Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 167 Longevity Turtle Ancestor

Chapter 167 Longevity Turtle Ancestor (please subscribe!!)

When Da Shangui heard Fang Chang's sudden question, his tortoise's face wrinkled together, but the tortoise's life was in the hands of the man, so he had to obey.

At the same time, he secretly scolded those bastards who put restrictions on him. If they hadn't planted restrictions on him, with his strength, even if he couldn't beat him, he would always be able to escape.

"Yes, the little demon is not a local turtle."

Dashangui answered honestly.

Fang Chang asked again: "Where are you from? What do you want to do here?"

Da Shangui said with a bitter face: "Shangxian spares my life, the little demon has a restriction planted by others, I can't say these things, if I say so, the little demon will die."

Fang Chang stared at the big mountain turtle carefully for a while.

But what kind of emotion can be seen on a turtle face.

But he believed half of Da Shangui's words.

Because when the mountain tortoise tried to resist before, the layers of chains on his body could not be faked, presumably it was the restraint imposed on him by others.

Fang Chang said: "Since they don't believe you, why did they send you out again?"

The big mountain turtle sighed and said:
"Xiao Yao was sleeping soundly at home, but a group of bad guys came and insisted that my turtle shell was the hardest, took me down and threw me out.

Shangxian Mingjian, the little demon is a peace-loving turtle.

After coming here, I have never hurt a plant or a tree, but I like to sing and sing occasionally, and I am beaten and scolded by the fairy pet.

If the little demon wanted to fight back, Shangxian would not be able to see his spiritual pet. "

This is true.

With the aura shown by the big mountain turtle before, that is to say, Li Sheba's newborn snake is not afraid of the turtle, otherwise it will become a hot item for the big mountain turtle by now.

Fang Chang immediately developed a good impression of Dashan Gui.

Sure enough, salted fish is everywhere.

Although Dashangui didn't say it clearly, after adding the guesses from the secret realm, he roughly came up with a picture.

This giant mountain turtle was originally hibernating.

As a result, a group of monks ran over and said that the gate of the secret realm was about to open, and his tortoise shell was the hardest, so they threw him over to explore the way.

In addition, in order to make him honest, he planted restrictions on him.

As a result, after the tortoise was thrown out, instead of inquiring about the situation, it found a mountain nest and continued to sleep. When it woke up, it howled twice, which attracted Li Sheba's attention.


Those people probably didn't want the big mountain turtle to inquire about anything at all, they only needed to know whether the world is suitable for them to survive through his life or death.

If even the giant mountain tortoise with the hardest shell can't survive, maybe they won't dare to come out.

Fang Chang said: "Since you can't say it, then you can always nod and shake your head, right?"

The big mountain turtle nodded.

"Are you from another world?"

The big mountain turtle showed horror, but still nodded.

"Which world is about to emerge?"

The big mountain turtle nodded again, his eyes were a little suspicious.

Is there any other comrades who came out first?

"How long will it take? One year, two years, ten years?"

The big mountain tortoise said: "I really don't know, the little demon is just a tortoise exploring the way."

"Who is the strongest person in your world? What cultivation base?"

"The Flame Devil, the cultivation base of the peak of the Golden Core."

The chains on the mountain tortoise reappeared, and strands of flames emerged from the skull, starting to burn.

"No, I didn't say anything!"

The big mountain tortoise let out a miserable howl.

After a long time, there was a layer of carbon ash on his tortoise shell, and the flame gradually went out.

Dashan Gui's breath was weak, and he looked at Fang Chang miserably and said:
"Shangxian, you have also seen it, the little demon really can't say anymore"

However, after Fang Chang heard about the cultivation level of the Flame Demon, his heart was relieved immediately.

"That's it?"

A secret realm where the upper limit is only the golden core realm, so that's the case in terms of size.

The secret realm, also known as the small world of Dongtian, is an independent space artificially created by practitioners above the realm of Dongxu.

Rifts work differently.

Some alchemy masters are dedicated to cultivating elixir, and when they are ten thousand years old, they don't ask for anything;

Some food masters use it to grow ingredients to satisfy their appetites;
Some open up spiritual fields, plant spiritual plants, and become farmers;
Some are dangerous places specially opened up by the sect bosses for the disciples of the sect to practice;
Some are used as space equipment to carry a large army at any time, such as puppet masters, beast masters and other big bosses who follow the summoning style;

Some are used to open up the harem, a small world filled with descendants;

Some control a world, establish themselves as gods, and use a small world to satisfy their selfish desires;


In addition, secret realms also have various upper limits depending on the creator's cultivation and physical fitness.

For example, some monks have affinity with water attributes.

Then in the secret realm he created, the fire attribute aura will definitely be suppressed, and the monks who are compatible with the water attribute will naturally become geniuses.

