join the alliance again. "

In the end, Patriarch Biyun and the others decided to leave a thought for the other sects, otherwise it would be a big trouble if they were completely forced back.

After Ling Yun announced the conditions, some people were ashamed, and some secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the resistance was greatly reduced.

Although Jindan Daoist and the others don't have them, there are still twenty Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The big deal is to merge the sects, one sect is not enough, a few more sects will be fine, it is better than facing four Jindan real people.

Just like the little league that Duan Yiping thought about, everyone else has this idea more or less.

Now it's just a step further.

As for who will be the boss in the future, it is better to take a step forward than to be out of the game.

Soon someone stood up and announced loudly:
"From today onwards, Dikui Sect, Shenxing Sect, Wuhu Mountain, and Feiyun Sect will be merged into one sect, named Liuyun Sect!"

After finishing speaking, the man looked at the four real people on the stage.

"Several real people, I don't know if this is a violation of the regulations?"

(End of this chapter)

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