Chapter 147 Some people pretend to be aggressive in public, and some people move forward with heavy burdens (first order 1200 plus more)

The golden core supernatural power is one of the most important reliance for a golden core monk to crush other low-level monks.

When the golden core monk breaks through, there will be a sense of heaven and man, and he will comprehend the so-called laws of heaven and earth, and at the same time, a brand new innate spiritual art will spontaneously form on the golden core.

This innate spiritual technique is inspired by golden core, and its power is multiplied several times higher than that of ordinary spiritual techniques. It is also called supernatural power, which means great supernatural power.

Generally, the golden core supernatural powers of golden core monks belong to the hole cards and are not used as regular combat power.

The reason is that the release of the golden core supernatural power consumes too much, and it also consumes a lot of the golden core monk's alchemy.

Once the Dan yuan is consumed excessively, it is quite difficult to recover.

And if the alchemy is not restored, it will be difficult for the monks to improve their cultivation.

Therefore, to use the golden core supernatural power, in a sense, is to overdraw the training time of the golden core monks.

But once the Jindan supernatural power is used, its power is self-evident.

Shadow Demon would never have been willing to use his supernatural powers if he hadn't wanted to quickly take down Li Hu and correct his majesty as a new real person.

With the release of supernatural powers, the Shadow Demon's body instantly split into three, turning into three black shadows and passing by Li Hu.

"Triple Shadow Killing Technique!"

The Shadow Demon's figure reappeared, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes, and it was quite a burden for him to activate the golden core supernatural power.

This triple shadow killing technique is a variant of the assassination spirit technique shadow kill that he is best at. After it is burned on the golden core, it becomes his golden core supernatural power.

When activated, this golden core supernatural power can instantly concentrate the attack of three times its power on one point and explode in the enemy's body.

Although he didn't know why Li Hu, the head of the Spirit Sword Sect, had such a strong physique, but with his shadow killing technique, which was born out of assassination and specialized in piercing armor and breaking spells, he wanted to drink hatred on the spot.

And Li Hu, who had acquired this supernatural power, stood frozen on the spot.

He only felt that his heart split apart as the Shadow Demon passed by, and endless pain erupted in his body.

His external skin was originally harmonious, but at this moment, cracks were exposed like broken porcelain.

A trace of blood seeped out from the crack and drifted away with the wind.

The evil ghost hiding in the soul-devouring wind is like a shark that asks for a fishy smell, and it gets excited instantly.

These evil spirits would rather bear the burning pain of the furnace of blood and energy, but also drilled into Li Hu's body and sucked away a trace of his energy.

A layer of bloody qi exploded on the surface of the body.

His hegemony was broken.

But without the Hegemony Body, he still has the Big Dipper Dharma Body, and the Giant Spirit God Body!

Li Hu raised his head to the sky and screamed, his body's blood energy exploded like the sun, and infinite light and heat burst out from his body.

But Shadow Demon showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.A piece of porcelain full of cracks can turn him into powder with just a light touch.

No matter how much you struggle, it's useless.

He was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his spiritual sense, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

what happened?

The Shadow Demon found that Li Hu had disappeared from his spiritual consciousness.

What about people?

The sky above his head suddenly turned black, and as soon as he raised his head, he saw a huge shadow descending like a meteorite.

"What the hell?"

Shadow Fiend retreated, only to find that the shadow above his head was following him everywhere, even a little faster than him.

As soon as he raised his palm, a streak of black mana turned into a sharp blade and slashed away.

I saw a huge palm shattering his mana, and then it was overwhelming towards his head.

Is this a person?

Shadow Fiend finally saw clearly what this shadow really looked like.

That was a gigantic person. Instead of becoming clumsy with the gigantic growth, his body became even faster.

Shadow Fiend was captured.

It was held tightly in the giant's hand like a little chick, only one head and two feet were exposed, and his face was flushed red.

"You admit defeat now, I won't kill you."

The humming sound was like thunder, the giant lowered his head, black brilliance flashed in his eyes, revealing a bit of bloodthirsty desire.

On the other hand, there was a look of struggle on the giant's face, as if he was restraining something.

"You are... Li Jianchun?"

Shadow Demon looked at this familiar face, wasn't it the Spirit Sword Sect Master who just fought with him.

"Aren't you a sword cultivator?"

The Shadow Demon struggled left and right, and found that Li Hu's hands were stronger than magic weapons, and the magic power of the golden core around his body was as weak as cotton, which couldn't hurt him at all.

Mad, liar!

Shadow Demon could only feel the pressure on his palm increasing, and he seemed to be able to hear the crisp sound of his bones being squeezed.

But throw in the towel?

Shadow Demon smiled coldly.

"You too?"

As soon as he opened his mouth to spit out, a black light shot out, directly entering the center of Li Hu's eyebrows.

This is his hidden trump card, named the Broken God Three-Inch Nail, and it is a one-time magic weapon that specializes in the soul.

Even the Jindan cultivator was attacked by this sneak attack, and his mind and soul were damaged, and he was reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in a daze.

As the boss of an assassin organization, how can he not have a few cards in his hole.

But he didn't know what was hidden between the big man's eyebrows.

A black line emerged between Li Hu's brows.

At this moment, Shadow Demon seemed to see the eyes of the sky, which were so majestic, mysterious, and full of ruthlessness.

A black light shot out.

The Broken God Three Inch Nails are like snowflakes under the scorching sun, melting little by little.

"I think……"

The Shadow Demon opened his mouth to speak, but the black light had already hit his sea of ​​consciousness between the brows.


All souls are silent!

The shadow demon's breath disappeared.

The place was silent.

No one could have imagined that a Jindan real person would die so easily and hastily.

That's Jindan!

Li Hu landed slowly, and his body slowly returned to the size of a normal person.

The bone soul-eating staff fell into the air and was inserted obliquely on the floor of the square, as if paying homage to something.

The Shadow Demon's corpse was thrown out by Li Hu casually, twisted and piled together like a broken sack, the bones on his body were all broken with a single grip, and it was just a pile of rotten flesh at this moment.

Li Hu's cold and indifferent eyes swept over the three Jindan real people on the stage one by one.

Especially Ling Xiao, who also just broke through, couldn't help but feel chills rising from his back, as if he was being targeted by some terrifying existence, and he was about to be killed at any time.

And Patriarch Biyun and Taoist Huolong also showed fear in their eyes.

At this moment, Li Hu is qualified to make them face up to him.

Li Hu closed his eyes slowly, and the black line between his brows gradually disappeared.

the other side.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

In the area of ​​Spirit Sword Gate, Tie Zhu only felt that his brother's mood suddenly dropped, and he had the illusion that life was loveless.

"I'm fine, just sour."

Fang Chang picked a lemon silently.

Some people pretend to be coercive in public, while others carry forward with heavy burdens.

And he happens to be the one carrying the weight forward.

Li Hu was able to get rid of the Shadow Demon so easily, thanks to the Eye of the Heavenly Demon in the center of his eyebrows.

After all, it was he who came up with the idea to let Li Hu go to fight Jindan Daoist, so he would naturally have to take some responsibility. The Omen's Eye, which has been charged once with the celestial light, is his trump card for Li Hu.

And the reason why Li Hu was able to ignore those spiritual attacks just now was also because the Eye of Heavenly Demon escorted him.

But these effects are at the cost of his permanent loss of spirit. Fortunately, he can recover through the puppet's shared attribute, otherwise Fang Chang would never dare to do so.

However, he also felt that the demon's eye was inherently demonic, and wanted to affect Li Hu's mind, so he quickly cut off the power supply of the demon's eye.

(End of this chapter)

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