Chapter 162 Heavy Karma (Reward 410)

Theoretically speaking, the breakthrough of the Jindan cultivator is without thunder, otherwise there would be no hidden Jindan Daoist in Annan Dao.

The appearance of a Jindan real person will be struck by lightning once, Annan Dao is such a big place, and it can't be hidden even if you want to hide it.

But there are exceptions, and that is people with deep karma.

As the sky suddenly turned dark, dark clouds covered the top, thunder and lightning intertwined, and the pressure was covered like a mountain.

It just doesn't rain.

In Fangshi, many people's attention was immediately attracted.

The inheritance of casual cultivators has always been fragmented and skipping.

Therefore, someone soon recognized the origin of the sudden thundercloud.

"Thunder Tribulation!"

"This is the thunder disaster that all practitioners face!"

"Where is the expert going through the tribulation here?"

Someone shouted, with an excited look on his face, and he looked even more excited than himself when he crossed the catastrophe.

"This fellow daoist is being polite, dare to ask what is this thunder calamity?"

Soon someone came forward to ask.

The person who shouted just now was happy to answer and made a name for himself.

"This is the thunder calamity, it is the test and punishment of the practitioners by the way of heaven, it must be someone who broke through here, which attracted the thunder calamity."

"What, when I break through, it will attract thunder, how can I withstand it?"

When the interrogator saw the thunder in the sky, if he was hit by the thunder, he was afraid that he would die, so he couldn't help sighing.

"Cultivation is so difficult?"

But the person who replied rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood:
"If you want God to chop you, He may not be happy. If you want to attract thunder, at least you have to break through the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, in my opinion, the intensity of this thunder calamity is far from the three-nine thunder calamity recorded when Yuanying broke through.

Isn't it a breakthrough? "

As he spoke, there was a bit of doubt on his face.

The person who asked the question didn't care about this person's ridicule.

After embarking on the road of practice, I thought I was the proud son of heaven, but in fact I was a lucky boy. I encountered many blows along the way, and being able to prostitute a piece of practice knowledge for nothing is nothing to ridicule.

At this moment, they saw a figure in only pants rushing into the sky cursing.

The thunder calamity that had been brewing for a long time fell with a clatter.

The man punched in the air, and it shattered the thunder, causing an uproar.

"Who is this person?!"

"Even God can't help him?"

"I recognize him, he is the second master of Qingniufang City, the luckiest man in the city according to legend."

Only the person who recognized the origin of the thunder calamity suddenly woke up like a dream, and exclaimed:

"That's right, since it wasn't the Three Nine Thunder Tribulations, it must be that this person has done something outrageous, which aroused the wrath of Heaven and sent down the Thunder Tribulation."

"Brother Dao, please explain in detail."

The people from just now came together again, and this is all secret new knowledge.

"As I said just now, this thunder tribulation is divided into tests and punishments, this is neither a test nor a punishment.

He was actually the Second Master of Fang City here, and around the time he broke through the golden core, his own karma triggered Lei Jie. "

At some point, more and more people came over.

Hearing this person's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"So it is."

"I didn't expect that the second Fangzhu seems to be a good-looking talent, but he did so many bad things behind his back."

"I've heard it a long time ago that the Second Fangzhu of this Fangshi is the most mysterious.

I have a friend who is an internal staff member of Fangshi. I heard from him that the two masters of Fangshi enjoy virgin essence every day, so the women who enter and leave their caves are not the same every day, and they are all beautiful.

It seems that even God can't stand it anymore. "

"Oh, let me just say, what a good-looking beauty Fangzhu, how could she commit herself to him? It must be some means used by the second Fangzhu. Pooh!"

"Know people, know face, but not heart, know everything you know."

Seeing that the people were chatting more and more outrageously, the person just now quickly explained:
"It's not like that, it's not like that."

"Heavy karma and deep sin are two different things, they are not the same."

But other people have long been caught in the gossip plot, and there is no explanation for it.

In the end, even the explainers couldn't squeeze in, because everyone gathered around the "I have a friend" monk and asked all kinds of gossip.

"Little brother, you just said that karma is heavy, can you explain it in detail?"

A man in Chinese clothes with a slightly wretched temperament suddenly appeared behind him.

The man looked helpless and said: "Have you ever heard a saying that the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog.

The meaning of this sentence is not that God treats us as pigs and dogs, but that everything in the world is the same in the eyes of God.

No matter how many people we kill and how many bad things we do, it is a sin, but in the eyes of God, it is nothing.

Because the so-called definition of bad things is the standard of our people, not the standard of heaven.

But karma is different. Karma means that someone disrupts the rules of heaven and earth and violates the will of heaven and earth. Such people will be entangled by karma.

Then his path of practice is destined to be difficult every step of the way, that is, the so-called abandoned person. "

"Karma?" The man in the fancy dress asked, "Do zombies have karma?"

The man froze for a moment, but still replied:
"Zombies are resurrected from corpses. They are born with different species and have their own karma. Every time they break through a realm, they will suffer thunder calamity."

"Made, no wonder I was struck by lightning as soon as I woke up."

The man in Chinese clothes cursed and patted the man on the shoulder.

"Little brother, I see that you are also an old-fashioned and warm-hearted person. If you have time, we will spend with Qunfang Pavilion. I treat you."

The man was stunned: "But the legendary Qunfang Pavilion with three hundred fairies?"

"Naturally, besides this, is there a second Qunfang Pavilion?"

The man in Chinese clothes said proudly.

Those who didn't know thought he was the one who opened this group of Fangges.

"It's better to hit the sun every other day, just today."

The man said without hesitation.

The man in Chinese clothes was stunned.

After a long while, he replied dryly:
"No problem, let's go."

"By the way, little brother Gao's name?"

"Little brother Yan Fei! This time I'm here to make a name for myself!"


Fang Chang knew this information, but he never thought that he had a little karma, so he had a lot of karma.

He smashed Thunder with a punch.

For him who is now at level 33, he doesn't need to show his true skills, this thunderbolt can't deal with him at all.

But one of the legendary thunder tribulations is stronger than the other.

The first course was just an appetizer.

He just quietly waited for God to slap him for the second time.

But he waited and waited.

The people below gathered more and more, and the second strike did not strike, not only did not strike, but the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing a clear sky.

Fang Chang: "..."

So the emotional God made such a big fight just to warn him, which made him put on a pose for a long time.

Fang Chang appraised himself again.

Sure enough, the karma has been cleared.

Punishment is just that, who do you look down on? Isn't this damn encouraging people to make mistakes.

Fang Chang thought it was cheap and acted like a good boy.

The clouds cleared and the sky cleared.

The news of Fang Chang, the owner of Qingniufang City's second workshop, breaking through the golden core and getting married in three months spread throughout Annan Road with a thunderclap.

(End of this chapter)

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