Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 169 Gentle Township, Hero Tomb

Chapter 169 Gentle Township, Hero Tomb (please subscribe!!)
three days later.

Fang Chang left Zhengqi Villa with a birdcage in his hand.

As for the Zongmen Alliance, after Patriarch Biyun exposed his identity as an alchemy master, the situation began to become clear.

After all, few people can resist the temptation of Huaying Pill, especially when all the people present are Jindan real people.

When Patriarch Biyun promised to help refine a furnace of Huaying Pill in the future, of course the materials had to be provided by himself.

The Jindans who were still flirting with Huolong Daoist agreed to Patriarch Biyun's proposal on the spot.

This Liuyunling mine must be exploited more vigorously!
If they don't dig out more spiritual marrow, what will happen to their future Huaying Pills.

As for Taoist Huolong wanting to compete with Patriarch Biyun for No. 1 in Liuyun Mountain Range, why should they get involved.

But Fang Chang naturally followed the good advice and complied with the overall situation, and persuaded Li Hu to agree.

But his requirements are higher, if Patriarch Biyun's first batch of Infant Transformation Pills is more than one, they will ask for one.

Because when outsiders were watching Patriarch Biyun and Master Huolong competing for the No. 1 sect, Li Hu had already reached the late Jindan stage of cultivation without making a sound.

How can Taoist skills be taken lightly.

If the square length is used as the standard.

Li Hu's normal practice speed is at least ten times that of Fang Chang, not to mention there are ancient treasures such as the Disha Town Prison Golden Pagoda that assist in practice, and the efficiency can be doubled.

If it weren't for the insufficient energy supply of the golden pagoda, he would have been able to break through the Nascent Soul realm a few years ago.

In fact, Li Hu is too kind.

As long as he is a bit selfish, he will use the spiritual stones harvested by the Spirit Sword Sect every year for himself, instead of leaving them in the sect's treasury as the sect's development funds.

Today, he is already the number one Nascent Soul in Annan Dao.

After all, although Fang Chang's Zongmen Contribution System was introverted and greatly improved the strength of the disciples and the Zongmen, it also consumed a lot.

Therefore, increasing the speed of mining spirit mines is also a great benefit for Li Hu.

It's just that he has always followed Fang Chang's advice.

Unless necessary, always uphold the principle of low-key.

Most of the affairs in these years have been resolved by the disciples of the sect, and only when they reach the Jindan level will they come forward to communicate.

He is no longer like when he first took over the Spirit Sword Gate, there were two or three cats inside the gate, but whenever there was a fierce battle, the gate master had to end it himself.

Therefore, no one really knows how strong Li Hu is now.

For Li Hu, the breakthrough is only a few years behind.

What he wants to see more is the common progress of everyone.

If he gets an Infant Transformation Pill, maybe Li Hu can break through earlier than Patriarch Biyun.

Even without the Infant Transformation Pill, with enough spirit stones, Li Hu could also break through with the help of the Disha Town Prison Pagoda.

For Fang Chang's request, Patriarch Biyun agreed after a little consideration.

In his opinion, his own breakthrough is the most important thing.

As long as you break through yourself, the benefits you give now can be multiplied in the future.

Taoist Huolong saw that the general situation was over and people's hearts were gone, so he walked away on the spot and scolded a group of people for their short-sightedness.

So this temporary sect alliance meeting called by Fang Chang came to an end temporarily.

after the meeting.

The major sects began to send foundation-building monks to settle in the mine, turn on the overdraft mode, and even asked their disciples to enter the mine to mine, in the name of experience.

For a time, the output of spirit stones increased several times.

And Fang Chang has returned to Qingniufang City.

At this time, the market began to decorate with lanterns and festoons, and the lights were kept on day and night, and the festive atmosphere became stronger day by day.

There are less than fifty days left before the big wedding.


Fangshi No. [-] Dongfu.

Fang Chang is training the birds.

He sat in front of a stone table and threw a feather crown similar to the dragon's horn on the table, but the color was red.

"Put on this feather crown, and from today onwards, you will be a phoenix."

On the table in front of him stood a palm-sized colorful skylark. Its feathers were soft and shiny, and it felt cool and comfortable to the touch, like brocade.

This is the origin of its cloud sparrow.

"Is it okay not to wear it?"

Cai Que's voice was that of a little girl, soft and pitiful, completely different from the domineering and arrogant young lady when she first arrived a few days ago.

