Chapter 229

The dragon's head drooped, and Fang Chang lost his voice for a while.

Compared with Thunder Dragon, he is like an ant under the sky, too insignificant.

Is it too late to keep a low profile now?
He thought it might be because he was too arrogant just now.

This is only thirty-nine thunder calamities, what six or nine or ninety-nine will be fine in the future.

But the reality can't allow him to regret it.

The thunder dragon got out of the stratus clouds, and the void was filled with electric light. It suddenly pressed down, carrying the aura of destroying the world!
At this moment, the aura surged and surged, and in the sky above Qingwang Mountain, with the sound of a cow mooing, an old green cow condensed into shape.

Old Qingniu is [-] meters long, already huge, but compared with Thunder Dragon, it still looks petite.

It stepped on the void and greeted it with a pair of big horns.

Thunder Dragon collided violently with Old Qingniu.

Invisible ripples surged around, like a tsunami, blowing away the dark clouds accumulated in the sky, and blowing away the green hills of Qingwang Mountain.

The wind blew into the distance, the ground rumbled, the weak trees were uprooted, the boulders hugging each other rolled everywhere, the ground was lifted, revealing the fresh soil inside, as well as a few shivering earthworms and bugs.

In Qingxiao City, all the monks joined forces to fight against the aftermath of this collision.

The beautiful spiritual light keeps shining, and there are also a piece of extraordinary magic weapon flying into the air.

The huge Qingwang Mountain seemed to tremble for a moment, and the spiritual energy accumulated for several years suddenly disappeared.

But with Lao Qingniu's block, the thunder dragon that seemed to destroy everything just now also lost its minions.

Fang Chang seized the opportunity and flew against the sky.

The Thunder Dragon opened its mouth and roared at Fang Chang, its huge body collapsed suddenly, the thunder and lightning melted into the sea, and Fang Chang became a drowning man.

Pain is the only synonym for him at the moment.

Only then did Fang Chang feel that the thunder calamity he encountered before was just playing tricks, and that a drop of water from the sea of ​​thunder falling to the side would be a disaster.

And he has been surrounded by disaster.

The Nine Nether Devil Qi was activated all over his body, and colorful rays of light circulated on his body surface, and the evil energy of the five elements turned into a prison-suppressing qi, weakening the damage of the thunder.

But there is also life in destruction.

In the constant breaking, Fang Chang seemed to see the infinite vitality contained in this sea of ​​thunder.

He endured the pain, and the golden core in the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows flew out.

At this moment, there are cracks all over the golden elixir, and it is only one step away from shattering the elixir into a baby.

Although his primordial spirit has already manifested, there are still many procedures to follow.

Since the appearance of the golden core, the raging thunder seems to have finally found a place to go, they scrambled to get into the golden core.

There are more and finer cracks on the golden core.

Fang Chang's primordial spirit also felt bursts of pain, Jindan was the place where his primordial spirit lived, just like a house.

Now that the house is being bombed with cannons, how can the people inside feel better.

The golden core is split.

Fang Chang flipped his palm, and several blue tear fruits appeared, and he opened his mouth to swallow, and a burst of cool breath rose up, turning him into a primordial spirit.

His primordial spirit also found a trace of clarity in the pain.

With the help of the destructive power of Thunder Tribulation, the Golden Core was finally shattered.

I saw a little baby who was eighty percent similar in appearance to Fang Chang jumping out of the golden elixir, and the broken shell of the golden elixir turned into streamers of light and turned into children's clothes.

The baby is chubby and looks naive.

A stream of black light flew out from between Fang Chang's eyebrows, turning into a pitch-black eye, which was held in the baby's hand.

The next moment, there was a thin black line between the baby's eyebrows.

Fang Chang doesn't have a talisman, so after he refined the Eye of the Heavenly Demon, he has been worshiping it as a talisman.

Now that the shattered pill has become a baby, it will use the thunder to wash away all traces of the eye of the demon, which will be used as the treasure of enlightenment in the future.

Then there was his primordial spirit, which manifested in a somewhat erratic form, and came together with the baby, one big and one small slowly merging.

