Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 246 Why are you forcing me

Chapter 246 Why are you forcing me
Two years later.

small lake island.

The face of Xiaogang Daqiang, who has entered his thirties, is stained with the cream of the years, because his bare skin is exposed to the sun all the year round, so that he looks dark and rough.

But at this time, their faces were a little more leisurely and contented than before, without the dullness of life that weighed on them.

The reason is that fishing is easier, without the pressure of assessment.

They dragged the fishing net to the boat, and saw a piece of snow-white and silver flashing, sparkling in the sun, it was a rare white sand fish.

They hurriedly packed up the white sand fish they had salvaged, washed their hands briefly, took out a package from the cabin skillfully, and stood respectfully on the bow.

They then opened the package, revealing the trinkets inside.

About snacks like candied haws, doughnuts, short cakes, and desserts.

But the two of them had solemn expressions and murmured words in their mouths.

"Fairy Bubble, I've brought you an offering."

Then the surface of the water rippled, and a red shadow emerged from the water, nearly two meters long, revealing a huge fish lip, opening and closing up and down, revealing the voice of a cute little girl.

"Is there any apricot cake that someone wants this time?"

"There are some."

Xiaogang Daqiang hurriedly picked out an oiled paper bag from the package, and opened it to reveal the snow-white pastry inside.


Bubbles opened its mouth wide.

Daqiang jumped into the water and swam to Bubble's side.

Xiao Gang handed out the pastry, Da Qiang caught it, and carefully fed it to Bubbles.

"Little Bubble Fairy, do you like the taste?"


Bubble swallowed the apricot flower cake in one bite, and the sweet taste immediately gave it a great sense of happiness.

"good to eat."

It's not known how a fish tastes, but it's clear it's happy.

The tail flapped continuously under the water, causing waves of undercurrents in the water, causing Daqiang's body to shake.

When Daqiang heard this, his face also showed joy, and he quickly fed the rest of the apricot cake.

"Little Fairy Bubble, there are more here."

"Feed me quickly."

Bubble ate the whole package of apricot flower cake, and even hiccups smelled like apricot flower.

Then, under the service of the two of them, Bubble comfortably enjoyed the daily afternoon tea.

The candied haws sucked a bunch of them, and the noodle people took one bite at a time. They smashed their mouths from time to time, and when they got excited, they would perform a fish-style flower dance around Daqiang, splashing a big puddle of water on Daqiang's face.

The liveliness of the two Xiaogang Daqiang who have been fishing for more than ten years have been infected, and there is a kind smile like an elder on their faces.

Ever since he changed from a wild fish to a domestic fish, Bubble has lived the life he dreamed of as a house fish.

After all, if Fang Chang casually leaked something between his fingers, it would be enough for this little guy to eat.

So Bubble, who was full and had nothing to do, began to pursue spiritual needs.

The first is to accept the two younger brothers, Xiaogang and Daqiang, and strongly ask them to call themselves Little Bubble Fairy.

Of course, the fish that becomes the big brother has to take responsibility. With it, the white sandfish in Xiaohudao Fishing Farm are like a flock of sheep with a shepherd dog, and they are managed in a submissive manner.

Xiaogang Daqiang casts out his fishing net every day, and white sand fish swim into the net by himself. It is not too easy.

In this way, they naturally didn't mind coaxing Bubbles, and would go to the city every now and then to buy some gadgets to honor it.

Not to mention, Bubble is also a pet fish dedicated to adults, and it is also very cute.

Even if it doesn't help anything, they have to offer it.

Just as the two of them were enjoying their afternoon tea, a joking voice suddenly came from a distance.

"I said why Xiaohudao has paid full quota of fish recently. It turns out that it secretly raised fish demons."


Xiaogang and Daqiang lost the relaxed look just now, and Xiaogang on the boat even touched the harpoon on the boat unconsciously.

Don't look at them working hard on Xiaohu Island, but in the territory of Cailian Lake, no fisherman has any skills.

The harpoon in his hand is even a low-level magic weapon.

In the distance, I saw a black-covered boat coming against the wind. Standing at the bow was a young man in fine clothes, and a middle-aged man bowing slightly.

Xiaogang Daqiang recognized the middle-aged man as Guanshi Zhang who often went to the island to collect fish, and the young man who could be served respectfully by him was naturally a member of the Li family.

And it's not an ordinary clansman, it's the kind of direct lineage.

After all, Guanshi Zhang's status is not low, and ordinary members of the Li family have to be polite when they see him.

"Xiao Gang, don't mess around."

Da Qiang quickly climbed onto the boat and pressed his companion's hand.

Bubble even shrank his head down, and was about to flee far away.

But the young man waved his hand, and saw a large sparkling silver net quickly descending from the sky, covering the water area with a radius of tens of meters.

"A little fish monster in the Qi refining period, still wants to run in front of me?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and he pinched his fingers.

