Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 178 Spirit Veins and Accompanying Spiritual Objects

Chapter 178 Spirit Veins and Accompanying Spiritual Objects (1500, 1600 first order plus updates)

Qingniu Mountain.

The ashes all over the sky slowly dissipated.

The figure of a young monk with an evil face loomed.

It is the Lord of the Flame Demon Realm that was revealed in the sky through the mirage before, a golden core monster that has lived for thousands of years——Blame Demon.

The Flame Demon's hair was red, and he was wearing a blue-red robe. He was sitting on his crotch with four hooves stepping on fire. He was wearing a horn and wearing a tall and mighty black horse. When he snorted, two small fire dragons spit out and surrounded the surroundings. , and was inhaled by it.

Behind him, there are three aboriginal monks from the Flame Demon Realm with a ferocious appearance, but none of them look human.

One is covered with totems, the other is covered in a black robe, revealing only a pair of dark eye sockets, and the other is completely bathed in fire, with only a human shape, which seems to be burning all the time.

The Flame Demon took the reins of the war horse and waited quietly.

He was silent, and no one behind him dared to speak first.

Wait until the smoke clears completely.

It can be seen that the small meteorite just now has been smashed into pieces and scattered, making countless small pits, tall trees are broken down, or ignited by the high temperature of the meteorite, bursts of mountain fires are ignited.

And the center that the meteorite hit just now was a green vine as thick and thin as several people would need to surround it. It was a hundred feet long, with a bent body, swaying green light, and sheltering a small square below it.

The green light is weak, but even the meteorites falling from the sky cannot penetrate it.

But visible to the naked eye is that the green light is much weaker than before.

It seems that once again, its light will collapse.

In fact, when the Balrog smashed it three days ago, the green vine looked half dead.

Always close.

The Flame Demon could hardly hold back his patience.

He frowned, slapped his horse down, and descended to the sky above the market, his depressing voice spread throughout the market.

"This deity has limited patience. If you leave now, this deity can still spare your life. If you wait until this deity breaks through the city, this deity will burn any of you at the stake."

The square city was silent, without any movement.

"It seems that you are unwilling to see Huang Quan and bring people up."

As soon as the Fire Demon made a move, he saw the fire man grinning, and the flames on his body jumped accordingly, and he turned away.

When he returned, he had already pulled a rope in his hand.

Seven or eight people were tied up like candied haws on ropes, and they were all hoisted in the air, looking disheveled and embarrassed.

"One stick of time, one person."

"Be a demonstration first."

The Flame Demon snapped his fingers, and the person tied at the bottom was ignited with gray-white flames.

The flame was strange to say, it didn't even burn the clothes, and the temperature didn't seem to be very high.

But with the flames burning.


The monk who was in a low breath suddenly screamed. He couldn't stop struggling, but the flames on his body seemed to be able to burn his soul.

He can clearly feel the pain of every pain piercing into the soul.

His pupils constricted, his muscles expanded, he was screaming, he was roaring.

In the end, he couldn't hold on anymore, even the hatred in his heart for the murder of his fellow disciple couldn't quell his pain, and he began to beg for mercy from the evil spirit in his eyes.

"Kill me, please, kill me!"

The Flame Demon said coldly: "Kneel down."

This person actually bent his legs with difficulty, making a kneeling posture towards the Flame Demon.


Two lines of blood and tears came out of his eyes.


The Flame Demon laughed and said:

"Did you see it? This is who's younger brother, who's disciple, who was quite heroic when he stopped in front of this deity last time.

He was caught by the deity just to cover you, are you just watching him die like this? "

There is still no movement in the market.

"It seems that he entrusts no one."

Balrog smiled and snapped his fingers again.

The flame suddenly increased.

From the scream at the beginning, the cultivator gradually lowered his voice until it was barely audible, and finally his physical body directly ignited, turning into a gray and white fire man with a slightly illusory body.

One could vaguely see that Pyro still had the appearance of a monk, but his expression was completely dull.

"This is the punishment of fire. You can't live, you can't die, and you will be turned into a fire soul for the deity to drive you!"

"Brother Fang, Brother Hong, Elder Chen..."

In Fangshi, a beautiful young woman covered her mouth and lost her voice, with tears streaming down her eyes.

"They turned out to be alive!"

"Qing'er, don't be impulsive, don't fall into the enemy's tricks."

Next to the young woman is a beautiful woman who is five points similar to her in appearance, but with a more mature temperament and full of charm.

