Chapter 157 Common Fate
The next day.

Qianzhu County.

Incense pharmacy.

A pair of young men and women were busy in front of the hall, and two cute children in white aprons from the pharmacy followed suit.

If you look carefully, you can find that the little boy's eyes are a little dull. Although his movements are quick and clean, they have a mechanical taste.

"Is there a problem?"

The woman packed the medicinal materials she had grasped and was about to put them down when she saw a long shadow on the ground, knowing that someone was coming, she raised her head and asked.

Then her hands trembled, and the medicine bag almost fell.

"How did you come?"

She unconsciously pulled her hair back, trying to show her best look.

Fang Chang walked in with a smile: "I'll come and see Uncle Xu."

The woman was Xu Xinlan, Uncle Xu's granddaughter, Fang Chang's half-green plum.

"Xiaolan, who is he?"

At this time, the man leaned over with full of vigilance and asked.

"Hi, I'm Xiaolan's husband, you can call me Xu Zhigao."

"I know your name, but I didn't expect to be able to join Xu's family for Xiaolan. To be honest, I still admire it."

Fang Chang didn't seem to see the guard in the man's eyes, and greeted him with a smile.

"You can call me Fang Chang, um, Xiao Lan's former neighbor."

No one will always be in place waiting for someone.

Xu Xinlan, the seemingly weak girl next door, actually has her own ideas in her heart.

After finding out that Fang Chang really has no intentions of her, and his grandfather is getting older, he wants to see her get married, and someone will take care of her in the future.

So she didn't insist on anything, and found a man who loved her to marry.

The man is obedient to her and takes good care of her. She has lived a very happy life in the past few years.

Besides, this man was able to change his surname into Xu's family for her, which is more than 90.00% of men in the world.

When the man heard Fang Chang's name, he still didn't react, and then his expression changed, and he said in surprise:
"Boss Fang!"

He seemed to know Fang Chang's identity, and was very pleasantly surprised by Fang Chang's arrival.

No matter what kind of person Fang Chang is, especially after he has reached the realm of a master, he is very sensitive to the emotional changes in people's hearts.

"Well, it's me."

Fang Chang's smile disappeared without knowing when, and he nodded slightly.

"Take me to see Uncle Xu."

"this way please."

The man was very enthusiastic.

And Xiaolan is more silent.

As the two arrived at the house behind the pharmacy, as soon as Fang Chang approached, he seemed to smell a decaying smell, which was the aging spirit of the old man.

The man was still talking about Uncle Xu's situation.

"Since the beginning of the year, Grandpa's condition has become worse and worse, and I don't know if he can survive this spring safely.

The sun is good today. Grandpa is in better condition and is basking in the sun in the yard. "

Under a big tree with only a few green shoots, an old man with all white hair was lying on a rocking chair, covered with a blanket, facing the sun, squinting his eyes and sleeping peacefully.

There was another boy standing by his side.

It seemed that the arrival of several people brought noises, and the old man slowly opened his eyes.

"Fang Chang? Are you here?"

The old man's voice was very weak, and he felt a little powerless.

"It's me, Uncle Xu, here I come."

Fang Chang nodded with a smile. Seeing that the old man seemed to want to sit up, he stepped forward to hold him and gave him a hand.

As soon as he took it, he found that the old man's palm was slightly cold, obviously his blood had been lost.

"Xiaolan, Zhigao, go get busy first, I have something to say to Fang Chang." The old man said.

The man glanced at Fang Chang, and was pulled by Xiao Lan before he nodded and said:

"Okay, Grandpa, let Xiao An call me if you need something."

Xiaoan is the little boy standing beside the old man. It is a puppet specially made by Fang Chang and given to the old man. It has certain intelligence.

Also, the two children in the hall were also puppets.

It wasn't until the two of them left that the old man looked at Fang Chang for a long time.

Fang Chang was not in a hurry, and moved a stone bench to sit next to the old man, who was still watching with a gentle smile on his face.

"Fang Chang."

The old man spoke slowly.

"I'm here." Fang Chang replied.

"It's been ten years in a blink of an eye." The old man said with emotion. "You are still as young as ever, but I am already dying."

Fang Chang said with a smile: "As long as you are always willing, I can cut down the scriptures and wash the marrow for you now, not to mention reborn, and live a new life, but if you want to let you live another 20 years, it will not be a problem."

The old man refused.

"It can't be done. There is a definite number for life and death, so why should I force it. If I live for 20 years today.

After 20 years, I am afraid that I want to live another hundred years, so what should I do then?
Instead of dying with pain and unwillingness in the end, it is better to accept your own death calmly just like now.

It's just that I still have one regret, so I have the audacity to ask Xiao Zhu to pass me a message, please come and see the old man. "

Fang Chang said: "Old man Xu, I have always remembered your care for me back then. If you have anything to ask, please tell me, and the boy will take care of it."

The old man smiled and said: "You are a cunning, people who don't know think you owe me a lot of kindness.

It's just a few doses of medicine, not to mention that you paid back the money afterwards, which is too much.

You have taken care of me all these years, this little kindness has long been repaid. "

Fang Changdao: "As the saying goes, goose feathers are sent from thousands of miles away, and the gift is light and the affection is heavy.

For the boy, the few medicines you took at that time were not just a few medicines, but also a love in the world, which gave me a real feeling about the world.

You have been refusing to accept my panacea all these years, presumably because you think the boy wants to use these panacea to cut off the secular relationship between me and you. "

The old man smiled embarrassedly like a child who was caught stealing candy.

"The old man's thoughts are all for you to see."

"There is only this little love between us, if you use one point or one point less, you are already a dragon in the sky, and we are just ants on the ground.

But the old man wanted to leave some kindness for Xiaolan, so he had no choice but to do so. "

Fang Chang was silent for a while, but he didn't deny it, he just asked:
"What do you always want me to promise you?"

The old man was silent for a while, and replied: "The old man would like to ask you to help me take good care of Xiaolan, so that she can live out her life safely and happily."

Fang Chang said indifferently: "Xiao Lan already has her own family and her own life. She will live happily in her life."

The implication is that he is only responsible for the life of the old man, and at most he takes care of his granddaughter.

This kind of promise for a lifetime is too heavy, and he doesn't want to give it.

The light in the old man's eyes gradually extinguished with Fang Chang's words, and he smiled wryly:

"It's the old man's extravagant request."

Fang Chang said, "Why don't you make another request?"

The old man thought for a long time before saying: "Then please look at my old man's last face. If Xiaolan asks you for help in the future, please help her."

Only then did Fang Chang nod: "It's natural."

"That's good, that's good." The old man laughed happily, "The old man will have no regrets."

"Finally, the old man has one more question, please be sure to tell me the truth."

 And at night.Thank you Fengshuang Yexue for the 1500 tip, Mr. Hey, your Sophie dropped the 100100 tip, and the Hairen’s city drifting 1500 tip, please praise me for the 500 tip.The leader adds ten changes, and there are more than one hundred monthly tickets, a total of eleven changes, which will be paid in the next six days.

(End of this chapter)

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