There are more silver threads passing through the surrounding waters, and a big red carp dodges in it, but the range of activities is getting narrower and narrower. Finally, as soon as the silver thread is closed, a large net is woven, and the big red carp is caught. .

"Bad guy, let me go!" Bubble's aggrieved voice came from the Internet. "Otherwise, I will ask the master to beat you."


Hearing that Bubble could speak, the young man's eyes lit up.

"I can't let you go now."

Fish demons are not uncommon.

In the vast water area of ​​Cailian Lake, many monsters are born by chance every year, but this is the first time he has seen a fish monster who can speak human words during the Qi refining period.

After all, monsters only have their wits in the Qi refining period, and only in the foundation building period can they refine the bones in their mouths and have the ability to communicate with people.

And Bubble can have such spiritual intelligence at such a low level of cultivation, it looks like a strange species at first glance.

It's just that the purpose of coming here this time has not been achieved. With this alien monster fish, it is also very rewarding for him.

Seeing that Bubble was caught, Xiaogang Daqiang stepped forward and said:
"Guard Zhang, that's a fish raised by Liu Gong, isn't that bad?"

They didn't know the young man, and didn't know his temperament, so they didn't dare to go forward, so they had to persuade Zhang Guanshi, who was still familiar with him.

Guanshi Zhang said with a wry smile:

"This is Mr. Li Qi, the son of the second elder of the Li family. It's no use talking to me as a servant, unless Liu Gongfeng comes here in person."

The voice just fell.

The young man's face changed suddenly, before the magic weapon of the fishing net was in his hands, it was broken open by invisible force, and a big hole appeared.

Bubbles fall from holes into water.

Bubbles, whose eyes were full of tears and was about to cry, sensed the familiar breath, suddenly became courageous, submerged half of his body in the water, stretched out a big fish head, and started spitting bubbles towards the young man.

"A little bit..."

Colorful bubbles burst in the air, catching the young man caught off guard for a moment, spraying water all over his face, and turning into a drowned chicken in an instant.

"you wanna die!"

The young man's face darkened, and another cone-shaped magic weapon flew out of his cuff.

But this time, Bubble was very vigilant.

Before the magic weapon released its power, it flicked its tail vigorously, and disappeared in a swish.


The cone-shaped magic weapon fell into the water, suddenly blasting a half-meter-long puddle, and the water splashed down.

"who is it?"

The young man glanced at the surrounding air, and saw an old man in his 50s with frosty temples appearing.

As soon as Fang Chang raised his finger, the magic weapon went against the trend and fell in front of the young man, with a calm voice.

"Mr. Li, why do you need to get angry with a little demon? How about just letting this old man off once to save face?"

When the young man saw Fang Chang, his anger subsided, and he cupped his hands and said:
"Since it was Senior Liu who spoke, this junior should obey."

"The old man is guarding the small lake island, and he asks himself that there is nothing wrong with him. How come Mr. Li has the leisure to come to the small lake island today?"

Fang Chang said slowly, very old-fashioned.

The young man's name is Li Qi, and he is the third son of the second elder of the Li family. He is over 40 years old, but with proper maintenance, he is still the same as a young man in his 20s.

He is mainly in charge of three fishery operations including Xiaohudao Fishery.

Of course, on weekdays, Li Qi didn't care about business, and the specific business was handed over to Zhang Guanshi, who was only responsible for collecting money.

Fang Chang has been in Xiaohudao for seven years, and this Mr. Li only met him once during the first year's festival as a junior.

Because seeing that he didn't eat oil and salt, and he was very old, it seemed that he didn't have a good life for a few years, and his interest in him gradually disappeared later.

Li Qi said with a smile, "No, it's because Xiaohudao Fishing Farm has had a good harvest in the past six months. After seeing it, the younger generation thought that Xiaohudao Fishing Farm had discovered some brilliant fish farming methods, so I came here to learn."

Fang Chang said nonchalantly: "Now Mr. Li has seen it, it's just a big fish catching a small fish."

Li Qi still didn't change his attitude, and continued to laugh:
"However, since the junior is here, I will stop by to visit the senior. Can the junior come ashore and talk."

Fang Chang glanced at Li Qi, but Li Qi didn't change his face.

He nodded and said: "The small lake island is simple, it's fine if Mr. Li doesn't mind."


Two hours later.

Li Qi walked away, only to see that his face was blue, but he still endured it until he was tens of miles away from Xiaohu Island.

He surged madly like mana, and the cone-shaped magic weapon turned into a stream of light, shuttled towards the water, blasting out several large puddles in an instant.

More than a dozen jets of water gushed into the sky, and Li Qi didn't dodge or dodge, letting the lake water splash on his face.

"The old thief is really hateful!"

"If it was two years ago, this kind of old thing, how could I see it in my eyes!"

