Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 165 Preparations for the Wedding and News

Chapter 165 Preparations for the wedding and news (reward plus 510)

The imperial power of the Tang Dynasty changed.

Her Majesty's one-handed annihilation of one hundred thousand troops brought this change of power to a perfect end.

Since then, the king's flag has been changed on the top of the wall, Emperor Yongtai has officially passed away, and the majesty of the Empress of the Tang Dynasty has come to the world.

It was already a month later when Fang Chang received the news.

It was hard for him to hold back his smile.

Although he and Taoist Qingniu still have unresolved personal vendettas, as his only grandson-in-law, with Cheng Kai's promotion, his official status is higher than that of the previous Yuwen son, I don't know how much higher.

One emperor and one courtier.

Now Cheng Kai is promoted to the head of the Tiance Mansion, the No. 1 person in name of the Tiance Mansion, because the boss of the Tiance Mansion is named Tiance Admiral, and the emperor usually concurrently holds the post.

However, along with the information came Cheng Kai's words, which made Fang Chang quite puzzled.

"God, has it become taller?"

Fang Chang raised his head to look at the blue sky, where white clouds passed by leisurely.

"Is the sky getting higher?"

In theory, everyone should live on a ball.

But Fang Chang knew that science cannot be discussed in the cultivation world.

Anyway, in the age of immortals and demons 100 years later, the whole world is a continent with a round sky, and it is a continent that continues to grow.

Players who were not afraid of death used various means to try to explore the limit of the sky.

Once it exceeds the limit of [-] meters, it will encounter the Gangfeng layer.

The higher it is, the more powerful the wind is, and almost no one can fly over the wind layer normally.

After the Astral Layer is the Lost Layer, someone who finally uses various aids to forcibly pass through the Astral Layer will reach another area.

It is said that as soon as you enter, you will lose your sense of direction and space, and you will eventually get lost.

As for the cosmic starry sky after the atmosphere, don't even think about it.

Of course, from the player's point of view, it's because the map of the universe has not yet been programmed, and the mainland is enough to play anyway, so they lose enthusiasm.

At the beginning, the event of rushing out of the universe was very popular, and many videos rushed to the trending searches. Fang Chang watched a lot of journeys to die.

"It's none of my business whether I become taller or not. At most, there will be another wave of spiritual energy to change the environment of the world."

Fang Chang temporarily put the news behind him.

Now he is busy with his own marriage, and other things have to be put behind this matter.

There are four happy events in life, and the wedding night in the bridal chamber is one of them.

Although he had already got into the car first, it didn't matter. He promised Baili Hongzhuang and dragon and phoenix to pull the car.

At this moment, he is looking for the dragon pulling the cart.

"Don't dawdle, tie this pair of horns, and you are a dragon."

In the purple bamboo forest, the storage ring on Fang Chang's hand lit up, and he threw a pair of dragon horns made of copper onto the ground with a bang.

Opposite him is a big purple snake about 30 centimeters thick and [-] meters long.

Even if it is only hovering in a ball, it is several meters high, but at the moment it is bowing its head and submitting to the majesty of the Great Demon King.

This snake is not another snake, but the Purple Blood King Snake that looks after the house in the Purple Bamboo Forest.

The Purple Bamboo Forest is now serving as the low-level puppet material supply base for the Fangchang Puppet Building, and the Purple Blood Spirit Snakes in it are the best guards.

More than ten years later, the Purple Blood King Snake has the protection of Qingniufang City, and with the help of the accompanying Zijiao Lingzhu, it has already broken through the realm of foundation building, uttering words, and mastering the ability to control the wind.

As for Zijiao Leiting's housekeeping skill, he didn't learn it at all, at most he spit out a small electric arc and lost the face of his blood.

The Purple Blood King Snake lowered its head and got under the dragon's horn. When it pushed its head up, it put the heavy dragon's horn on its head.

"My lord, do you think it's okay for the little snake to wear it?"

The Purple Blood King Snake's attitude was humble, and his tone was a little cautious.

"Well, not bad."

Fang Chang sized it up, nodded and said:

"Don't say that I treated you badly, this is a high-grade magic weapon that I specially asked the craftsman to create for you, and it is also your reward for guarding the Purple Bamboo Forest all these years."

As he spoke, he touched his chin again.

"But what's wrong with it?"

"By the way, it's claws. As a dragon, where are your claws?"

The Purple Blood King Snake wanted to cry but had no tears: "My lord, I am a snake, a snake!"

"Snakes can't have claws?"

Fang Chang said in a tone of hating iron but not steel: "They are all big snakes in the foundation-building realm, but what about your demon power, is it difficult to change your claws?

From today on, no crawling, learn to walk with paws.