Fang Chang knocked on the table, expressionless.

"What do you say?"

This voice without the slightest temperature reminded Caique of the chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons, quails that Fang Chang ate in front of her these days...

She suddenly trembled, and a few feathers fell off.

It was the first time for her to see so many different ways of cooking birds since she became enlightened.

Fried, fried, grilled, skewered, roasted, stewed, braised...

She didn't want to choose either.

"I wear it and I wear it."

The colorful sparrow's head quickly got into the feather crest, and the feather crest, which was bigger than her body, shrunk automatically, turning into three long and flowing colorful feathers.

"It's not bad, it's still pretty."

Fang Chang pulled out a mirror and stood in front of Caique.

"Look, why is my vision so bad?"

Cai Que looked at herself in the mirror curiously, her eyes lit up.

"I'm so pretty!"

She walked back and forth on the table, showing herself in the mirror in all directions and from multiple angles.

"Be good at that time, don't make me angry, otherwise, you can figure out how to make amends to me."

Fang Chang slammed his mouth: "I heard that eating raw sparrow brains can nourish the brain."

"No! Not at all!"

Cai Que quickly said: "My brain is very small, only a little bit, and I am so stupid, eat my brain, the more I eat, the more stupid I become."

Woooooo, miss, come and save me!
At this moment, Caique misses the days in Zhengqi Villa very much.

This man in front of him is simply a devil.

Fang Chang was noncommittal: "It depends on your performance."

"Come on, meet your partner."

Fang Chang yelled, and saw a big purple snake with the thickness of a bucket poking its head down from the clouds in the sky. Although there were a pair of purple dragon horns on his head, there was also a pair of uncoordinated dragon claws under his belly.

But Caique still recognized it as a big snake at a glance.

Because when she was at Zhengqi Villa, her favorite snack was snake gallbladder.

"Hi, my name is Li Sheba."

The big snake hemmed in the shape of a snake, and the voice was somewhat naive.

The Purple Blood Spirit Snake doesn't have great or small abilities. In fact, this is the normal state of monsters.

Just like that giant mountain tortoise, its normal state is extremely huge, and its fighting form is even more ferocious and terrifying.

And Caique is a rare monster that can become smaller.

Hearing the big snake's greeting, Caique raised her head arrogantly, but did not answer.

"Grow bigger and fly up."

Fang Chang greeted him.

The colorful sparrow reluctantly turns into a big bird that spreads its wings to cover the clouds, with a pair of large colorful wings that are more than ten meters wide when spread out.

Fang Chang threw out a simple bronze frame again, and two bronze chains spread out from the frame to catch the feet of a snake and a bird.

As for the real wedding car, of course, it is still under production.

"Try running a few laps first."

Fang Chang was sitting in the car, and at some point a long whip appeared in his hand, he flicked the whip falsely, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

A snake and a bird swiftly flew around the sky above Qingniufang City.

I have to say, it is still very bluffing.

Fang Chang watched the dragon and phoenix flying.

Thinking about adding another set of skins to the purple snake, otherwise this slippery look would make people not think of dragons at all, but only loach.

On the contrary, the colorful sparrow looks pretty good, but the tail feathers have to be lengthened a bit, preferably with a little rainbow effect.

Well, anyway, the demand has been given, if it can't be done, it's the craftsman's fault.

Since then, Fang Chang has nothing to do with the turmoil in the outside world. He only cares about his own wedding now. This is his first marriage in two lifetimes, so he can't take it too seriously.

Although the fusion of the Flame Demon Realm is a hidden danger, as Fang Chang said to Ling Xiao, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller, and he will still be in the back.

In addition, Fang Chang naturally slacked off since he broke through the Golden Core Realm and his lifespan was nearly five hundred.

He was a man who was easily satisfied.

In the beginning, his original dream was to be a local rich man who ate and waited to die.

As a result, the sky failed to fulfill his wishes, and the reality forced him to practice.

Shouyuan's limit forced him to move forward with his head covered, and he did many things that seem despicable now.

But when his basic demands are met, and his life becomes better visibly, he has no motivation to move forward.

Although longevity is good, it belongs to the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water, and no one has really become a fairy.

It would be too boring to spend a lifetime for such an illusory goal.

Now I have a beautiful wife, a cute and capable sister, a daily income, and a sworn brother who is full of force.