Guanshi Zhang watched Li Qi venting silently, not daring to touch his bad luck.

When Li Qi gradually calmed down, he asked:
"My lord, he is just an old foundation builder who is near the end of his life. He has guarded the small lake island for seven years, but he has never applied to be transferred to a small island with more oil and water. Obviously, he has accepted his fate.

Such a person, even if he is willing to follow the young master, is afraid that he is unwilling to use his life. Instead, he has to pay a lot of spirit stones to win him over.

He didn't want it to be his loss. "

Li Qi didn't want to explain at first, but Guanshi Zhang was his confidant, he thought about it, and said with a cold snort, "What do you know?"

"It's true that this old guy has lost his ambition, but don't forget that he will come to my Li family for ten years soon."

"Once the ten years come, as the Li family's foundation-building enshrinement, he will also have one vote."

This is the benefit of qualifications.

Even though Fang Chang didn't do anything, he just stayed in the small lake island honestly and took a pitiful dividend.

But time is money.

Back then, in order to bring back the high-ranking monks who took refuge in them, the Li family made an agreement that once the foundation-building monks served the Li family for ten years, they would have the right to vote on major affairs of the Li family.

For example, the change of the head of the family.

Although it is only a small vote and only has voting rights, it also gives the priests a sense of participation as being the masters of their own affairs.

When the Li family was at its peak, these poor voting rights were just whitewashing.

After all, the ancestor is still alive, who would dare to disobey his decision.

But what if the ancestor is gone?

Li Qi learned from his elder father that the old ancestor's death is not far away.

And the main line of the Li family has lasted for nearly 200 years, and it is time to change to another house.

At this time, Fang Chang's vote is worthwhile.

Moreover, he is a foundation-building cultivator for many years. Although he is getting old, the strength of a foundation-building realm cultivator cannot be faked.

Li Qi thought that he would visit sincerely, and promised various benefits, even including continuing the lineage of the Liu family for him, and specially finding a descendant of the Liu family for him, which was enough to impress an old foundation builder.

The result is still the same as before, and all the hard work turned into running water.

How can he not be angry.

"This old thing can't be used by me, and neither can anyone else!"

Zhang Guanshi took a deep breath: "Could it be that the young master wants to..."

He wiped his neck.

Li Qi rolled his eyes and said, "Are you stupid or do you think I'm stupid? In any case, you're still a foundation-building cultivator. I don't have a life-and-death feud with him, so why waste a lot of money trying to take the life of a foundation-building cultivator."


"If I can't use him, can't I force him away? From now on, the catch of Xiaohudao Fishing Ground will double.

In addition, the Li family's finances are tight now, and our senior Liu will not mind the postponement of his annual salary. "

"What if Liu Gongfeng came to trouble the young master for this?"

"This young master is a direct descendant of the Li family, even if he makes trouble with the Patriarch, at most this young master will return him the deferred annual salary.

By that time, his reputation will be about the same, let's see how he has the face to stay in the Li family.

If he really dares to take action against my son, even though my Li family has already declined, it will not be to the extent of being bullied by a rootless foundation-builder cultivator. "

"My son is brilliant!"

"Unfortunately, that red carp is considered to be a different species in the water. If it is properly cultivated, it may not be able to become my trump card in the future. It is a waste in the hands of an old guy.

Let's go back. "


Fang Chang withdrew his consciousness silently, feeling very speechless.

The time limit for the ancestor of the golden alchemy of the Li family is approaching, and the successor to the golden alchemy has not come out for a long time, so that the situation of the entire Cailian Lake has become treacherous.

For the sake of being the head of the family, all the houses are secretly plotting, and even he, the honest little transparent, was troubled to find him.

Fortunately, what he showed was his foundation cultivation, and he could be regarded as the backbone of a Jindan family that was about to decline.

Even a direct descendant of the second family like Li Qi only dared to use some trivial means.

But such a small trick is really disgusting.

He didn't want to respond, but if he didn't, it would make people think that something was wrong with him.

Originally, the annual dividends were small enough, but now they don't even want the Lingshi, so they are willing to live on a small lake island.

So is there a problem with Xiaohudao, or is there a problem with him?
In this world, there can't be good people who don't want anything, but only silently contribute.

At that time, this behavior is even more noticeable.

But if you agree, you can't kill Li Qi.

After all, if he had a bad conversation with him on the front foot, someone killed him on the back foot, and a fool would think that he was suspicious.

Fang Chang touched his chin and sighed:

"I just want to find a quiet place to practice well, why do you all force me?"

He waved his sleeves, and a humanoid puppet appeared in front of him.

If there were senior members of the Li family present, they would have discovered that this puppet was exactly the same as the ancestor of the Li family who had not been seen for a long time.

"Then in order not to be disturbed, the best way is to let the ancestor of the Li family become mine."

(End of this chapter)

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