Yuanying returns to Yuanying, Yuanshen returns to Yuanshen, there is a difference between the two.

The Yuanying is the body, and the Yuanshen is the soul.

The two are originally one, and together they are the foundation of enlightenment.

It's just that Fang Chang's soul power is too strong, which made the primordial spirit manifest and come out of the body in advance.

As soon as the Nascent Soul came out, this breakthrough came to an end.

But Fang Chang was not satisfied with that.

His golden elixir is only the second rank, and now he has become a Nascent Soul, even if he has not dropped the rank, he is only a second rank Nascent Soul.

He didn't dare to think about it before, but now he thinks he can try it.

First-rank Nascent Soul is the basic, and Immortal-rank Nascent Soul also has to fight.

Otherwise, how will he compete with those worldly arrogance in the future.

"Ray comes!"

Fang Chang called out, and Lei Hai, who had been slowly silent, boiled again.

Yuanying slowly opened his hand, revealing two cracks on his palm.

That is the imperfection of the golden core. When the Nascent Soul was born, it also followed the Nascent Soul, and this would become the flaw and weakness of the Nascent Soul.

Yuanying fled into the sea of ​​thunder, and endless thunder bombarded Yuanying's body, and the brand new clothes on it quickly became scorched black.

Yuanying's chubby little face showed pain.

Refine the gods with thunder and calamity, and seek survival in the destruction.

The thunder calamity is not only a catastrophe, but also an opportunity bestowed by heaven and earth to monks, which contains endless vitality.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive.

Otherwise, I will not be responsible for the hacking.

In addition, those who rubbed against the Thunder Tribulation also did not have this treatment.

After ordinary monks survived the thunder disaster, they would thank God for breaking through honestly.

How could it be like Fang Chang who forced Lei Jie not to leave, so as to forcibly temper the fragile newborn Nascent Soul.

Seeing Nascent Soul's condensed body slowly becoming illusory, Fang Chang also felt a sense of weakness spreading from the depths of his soul.

Fortunately, he doesn't have much else, just a lot of supplements.

He was holding a bagful of green tears fruit in his hand, the spiritual thing transformed from the essence of the spiritual vein contained incredible power.

According to the words he got from Yao Guang, the spiritual things transformed from the essence of the spiritual veins contain a trace of the lawful power of the spiritual veins.

The law of spiritual veins is called good fortune, and it has the power to make all things good and endless.

Of course, this spiritual thing is already a weakened version of the weakened version, but it also has a strong nourishing effect on the body and soul.

After swallowing a green lacrimal fruit, Yuan Ying, who was about to lose his grip, regained his spirits and opened his mouth to swallow a ball of thunder.

I could see lightning escaping from between his mouth and nose, but the cracks on his palms were slowly disappearing.

So here Yuanying used Lei Jie as a main meal, and Fang Chang used Qinglaiguo as a digestive tablet.

If you are full, take a green lacrimal fruit to help digestion.

Soon, dozens of green lacrimal fruits were swallowed.

A hazy blue light emanated from Yuan Ying's body, and the raging thunder was like a rough man seeing his beloved girl, and couldn't help but become gentle.

The crack on Yuanying's palm in Lei Jiezhong has disappeared.

But there was another small black spot on the navel under the clothes.

"It's not working?"

Fang Chang continued to swallow the Green Tears Fruit, but no matter how he swallowed the Thunder Tribulation, the power of vitality contained in it could not eliminate this last flaw.

"I'm probably a first-grade Nascent Soul, er, a quasi-immortal."

"Even if this doesn't work, could it be that the perfect Immortal Grade Nascent Soul can't appear at all?
Or is it because I am not a flawless golden elixir, so I am inherently flawed, and I will never be able to become an immortal baby?

What does this mean?
Young idler, an old beggar. "

The way of heaven builds the foundation, the flawless golden elixir, the immortal baby, is it possible that if you make a wrong step, you will never have a chance to recover?
Fang Chang was silent for a long time before he sighed leisurely.

"Whoever says that you are not a fairy-grade Nascent Soul can't become a fairy, after all, no one has ever seen a fairy before."

