Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 190 Prepare to attack

Chapter 190 Preparing to Attack (300 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

Another two days.

Li Hu returned in a hurry.

"Second brother, here is the map you want."

Li Hu didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed Fang Chang a map.

Fang Chang took the map and unfolded it. It was the map of Qingniu Mountain and Wanli nearby.

The map is very simple, just some simple lines, with mountains and rivers drawn, and there are many signs of villains, beasts, and swords.


Fang Chang pointed to the heads of villains and beasts and asked:
"Brother, I still recognize these landscapes, what do these villains, beasts, and swords mean?"

Li Hu showed emotion on his face: "The sign of the villain is the human settlement I encountered on the road. There are cities and tribes in it. I went down to find out.

They all came from different worlds, and they all encountered a sudden natural disaster, and they came here inexplicably.

I think it is the small world of the secret realm that you mentioned, second brother.

It turns out that those who can come to our world are not only those practitioners, but also ordinary people in their world.

As for those beast heads, they were the group of monsters I encountered on the road. Speaking of which, it was the first time I saw so many monsters gathered together.

Fortunately, they all have their own territory and will not leave easily, otherwise those ordinary people will be miserable.

The place where the sword is drawn is the monk's sect.

But they were very exclusive, and I didn't force my way in.

Speaking of which, I took my disciples to flee for my life in a hurry, and I didn't have time to take care of these.

Little did they know that the land was already buzzing with people. "

Fang Chang counted carefully, there are more than 20 human settlements within a radius of [-] li of Qingniu Mountain, five monster herds, and three monk sects.

Of course, there must be omissions.

Li Hu just drew a rough topographical map. It is not something they can do now that they want a complete satellite map level.

Fang Chang looked at the map carefully again, then carefully put it away, and then smiled at Li Hu.

"Excuse me, brother."

It took three months of running around to produce such a picture.

Li Hu smiled and shook his head: "What's the trouble, to be honest, I quite like the feeling now.

You don't need to open your eyes every day to think about how to arrange the disciples and how to develop the sect in the future.

Now you are here to give the orders, and I will just be in charge of the work, so I don't need to waste any energy.

As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books, and I am going to visit mountains and rivers under your name.

After this trip, I feel at ease, I only feel that the rivers and mountains are very good, and those depressions in the past have dissipated, and the opportunity of the Nascent Soul is right in front of me. "

Li Hu has not completely broken through the Nascent Soul Realm.

Because normally speaking, breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm is to be struck by lightning, which is commonly known as the Sanjiu Thunder Tribulation.

It's just that in the eyes of some people, such as Li Hu's mother-in-law, since Li Hu suppressed the Yan Mozi in the Nascent Soul Realm, he was in the Nascent Soul Realm.

The reason why Li Hu was able to defeat the Flame Demon last time was because of the transformation of the Giant Spirit's body and the evolution of the Zijiao's bloodline, the second was the suppressing power of the Prison-Suppressing Golden Pagoda, and the third was Fang Chang's slowing down of the Flame Demon.

In the end, it had to be added that the Flame Demon broke through in a hurry, and was anxious to seize the companion spirit before he had time to stabilize his realm, so he ended up being suppressed.

If Yan Mozi was given half a year to stabilize his realm and thoroughly familiarize himself with the mysteries of the Nascent Soul realm, even if they could defeat him, it would not be difficult for Yan Mozi to escape.

It can only be said that they are the human robbers of the flame demon son Yuanyingjie.

Hearing this, Fang Chang was also overjoyed.

"Congratulations brother!"

"I don't know when the big brother plans to break through?"

Li Hu thought for a while: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today."


Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and with a palm forward, a blue fruit shaped like tears was pushed in front of Li Hu.

"Little brother doesn't have any presents to give to elder brother, so today I will borrow flowers to present to Buddha, this is the green tear fruit, it has the effect of enhancing the soul and purifying the primordial spirit, and it has some effect on breaking through the Nascent Soul.

Also ask the eldest brother to take it. "

Li Hu didn't care, he just thought it was an ordinary spiritual fruit.

He took the fruit casually, threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it directly.

"Then thank you second brother."

One of the important reasons why he held back his breakthrough this time was because he wanted to show Chang Fang a Nascent Soul breakthrough and accumulate experience for his future advancement.

There are some words to be brothers, so there is no need to say more.

As soon as the green tear fruit entered his stomach, Li Hu noticed that it was extraordinary.

The fruit turned into a cloud of fresh air and dispersed into his internal organs, his spirit was brightened, and even the sky and the earth became very clear in his eyes.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

"Oh, it's a pity, it's just icing on the cake for me, this second brother is confused."

But these words only turned in his mind, and he pressed them all.

He's not a fool, Fang Chang sincerely gave him treasures, it's fine if he doesn't thank him, how could he complain about others.

He silently wrote down this feeling.

all of a sudden.

Boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of thunder, dark clouds swept in, covering the sky, the thunder dragon rolled, and the spider web-like electric traces exploded in the sky.

Li Hu smiled slightly at Fang Chang.

"Second brother, take a step ahead for brother."

The aura on his body was fully opened, and the phantom of the purple dragon roared out, surrounding him, and when he stepped on it, he tore the air upward like a cannonball.


A white thunderbolt with the thickness of an arm landed first, and then countless tiny electric snakes swam through the void one after another as if scrambling for food.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of meters around Li Hu turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Fang Chang looked intently, but he couldn't see Li Hu's face clearly, only a clear human silhouette rolling in the sea of ​​thunder.

But seeing his calm and unhurried posture, it was obvious that the first lightning calamity was just an appetizer.

Fang Chang took a step forward and rose into the air.

At this moment, there were already many people in the air, all of them were foundation-building monks from Qingxiao City, and they all bowed to salute Fang Chang.

"Lord City Lord."

"Sanggong, this is... brother Li?"

Dongdong flew towards Fang Chang, she had already broken through the foundation building and had the ability to fly the imperial weapon.

Li Hu's Thunder Tribulation was so loud that it shocked the entire Qingxiao City.

Fang Chang nodded: "Brother can break his knot, this is the opportunity to break through."

"Watch it with peace of mind. Although your realm is not enough, you will always benefit from it."

Dongdong smiled wryly: "With my aptitude, I'm afraid it's wishful thinking to break through the Nascent Soul realm.

If I can break through the golden core in my life and accompany my husband for 500 years, I will be satisfied. "

Fang Chang knocked on her head dissatisfied: "If you want to leave me in 500 years, I won't agree."

"You are a stupid pig, and I have to turn you into a fairy pig."

He has appraised Dongdong's qualifications, his root bone is 72, and his posture is above average.

Just to help him break through the golden core realm, part of Dongdong's origin was absorbed by him, which made it difficult for her to practice.

But he is Dongdong's humanoid plug-in.

"You're the stupid pig."

Dongdong complained, but there was a sweet smile on his face.

"Don't talk, watch with peace of mind."

Fang Chang mentally locks on to the sky.

Li Hu has already started to experience the ninth thunder tribulation.

Perhaps because nine is an extreme number, this ninth thunder tribulation is a little different, it actually took shape.

I saw that the originally thick thunder slowly condensed into a quaint spear, although it was only a prototype, but just by looking at it, it seemed to sense the destructive aura on it.

This blow has reached the power of the Nascent Soul realm.

For a cultivator at the peak of the ordinary golden core, I am afraid that just this one will have to use his hole cards to deal with it.

But Li Hu still didn't dodge or dodge, but his body grew a little bigger.

The thunder spear pierced the chest.

Li Hu raised his chest instead.

It was as if a huge drum was beating in the air.

The Thunder Spear melted inch by inch, and finally melted into the sea of ​​thunder, but it failed to accomplish an inch.

Li Hu's giant spirit god has been trained horizontally to overpower his body, and ordinary Nascent Soul attacks have long been unable to break through his defense.

Not to mention that he also has the bodyguard Zijiao, which is the blood that controls Thunder.

There was a gleam in Fang Chang's eyes.

Perhaps this is the reason why Li Hu never dodged, he was feeding his Zijiao blood with his Nascent Soul, Thunder Tribulation.

Boom! !

It was as if a war drum was beating in the sky.

As the ninth thunder calamity fell, several thunder calamities soon fell one after another.

eleven twelve……

The second count of nine, three thunder spears fell at the same time.

But the powerful power couldn't hurt Li Hu at all.


The number of Lei Jie reached thirty-nine.

It's a pity that even the three-nine thunder calamity, there are no new tricks, it is nothing more than increasing the number of thunder spears again, reaching nine.

The last nine thunder spears enveloped Li Hu, and the blazing light exploded in the sky like the sun.

Faintly, a golden elixir greeted him.

Wait until the white light converges.

I saw Li Hu standing on the spot calmly, and at his feet was a huge purple dragon with a length of one hundred feet, which was swallowing thunder, exaggerating the aura of destruction.

At last.

The Zijiao turned into a cloud of light and returned to Li Hu's body. Behind the back that no one saw, a purple dragon tattoo with teeth and claws was lifelike.



Although Fang Chang hadn't reached the Nascent Soul level yet, he also benefited a lot from watching Li Hu cross the catastrophe, and countless inspirations flashed in his mind.


His figure froze suddenly.

Nine Serenity Profound Brahma Magic Tome!

The master of the sect, who exchanged the Dao-level skills from the Eye of the Demon three months ago, unexpectedly had an opportunity to get started at this moment.

As early as the refining of the Mountains and Rivers Order, after being baptized by the spiritual veins, and the roots and blessings rose, Fang Chang had plans to modify the exercises.