Show some professionalism, remember, you are a snake that wants to transform into a dragon, and to transform into a dragon, you have to start from a baby and learn how a dragon walks first. "

The Purple Blood King Snake said cautiously: "My lord, do you think it's possible? Dragons can fly, so they don't have to leave."

Fang Chang glared at the Purple Blood King Snake: "But are you a dragon?

Cut the nonsense, if you make a mistake when I get married, don't blame me for not giving your master face. "

Under Fang Chang's malicious eyes, the Purple Blood King Snake shuddered, straightened up conditionally, and the ground trembled suddenly, making a rumbling sound.

"Please rest assured, my lord, the little snake will definitely complete the task."

"How many times have I told you, don't look up when you talk to me, I'm tired of looking up."

Fang Chang slapped the Purple Blood King Snake on the ground, making a big hole,

The Purple Blood King Snake is used to being beaten, after all, it has been beaten since childhood.

Good brother Zhu Gui told him that beating means kissing and scolding means love.

When the lord beat him, it was to be close to him, otherwise the lord would have killed him with a single slap.

Although the Purple Blood King Snake felt that something was wrong, he couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Now he has been taught a lesson, he knows that the adults are still close to him.

That's why his master never beat him.

Although he has not seen his master for a long time.

"My lord, little snake has a small request."

The head of the Purple Blood King Snake stood upright with a section of its body, just at the height of Fang Chang's chest, and the snake's face was a bit embarrassed.

Fang Chang solved Long's problem, he was in a good mood, and said: "You tell me."

The Purple Blood King Snake spat out the snake letter and said, "Master, I heard that you all have names, can you give the little snake a name too?"

Fang Chang was stunned.

Then he patted the Purple Blood King Snake's head, thought for a while and said:
"Your master's surname is Li, so you should be called Li Snake."

Fang Chang's naming ability is as stable as ever.

The purple blood king snake repeated twice: "Li Sheba, Li Sheba, my lord, do you want me to become the king of snakes?

I didn't expect you to have such high expectations for Xiao Snake.

In the past, the little snake misunderstood you.

Woohoo, the little snake will be called Li Sheba from now on! "

The Purple Blood King Snake was very moved.

Fang Chang: "..."

The emotions are all here, if he wants to say no again, it will be a bit disappointing.

So he nodded and said: "Yes, you can see my hard work at a glance, which means that you are not lazy and are studying hard.

To be a snake, you must have a dream, believe in yourself, even if you can't become a dragon in the future, you will definitely become the king of snakes. "

The Purple Blood King Snake, also known as Li Snake Ba, burst into tears, and there were actually tears flickering in the light golden snake pupils.

"My lord, I am so touched."

"Ahem, okay, don't cry yet."

Fang Chang coughed twice and asked:
"You are the local snake in this area. Do you know any big bird monsters? It's better to be more beautiful."

The low-profile version of the dragon is available, and now it's time to find the low-profile version of the phoenix.

Li Sheba thought about it seriously, and said:

"No, the little snake has been staying in the forest and doesn't know the big bird monster.

But recently a monster came from the mountain next door, it was a big mountain turtle, he liked to sing at night, and he sang very badly.

The last time the little snake went to him to fight, he hid in the turtle shell and couldn't get out no matter how hard he fought. "

"Big mountain turtle?"

Fang Chang's first reaction was to think that there were some natural treasures in the next mountain.

Otherwise, how long did it take for the last wave of spiritual energy to appear? If Li Sheba hadn't had the help of the spiritual creature Zijiao Lingzhu, it would be impossible to break through the foundation-building realm now.

So in this period of time, there are many ordinary little monsters, but there are fewer monsters in the Foundation Establishment Realm than Human Golden Cores.

It can be said that every foundation-building monster can be regarded as a genius among monsters.

After all, it is difficult for monsters to practice, especially ordinary monsters.

They have no memory of bloodline inheritance, nor practice skills, they can only rely on the rough way of swallowing spiritual energy, and the speed of strength improvement is astonishingly slow.

Although Li Sheba only inherited part of the blood of the purple flood dragon, the concentration may not be as high as that of his master's blood, but after he broke through the foundation establishment, he still awakened a monster named "Purple Linghua Jiao Gong" in his mind. Clan Kung Fu.

Fang Chang felt that this object might be related to him.

This time, it was a serious chance encounter, without relying on any tricks.

In any case, he is also a person with three blessings.

A spirit-level spiritual object is also reasonable.

After all, Zhu Gui, who is also a three-point blessing, got a wood spirit spirit back then, which helped Fang Tiezhu break through the foundation-building realm.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang felt a little hot in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, this was the first time he encountered a chance by himself, which had a special meaning.