"Isn't it wrong to pass it down from ancient times?"

"Compared to yesterday's self, I have tried my best now, and regretting it will not help. I can only do well in the present and cannot blame the past."

"Because that's my own choice."

The sea of ​​thunder dissipated, and the sky returned to its clear color. When everyone in Qingxiao City looked up, their city lord had disappeared.


Under the blue sky tree.

Fang Chang stared at his Nascent Soul with big eyes, as if he was looking at himself in a mirror.

He couldn't help but reach out and poke.

The Nascent Soul baby's skin is smooth and tender, poking a small dent, it seems to be no different from a real person.

But Fang Chang could feel that the power of the primordial spirit entrusted in the Nascent Soul was leaking out continuously, as if a small opening had been opened in the pool.

If it can't be blocked, it can only be passed by the power of the primordial spirit.

Although the passing speed is very slow, water dripping through stone, a day or two is not a problem, but in two or three years, this Nascent Soul will become weaker and weaker, and eventually become a dead thing.

Therefore, after a monk loses his body, he must either seize his body and be reborn, or wait for death.

I still want to become a ghost cultivator, but that's just an option.

Dong Tianbao, the evil ghost he had accepted on a whim before.

With the unique cultivation environment of Qingxiao City, and fighting outside with the legion, absorbing all kinds of resentment, blood, and evil spirits, he has already reached the peak strength of Jindan.

But he didn't dare to cross the catastrophe and was promoted to the ghost king of the Nascent Soul realm.

Because the evil spirits have no physical body, if they are struck by lightning, 99 out of [-] will die.

Therefore, Dong Tianbao is now working silently, trying to accumulate achievements, and wants to order a higher-level puppet body from the army's treasure house. It is best to exchange it for a green tear fruit to protect the soul body.

Otherwise he would be stuck here for the rest of his life.

"So the Immortal Grade Nascent Soul doesn't have this small defect, can it live forever, even without a physical body, can it still cultivate like ordinary people?

Just that alone?

The Immortal Nascent Soul is too tasteless, there must be other benefits. "

Fang Chang didn't know, so he could only guess.

Because even Li Hu is only a first-grade Nascent Soul.

As for the Immortal Nascent Soul, Li Hu never thought about it from the very beginning, he regarded it as an ancient legend in the Beidou inheritance.

Fang Chang played with himself, and Nascent Soul escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows.

Then, with a silent appraisal, a panel that I hadn't seen for a long time appeared in front of my field of vision.


Name: Fang Chang

Race: Terran

Grade: 41 (66666/10e)

Realm: Nascent Soul

Occupation: Overlord Body LV48, Puppet Master LV52...

Physique: Royal puppet spirit body - share puppet attributes, enhance puppet affinity, endow puppets with spirituality

Root bone: 88
Fortune: 6
Karma: 0
Shouyuan: 40/1024
HP: 50w/50w (normal)
Physical value: 25w/25w (normal)
Attributes: strength 11.3, constitution 11.2, agility 10.8, spirit 12.1
Mana: 211w/211w+2
Infant Yuan: 198/198
Cultivation method: Nine Nether Xuansha Magic Code (lower level of dao rank) - proficient

Thoughts of Bo Xunguan (low-level Taoism)——Expert

Disha Suppressing Prison Avatar (Middle Grade Dao Rank) - Proficient

Spiritual Art: Heart Demon Dafa (Spiritual Top Grade)——Grandmaster

Xuansha Escape Light (Spiritual High Grade)——Master

Suppressing Prison Qi (Middle Grade Spiritual Rank)——Master


Equipment: Eye of Heavenly Demon (ancient treasure), Wind and Thunder Wings (low-tier magic weapon), Xuanyuan Lingjia (low-tier magic weapon)

Faction: Datang Dynasty, Qingxiao City
Title: Lord of Qingwang Mountain

"One billion experience points, um, at the rate of 500 million experience points I'm prostitution every day, it will take more than half a year to save."

Faced with this huge number, Fang Chang seemed very calm.

30 miles of mountains and rivers, tens of millions of people, probably [-] million, or [-] million, or even more, Fang Chang didn't know.