At the same time, because the rules of the secret realm are not perfect, there is an upper limit to the strength of the secret realm, which is generally two realms lower than the founder.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, those secret realms that inherit classes.

Thanks to the efforts of generations of monks of the younger generations, the upper limit of the secret realm has been broken, the rules of its space have been perfected, and it has been better developed.

And like a secret realm whose upper limit is only the golden core realm, it means that their secret realm rules are collapsing, and they may dissipate into nothingness at any time, which is the so-called end of the world.

After all, the secret realm is only a small world, and it must be attached to the main plane in order to be nourished by the rules of the main plane and not degenerate.

In the era when Fang Chang entered the game, it was common for secret realms to merge with the main plane.

As a player, he has not explored the reason for the fusion of the secret realm and the main plane, but only as a setting.

But now that I have personally experienced this, I only regret that I missed watching the background setting twice.

But if he remembered more, he wouldn't be caught blind now.

When the book is in use, you will hate less, pay attention to everything and learn.

A girl who reads it a hundred times is not her own, but after reading the book a hundred times, the knowledge is hers.

Fang Chang's thoughts drifted far away for a while.

Zhenxiang's long legs used to fill the screen, but now that I think about it, it is really hateful, and it has greatly delayed his study time.


Fang Chang secretly scolded himself who was full of vulgar tastes at the time, and said to Da Shan Gui expressionlessly:
"Is there anything else you want to add, pick what you can say, take the initiative to confess, and be treated leniently."

Dashangui thought for a while and said, "It's gone."

If he said something that shouldn't be said again, the feeling of being burned by the fire would be uncomfortable, he didn't want to turn into a charcoal roast turtle.

Fang Chang asked again: "Can the restriction on you be lifted?"

He was never one to kill everything.

Since the big mountain tortoise hadn't made any mistakes, he couldn't arbitrarily commit the crime, mainly because he felt that a living big mountain tortoise was more valuable.

This kind of honest and unambitious personality, even if it is a bit old-fashioned, but if it is not hired to work, it is a waste of talents.

Da Shangui's face turned bitter: "This restriction is connected with the little demon's mind, if it is forcibly broken, it will definitely hurt the little demon's life.

Only the person who planted the restriction can lift it.

However, if there is a Nascent Soul True Monarch with a high cultivation base, who can forcibly suppress the connection between the little demon and the restriction with his spiritual consciousness, and then break the restriction, it may be able to lift the restriction. "

"Spiritual consciousness suppresses, breaks the restriction..."

Fang Chang thought for a while and asked, "I will break the restriction for you, what benefits can you give me?"

The big mountain turtle didn't react for a while.


Fang Chang said as it should be: "We are strangers, we can't just help you for no reason, you have to give me a reason."

The big mountain tortoise said helplessly: "But the little demon only has a tortoise shell."

He swallowed a lot of treasures in his stomach before, but all of them were scavenged by the Flame Demon before he left, and he almost spat out his turtle bile.

"I have no money." Fang Chang gave Da Shangui a meaningful look: "Then you have to work part-time to pay off the debt."

Da Shangui suddenly felt that Fang Chang's eyes were very dangerous. He had seen this kind of eyes several times before in his more than 300 years of turtle life, and he was called a profiteer.

"Little demons don't sell themselves."

Da Shangui said weakly.

He is a tortoise yearning for freedom and happiness, and will never be someone else's tortoise slave.

Fang Chang waved his hand and said, "I don't want you to sell yourself, how about it, just work for me for two years, and I'll help you get rid of the restriction."

Dashan Gui's eyes were full of suspicion: "It's only been two years?"

"Just two years."

Fang Chang's face is full of sincerity:

"I never like to force others. I will do it for two years first. If I like it, I will continue to do it for a long time. I will not object."

Don't force people, didn't say don't force turtles.

Dashan Gui nodded suspiciously:
"The little demon agreed."

"Our business is all about integrity. If I don't use any tricks for you, don't keep your promise."

Fang Chang gave Sister Tiezhu a look.

With a little finger from the girl, all the lumps of ice on the big mountain tortoise melted away, including the black spot on the turtle's shell.

"Force the restriction on you!"

Fang Chang ordered.

Da Shangui had already gone from the bondage at this time, and when he heard this, his momentum suddenly rose.

Thick barbs grew out of the black turtle shell, sharp claws grew out of the four short legs for paddling water, and the overall image became extremely fierce.

And the phantom of the chains on his back directly turned into a real body, binding it tightly in circles, and the skull on the lock was even redder and hotter.

"Shangxian, the little demon is ready."

There was a hint of pain in Dashan Gui's voice, and it was obviously very uncomfortable for him to show his true state under the restraint.

"Don't resist!"

Fang Chang told Dashangui to give up resistance, and a few drops of Danyuan quietly dispersed in the cyclone of Dantian, and Fang Chang's eyes had a gleam of light.