These two people are Qin Qing and Mrs. Qin, Li Hu's daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Needless to say, the monk who was burned to ashes in public outside Fangshi was the disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Li Hu's luck has always been much better than Fang Chang's. He returned to the Liuyun Mountain Range smoothly and picked up some disciples who were willing to leave with him.

When he came back, he was in trouble.

He met the Balrog.

That's what luck is all about.

The Flame Demon Realm belongs to a type of secret realm that is completely and inevitably merged, so when they came here, the space between the two sides was extremely unstable.

And the Flame Demon was injured by the unstable power of space, just when his strength was damaged, it would take some time to recover.

When Flame Demon met people, he cleverly changed his appearance to a righteous person.

Although he didn't know that his image was broadcast live, Lao Yinbi never showed his true colors.

If Fang Chang is here, don't care if this person is the Flame Demon, anyway, looking around is not a good person, and he will definitely take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Even if you don't kill it, you won't let it go easily.

This kind of big treasure chest from heaven.

If he doesn't accept it, he will be sorry to God.

At that time, because Li Hu was leading the disciples, he thought that more things are worse than less things, so he didn't try it out, and actually avoided the Flame Demon.

Besides, he is not the kind of person who would kill with a sword.

On the contrary, when he kills, he always thinks that the other party has a way to kill.

But the Flame Demon is an old man, seeing Li Hu avoiding him, he also pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, and retreated secretly.

In fact, he followed behind Li Hu and others, and began to recover his strength along the way, and contacted the old troops scattered all over the place.

The next development is a matter of course.

How could the Flame Demon let go of a piece of fat in his mouth, eat Li Hu and others, not only can he replenish, but he can also take the opportunity to learn about the situation in this world.

Besides, he didn't think Li Hu would be his opponent with two or three big and small cats.

After the Flame Demon regained his strength, he took a few old troops and rushed out.

He thought that his strength would be to chop melons and vegetables and win easily, but it turned out that Li Hu's strength was beyond his expectations.

Thinking that he has been immersed in the golden core realm for hundreds of years, and he has all kinds of spiritual skills at his fingertips. If it weren't for the restriction of heaven and earth, he would have already followed in the footsteps of the sages.

But when I came to the new world, I bit a hard bone at the first bite.

But the Flame Demon quickly saw where Li Hu's weakness was—in order to protect his disciple, Li Hu was quickly injured.

At the critical moment, half of the disciples took the initiative to attack and hold the Flame Demon in order to cover the others to leave, while Li Hu fled with the rest of the disciples.

In the end, Li Hu returned to Qingniu Mountain with about one-third of his disciples.

There was no trouble of Fang Chang not knowing the way at all, Li Hu just felt the vitality in the dark, and found Qingniu Mountain smoothly.

And Qingniu Mountain is indeed his life force.

Two days later, Flame Demon surrounded Qingniu Mountain with more and more people, but found that he couldn't get in at all.

And the target of Flame Demon has also shifted from Li Hu to the long vine that is protecting Qingniufang City at the moment.

It was the companion spirit creature of the spirit vein of the ground.

The Flame Demon Son had only heard of it in the inheritance he had received from the Flame Demon Venerable.

Spiritual veins are where the vitality of a place is, gathering the essence of heaven and earth, and its accompanying spiritual objects are the keys to the spiritual veins. As long as you refine the spiritual objects, you can try to control the spiritual veins.

And the power of the spiritual vein is the most important key for a monk to advance to the realm of the void.

Yan Mozun mentioned in the inheritance that he was able to successfully refine the secret realm of the cave and was promoted to the realm of the void after he obtained a trace of the power of the spiritual vein.

Even a trace of spiritual veins can have such a wonderful effect, so what kind of achievement should one have to become the master of spiritual veins.

The realm of the void is by no means the end!

Even if Yan Mozi is a thousand-year-old devil, he can't hide his excitement at this moment.

It's a pity that this group of people is really too stubborn.

It was rare for him to show kindness once, and he didn't know how to sympathize with his kindness.

"One stick of incense is here again."

The Flame Demon announced coldly.

"Wait a minute."

A slightly flattering voice sounded from the market, and under the subtle green light, a huge turtle face was wrinkled with a smile.

"Longevity Old Turtle?"

Flame Demon frowned, "You're still alive?"

"No, what about the restriction on you? Whoever lifted your restriction, it's no wonder that this deity can't sense your existence after coming to this world."

The big mountain turtle smiled flatteringly and said:

"Lord Flame Demon, please calm down. Old Gui was lucky enough to meet an expert. This time I came here to be a lobbyist for my lord."

Flame Demon said: "Do you want me to let them go? Well, you let them leave this place, and I can promise you."

