Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 250 Attack of the Monster Dragon

Chapter 250 Attack of the Monster Dragon
small lake island.

"Puff puff……"

Bubble is swimming on his back in the pool, like a dying fish. If he is not spitting bubbles boringly, he is probably ready to start cooking.

Bubbles are boring at this point.

Because the Grand Master has been in seclusion for a long time, longer than ever.

In the past, the old man would come out to relax in half a month at most, but this time it's been almost two months, and he still hasn't shown up.

Bubble is not worried about the safety of the Grand Master, but thinks that the Grand Master will feed it every time he leaves the customs.

If the master makes a move, it must be a fine product.

Those are all good things it has never eaten before.

So if the old master doesn't leave the gate, it will starve and lose weight.

I am used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so I don't care much about simple food.

Occasionally eating is okay, just think of it as a reminiscence of the past.

But you can't eat it all the time.

Pao Pao sadly touched his huge fish body of nearly five meters with the dragon's beard, no, it was already hungry and thin.

Suddenly, it turned over, splashed a large amount of water, and returned to the appearance of a big girl.

"Xiao Gang, Daqiang, why are you here?"

Bubble sticks his head out of the pool, and the person who comes is the only fisherman on the island.

At this moment, Xiao Gang and Da Qiang are no longer the young and vigorous people they were when Fang Chang first came.

They are already over 50 years old, because they have worked all year round, even if they have meager mana in their bodies, they cannot stop the aging of time.

It looks like an old man in his 60s.

"Bubble, this is a gift we brought you."

Xiao Gang and Da Qiang looked at each other, and took out the package from behind. They were all the favorite snacks of Bubbles, and they were extraordinarily rich.

Now they are considered to be familiar with Pao Pao, and the title of Little Fairy is also strongly requested to be removed because of Pao Pao's embarrassing embarrassment.

Seeing a flash of light, Bubble accepted the package unceremoniously.

Now it is also a fish with storage artifacts.

So these snacks don't have to be eaten all at once, but can be packed and tasted slowly.

"What do you want from me? For the sake of snacks, I will help you."

Bubble said very generously, and the two dragon whiskers on his lips moved.

Xiaogang Daqiang sighed and said:

"Bubble, we are here to bid farewell to Lord Priest."

"Farewell? Are you leaving?" Bubble was puzzled, "Why are you leaving? Isn't it better to stay on the island?"

The two replied: "Because we are too old to work, and we are homesick."

Bubble still didn't understand: "Isn't Xiaohu Island your home?"

"Home is where the family is. There are old people, children, and our wives. Xiaohu Island is where we work."

The two patiently explained to Bubbles.

"And work is for home."

They have been together for nearly 20 years, and their feelings for Pao Pao are actually more like the elders' love for the younger generation.

Although the two elders often need the care of the younger generation.

Pao Pao is very simple and easy to satisfy. In their opinion, it is not worth much and is not a precious thing, but it is enough for it to be happy for a long time.

Even after so many years, they are already too old, but Bubble is still as carefree as a little girl.

Bubble was a little heartless, confused about the relationship between home and work, and when it heard that the two were leaving, it asked when they would come back.

With the sadness of parting in their eyes, the two said softly: "I won't come back, someone will take over our jobs, and we won't come back again."

Bubble finally came to his senses, and for some reason, he panicked all of a sudden.

"Aren't you coming back? Why aren't you coming back? If you're not here, who will I talk to and who will buy me some snacks in the future?"

"Bubble, I'm sorry, thanks to you for taking care of us these years, otherwise, we would have been unable to continue.

How can there be such an old fisherman as us in other fishing grounds.

But it’s not going to work now, we don’t have a good life for a few years, we’re homesick, when I went home last time, my grandson was almost waist high.

But I almost didn't recognize him. "

The two were very grateful to Bubbles.

They have been working in Xiaohudao Fishing Farm these years. Although it is hard work, the salary is enough for the family behind them.

Especially during the wars in the past few years, thanks to the relationship between the priests, they protected the two families and their family members.

For the sake of their hard work, the priest also allowed them to change a practice method in the Li family in his name.

Although the exercises are not very good, and his son has not made a big name, but now he has successfully joined the Li family and became a low-level disciple of the Li family.

Maybe a few generations later, with the support of the Li family, they can also have their own small cultivator family.

And these two humble fishermen are the ancestors of the family.

All of this stems from worshiping adults and the bubble in front of them.

"Bubble, do you have time to see us now, Lord Enshrinement?"