"Golden core supernatural power - heart puppet!"

He can't suppress the connection between the mountain tortoise's mind and the prohibition, but he can try to control the mountain tortoise's mind.

At that time, the restriction will be indirectly connected to him, and he will have the means to directly cut off the connection between the two.

As for whether it will succeed.

try it.

Anyway, it wasn't him who was injured.

Following the display of the puppet supernatural power, Fang Chang only felt his spirit move, and he had appeared in a gray space.

In the center of the space, there is a phantom of a giant mountain turtle floating, with a fiery red skull on his body, and a thread of fire is entwined around his body.

The line of sight turned again.

Fang Chang has turned into a big mountain tortoise, and the panicked voice of the big mountain tortoise can still be heard in his ears.

"You...how did you come in?!"

"I can't move my body?!"

Fang Chang suddenly felt waves of resistance coming from Da Shangui's body, it was his instinctive will, almost driving him out.

"Don't resist, if you want to kill me, you would have been killed long ago."

It was also the first time for Fang Chang to use it on a creature in the Golden Core realm, and the resistance was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary kittens and puppies.

As his voice came out, the mountain tortoise's resistance was weakened a lot, but there were still many resistances trying to drive him away.

This is the body's instinctive self-help, even the will of the mountain turtle cannot suppress it.

Sure enough, with his current strength, it is still a little bit reluctant to control Jindan Daoist for a long time.

Fang Chang thought in his heart.

The next moment, his thoughts were thrown into the phantom of the big mountain tortoise, feeling the burning of the wire of fire on it, as if the pain had also been transmitted to him.

"It's you!"

Fang Chang's phantom suddenly protruded from the big mountain turtle, grabbed the mark of the skull, and pulled it out vigorously.

Seeing that the fire wire under the skull was like the root system of a plant, it grabbed the big mountain tortoise tightly, and as he pulled it, the big mountain tortoise howled in pain.

At the same time, the body's resistance to him surged again.

"Long pain is worse than short pain, you will thank me!"

Fang Chang pulled hard, golden blood flowed from the phantom of the big mountain tortoise, and the skull was finally pulled out temporarily.

And Fang Chang was also ejected from the body of the big mountain turtle by a huge force.


On the other side, when Fang Chang gave an order, a cold light appeared on the girl's finger, and she shot down at a high speed, hitting the lock.

The skull suddenly shattered, and the chains were broken. A human figure with black flames sprang out from the skull, turned left and right a few times, and shot at Fang Chang.

Fang Chang: "..."

Be on the lookout! Hey!
A black line appeared between his brows, and a black divine light shot out, directly erasing the black flame man.

This kind of pure spiritual imprint has no ability to resist at all under the light of the demon god.

"The ancestor is free!"

The big mountain turtle's mouth and nose were full of blood, but his figure swelled up again, turning into a huge black turtle with a height of two stories.

The spines of the turtle shell protruded, like a hedgehog, with a black metal texture and coldness.

Fang Chang coughed twice: "Old Gui, don't forget your own words."

The big mountain tortoise shook its body a few times, and immediately changed back to the shape of a round stone. With its head stretched out, it cautiously said:

"Shangxian don't worry, Xiao Yao remembers."

Just now Fang Chang's Eye of Heavenly Demon just disappeared in a flash, but Da Shangui still felt a great sense of threat, not to mention Fang Chang's method of forcibly controlling his body.

As a turtle, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages has almost become his instinct.

Maybe fortune tellers like to use turtle shells to calculate the secrets of heaven.

Moreover, Fang Chang violently broke the restriction just now. Although he looks strong and healthy at the moment, his soul is seriously injured, and he needs to find a force to protect him.

The two hit it off.

He also disliked that two years was too short.

Of course, he soon realized that these two years were not short at all.

Seeing that he was so sensible, Fang Chang asked again:

"Do you have a name?"

Da Shangui raised his head: "The little demon named himself Longevity Guizu, because the little demon wants to live for 1 years."

"Good ambition, I'll call you Little Turtle from now on."

Fang Chang said so.

The Purple Blood Spirit Snake at the side suddenly said:
"You are the tortoise tyrant and I am the snake tyrant, then we are of the same generation."

Big Mountain Turtle: "..."

I've seen that your snake is a bit of a fool, it's really good.

Fortunately, he didn't mess around.

After all, this kind of little demon who looks a little silly at first glance, but can break through smoothly, has a backer in all likelihood.

This is the difference between domesticated and wild.

Fang Chang smiled and said: "It seems that you get along very well, Xiao Gui, since your restriction has been lifted, it should be fine to say what you should say now, right?"

Dashangui: "No problem, no problem, the little demon comes from a small world called the Flame Demon Realm..."

(End of this chapter)

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