Sure enough, the men who are going to get married are different, and they are more lucky.

"Let's go."

Fang Chang jumped directly onto Li Sheba's body, looking like he was fighting against the enemy.

"Your master is my elder brother. To hit you is to hit your master's face. To hit your master's face is to hit me. If you don't teach him a lesson, I really don't know who is the boss in this land."

Li Sheba corrected in a low voice:

"My lord, it was the little snake who beat him last time."

"it's the same."

Fang Chang stomped his foot and directed:
"Target big mountain turtle."

Li Sheba suddenly felt that something made sense.

Although he was the one who hit the big mountain tortoise last time, the shell of the big mountain tortoise was too hard, and it hurt his tail very much, so it can be considered that the big mountain tortoise hit him.

Well, my lord is really amazing.

Li Sheba arrogantly carried Fang Chang on his back and climbed towards the next mountain.

Of course he can fly there.

But it was hard for him to find such an opportunity to bluff into the market, and he didn't make a few big circles around him.

Then I saw a huge purple snake, twisting and twisting, dragging a deep snake path on the ground.

About half an hour later.

Li Sheba came to Dashangui's territory and shouted:

"Da Shangui, come out quickly! Uncle Snake is here to find you!"

After the sound fell, not far away, a big tortoise head protruded from a black boulder more than two meters high, the whole body was black, pointed, and the skin had many folds.

He opened his eyes, turning his big black eyes left and right, and saw Li Sheba who came to make trouble.

"It's you little snake again, I told my ancestor that I don't want to cause trouble, so don't force the ancestor to teach you a lesson.

At worst, sing softly next time. "

Da Shangui looked old-fashioned, but he didn't have much confidence in his words.

Li Sheba snorted coldly: "My lord is also here today. I can't do anything about your tortoise shell, but my lord can't help me."

Only then did Dashangui see Fang Chang on the head of the purple snake, and his voice was obviously a little more nervous.

"Young man, the ancestor advises you not to meddle in your own business."

Fang Chang said with a smile: "Your Excellency bullying my spirit beast, is it just like this?"

After speaking, a strange thought flashed through his mind.

It stands to reason that even the foundation-building monsters are now in a state of spiritual enlightenment.

After all, civilization needs an environment.

Civilization degenerates if you are surrounded by wildlings.

But this big mountain tortoise is old-fashioned, if it doesn't have a shape, it can be regarded as an old fried dough stick.

Seeing this, the big mountain tortoise hummed:
"Okay, the old ancestor is afraid of you, the big deal is to move."

Fang Chang acted decisively: "Your Excellency, it's better to stay and speak clearly."

But the big mountain tortoise stopped talking. There was a layer of khaki light shining on his body, and half of his body had sunk into the soil.

It is the innate spiritual art of the big mountain tortoise - escaping the ground.

"Want to run!"

Fang Chang's momentum was fully on, and a trick of the master level was thrown over.

The big mountain tortoise froze, shook its head a few times, and the ground escape technique was interrupted.

But to Fang Chang's surprise, with his current strength, the tricks he played did not hurt Da Shan Gui.

You must know that the monster's body is strong and its spirit is the weakest, and he attacked the weakest, but it didn't work.

This time, he was more interested.

Fang Chang didn't stop, but threw the four white tiger puppets out.

Their stature swelled in the wind, and they directly divided into four directions to grab the four corners of the big mountain tortoise, and then lifted them vigorously, and the big mountain tortoise was dug out of the pit.

Da Shangui's voice became a little more angry.

"Don't go too far! The ancestor is also angry."

Dark chains appeared faintly on his tortoise shell. These chains were intertwined to lock the body of the mountain tortoise, and the lock was in the shape of a skull.

There was a flash of light in Fang Chang's eyes.

This big mountain turtle is not wild!
And this aura is not weaker than his Golden Core coercion at all.

This is a golden core monster!
How can it be?

"What is your background?"

With a thought in Fang Chang's mind, the spiritual lines connected with Miss Tiezhu in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped like strings on a piano.

The strength of the opponent is beyond expectations, so calling for help first is the kingly way.

After he broke through the golden core realm, his connection with those spiritual puppets under him became even closer.

Well, several.

In ten years, the spiritual light that was long enough to recover several times, he activated puppets a total of five times, and succeeded twice.

So now he has two more puppet clans under his hands.

However, the status is naturally incomparable with that of Tiezhu's sisters. They are all tool people, and they have been released a long time ago, and they have to find ways to upgrade themselves.

It is also self-employed.

Anyway, with his backing, as long as the spiritual fire is not extinguished, you can find a way to resurrect after death.

Seeing Fang Chang stop, Da Shangui's soaring aura slowly stopped, and the chains also disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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