Chapter 203 Need to add money (2200 first order plus more)

In a bright prison cell.

Fang Chang, Li Hu, and Zhong Shan sat cross-legged. If it wasn't for the wrong environment, this would be a good posture for discussing the Tao.

Zhong Shan had no expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fang Chang smiled harmlessly, but stared at Zhong Shan with joy in his eyes, just like looking at a big fat sheep.

Li Hu, on the other hand, wanders in the sky, already detached from the environment.

Anyway, he is just making up the numbers, so why not think about what to eat tomorrow.

A long time passed.

Zhong Shan really couldn't stand Fang Chang's salivating eyes. He didn't have much power to resist now.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Fang Chang wiped away the non-existent saliva, and said with a smile:

"Senior, don't be afraid, you are very powerful, if we don't give you some tricks, how dare we sit with you.

Actually, we want to make friends with you. "

Zhong Shan: "..."

That is to say, all the chains of the primordial spirit are hidden in the body, otherwise he would have to shake the chains and complain, what kind of attitude is this to make friends?

After a moment of silence, Zhong Shan said:

"This old man doesn't lie to you, how are you willing to let this old man go?"

"Besides, this old man can also make an oath to the primordial spirit, as long as you let this old man leave, this old man will never trouble you in the future.

This world is vast, wherever you are, I will retreat thousands of miles, no, retreat thousands of miles. "

Unless it is a last resort, he is unwilling to give up his distraction, because this is his second soul.

Even if he is in the realm of transforming gods, it is still very difficult to cultivate a second soul, which requires extremely high talent and great opportunities.

Once damaged, not only will his combat power be damaged in the future, but his soul will also be affected.

Moreover, he managed to send his second soul to the main plane, and with the possibility of further cultivation, how could he give up.

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "Senior, what you said is outrageous, you said that we are making friends, there is no reason to retreat thousands of miles when we see friends.

But since you are so direct, senior, then I won't go around with you.

In fact, the reason why I stayed with my seniors is very simple. I want to ask my seniors to be our teachers. "

After the words fell, even Li Hu, who had been wandering in the sky, looked over.

Zhong Shan repeated it, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"be a teacher?"

Fang Chang nodded seriously and said, "That's right, be a teacher."

He sighed and said: "Senior may not know that my elder brother and I came from humble beginnings, and we are all self-taught along the way.

I don't know how many detours I took and how much painstaking effort I took.

But the more we practice, the more difficult the path becomes. What we dream of is having a teacher by our side to guide us. "

"I think this may be God's will, let the predecessors come to us."

Zhong Shan couldn't help but stroked his beard, thought for a moment, and said reservedly:
"Since you are sincerely studying, I might as well accept you as an apprentice."

"The Star Sect has no inheritance in this world. The old man sees that you are young and your cultivation level is acceptable, but you can inherit the name of my Star Sect."

"No no, senior, you misunderstood. It's a teacher, not an apprentice." Fang Chang corrected: "We learn from the senior, not worship under the senior."

Zhong Shan's voice sank: "You don't want to be a teacher, but you want to inherit from me. How can there be such a cheap thing?"

Fang Chang shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't pass it on, I just hope that the seniors can give us a few words of guidance.

Besides, how dare we expect too much. "

Seeing Fang Chang's appearance of wanting to take advantage but not paying, Zhong Shan scolded him bloody in his heart.

But people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

In his thousands of years of cultivation career, he has also bowed his head and experienced troughs, but as long as he is given a chance, he can still get up.

Up to now, he is already the Xingzong Taishang, the pinnacle of the world.

The humiliation he once endured has long since turned into a beautiful story over time.

So, he endured it.

Zhong Shan said: "Since it's just a guide to practice, it's natural, but the old man can't stay here to guide you all the time. The old man needs a deadline."

Fang Chang paused for a moment, then asked: "Then what other hobbies do seniors usually have? Such as alchemy and weapon refining."

Zhong Shan: "The alchemy talisman array, the old man has dabbled in it."

This is not true.

The upper limit of the stargazing world has been set, and the legendary road to ascend to the upper world has been cut off for tens of thousands of years.

In order to make progress, he had to put his energy and eyes on the assistant position of comprehension. He was especially good at making talismans, and he was also known as the star talisman Taoist in the stargazing world.

Fang Chang showed joy on his face: "That's really great."

"Senior thinks this is good?"

"When the seniors train us a thousand high-level crafting masters, a thousand high-level alchemy masters, a thousand high-level talisman masters, and a thousand high-level array mages.

We will respectfully send the seniors away. "

It's too wasteful for a distraction in the God Transformation Realm to be used as a battery. The most valuable thing is his experience and knowledge.

This is what Qingxiao City lacks now.

After Fang Chang learned of Zhong Shan's existence, he made a plan, and he would never let him go unless he squeezed out his last bit of value.

As for offending people, Xingzong may take revenge in the future.

Funny, there are people above him.

And think about everything better, what if Zhong Shan is moved by his sincerity and joins them in Qingxiao City.

Zhong Shan looked at Fang Chang for a long time, Fang Chang blinked and returned his sincere eyes.

Zhong Shan said tiredly: "Let's talk about inheritance."

Cultivating four thousand high-level occupations, this bastard dares to say that their Star Sect has accumulated tens of thousands of years, and at its peak, it did not have such a scale.

"The old man has a copy of Dao-level spiritual arts in his hand, which has reached the realm of a master, and can be passed on to you in its entirety. There is also a copy of Dao-level exercises, but before reaching the realm of a master, the inheritance is incomplete.

But there are also twelve copies of spiritual-level exercises, and thousands of copies of ordinary-level exercises.

I can give you all these inheritances in exchange for my freedom. "


Fang Chang swallowed.

How wasteful it is to fight and kill, this is the best use of people.

"But senior, you are a great power at the God Transformation Realm!"

Zhong Shan said, "What do you mean?"

Fang Chang said with a serious face, "That's why I have to pay more!"

Veins popped up on Zhong Shan's forehead: "Boy, don't be greedy. What the old man gave you is enough to establish a powerful sect."

Fang Chang's Nine Nether Xuansha magic tome was circulating in his body, and a mysterious aura came out through his body.

"Seniors, juniors have no shortage of inheritance."

"There is a second way." A layer of evil spirit emerged from his body, which was the true body of Disha Suppressing Prison.

"The third way." A demonic Buddha appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the breath of Dao-level exercises permeated the space.

Zhong Shan swallowed: "You, you..."

One person is able to gather spirit, body, and dharma into one body.

This talent, this opportunity!
I am afraid that the entire stargazing world will not be able to find such a person.

He suddenly really wanted to take the kid in front of him as his apprentice.

Fang Chang put away the aura of the exercises, and said with an innocent face:

"Senior, look, the younger generation can't understand their own inheritance, so how dare they covet other inheritances."

Zhong Shan could only nod dejectedly:

"4000 people are too many, change to a number that the old man can accept."

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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