Chapter 211

Tang calendar 330 eight years, July [-]nd.

After using Baihutang as the experimental product, the journey of Qingxiao City officially began.

The first legion showed its fangs. Li Hu, the head of the legion, led his men to push invincibly along the thread route. No one could resist Li Hu, the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Even if some secret realm sects have the means left by their predecessors, they can stop Li Hu for a short time.

But with the addition of other Jindan monks, as well as Fang Tiezhu and Fang Chang's undead puppet army to help out, all resistance is local chickens and dogs.

The land with a radius of thousands of miles is all looking forward to the wind.

In just a few months, with a radius of thousands of miles, all the lands of a big country have been declared to be the territory under the rule of Qingxiao City.

Since then, Fang Chang's first five-year plan has been declared bankrupt.

Because in less than a year, he completed his planned goal.

The first battle of the First Legion revealed the high mobility of the high-ranking monks.

Fighting for three thousand miles a day, one person can be a million division.

It took them two months before to barely subdue the five forces of a thousand miles away, and they had to send tax officials and subordinates to monitor them to prevent the forces from repeating themselves.

But now the area has expanded more than ten times, a hundred times, but it takes a shorter time.

One of the biggest differences is that Fang Chang refined the Eye of the Demon.

The Eye of the Demon Eye is indeed an ancient treasure that once helped the Demon Eye Sect rule several worlds, and the skill of cultivating demons undoubtedly guaranteed the loyalty of newcomers to the greatest extent.

In the face of death threats, even cultivators are no exception.

People who are truly fearless about life and death, whether they are cultivators or mortals, are very few.

Even cultivators are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Because mortals are only a hundred years in a hurry, and they pass by in a flash, and they die when they die.

Cultivators have more years, and they don't want to die easily.

The First Legion barely rested.

Either in a fight, or on the way to a fight.

Most of the time, two or three forces that are unwilling to surrender must be defeated a day.

As for how to be convinced.

The more blood shed, the more naturally he was convinced.

There is no good or evil, only strength or weakness.

Fang Chang basically didn't make a move, he was more like an army supervisor and logistics quartermaster.

He just went up to take over the land that the First Legion had conquered, fighting and harvesting all the way.

The more you fight, the richer you get.

Wealth and talents of various cultivation professions have been brutally collected through powerful means of warfare.

Of course, Fang Chang still counts.

The objects he harvested wealth were all the original ruling class, and these guys accounted for almost [-]% to [-]% of the power wealth.

Harvesting them is convenient without worrying about the rebellious psychology of the bottom people.

For the people at the bottom, it is not unacceptable to change the king's flag on the wall. Anyway, we are all of the same clan, and it is not a good thing to be a obedient citizen.

As long as it doesn't touch their poor bottom line.

The bottom line is their freedom, their dignity, and something bigger than life.

As for all kinds of professional talents, he gave them full respect, and sent them all to Qingxiao City to join the Datang Golden Book, enrich the talent pool, and work for him.

In battle after battle, Li Hu quickly promoted several centurions, all of whom were Golden Core monks from secret realms.

The organizational structure of the First Legion has been greatly supplemented, and it has also allowed the monks in the secret realm to officially integrate into Qingxiao City.

Therefore, not only did the First Army not fight less and less, but it became very fast.

Li Hu, the commander of the legion, is more and more worthy of his name.

Until they met the first Nascent Soul.

It was eight thousand miles west of Qingxiao City, a hidden sect, there were only two or three big cats and kittens, but there happened to be a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Originally, the goal of Fang Chang and others was not here.

Because the sect's territory is too small and its staff is too small, it didn't appear on the map drawn by Li Hu before, nor did it appear in the intelligence of the legion scouts.

But they stopped by themselves.

Because the First Legion made a lot of noise, this Nascent Soul monk was invited by a nearby sect to act as a lobbyist.

They want to separate land from Qingxiao City.


