Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 209 Fang Chang's Undead Puppet Legion

Chapter 209 Fang Chang's Undead Puppet Legion

As an evil puppet master, Fang Chang has finally reached this point.

The corpse in the maple forest was a corpse puppet refined from the corpses left after killing the enemies after he returned from Mizusawa, Qianzhu County.

For example, before blocking the way, the white-faced monk from the Hundred Flowers Realm not only contributed to him the soul restraint, but also his corpse.

This is the first Jindan cultivator corpse puppet in Fang Chang's hands, and it is also the only one.

Another example is that when the five human strongholds were conquered before, most of the rebels who were killed in order to gain prestige and subdue the crowd were the foundation-building monks.

After all, real people in the Jindan Realm can be used as a battery for the Golden Pagoda, and it is more valuable to be alive than to be dead.

For miscellaneous things, he also saved dozens of corpses, and spent some auxiliary materials along the way, refined them, and became puppets in his hands.

Because of the excellent raw materials, the level of these corpse puppets has dropped by a big level compared to the original body.

Of course, this is not important.

Anyway, they are all experimental products, so it would not be a pity to destroy them.

Fang Chang's mind was concentrated, a little light flickered in the void, like a lamp, it was his own spiritual light.

In the past, he gave a puppet the light of spirituality at one time, hoping that the puppet would turn into spiritual wisdom and become an intelligent race like Tiezhu.

Later, he discovered that it is not enough to have the light of spirituality, but also needs the background of the puppet itself, which is old enough and has enough stories.

So it took him ten years to succeed in two.

However, he sent those two spiritual puppets into the Liuyun Mountains to serve as undercover agents in the sect by various methods.

Originally, he thought that there would be a battle between himself and the Zongmen Alliance. After all, he really wanted the Liuyun Lingmine, so he laid out two pawns in advance.

And spiritual puppets have their own racial advantages, so they can easily stand out.

Before the great change of the world, he had already become the middle level of the sect. This was because the entry time was too short and he had not gained full trust.

As a result, who would have thought that even the shadow of the Liuyun Mountain Range could not be seen now.

Closer to home.

With Fang Chang's spiritual light shining, the corpse puppets standing in front of him seemed to have been summoned by something, and they all looked up at the spiritual light.

Their eyes are glassy and thoughtless.

But after a while, you can find that there is an inexplicable trace of emotion that does not belong to the puppet in the eyes of the corpse puppet.

They are evolving, giving birth to spirits from the dead.

Wait until the spiritual light fades away.

Fang Chang rubbed his brows, his eyes were a little more tired.

He has strong spiritual power now, and he has ancient treasures like the Eye of the Demon to protect his soul, and the blue tear fruit, the essence of the heaven and earth's spiritual veins, to nourish his spirit.

The recovery of the spiritual light is no longer like before. It takes two years to use it once. He estimates that it will take about one or two months now.

After all, this is a supernatural power that can be called good fortune, endowing dead things with spirituality, and turning dead things into life, is like the enlightenment in myths and legends.

"Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle. Use it early and cool it down early."

Fang Chang muttered and murmured:
"Although a puppet that gives birth to spiritual intelligence is not restricted by its own rank, it also consumes a lot of resources to advance. I have only one tiezhu.

I can't afford any more, and I don't want to.

As the master, I always work for puppets, what's the matter.

In the past, it was expensive and not expensive, but now it is more expensive than expensive.

I hope you will show some face. "

Fang Chang looked at the many corpse puppets illuminated by the spiritual light. In his eyes, some of these corpse puppets had a shining light between their eyebrows, and some did not.

The shining corpse puppet shows that it has a preliminary spirituality and has escaped the attributes of a dead object, but it is not as intelligent as Tie Zhu.

They are not a puppet family, they can only be said to be in between.

As for the ones that don't shine, they are naturally unbearable idiots.

The probability of producing spirituality is about 20%, and there are about [-] corpse puppets.