The two cleared their minds and thought of the purpose of coming this time.

Bubble shook his head, inexplicably depressed.

"The elder has been in seclusion for a long time, and I don't know when he will come out."

The two smiled and said: "It's okay, we will say goodbye after the priest leaves the customs.

Chen Guanshi also said when we would leave and when we would send someone to take our place. "

Bubble hummed, then pondered for a long time before thinking of something.

"Wait a moment."

The two who were about to turn around and leave looked at Bubble.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Bubble opened his mouth and spit out, streaks of gold and silver fell in front of the two of them.

When the light dissipated, it turned out to be lumps of gold and silver, piled up as high as an adult's calf.

These are collected underwater when Bubble is bored.

Because it accidentally learned that this thing can buy a lot of food in the human world.

Seeing that it was gold and silver, the two quickly waved their hands and said:

"No, no, no, we have money. We have been taken care of by you all these years, so how dare we take your money again."

Bubble rolled his eyes and said:

"Who said it would be given to you."

"You all have to leave. Whoever buys me snacks in the future, you take away the money and exchange it for me for snacks. I will save it and eat it slowly."

Two people who pretend to be passionate: "..."

After a while, they picked up some pieces of gold and silver and said:
"These are enough to buy a lot of snacks, and I can't eat them all in a year. Any more will be spoiled."

The internal space of the magic storage device is not frozen in time, but it does slow down the decay of many things.

Pao Pao said worriedly: "It's only been a year, how should I live after that?"

"Hey, why am I a fish, it's not convenient to go ashore."

The two looked at each other helplessly, did not speak, bowed respectfully to Bubble, and retreated.


Not long after the two left, the courtyard gate opened, and Fang Chang walked out calmly.

Bubble, who was depressed alone, immediately jumped out of the fish pond, and his huge body fell heavily on the ground, shaking the ground. The two fins under his belly were like two short legs, crawling around In front of Fang Chang.

As a foundation-building fish, it has long been able to survive out of water for a short time, but it usually doesn't like it.

"My lord, Xiaogang Daqiang and the others are leaving."

Bubble's tone was a little sad.

Fang Chang nodded lightly: "I know."

"They also said they were coming to say goodbye to you."

"I know."

"They want to see you, um, why don't you see them, my lord?"

Bubble asked belatedly.

Fang Chang smiled, pointed his finger on Pao Pao's forehead, and said:
"Think for yourself."

The two bid farewell to him, maybe because they were grateful in their hearts, simply bid farewell, or maybe it was something else, such as seeking a future for future generations.

But none of that matters.

He didn't need to meet, and he didn't need anyone's gratitude.

Everything he did in Xiaohu Island, including taking care of Xiao Gang and Da Qiang, was all because of what he wanted to do, not for the so-called kindness.

It doesn't matter whether they have gratitude or hatred in their hearts.

Bubble doesn't want to use his poor brain capacity, since the old man let him think for himself, then he doesn't want to, of course, he doesn't ask.

"But my lord, they can't say they can't come back, why do I feel sad and don't want them to go.

My lord, does this mean that you are friends?
I regard them as my friends. "

Ask if Bubble doesn't understand.

Fang Chang replied: "For us, parting is a common thing, there is no need to be sad, we will get used to it in the future."

Pao Pao seemed to understand, and replied sullenly: "Then I won't make friends in the future. If that's the case, then I won't feel bad."

"Don't feel bad, open your mouth."


A demon pill glowing with black light was thrown into Bubble's mouth.

This is a demon pill of a dragon belonging to a monster, which contains powerful energy and some dragon blood. Its owner was killed by Fang Chang casually, and the most valuable demon pill was taken.

Bubbles only felt that his body was about to expand.

Fortunately, a gentle force immediately protected it, and also suppressed the energy release of the demon core, allowing it to digest slowly.

It felt a deep sleepiness.

"Have a good night's sleep."

Fang Chang's gentle voice rang in Bubble's ear.

"After waking up, I don't feel uncomfortable."


The pool swayed with waves, Bubble's huge fish body sank to the bottom of the pool, and the faint black light enveloped it like a big cocoon, like a newborn egg.


This winter is extremely cold.

The pool at the entrance of the Fangchang House was covered with a thick layer of ice, and the entire Cailian Lake was plunged into a kind of icy loneliness.

This is not normal.

Chen Guanshi in front of Fang Chang came to warn for this.

"Liu Gongfeng, the demon dragon said that its son disappeared in our Cailian Lake, and asked us to hand over the murderer.

This is not blackmail.