"His name is Chen Fan, a rare immortal cultivator in the Flame Demon Realm. It is said that they are of the same line, and they have always been passed down in a single line. Each generation of descendants can inherit part of the mana of the predecessors.

Said that he wanted this method to break the rules of the Flame Demon Realm.

But they didn't succeed until the Flame Demon Realm was destroyed.

Later, after the birth of the Flame Demon, Chen Fan fought with him, but lost to the Flame Demon, and disappeared since then.

We thought he was seriously injured and died, but we didn't expect that he was still alive and had broken through the Nascent Soul realm.

He has a lineage of more than ten generations of accumulation, and after breaking through the Nascent Soul realm, I am afraid that ordinary Nascent Soul monks will not be able to compare. "

The information about the great monk Nascent Soul was quickly sent to Chief Fang, and the one who was reporting to him was an old man with fiery red hair and skin as smooth as a baby.

Everyone has a childlike face with white hair, but he has a childlike face with fiery hair.

This old man's name is Wangui Patriarch, and his original name was Yuan Qing.

Coincidentally, it is the master of He Huan, the lord of Changle City. He is a demon cultivator who specializes in ghosts and ghosts. He holds a banner of ten thousand ghosts.

When Fang Chang met him, he happened to see him refining the magic weapon on the top of the mountain, and he was full of ghostly and devilish aura.

It goes without saying that in the entire Qingxiao collar, there is one and only one demon monk, and that is Fang Chang.

As for the other demon monks, one counts as one, and they are all sent to the cannon fodder battalion, oh, no, it is the vanguard death camp.

It's not that he looks down on monks of the magic way, but that this group of guys who harm others and benefit themselves always violate the basic moral principles in their cultivation.

Blood sacrifices to this and that at every turn.

Fang Chang can't control them if they do evil elsewhere, but in his territory, those who kill him must be well controlled.

Was it only people who were killed?

That's still his experience bag.

So Fang Chang took the old ghost down on the spot.

Speaking of which, in the Pioneer Death Battalion of the First Legion, except for the monks of the White Tiger Hall, most of them are demonic monks from the Flame Demon Realm.

Because the fusion secret realm of the territory of Annan Road is the Flame Demon Realm.

Within a radius of ten thousand miles of Qingxiao City, almost half of the sects and cities were originally from the Flame Demon Realm.

Patriarch Wan Gui sent his information and looked at Fang Chang flatteringly, not caring about the age and status gap between him and Fang Chang.

As for his shame, he has become a devil. If he wants to be shameless, he will not be able to take care of himself after being scolded for a long time.

At this moment, he just wanted to get out of the death camp as soon as possible.

These days, he watched many monks who were also members of the Death Battalion die in front of him.

Obviously, many times, things that can be easily solved by the commander of the legion, they just let them go to the death camp.

So damage is inevitable.

Among them, there are many Jindan real people who were originally as famous as him.

Especially after the death of these golden core real people, the bodies disappeared mysteriously, which made him more sure that there was still a big demon hidden in the first army.

Fang Chang was noncommittal about the report of Patriarch Wan Gui.

"Someone reported this information to me a long time ago. You are a bit late."

Patriarch Wan Gui's face changed, but he racked his brains but couldn't figure out who was ahead of him.

Obviously, Chen Fan showed both sides.

"My lord, I still have information."

Seeing that Fang Chang was about to chase someone away, Patriarch Wangui said hastily.

"Say it." Fang Chang cherished words like gold.

Ancestor Wangui said: "Then Chen Fan is obsessed with cultivation, and this time he stands out from others, which is completely out of character for him, someone must have offered him an offer that he could not refuse.

If adults want to defeat Chen Fan, they can start from this aspect.

The subordinates are willing to sneak into the opposite camp and get information for the adults. "

Fang Chang smiled: "You have intentions, but you don't have to. Although your information is not new, I count it as your two small merits."

Although Patriarch Wan Gui was a little disappointed, he still thanked him and said:

"Thank you, my lord, this subordinate will leave."

