Chapter 176 The Snitch in the Air (please subscribe!)
The sky is blue with long white clouds.

A dilapidated spaceship soars in the sky.

This is the tenth day since Fang Chang and his party left Daze, a journey of almost [-] miles.

The journey went smoothly, occasionally encountering attacks by groups of flying birds without much intelligence, but they were all resolved one by one.

Because the small world of the secret realm supplements the plane, this world has more and more the embryonic form of the future plane of immortals and demons.

Not only is there a rich and diverse species group, but the current aura environment is only [-]% lower than the standard aura environment.

The power of the spiritual spells that Fang Chang casts has increased by nearly multiples, and the small fireball spells have the powerful power of melted gold and wrought iron.

Not to mention the power of other spiritual arts, which should not be underestimated either.

The era of spiritual arts is coming quietly.

Well, except for Fang Chang's good at spirit-like magic.

It's not that this kind of spiritual art is not strong, but that this kind of spiritual art is much less dependent on the aura environment than non-spiritual spiritual arts.

Now that the non-soul-like spiritual arts have been strengthened, according to the theory of relativity of the spiritual arts, isn't it just a weakening of the spiritual arts of the soul and soul.

Fang Chang wondered if he wanted to practice a hand of high-level spiritual skills as his trump card.

Finally, after careful consideration, I decided to give up.

Time really does not allow.

It is difficult to get started with high-level spiritual arts, and it takes a lot of time to master them, but the result in exchange is not as good as a punch from a girl.

Besides, he didn't take the one-on-one route, and he didn't need to pursue superior personal combat power, as long as he had enough.

As a puppet master, he was kicked in the head by a donkey before he went to duel with others, and it was normal for many to single out one.

Soon, Fang Chang convinced himself.

Speechless all the way.

At this moment, a blue streamer flashed in front of him.

It is also another manifestation of more and more aura.

That is, after the protective mana emitted by the monk's body rubbed against the aura of the outside world when he was flying, the color became more colorful.

"Fellow daoists ahead, go slowly."

When the light dissipated, it turned out to be a white-faced monk, about 30 years old, dressed as a scholar, looking a little embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist, someone is chasing me in the rear, can you allow me to get on the flying boat to avoid it?"

The white-faced monk turned his palm over, revealing a transparent bead with a watery luster, and there seemed to be water flowing in the middle.

"I would like to use this water spirit pearl as a reward."

Fang Chang stood on the flying boat, waved his hands and said:

"There are family members on board, so it's inconvenient, Your Excellency, you'd better run away."

The other party's accent was a bit weird, although he could understand it roughly, but nine times out of ten he was a monk from the secret realm. Fang Chang directly refused based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

What's more, a low-level water spirit bead can send beggars away.

The white-faced monk wanted to say something, but Fang Chang had already steered the flying boat past him.

"Your Excellency, instead of having time to entangle with me, you should leave early, otherwise you will really catch up."

The white-faced monk stopped where he was, and saw the flying boat go away, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and walked away in a flick of his sleeves.

But half an hour.

Fang Chang had to stop the flying boat again.

Because there was another person blocking the way ahead, and the person blocking the way was holding the white-faced monk who was rejected by him just now.

At this time, the white-faced monk's breath was weak, and he had many injuries on his body. After seeing Fang Chang, he even cried out in surprise.

"It's him, it's him."

"Why did you stop me?"

Fang Chang asked patiently.

He was away from home, unfamiliar with the place, and unable to shake people, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

And the opponent is not weak, even if he doesn't deliberately show his momentum, a Golden Core cultivator can't run away.

Otherwise, I dare not stop him.

After all, he didn't restrain his momentum, otherwise the journey would not be so peaceful.

"He said to hide the treasure on your flying boat, give the treasure to me, and I will let you go."

The person blocking the way was a big man, like an iron tower, holding a white-faced monk, like grabbing a little chicken.

Fang Chang frowned: "What baby?"

The white-faced monk cried out:

"Fellow Daoist, don't lie to your Excellency. It is the treasure I gave you just now. For the sake of my life, you can hand over the treasure."

Fang Chang sensed something was wrong, and his momentum rose.

"I don't have any treasures in my hands. If you stop me again, don't blame me for being rude."

The iron tower man sneered.

"Since you said no, then let me go on board and search for it, and hand over all your magical artifacts.

Otherwise, you are hiding my treasure, don't blame me for being unreasonable. "

Fang Chang stopped talking nonsense.

He doesn't care how this unfounded treasure came about, or if the white-faced monk misled him, since he can't reach an agreement, he will fight.


There was a flash of light in Fang Chang's eyes.