The son of the demon dragon is the great golden core demon, who in Cailian Lake can kill it silently?

I heard that the monster dragon has a violent temperament, and his son must not be a good monster, he must have been killed by some passing expert.

I think it's just that they are not good at seeing people. Our Li family has not easily repelled the He family. We have only lived a good life for a few years, but we are targeted by such a monster dragon.

Who doesn't know its purpose, isn't it just that he fell in love with Cailian Lake and wanted to use it as its underwater palace.

But our Li family is not vegetarian, the ancestor is a disciple of Shifang Jiange, although he is not well-known at ordinary times, but if the monster dragon dares to bully the small, the seniors of Shifang Jiange will take action against him.

The old ancestor has passed on a letter to the Shifang Jiange, and an expert will come down immediately to eliminate the demon.

Liu Gongfeng, don't panic. "

Well, having said so much, the key point is the last sentence. Chen Guanshi has the same meaning in what he said.

The Li family has the confidence to block the demon king, so don't run away.

These days, the Li family has already had a lot of offerings and farewells, and they would rather pay for the Lingshi.

Although most of them joined after seeing the Li family defeat the He family in recent years, they wanted to find a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Such a person naturally has no loyalty at all.

But because of their actions, Cailian Lake was panicked for a while, and many people were ready to move out of Cailian Lake.

After all, that is the demon king of the Nascent Soul Realm, which is a big realm higher than the ancestor of the Li family.

Even for such a large sect as Shifang Jiange, Huashen is too high, and if you want to take down a demon king in the Nascent Soul realm, you have to plan carefully.

Although the Li family said that they had some passion with Shifang Jiange, but because of this passion, they would die with a demon king, and most people would not like it.

Therefore, Chen Guanshi was ordered to appease, but he didn't even have much confidence in what he said.

Fang Chang unconsciously wanted to touch his nose, but when he realized something was wrong, he stroked his beard instead.

"Chen Guanshi, don't worry, the old man has been in the Li family for so many years, and he has already gotten used to the life of the Li family, even if the demon king comes, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the old man didn't have a good life for a few years, and the left and right were just dying. "

When Chen Guanshi heard this, he was immediately in awe.

"Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and sees the hearts of the people over time. A person like Liu Fengfeng is the cornerstone of my Li family. Today, the younger generation will tell the truth to the master.

After this incident, the master's family will definitely not treat Liu Gongfeng badly. "

Fang Chang waved his hand lightly and said: "This old man is just doing what he should do, it's not worth mentioning."

"Since this is the case, this junior will leave first, and then this junior will go to visit the senior guards on other islands to pass on the words of the master.

Today, with Liu Gongfeng as an example, it is just for them to see what it means to be utterly loyal. "

Chen Guanshi bid farewell.

Fang Chang hurriedly called out: "Chen Guanshi, there is no need to mention the old man's name."

"Why not mention it? Liu Gongfeng's deeds should be passed on as a model."

Chen Guanshi felt that such a loyal minister should not be allowed to remain unknown.

Fang Chang explained: "The old man doesn't like common names, he likes to be clean, if Chen Guanshi says so, I don't know how many people will disturb the old man in the future.

What's more, the demon king has not yet entered the country, and now the old man is talking about it, saying that after seeing the demon king, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, which actually ruined the reputation of the master. "

Chen Guanshi didn't feel it, but admired him even more.

"Senior Gao Yi!"

"The younger generation won't pass on the names of the seniors, but the younger generation doesn't know if they can say the words of the seniors, especially the four characters, the younger generation really likes it."

"That's fine."

"Senior, please stay still, this junior is leaving."

Chen Guanshi's face was covered with a layer of justice, and he strode away.

Fang Chang watched Guanshi Chen leave, and sighed silently in his heart.

Ma De, even if you slaughter a little loach, there is a demon king coming to seek revenge.

By the way, when taking the pill, the little loach seemed to want to say something, but his knife was too fast, and he didn't give it a chance to speak.

No wonder in Journey to the West, those monsters with backgrounds will not be beaten to death with sticks no matter what they do, they will only be sent back to their parents for discipline.

After being approached by the owner, it is really troublesome.

Fang Chang glanced at Bubble, who was still sleeping in the pool, and almost couldn't help but burst his head.

Forget it.

Let's see if anyone from the Shifang Jiange has come down the mountain.

If not, move.

A monster dragon is nothing to him, but it is not to the extent that he can solve it silently, and it will expose him to others in all likelihood.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to make a big move.

(End of this chapter)

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