Going a little further, the empress of the Tang Dynasty who is now prestige in the world is his sister-in-law.

Why can't he lie flat like a salted fish.

Maybe that's why he was able to make friends with Yu Xian, a zombie with no dreams.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb.

Not to mention that Fang Chang is not a hero yet, he has always been a petty citizen who likes bad farts.

The faith that once gritted one's teeth unyieldingly, to fight against God and fate, was gradually buried in the past with the beauty and tenderness of time.


On the eve of marriage.

After some fighting.

Fang Chang hugged Dongdong, who was panting and still reminiscing, and said beautifully:
"If it goes on like this, it's actually not bad."

Dongdong: "..."

The air was quiet for a while.

Seeing that Fang Chang was in a low mood, Dongdong gave him a red date with a hammer.

"It's a big deal next time..."

She whispered something in Fang Chang's ear that she couldn't say clearly.

Fang Chang's eyes suddenly brightened.


"Speaking of which, then I won't be sleepy."

Fang Chang immediately revived with full blood and became energetic.

All kinds of difficult poses that require the cooperation of two people flashed across his mind.

Dongdong blushed, but he refused to say anything.

Seeing this, he took the initiative to change the subject and asked:

"It's said that we're going to get married in two days. Isn't your grandfather coming back?"

Dongdong sighed: "Grandpa said that the capital cannot do without him, and also said that you would not discuss it with him when you got married suddenly.

Next time he comes over, he will teach you a lesson. "

Fang Chang poked his neck, and snorted: "I haven't settled with him yet, this time I broke through the golden core, next time I see him again, I have to break his horn."

Dongdong covered his mouth and laughed: "Grandpa said, His Majesty gave him a treasure to protect the gods, the cultivator of Huashen cannot hurt him for a while, and the cultivator of Nascent Soul has no single enemy.

So let me not worry about his safety. "

Fang Chang coughed twice, and said with some confidence:
"It's not a hero to use foreign objects to help. Besides, I didn't just break through at the time. I was so excited that I didn't think of him."

"Now that I have said everything, can I still go back on my word?"

Dongdong said: "Okay, okay, I don't blame you. Grandpa also said that when you and I get married, there will be a big gift for us.

But what kind of gift, grandpa didn't say. "

Fang Chang's eyes also showed some anticipation.

Now Taoist Qingniu can be said to be the number one celebrity in front of Her Majesty the Empress. His status is not even comparable to that of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Forget it, next time we meet, let him do three tricks first.

Fang Chang thought so in his heart.

"Hmph, don't think that giving me a gift will resolve the enmity between me and him. That enmity almost killed me. Without a thousand or eight hundred top-grade spirit stones, I can't get through this."

Fang Chang was still stubborn.

Dongdong laughed again.

Fang Chang's face was annoyed, "Damn it, you dare to laugh at your husband!"

Dongdong screamed coquettishly again and again, and shrank back.

"You just promised me, don't come over!"


A beautiful day passed.

The day of marriage came inadvertently.

On this day, the entire Annan Dao cultivation world set its sights on Qingniufang City.

With Fang Chang breaking through the Golden Core, the number of Golden Core cultivators in Qingniufang City, plus Taoist Qingniu, who hadn't been seen in ten years, has reached four.

Even compared to the Biyun Sect, which is known as the number one sect in the cultivation world of Annan Road, there is one more person in number.

And with Fang Chang marrying the current owner, there is a high probability that he will become the real owner of Qingniufang City, and will also take over the strength of the network of Qingniufang City for so many years.

Fang Chang is also an important figure in the Spirit Sword Sect, and the sworn brother of Daoist Bajian.

If the power of the Spirit Sword Sect is added, the power that Fang Chang can mobilize is already beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Before Fang Chang kept a low profile, not many people knew him.

But following his thunder breakthrough and this grand wedding, many people began to take the initiative to study him.

As a result, I didn't know without researching, and I was shocked after researching. It turned out that Fang Chang had become the top boss of Annan Dao.

So his marriage can be said to be grand and grand.

According to the statistics of those who are interested, there are as many as eleven Jindan Daoists who have made it clear that they will come to congratulate this big wedding, almost gathering the essence of the entire Annan Dao cultivation world.

 Thanks to ghosts and gods for the 500 tip, GW2579 for the 100 tip, I have a grudge against you for the 100 tip, and Fengshuang Yexue for the 1500 tip.And at night.

(End of this chapter)

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