In order to prevent the cannon fodder of the cannon fodder battalion from becoming disheartened and losing their will to fight, Fang Chang specially introduced a merit system exclusively for the cannon fodder battalion, divided into minor merit and major merit.

Minor merits are obtained based on performance in each battle, and have no effect, but they can be used to accumulate and exchange for major merits, and ten minor merits can be exchanged for one major merit.

Great merit has the effect of immunity.

Depending on the needs, the time and number of battles can be exempted.

As long as you reach 99 great merits, you can be exempt from your own sins and restore your body.

According to the minimum calculation standard of a small skill in World War I, in theory, even if you don't fight, as long as you survive 99 battles, you will be free.

It sounds very simple.

Now the monk with the most meritorious service in the cannon fodder battalion has reached as many as three meritorious deeds, only 96 meritorious deeds short, hope is in sight.

Moreover, like the ancestor Wan Gui, he can make contributions from other aspects and gain small merits.

Fang Chang felt that he had done his utmost to these guys who were supposed to die.

If this is not dead, then God will not accept it.

When the Wan Gui Patriarch left lonely, Fang Chang poured a cup of tea in front of him, raised his glass and said:
"Mr. Chen, please drink tea. If this concealment technique hadn't been met face to face, I'm afraid it would have been hidden from me."

A young monk wearing a square scarf and a blue gown unexpectedly appeared in the corner of Fang Chang's room.

The young man looks majestic, with vicissitudes in his eyes that don't belong to this age.

"Wan Guilaomo has a deep scheming mind, like a poisonous snake. If you leave him behind, you will be bitten by it sooner or later." The young man said.

He is exactly the Chen Fan that the ancestor Wan Gui said.

It turned out that he was already in Fang Chang's room.

"That's a coincidence. My favorite thing is to pull out the teeth of poisonous snakes."

Fang Chang smiled, and then asked Chen Fan:
"How does Mr. Chen feel about my proposal?
After joining Qingxiao City, it will be good for you and me. We don't have to fight each other to avoid a catastrophe.

I know that the Haoqi Sect gave you a copy of the practice pens of Huashen Daxiu and asked you to come out of the mountain, but how can the dead pens compare to the living Huashen Daxiu.

If you are willing to join Qingxiao City, I will give you a chance to ask Huashen Daxiu face to face. "

The other party has Nascent Soul Great Cultivator, so this round is no longer a crushing round, so Fang Chang carefully collected information about Chen Fan.

He has the eyes of the demon to observe all directions, and the range of spiritual knowledge is wider than that of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators. He also has the great method of inner demon. It is almost effortless to catch a few disciples and find out some simple information.

As for Huashen, although it is a suppressed Huashen distracted, it is still a living Huashen.

Presumably, Zhong Shan will be exempted from several high-level professional places, and he will be happy to guide a junior.

With the first time there will be a second time.

Chen Fan's expression moved, and fluctuations appeared in his calm eyes.

"Qingxiao City actually has a major repair of the God Transformation Realm?"

"But since you have Huashen Daxiu in charge, why are you still being polite to me?"

The reason why he came to stop Fang Chang and the others was that he was invited by a sect named Haoqi Sect to use a copy of the practice pen of Huashen Daxiu.

Originally, Haoqi Sect wanted to let him join Haoqi Sect on this condition, but he refused.

Haoqizong took the second best option and asked him to come out of the mountain to stop the expansion of Qingxiao City.

But Chen Fan knew that the Haoqi Sect was ready to retreat, and the reason they didn't want to run away was because they couldn't bear to part with a newly discovered spiritual mine.

It's not the Lingshi mine, but the Lingyu mine.

If the Haoqi Sect possessed the God Transformation Handbook, they knew that their ancestors were also distinguished.

It's just that later generations don't live up to it, and now only Daoist Jindan sits in charge.

They belonged to a special profession among cultivators - Confucianism cultivators, who cultivated a great righteousness in their stomachs and the ability to avoid all evils.