Although the five-turn Niyuan Kungfu is a spiritual-level kungfu, it is only a low-grade kungfu after all, and it can only be regarded as the most common practice kungfu for the Jindan realm.

Even if he cultivated to the realm of a master, he practiced hard every day, coupled with the unique cultivation environment, the experience he gained was beyond ten thousand.

But from level 31 to level 32, you need 1000 million experience points.

At the beginning, he could go up to a level in three years, then six years, nine years, 15 years, 24 years...

It will take at least two or three hundred years to reach the Yuanying threshold, and there is still no bottleneck in the middle.

But this is the practice speed of a normal monk.

Otherwise, there will be the most monks who will not fall in the Golden Core realm.

Without it, instead of spending hundreds of years to gamble on an empty future, it is better to enjoy him for hundreds of years, and it is considered that a lifetime has not been wasted.

Fang Chang now has a grand goal, and of course low-level exercises of the spiritual rank cannot satisfy him.

So he was in place in one step, and directly focused on the Dao-level exercises.

So he spent twenty demon seed crystals in the eyes of the demon to exchange for the entry-level exercises of the Jiuyou Xuansha magic tome.

As for the other two Dao-level exercises in the Eye of the Demon-Yan Mo Tianzi's Dharma Body and Myriad Ghosts and Soul Eater Demon Art, they were selectively given up by Fang Chang because the names were not pleasing.

But maybe it's because of the lack of foundation, Fang Chang studied hard for three months, and even borrowed the understanding of his good brother Xinmo, but he didn't get started.

But with the final burst of thunder, the previous sentiments finally accumulated and accumulated!

If he gave himself an appraisal at this time, he would find that on his list of skills, the name of the five-turn Niyuan Gong had been replaced by the Jiuyou Xuansha Magic Tome.

"Double Happiness Comes!"

Fang Chang regained consciousness quickly, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Now, he doesn't need to round up and down, and he can say that he is a genius.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Dongdong asked curiously.

Fang Chang smiled and said: "Good thing, you go and inform the others. There will be a meeting in the City Lord's Mansion in an hour. I have something to inform them."

"it is good."

Fang Chang didn't say anything, and Dongdong couldn't keep asking.


An hour later.

City Lord's Mansion.

Government Affairs Office.

Fang Chang sat at the main seat, and Li Hu and Dongdong sat on both sides.

As for the other members, such as Fang Tiezhu, Mrs. Qin, Ekai, Duan Yiping, Zhu Gui and others all sat below.

For the time being, Qingxiao City is governed by a parliament, with a total of twelve seats, which will be increased according to the situation. They are all members of the parliament now.

Fang Chang, the city lord, naturally also serves as the chairman of the council, with one vote of veto and one vote of decision.

Others have the power to decide the affairs of Qingxiao City only when he is not around.

Well, very democratic.

"First of all, congratulations to Commander Li Hu for officially breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm and becoming the first Nascent Soul Great Cultivator in Qingxiao City."

clap clap clap! !

Under the leadership of Fang Chang, everyone applauded with dignity.

"Okay, with Commander Li Zhuyu in front, everyone must work harder."

Fang Chang clapped his hands and gave a few words of encouragement.

"Qingxiao City has not been established for a long time, but the results achieved are huge."

"Today's Qingxiao City already has one Nascent Soul cultivator, seven Golden Core cultivators, Duan Zhenren, Liu Zhenren, let's say hello to everyone."

Duan Zhenyun is Duan Yiping, and Liu Zhenyun is an old man from the former Qingniufang City, named Liu Zhenyun, with a peak foundation cultivation.

The cultivation bases of both of them have reached the goal, but they are both short of an opportunity.

After the opening of the Disha Prison Pagoda to the public, the two seized the opportunity and successfully broke through the golden core realm.

Of course, for this, both of them need to serve Qingxiao City for 20 years, and now both of them are combat monks of the First Legion.

After the two greeted each other, they sat down again.

Fang Chang continued:

"In today's world environment, the border barriers are not as strict as in the past. You might as well set your goals higher."

"In addition, when Commander Li returned this time, he also brought back a map of Wanli near Qingniu Mountain."

"Everyone, please see!"

Fang Chang projected the enlarged version of the map light and shadow in the air.

This simple light and shadow spell is relatively simple, but requires subtle control over mana.

"The resources of Qingniu Mountain are limited, and everyone will have no objection to this point."

"To get better and faster development, we must go out."

"The world is reopened, and everything is born again. The outside world is still unfamiliar to us, so our first five-year plan is to be conservative."

Fang's long finger tapped on the map.

"So, do you have the confidence to bring these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers under Qingxiao City's rule within five years?"

 Well, I have been a little stuck these two days, so the writing is a bit boring, and it should be better later.Thank you Hairen's City Drifting for the 2000 tip! !
(End of this chapter)

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