Because the speed of conquest is too fast, even though the construction of the Great Spirit Net Formation and the Great Tang Golden Book is getting faster and faster, there is still a small half of the entire Qingxiao Road that has not enjoyed the glory of the Great Tang Empress.

Moreover, in a situation where the land is vast and the population is sparsely populated, Fang Chang is beyond his reach, so he can only make rough statistics based on the experience points he gets every day.

Anyway, it keeps growing.

If he only practiced on his own, even if he practiced Dao-level exercises and had all kinds of top-level auxiliary cultivation conditions, he would only progress 70 to [-] experience per day.

This is still not a bottleneck.

But with the blessing of the Great Tang Golden Book, his bottleneck hardly existed for a long time.

As for the professional level, almost all upgrades are sitting.

With all kinds of cultivation materials provided by the world of mountains and rivers, and surrounded by the spiritual veins of Qingwang Mountain every day, stones can be soaked into beautiful jade, not to mention his overbearing body.

The puppet master is an old profession, especially after he fiddled with the undead puppet army, his level rose rapidly.

Although others have never been out of Qingxiao City, her sister Tiezhu is now known as the Immortal Valkyrie. With her immortal puppet army, she has become a fearsome force under Qingxiao City.

Everyone would rather face Li Hu's First Legion, at worst, become a member of the cannon fodder regiment and still have a chance to be free.

But facing the puppet army, there is only one dead end.

The living become the nourishment of the puppet, and the dead become the material of the puppet.

Anyway, life and death are not safe.

There is nothing to say about the rest.

All are basic operations.

Only the spiritual arts comprehended by the three Taoist exercises are worth mentioning.

For example, the Xuansha Escape Light in the Nine Nether Xuansha Magic Code, the body turns into lightning, and the extreme speed of light is comparable to the speed of teleportation.

With his current cultivation base, he can fly thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, almost comparable to the sword light of a sword cultivator.

If he was allowed to run away from Patriarch Biyun again, even if he could travel through the void this time, he would not be able to escape.

There is also the prison-suppressing qi comprehended in the avatar of Disha's prison-suppressing body. The five-element evil qi is born together, and it has a strength comparable to that of a magic weapon for defense.

Of course, this does not prevent Fang Chang from continuing to put on another layer of magic weapon-level inner armor for himself.

After sorting it out, Fang Chang made an objective and accurate evaluation of himself.

"I'm too strong."

Suddenly, his mind moved and he looked forward.

I saw a woman with a graceful figure and a huge breast pacing in. She was smiling, as if she was still the beautiful girl more than ten years ago.

It's just that compared to before, her body has a bit more mature charm, just like a ripe peach.

Dongdong was the only person who could enter this area without his permission.

Dongdong bowed to Fang Chang Yingying, his voice was as sweet as in previous years.

"Congratulations to your husband for breaking through Yuanying, live a thousand years, and enjoy immortal blessings forever."

Fang Chang shook his head and laughed: "Why are you and I being so polite?"

Only then did Dongdong raise his head, his smile disappeared, his eyes were extremely sad, and he took two steps in three steps, hugging Fang Chang, almost suffocating him.

"I thought you'd become an idiot in cultivation, forgetting that you have a daughter-in-law."

Fang Chang tried his best to raise his head, and said with a half-smile:
"I can forget, but my brother can't forget either."

"Taking advantage of today's rare and auspicious day, I want to try the beauty of the Jindan cauldron and see how it is different from the past.

Hey, goblin, look great! "

With the benefits of the Great Tang Golden Book, Fang Chang will naturally not forget his wife.

Even though his aptitude was not good enough and part of his source was robbed by Fang Chang, Dongdong successfully broke through the golden elixir with the addition of the golden book and the assistance of various top elixir.

A golden pill piled up with proper resources.

It is still in the case that the environment of heaven and earth is becoming more and more friendly to practitioners.

But it's just a seventh-rank golden pill, so it's not that strong.

But Dongdong is very satisfied.

What she values ​​is not combat power, but longevity.

500 years is enough for her to savor carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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