This is because his spiritual light is stronger than before, and there are not many puppets illuminated by the spiritual light this time.

If there are one thousand, ten thousand puppets here, the probability of producing spiritual puppets may be one percent, one thousandth.

"Tie Zhu, you fought against them, don't hold back."

Fang Chang called out the spiritual corpse puppet.

The puppets without spirituality retreated to the side to watch the show, hoping that they would realize their shame and be brave, and be born with spirituality early.

Fang Tiezhu has always fulfilled his elder brother's request without compromise.

She rushed into the group of puppets, holding a long purple knife in her hand, and slashed here and there, like cutting a watermelon.

These first- and second-order puppets have no resistance at all, and they can't even touch the corners of the girl's skirt.

The girl barely paused, and it only took two seconds to cut from south to north.

Limbs and heads were scattered all over the place, like a perverted murder scene.

"Brother, they are too weak."

In the eyes of the girl, these corpse puppets are completely vulnerable. I don't know why my brother is so serious about it.

Fang Chang's magic power gushed out, and he said with a smile:

"You'll know when you look at it."

All the stumped limbs on the ground stood up twisted, and then the mutilated body grew out inconceivably.

No, not growing, but putting together.

Because there are no more of their broken limbs on the ground.

It seems that the most skilled embalmer put them together again just now, and there is still no trace of stitching.

They looked at the girl without the slightest fear in their eyes, and once again swarmed up.

As cheap corpse puppets, apart from their strong bodies, they hardly have any commendable skills.

But many ants kill elephants.

These corpse puppets are originally used as waste, as shields, as cannon fodder, and they can make a lot of money if they can consume the enemy's mana.

"Blast them!"

Fang Chang ordered.

The girl who wanted to keep using the saber flipped her palm, and the long saber turned into an electric arc and returned to her palm, but instead a powerful force blasted out of her fist.

The air seemed to be distorted for a moment, and the huge impact force was like an invisible cannonball, blowing all the puppets rushing to pieces.

Fang Chang's mana rolled again.

Seeing invisible ripples rippling out of the air, the corpse puppet that was smashed just now was revived intact on the spot.

"It's really possible."

In Fang Chang's eyes, there are still some firefly-like spiritual lights in the more than 20 corpse puppets that were smashed to pieces just now.

As his mana rolled by, the spiritual light pulled back the dissipated fragments of corpse puppets in the air.

Subtle molecules combine to form a complete corpse puppet.

"elder brother?"

This time even the girl was surprised.

She knew that her brother's mana could restore puppets, but she didn't expect that even smashed into pieces, she could restore them perfectly.

"Haha, I'm so awesome!"

At this moment, Fang Chang felt that he had finally discovered the most suitable puppet warfare method for him.

Who would have thought that the origin of his undead puppet army was just because of a poor word.

"But don't be proud yet, try again."

Fang Chang took turns experimenting with the girl again.

Two hours later.

When the 24 corpse puppets returned to their original shape again, Fang Chang's mana was finally exhausted and he had to meditate to recover.

And he finally figured out the characteristics of this undead puppet army.

First of all, there are two prerequisites for the puppet to be immortal. One is that the spiritual light has not been extinguished. If the puppet's spiritual light is exposed to the air for too long, it will slowly extinguish.

The second is that Fang Chang has sufficient mana.

Only his mana trait has a restorative effect on golems.

If these two conditions are met, the puppet is an immortal existence.

Secondly, these corpse puppets born with spirituality also have growth potential, but they are not as active as Tiezhu.

Their combat strength will continue to grow with the battle, and the corpses and flesh and blood around them are their best nourishment.

For this reason, those corpse puppets who have not been born with spirituality become poor sacrifices.

At the same time, the improvement is extremely subtle. If they hadn't been crushed for two hours in a row, Fang Chang could hardly notice that they had become stronger by a little bit.

But as long as it's a whore for nothing, all problems are not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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