Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 223 Primordial Spirit Takes Home

Chapter 223 Yuanshen Seizes the House (First order 2500 plus)
Whoohoo! ! !
The high temperature caused the center of the explosion to expand rapidly, causing the air pressure to change drastically, and the heat wave rushed outward, bringing bursts of fiery gusts.

The blowing made Li Hu's clothes rattle.

There is a layer of transparent qi on the surface of his body, which is after his thirtieth-level domineering body, the body's own body protection qi, which is difficult to damage with magic weapons.

But at this moment, in order to resist the aftermath of the explosion, he unconsciously used a third of his strength.

Even if the aftermath is like this, the power at the center of the explosion can be imagined.

"What the hell is the Thunder Fire Orb that my second brother gave me? He didn't say it's so powerful."

Li Hu substituting himself in unconsciously, couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

What if he was at the center of the explosion.

Probably... will die?

Even if he doesn't die, there is at most one breath left.

His hegemony is not invincible, and he will be injured and bleed.

The power of the explosion just now, Li Hu thinks that it is just another breakthrough, may not be as good.

"Where's Patriarch Biyun?"

Li Hu scanned the scene of the explosion with his consciousness, and found that a faint breath was gradually born, which was the breath of life.

"It's still alive!!"

Li Hu passed through many heat waves and quickly flew to the place where the breath was born.

I saw a scorched black pill spinning in mid-air, as if shedding its skin, the outer skin of the scorched black pill quickly fell off, revealing the golden light inside.

That was actually a golden pill!
A phantom rose from the golden core, it was Patriarch Biyun.

He looked at Li Hu with resentment in his eyes, and his voice came through the void.

"Li Jianchun, today you destroy the old man's physical body and life pill, this old man will definitely repay you!"

"One day, the old man will come back!"

The golden core flickered a few times, directly broke through the void, and fled thousands of miles away in an instant.

Li Hu's spiritual sense only had time to catch the last wisp of Qi of Patriarch Biyun.

He looked around in a daze, the energy in his hands gradually turned into nothingness, and lost contact with Patriarch Biyun, as if Patriarch Biyun died again in an instant.

But Li Hu knew that Patriarch Biyun was definitely not dead.

Li Hu looked around again, his spiritual sense went from top to bottom, looking for it inch by inch, and extinguished the mountain fire that had just been caused by the way.

Fortunately, the fire was not long after it started, and it didn't take much effort.

Then he discovered that the explosion was too powerful, not only was there only one golden core left by Patriarch Biyun, but all his belongings seemed to be turned into ashes.

Li Hu couldn't help but look bitter.

Fang Chang told him many times.

People don't care whether they live or die, but they must have their storage equipment with them.

But now it seems that he may not be able to fulfill Fang Chang's entrustment.

Li Hu stayed there for a long time, finally sighed, and flew in the direction he came from.

Nascent Soul Great Cultivator is really not easy to kill.

At the beginning, the Flame Demon also had the suppressing power of the Golden Pagoda, so he was able to catch a turtle in a urn, but now the Golden Pagoda is still used as a training tower in Qingxiao City.

Fortunately, Patriarch Biyun's physical body has been destroyed. Although he doesn't know why his Nascent Soul has turned into a golden elixir, but without the physical body to rely on, the primordial spirit will gradually dissipate if it is exposed to the outside for too long.

Unless you can win over others.


A small village of the human race hundreds of miles away from the center of the explosion.

In a simple wooden house, a young man who had been in a coma for a long time due to serious injuries woke up from his bed, with a glint of resentment in his eyes.

"Li Jianchun! Fang Chang! Lu Zhao!"

"The old man will definitely go back to find you!"

This young man is none other than Patriarch Biyun who was reborn from his home.

After a monk breaks through the Yuanying realm, the power of the Yuanshen manifests, which also represents the formation of his own soul, and some people call it the Yinshen.

After reaching this level of realm, the yin spirit can occupy the body of others and be reborn.

Of course, taking home is not a panacea.

First of all, the method of seizing the house can only be used once.

Secondly, after the Yinshen seizes the house, it will be limited to the current physical body, and the lifespan will also be determined by the current physical body.

That is to say, if the body is dead, no matter how powerful the Yin God is, he cannot escape the fate of extinction.

And even if the cultivation base returns to the previous level, the lifespan will not increase any more, and it will still maintain the previous state.

for example.

Yuanying lives for thousands of years, an 800-year-old Nascent Soul monster was reborn, and his cultivation base returned to the Yuanying realm within 100 years, but his lifespan is only 100 years left.

Unless there is another breakthrough, there is a chance to increase the lifespan.

