Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 160 Golden Elixir!Jindan!

Chapter 160 Golden Elixir!Jindan!
The moonlight is cold, like a veil falling through the window.


Dongdong was wearing a gauze, her snow-white complexion reflected the moonlight, her whiteness seemed to be shining, she sat cross-legged, with a holy look on her face.

On the other hand, Fang Chang's upper body was bare, and his lower body was concealed, but there was no trace of lewdness on his face, only a calm and serious look that was ready for battle.

"Are you ready?"

Although he had been prepared for a long time, at this moment, Dongdong's face was still a little nervous.

"Well, ready."

Slender and slender fingers gently untied the ribbon around the waist, and the clothes peeled off like eggshells, revealing the delicate protein inside.

"Then I'm here?"

"bring it on."

Fang Chang made a pinch in his hand, and a wisp of white mist emerged from his palm, filling the whole room in a short while.

He worked silently.

"Buyang Record!"

After all, this extremely evil method of dual cultivation of magic and path was exchanged for him to practice and deeply criticize.

The effect is really good.

With the operation of the exercises, the cold feeling gradually turned into wisps of warm breath and circulated throughout the body.

As the breath circulated, the dark wounds and tiny breaks in the meridians that he hadn't noticed even with inner inspection usually seemed to be equipped with a magnifying glass.

Fang Chang guided his breath to heal these hidden wounds one by one.

He could feel that his body was tending toward a pseudo-perfect state.


Gold is something that is firm and indestructible; elixir is something that is perfect, bright and clean.

The word Jindan originally meant a kind of consummation.

As the third major realm of practice realm, Jindan Realm can be regarded as the beginning of entering the hall, and it is the first major hurdle on the road to longevity.

At this stage, from the physical body to the soul, it has entered a state of life evolution.

Therefore, compared with the 200 years of Foundation Establishment, the lifespan of Jindan has more than doubled, reaching [-] years.

What's more, it can reach eight hundred years.

A monk in the Golden Core Realm can call himself an Ancestor, because at this stage, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, he can become an Ancestor.

Jindan breakthrough can be roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is refinement, which is for the perfection of the physical body. Only a dust-free physical body has the potential to breed the golden elixir and has the basis to carry the golden elixir.

Of course, consummation has always been a false proposition.

There has always been relative perfection, not absolute perfection.

So it is only necessary for the physical body to reach a relative strength to satisfy the first condition.

The choice of this strength generally depends on the rank of the golden core.

Just like the breakthrough of the foundation building realm, there are three foundation building methods of heaven, earth and man, and each method of foundation building will bring different benefits.

There are also ranks of golden elixir, which can be subdivided into nine ranks, from ninth rank to first rank, and there is also the legendary golden elixir-Wu Leu golden elixir.

A few grades of golden elixir not only means the monk's own potential, but also the strength of the supernatural power that can be carried on it.

You must know that the strongest hole card of the Jindan cultivator is the supernatural power of the Jindan, so each rank of Jindan represents a real difference in combat power.

There is almost a crushing gap between high-grade golden pills and low-grade golden pills. Therefore, the realm of golden pills is also the realm with the largest gap in combat power.

Among them, the supreme genius can fight against the ranks by virtue of the supernatural power of the golden elixir, and use the golden elixir to suppress the Nascent Soul, while the weak are slightly higher than the realm of foundation establishment, and are nailed to the pillar of shame of the golden elixir.

Of course, low-grade golden elixirs are mostly pursued in longevity, so the golden elixir realm has become the realm where monks are most likely to fall.

The general thinking is that a few hundred years is enough, and it is time to enjoy it when you practice hard when you are young.

With the help of Dongdong's Yin Yuan, Fang Chang took the first step of breaking through the golden core very smoothly, and his physical body soon entered a perfect state.

The original huge qi vortex in the dantian slowly returned to one point, and it could be seen that an illusory pill was born. There were also illusory pill patterns on the pill, and each pill pattern represented the gap of a first rank.

These lines all represent the defects of the golden elixir, and they are also the defects of the Tao. The more elixir lines, the greater the flaw of the golden elixir.

One pattern one grade, nine patterns nine grades.

If there are no lines, it means that the golden core is complete and it is a masterpiece.

At this moment, there are three nihilistic pill patterns on the pill, which means that if Fang Chang succeeds in breaking through, he can become a third-rank golden pill.

In the inheritance of Beidou Daozong, if you want to meet the standards of an immortal, you must do your best every step of the way.

The way of heaven builds the foundation, the golden elixir without leaks, the immortal baby, is the immortal foundation.

Of course, Beidou Daozong has no immortals, so this statement is just a legend.

But Fang Chang still had a hard time in his heart, he couldn't afford these things.

He is just an ordinary person, at most he has a little trick.

If he pursues perfection in every realm, then he is still in the realm of Qi Refining right now, suffering for Shouyuan.

Besides, the legend belongs to the legend, whoever believes in it is an idiot.

The third grade is quite good, not as good as the first and second grades of geniuses, and not as top-ranked as geniuses, but it is barely close to the edge of geniuses.

He relies on his brain to eat well.

Fang Chang was about to go all out for the second step of the Golden Elixir.

At this moment, the warm breath circulating around his body seemed to be attracted by the illusory golden core, and they all gathered together.

I saw a dan pattern looming on the illusory golden elixir, and then quietly disappeared, reaching the second pattern.

"Second product?"

Fang Changzui almost didn't smile crookedly, which was a surprise, he didn't expect that Dongdong's physique could help him improve his golden elixir.

"Don't get excited, it's not over yet."

Fang Chang quickly calmed down, and proceeded to the second step of Jindan's breakthrough, which was for Qi.

Qi refers to breath, aura, and mana, which are the bridge between the body and the soul.

If you want to break through the golden core, it is similar to breaking through the foundation, compressing and refining your own mana again, turning it into golden core mana, and reaching the point where the core is self-generated, and then you can accommodate supernatural powers.

And Fang Chang's five-turn Niyuan Kungfu is specially prepared for this step. One time of compression at one turn, and five times of five-turn compression. His mana strength has already far exceeded that of ordinary foundation-building monks.

At this moment, the mana flowed and poured into the golden core.

That little golden elixir was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing his mana.

Until the mana and true energy in the whole body were all returned to a small golden pill, the illusory golden pill began to solidify gradually, as if it was about to turn the emptiness into reality.

Among the golden elixirs, there are still drops of golden elixirs that are like dew from the sky, constantly being produced.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

In the end, a total of fifteen drops of Danyuan were produced.

Then I saw the elixir dissipate one by one, the solid golden elixir became more vivid, and wisps of golden light bloomed on it.

"Wait a moment!"

Fang Chang saw that there was a small strip on top of the golden elixir that was in a dim state, which was where the elixir lines that had been smoothed out just now were.

At this moment, all the alchemy elements have been integrated into it, but it still hasn't turned into an entity.

"Don't play with me."

Fang Chang wants to cry but has no tears.

It was obvious that he had been promoted to a rank, but now he seemed to have dug a big hole.

 And at night.Thanks to Liang Qibaiqi for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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