The big mountain tortoise shook his head and said, "Lord Flame Demon, actually the old tortoise is here to save you."

"What do you mean?"

The Flame Demon said coldly.

Da Shangui said: "My lord, do you know the identity of the people inside?"

Flame Demon looked at Dashangui coldly, as if there were flames beating.

"You think that this deity can deceive this deity when he just arrived. Although this world is grand, it's just a newborn, and the strongest is only a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Doesn't this deity think that there are people in this world that this deity can't afford?
This deity was born upholding the thousand-year-old fate of the Flame Demon Realm, and when he comes to this realm, he should open a path and become an eternal immortal.

All those who stand in front of this deity will die! "

The corner of Dashan Gui's mouth twitched, and he sighed inwardly.

He saw that the tortoise was doing well, but this kind of thing happened within two days, it really didn't give the tortoise a chance to survive.

If he didn't really know the identity of the person inside, he might have betrayed by now.

It's not shameful to be a wall turtle.

But he watched helplessly as the green vine was summoned by a talisman and rose from the ground.

The Balrog couldn't even break through the protection of the green vines, let alone hurt the people inside.

This was because he didn't know what the green vine was, otherwise, he would dare to pooh the Flame Demon's face right now.

The existence of being able to use a talisman to summon spirit veins and accompanying spirits is something that a little flame devil can afford.

Also, the vicious young man who returned a few days ago.

I swear by his tortoise shell, this young man is not to be messed with.

By the way, there is also the Lord Fangzhu who asked him to come back to be a gatekeeper, that fleeting threat is no different from that of the Flame Demon.

"Lord Yanmo, your intelligence is behind. The strongest person in this world is the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, who once wiped out an army of [-] with one palm and suppressed the fate of the country with one person.

And at this moment, in Fangshi, there is the blood of the empress's lord, and there is a princess. "

The big mountain tortoise speaks eloquently.

The Flame Demon laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, the Empress? This deity has played with princesses and queens from not one hundred to eighty, and I have never tried what it is like to be an empress.

So what if you let the queen come over?

Destroy a hundred thousand troops with one palm, but this deity can also burn millions of troops with a mouthful of heavenly fire.

Back then, the Emperor of the Fire-worshiping Kingdom refused to accept his deity and gathered millions of soldiers privately, but the deity was only a mouthful of heavenly fire, and burned their country to ruin, and the Emperor of the Fire-worshiping Kingdom was even more tortured for a hundred days. "

"If the world is reborn today, and everything is renewed, then no matter how capable the empress is, first find the deity."

"Longevity old turtle, you should know the temper of this deity. If this deity breaks through here, even you will not be able to escape."

He is bound to win the spiritual vein, and no one can stop it.

Suddenly, a stern light flashed in the eyes of the Fire Demon.

"No, you are here to delay!"

Da Shangui quickly denied: "No, no, Lord Flame Demon, please don't get me wrong, I..."

But the Balrog just snapped his fingers two times in succession.

clap clap!

Two of the monks who were suspended in the air ignited gray flames at the same time, and screams rang out.

"This kind of trick will only offend the deity, if you want them to survive, then obediently let this place go!"

"There are still more than 20 people in this deity's hands. Guess how long they can survive?"

Yan Mozi's words made everyone in the Lingjian Sect in Fangshi filled with righteous indignation, their eyes tearing apart.


"We fought him!"

"I'd rather die than see my fellow disciples suffer such humiliation!"

"Madam, disciple please fight!"

"Disciples please fight!"

"Please fight!"

All the disciples knelt in front of Qin Qing and Mrs. Qin, begging for a fight to the death.

I have to say that treating people with sincerity will pay off.

Li Hu treats his disciples with sincerity, rewards and punishments are clear, and he never gives special treatment, so the disciples will naturally unite as one and die for the sect.

This is Li Hu's unique personality charm, which Fang Chang will never be able to achieve.

Of course, one uses personality charm and the other uses profit to seduce people, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

As for Li Hu, he has been retreating since his return.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Qin didn't dare to call him. If the son-in-law was angered and rushed out, it would be too late to regret.

So Mrs. Qin held her daughter's hand tightly, even though she was about to be killed by the excited eyes of her disciples, she refused to let go.

Madam Qin's elder brother Duan Yiping, now the peak master of Changsong Peak, stood aside and sighed silently.

When did his disciples of Changsong Peak have such courage.

Just now.

A clear voice echoed in the mountains.

"You are so arrogant on my territory, who the hell gave you the guts?"

"Come down for me!"

A black divine light fell, and Flame Demon's complexion changed instantly. He actually felt the great terror between life and death.

"You can't kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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