The basic information of the big man in front of him has been revealed, level 32, the cultivation base of Jindan in the early stage.

On the way, Fang Chang took another look at the white-faced monk, but this look made him gasp slightly, level 34, the cultivation base of the mid-term golden core.


Now if he couldn't see that the two of them were in the same group, he would have lost his identification skills in vain.

Well, let's not fight for now.

"what are you doing?!"

Following this glance, both the big man and the white-faced monk were shocked, as if something had seen them through from beginning to end just now.

Huge fear suddenly emerged in their hearts, and then extreme anger.

"court death!"

The big man swung his fist and smashed it.

With this blow on one of his arms, a layer of silver-white armor suddenly appeared, with a white and cold light, which was instantly aroused.

Then a huge phantom arm appeared in the sky, and the water tank-sized fist slammed into the air at an extremely fast speed.

The distance of hundreds of meters can be reached in the blink of an eye.

Fang Chang silently transmitted a few words, suppressed Fang Tiezhu who was about to make a move, and then flew the flying boat to another place. His fist rubbed against the outer shield of the flying boat, causing only slight ripples.

"Want to run!"

The big man showed an angry expression, and he smashed the air with his foot, and the man had already fallen like a meteorite, and a bright white light aroused from his body.

the other side.

Fang Chang encountered trouble in manipulating the flying boat, and saw a huge legal net appearing in the sky at some point.

At the front, back, left, and right, a huge array flag emerged, surrounded by dozens of smaller array flags, and in a blink of an eye, the entire area was covered by the array for several miles.

And the lightning flashes on the French Open, which seems to have extraordinary power.

"He did it on purpose!"

Fang Chang came to his senses, no wonder the white-faced monk wanted to stop him deliberately, saying someone was chasing him.

I'm afraid he said this on purpose, wanting him to bypass the original route and plunge into this trap circle.

If he had softened his heart at that time and let the white-faced monk enter the boat to escape, he might be drawn in as well.

Fang Chang didn't have time to think carefully, and wanted to control the flying boat to make a dash while the power of the magic circle had not yet unfolded.


But since it was a trap prepared long ago, how could he be allowed to leave so easily.

Seeing that the electric arc penetrated everywhere, he still held on, but there were already screams in the cabin.

"Brother Xiao Fang! What happened outside?"

"Father, the child is in such pain!"

"Boss Xiaofang!"

"Boss, Uncle Li and the others can't take it anymore!"


Fang Chang landed on the flying boat.

In just a few seconds, both Li's father and Li's mother in the cabin were slightly injured. This is because most of the power was borne by the flying boat.

If you keep going, the airship will be damaged.

If he hadn't been concerned about the people in the cabin, he would have asked Fang Tiezhu to come out and kill these two things with him.

"You still want to run?!"

The iron tower man also chased after him, and laughed even more when he saw that Fang Chang was stopped by the magic circle.

Fang Chang calmed down instead.

"I didn't want to waste it on you two idiots who don't know the so-called, but you asked for it."


A black line appeared between Fang Chang's eyebrows, and ten demon seed crystals appeared in front of him, like a row of dark eyes, which were instantly sucked between his eyebrows.

This is the first time that Fang Chang has used the magic seed crystal to obtain the temporary authority of the eye of the demon. He only feels like an eye in the void, overlooking the world indifferently.

He saw the white-faced monk, who was manipulating the formation flag with a sneer. The range of the formation was getting smaller and smaller, and there was a powerful attack brewing in the center of the formation.

"So you're still a high-level formation mage?"

Fang Chang's voice rang in the ears of the white-faced monk.

The white-faced monk's complexion changed drastically immediately.

"How could you possibly find me?"

He issued a warning in his heart, and with a tactic in his hand, another silver-white magic circle appeared in the void, with white-faced monks as the eyes of the circle, protecting all directions.

The void forms a formation.

This is the ability of a high-level array mage, similar to the void talisman of a talisman master, and does not need any auxiliary things.

The higher the professional level, the higher the falling formation level.

According to legend, the highest-level formation mage can form a formation with a single thought, and the formation will last forever and be immortal.

"is that useful?"

A jet of black divine light seemed to penetrate the void and hit the white-faced monk directly.

At this moment, the silver-white magic circle solidified instantly, turning into a solid silver-white wall.

The white-faced monk sneered, "This is the wall of mithril, any spiritual spells hit on it will disappear invisible, just rely on you, don't even think about hurting..."

The divine light passed through the mithril wall without hindrance, and the white-faced monk's voice stopped abruptly.

Without the white-faced monk controlling the formation, the light on the formation flag dimmed instantly, and the French Open gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, the big man who was delaying time with a smirk, waiting for the boss's ultimate move, his face changed accordingly.