But Patriarch Biyun has only been a young man in his 70s since he practiced so far, which is just a fraction of Yuanying Qianzai Shouyuan.

So this question is nothing to him.

Patriarch Biyun suddenly thought of something, and while he still had the power of the primordial spirit, he quickly spit out a brass-colored bracelet.

This is exactly his storage bracelet, which contains the wealth he has accumulated over the years, top-grade spirit stones, various elixirs, and magic weapons, which are enough for him to reach the peak again.

When the Yin God was completely fused with his body, he became a real mortal, without mana and spiritual knowledge, and he couldn't even open the storage bracelet.

Who made this storage bracelet so high-end that it can be stored in the primordial spirit, it is useless for ordinary little Qi-refining monks to get it.

After thinking about it, he took out three top-grade spirit stones, hid a few low-grade spirit stones, took a healing elixir, and finally the magic weapon, the small medicine hoe.

After doing this, the storage bracelet dimmed and there was no movement.

With three top-grade spirit stones, it is enough for him to recover to the foundation-building stage, and a few low-grade spirit stones can serve as a cover for him. Although the little medicine hoe is not good at fighting skills, it is still a magic weapon, enough to protect his way in the early stage of practice .

Patriarch Biyun silently made plans for the future.


The wooden house was suddenly opened, and seeing the young man who had seized the house from Patriarch Biyun wake up, the girl's dejected expression suddenly brightened.

"Thank goodness, Min, you're finally awake.

Xiaomei's father is already a practicing immortal, so don't think about her. When your injury recovers, my sister will choose a better one for you. "

Patriarch Biyun: "???"


Bi Yunzong.

In the camp in front of the mountain gate.

After listening to Li Hu's story, Fang Chang's expression became dull for a moment, and only two words echoed in his mind--losing!
But looking at Li Hu who looked a little guilty, he wanted to comfort him instead:
"It doesn't matter if you run away, brother, you fought with Patriarch Biyun, are you not injured?"

Li Hu shook his head: "I'm fine, Patriarch Biyun has been running and never fought me head-on. By the way, there is another magic weapon."

Li Hu took out a broken seal and handed it to Taoist Huolong beside him.

"This is the magic weapon of Fellow Daoist Huolong. I have seen it before. It should be called the Chongshan Seal."

Xiao Yin was hit flying by his punch, but it was a blessing in disguise, and he did not suffer a second injury from Lei Huozhu.

Taoist Huolong was taken aback, but he didn't accept it.

"This magic weapon has been snatched by the old thief Biyun, and now Daoyou Li has taken it back from him, this is your magic weapon, Daoyou Li.

I can't take it! "

Fang Chang stared at the magic weapon, finally feeling a little relieved.

"Old Lu, my elder brother wants you to help repair it. Didn't you see that the small seal is broken, and I still have to rely on your refining skills."

Seeing the embarrassment on Taoist Huolong's face, Fang Chang laughed like a successful prank. After laughing, Fang Chang said:
"Old Lu, since my elder brother snatched it back, of course he has the right to dispose of it.

If he is willing to return it to you, you just accept it. Just find a chance to repay the favor in the future.

It's not your old character to be coy. "

Taoist Huolong looked at Fang Chang speechlessly, but felt a little close in his heart.

Fang Chang was willing to joke with him, but he didn't treat him as an outsider.

Only then did he accept the heavy mountain seal, and thanked Li Hu.

Only then did Fang Chang ask about the matter: "Why did Patriarch Biyun break through the Nascent Soul, but my elder brother only saw his golden elixir?"

Taoist Huolong pondered for a moment, then said:
"It seems that he has practiced the "Nine Turns of Golden Alchemy", which is Danxiu's unique inheritance, turning all his cultivation into a natal Yuandan, which is Danxiu's second life.

He should have blocked the power of Lei Huozhu with the help of his life pill.

One turn of alchemy, success in refining qi, nine turns of alchemy, immortal life is in my hands.

Although the old thief Biyun's character is low, his heart to the Tao is also admired by the old Taoist.

Every turn of this nine-turn golden elixir is extremely difficult, and he wants to inherit it from the old way, that is, to use the old way's Five Dragon God Stove to hone his natal elixir.

Alchemy with utensils complements each other. "

"But now that his primordial spirit is far away, even if he finds a suitable physical body to seize, he doesn't know when he will recover his cultivation.

It is not known whether he can even return to the Nascent Soul realm.

So we don't have to worry about him for the time being. "

"Since Patriarch Biyun is not a threat now."

Fang Chang stood up and pointed in the direction of the gate of Biyunzong.

"Crush them!"

(End of this chapter)

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