The grand righteousness is best cultivated with spiritual jade, jade can nourish spirits, and some souls can even live in spiritual jade.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that a gentleman wears jade, and the jade that Confucianism cultivators need is this piece of spiritual jade.

If this spirit jade mine can be defended, Haoqizong will be able to enter a state of rapid development next.

In fact, it has only been more than half a year since they came to the new world. With the help of this spiritual jade mine, one Confucianism cultivator who established the foundation in the door appeared in almost two months. Become a Jindan real person.

Now their entire sect is in battle, trying to take away as much spiritual jade as possible by means of destructive mining.

If it weren't for Chen Fan's own persistence, how could this spirit jade mine have the honor of the Haoqi sect.

Fang Chang said indifferently: "This matter involves the secrets of my Qingxiao City, if Mr. Chen doesn't believe it, we will have to fight.

The Flame Devil is now suppressing in Qingxiao City, Mr. Chen, as his old opponent, maybe after this time, he will be able to be his companion. "

Chen Fan's heart skipped a beat: "You still caught the Flame Demon?"

"But after I join Qingxiao City, what do I need to do?"

Seeing Chen Fan softening his attitude, Fang Chang knew that he was tempted.

He said: "Mr. Chen doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to treat himself as a guest, and every year we Qingxiao City will send offerings.

However, except for the first time to ask for advice from Huashen Daxiu, if Mr. Chen wants to ask for advice in the future, he needs to make a contribution.

This contribution can be Mr. Chen's refining tools, alchemy, or even training disciples for Qingxiao City, or going out on missions, stationing in the city, and so on.

Of course, these are all voluntary by Mr. Chen, we will not force them. "

Chen Fan pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"I can promise you to join Qingxiao City, but I have already promised Haoqizong that I will stop you for at least a month. Now three days have passed, and I don't want to break my promise."

Fang Chang nodded and quickly agreed.

"That's one month."

"Mr. Chen is able to join Qingxiao City, so I still have to give him some face."

This is the face of the strong, and Fang Chang also wants to give it.

He and Li Hu teamed up, of course they could kill Chen Fan.

But what's the benefit of killing Chen Fan?

There is no benefit, but they may be injured because of Chen Fan's death counterattack.

But now that Chen Fan can be subdued and the matter can be resolved without bloodshed, no matter what treasures the Haoqi Sect has hidden, it will take a month to transfer.

As long as he didn't see it, he didn't have it.

Anyway, Xiaoben remembered it.

The next time we meet, together with the interest, you dare to dig his treasures on his territory!
What, that's not his territory yet.

Since ancient times, this place has been the land of the Tang Dynasty.

Datang's is not his, but he is the Annan development envoy personally appointed by Her Majesty the Queen, and the future king of Annan Road, which is reasonable and reasonable.

Seeing Fang Chang giving face so much, Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and thanked:
"Thank you, City Lord Fang."

"We're all our own people, so don't be so polite. See you in a month."

Fang Chang waved his hand and smiled.

Cultivation is not about fighting and killing, but also about understanding the world.

With such a favor, when Chen Fan is approached for any task in the future, he probably won't be able to refuse.

So the First Legion quickly set off, crossed this place, and continued to sweep through the spiral route. They did not encounter any obstacles in the follow-up, because all those who could not be beaten ran away, and those who did not run were ready to surrender.

They are just staking the land and marking it, it doesn't take much effort at all.

A month later.

Hao Qizong had no choice but to evacuate, apparently unwilling to have multiple bosses on his head, so he went to find another place of freedom.

Chen Fan officially joined Qingxiao City and became Qingxiao City's first Nascent Soul Guest Secretary.

And after he made the oath of Yuanshen, he finally saw the suppressed Zhong Shan in the golden pagoda, and was able to ask for advice face to face.

Only now did he know what Fang Chang meant by the inconvenience.

(End of this chapter)

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