"Big brother!"

Unfortunately no response.

Fang Chang's dark eyes looked at the big man, and there was an evil smile on his face that he had never seen before.

"Your brother is here."

A burst of black light rolled over, and the body of the white-faced monk appeared in front of the big man.

When the big man saw the corpse, he had no intention of revenge at all, and turned around to flee.

But at this moment, a cold light shot out, and the silver-white armor automatically appeared on the big man's body. The cold light hit it, and there was only a small frost spot, which disappeared soon.

"magic weapon?"

Fang Chang touched the ring, and several demon-seeded crystals appeared again. He was about to cast the demonic light again, when he suddenly showed a struggling expression.

"piss off!"

"elder brother."

The girl appeared in front of Fang Chang and asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry about me, go catch him!"

Fang Chang hammered his head vigorously, his face flushed red.


Fang growled.

The girl then turned around and chased after the big man.

"Made, you still want to seduce me with the residual demonic nature?"

"Let you meet the Heavenly Demon ancestor!"

"Bo Xun concept idea!"

"Suppress me!"

Fang Chang sat cross-legged in the air, visualizing Bo Xun Demon Buddha in his mind.

A pitch-black eye blinked above the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Facing the Bo Xun Demon Buddha, it did not resist, and instantly turned into black fragments and sank into the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

When Fang Chang woke up again, his eyes finally became clear again.

"so close."

Fang Chang didn't expect that the demonic nature in the eyes of the demon would almost change his mind.

This has never happened before.

"Could it be too full?"

Fang Chang had a reminder from the identification technique that he knew that the magic seed crystal was the recovery of the spirit of the magic weapon of the eye of the demon, so he was always very cautious when feeding this thing to the eye of the demon.

If it is an ordinary demon monk, he does not know the cause and effect, and thinks that he and the eye of the demon are mutually beneficial, constantly feeding the eye of the demon seed, and exchanging various skills and supernatural powers.

In the end, it will only revive the spirit of the magic weapon of the Eye of the Heavenly Demon in advance, and his own strength is insufficient, and he will become a slave of the Eye of the Heavenly Demon.

Therefore, Fang Chang has obtained the Eye of the Heavenly Demon for more than ten years. In addition to the necessity of one Demon-Seed Crystal every year, he also exchanged three skills, which probably cost less than ten Demon-Seed Crystals.

Because except for the five-turn Niyuan Gong, the other two are only exchanged for the entry stage.

This time, I fed it ten rations, almost equivalent to its ten-year ration, so it's no wonder it was so excited.

But the excitement is the excitement, dare to induce him to consume, that is the overlord clause!

Fang Chang's identification technique gave the Eye of the Heavenly Demon again.


[Eye of the Demon (Damage) (Ancient Treasure) (Refining 67.56%)]

【introduce:? ? ? 】

[Note: The terrifying transboundary power erased its magic weapon spirit. 】

[Note 2: Its magic weapon spirit is recovering. 】

[Note 3: After eating multiple meals in a row, the recovery speed of its magic weapon spirit has been slightly improved, and it has begun to affect the main body. 】


"Multiple meals in a row, the recovery speed has been improved faster, and it can also affect the body, so it has a stronger induction.

Could it be that it was used to absorb the negative emotions of the three cities to refine the magic seed crystal these days. "

Looking at the prompt on the panel, Fang Chang muttered in his heart.

"I know that this thing secretly charges a handling fee."

"It seems that the Heavenly Demon Divine Light can be used sparingly or should be used sparingly. If this time it returns to Qingniufang City smoothly, the next thing to do is to search for treasures that nourish the soul.

I must refine it in the fastest possible time.

Although I haven't fed it much rations these years, it has been nourished in my sea of ​​consciousness, and it has also recovered a lot. "

This is the case with magical treasures. Once used improperly, it is very easy to be backlashed.

It's not as honest as Li Hu's Disha Suppressing Prison Golden Pagoda, and it hasn't seen any moths from it for so long.

Well, except for that Daozi dispute.

Fang Chang put away his thoughts temporarily and recovered his spirit.

With the demon seed crystal as a sacrifice, the eye of the demon did not absorb his spiritual power, so he recovered quickly.

He came to the flying boat to deliver healing medicine to Father Li, Mother Li and others, and then put away the array flags scattered in the air.

This thing can block him, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance.

There is also the corpse of the white-faced monk, wait for Tiezhu to come back first, and then touch the corpse together.

About half an hour later.

I saw Tie Zhu returning smoothly holding a lump of ice.

(End of this chapter)

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