Chapter 262 The Late Liwei

Everyone in Fufeng City is waiting for the new county lieutenant's new official to take office. Among them, the Sanxiong gang is the most anxious.

After Jin Shixiong, the deputy leader of the gang, returned to the gang, he dragged people around to inquire, and finally learned about Fang Chang's cultivation level from insiders.

Not only do the officials at the first level crush people to death, but they can also kill people at the higher level.

For a moment, the entire Sanxiong Gang fell into anxiety.

Jin Shixiong has endured the pressure that his position should not bear. Who would have thought that one of his unintentional words would bring disaster to the entire gang.

In fact, the next day, Jin Shixiong knelt in front of the Fangzhai gate to plead guilty just like before.

He doesn't take any chances.

For example, I feel that those words will not reach the ears of that adult.

But he understood that even if the adult didn't know at this time, it wouldn't be long before someone would let him know.

After all, they offended many people during the rise of the Sanxiong Gang.

There is no escape.

But the concierge who had collected their money yesterday was nowhere to be seen. There was a small wooden door at the entrance of Fangzhai, but Jin Shixiong, a foundation-builder, dared not step in.

Jin Shixiong knelt at the door for three days, with people coming and going, all the prestige of the gang boss was lost.

But the people inside still didn't ask any questions, as if they didn't know that there was such a person as him.

It wasn't until his subordinates came to report that the lord had explained to his subordinates that everything in Fufeng City would go on as usual from now on, that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then quickly prepare a generous gift and send it to Fang Zhai.

Since then, the hot-tempered deputy head of Sanxiong's gang has practiced closed-mouthed meditation, never beeping if he can do it.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark, but his behavior makes people more fearful.


As for why Fang Chang's three fires were not burned, the majesty of the new county captain was erected.

The reason is simple, one word, lazy.

He didn't bother to find out which one was the most arrogant and which one was the most damned. Anyway, if he didn't come to provoke him, he would pretend he didn't see it.

He didn't come here to be the master of Qingtian and uphold justice for others.

He just closed the door, practiced, played with fish, and occasionally went out to visit the bustling Fufeng City to learn about the local customs and customs.

In a big city with a population of one million, especially in the social environment of modern times, the complexity of the situation is unimaginable for ordinary people.

So there are many interesting and beautiful places, even though Fang Chang visited the same places every month, he didn't feel bored.

Listening to music, watching plays, watching dances, appreciating art, tasting tea, enjoying delicious food...

Just like the regular life of a retired old man.

Of course, he spends most of his time practicing.

Fufeng City is built on the spiritual veins, although the grade is not high, it is enough for monks below the foundation.

But for Foundation Establishment, to be honest, there is a bit of aura sparse.

This is also one of the reasons why there are no Jindan Daoist people in general counties.

However, for Fang Chang, as long as he is not like the Land of Absolute Spirits, not only can he not absorb a little spiritual energy, but also needs him to feed back to the world, consume his own mana, and meet his daily needs.

Moreover, normal cultivation can bring him a few experiences, so it can be done without opening the Krypton Gold Hanger.

Simply, he still has a large amount of stock in his storage necklace and storage belt, and it will not be a problem in three to fifty years.

And because the red thread led him to save more than ten years of practice time, so theoretically it was more than enough for him to reach the third level of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Just like this, Fang Chang has been in Fufeng City for half a year.

His cultivation base has been steadily rising, and his experience bar is struggling to advance a little bit, and he has not encountered any bottlenecks for the time being.

But at the same time, due to his inaction as a superior, the people at the bottom didn't even know that the county captain who managed the county's military equipment and protected their lives was replaced by someone else.

Fang Chang didn't care too much, the county lieutenant bought for so many spirit stones was just for fishing.

until today.

Pinmingxuan is a tea house.

Fang Chang has been here three times in the last month, which is relatively frequent.

Not only because of the pure taste of the tea here, but also because of the lovely appearance of a singing girl with a melodious voice, especially when paired with the old erhu sound of her blind grandfather, Fang Chang suddenly recalled the taste of the world that he had longed for.

The erhu, the blind grandfather, the beautiful granddaughter who sings songs, are the standard features of the novel.

But Fang Chang was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Although he likes to listen to music, he doesn't have the idea of ​​in-depth communication with the girl, he just appreciates it, and misses the youthful spirit that can't go back.

Which young man has never had the dream of leaping into the rivers and lakes, happy and enmity.

It's just that some people are no longer young, put away their swords and feed their horses to support their families, and some people's blood is still hot until they die.

But today, the girl didn't come, only the girl's blind grandpa who sang the song.

The one who cooperated with him was another girl. Although her voice was also very nice, she lacked a bit of cooperation.

"Why is this tea bitter?"

Fang Chang sat in the VIP room on the second floor, condescending, with a wide view, without hindering him from listening to music and drinking tea.

He didn't use his name as county lieutenant, Chunchun is just gold to clear the way.

After all, anyone who drinks a cup of tea pays with spirit stones, and rewards with gold leaves, and the boss will reserve the best position for him.

Hearing Fang Chang's words, the teahouse staff who made tea for him, a pretty young girl, trembled.

"Master, this is already the best tea in our tea house, I, I..."

She stuttered nervously.

If the teahouse patrons don't like the tea she made tastes wrong, the boss will not spare her.

"It's not your problem, it's not the tea's problem, it's the wrong song today."

Fang Chang pointed to the blind old man who was playing the erhu in the hall downstairs, and asked:
"Do you know what happened to his family? I heard death in his music."

The tea-cooking girl was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Fang Chang's artistic sense to be so strong, he could know something was wrong just by listening to the music.

She looked around. In fact, no one would disturb the guests in the VIP room.

"It's Miss Sun who has an accident."

But the tea making girl was still very quiet.

"Two days ago, the second son of the Wang family came to drink tea in our teahouse and fell in love with Sun Xiaomei, and asked her to come to the room to sing a song for him alone, who doesn't know what he is thinking about.

So Uncle Sun refused.

As a result, the next day, Sun Xiaomei was kidnapped by someone.

When Uncle Sun found her, she was wrapped in a quilt and thrown in the corner of the alley. I heard that there was no clothes inside, and she was seriously injured.

Uncle Sun reported to the official, but the people in the yamen came to see and there was no follow-up.

In order to show Sun Xiaomei's injury, Uncle Sun insisted on playing the song.

In fact, everyone knows who did it. "

The tea making girl quickly covered her mouth, and looked at Fang Chang carefully.

Fang Chang still had a faint smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that Ansheng would let me encounter such dirty things after so long. Obviously I didn't hide my tracks, but I didn't even bother to act for me."

The girl making tea didn't know what Fang Chang was talking about, so she lowered her head and didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Give this token to your boss, and ask him to send someone to the county government office. Give the token to Meng Chao, the team leader, and ask him to bring a few people over."


Holding the token in both hands, the girl making tea seemed to have sensed something, her tone was a little nervous and hasty, and her eyes were filled with anticipation.

It takes about a stick of incense.

A strong and tall man hurried over with seven or eight yamen arrests, all of whom were well-cultivated.

The leading man is even more of a foundation-building realm, and the other arresters also look like they are in the middle and late stages of refining Qi, and they are all county government elites.

"The humble Meng Chao has met adults."

The man asked his subordinates to wait outside, walked into the room and bowed to Fang Chang. It was Meng Chao, the leader of the fast class.

When the county lieutenant is not doing anything, the head of the third shift of the yamen is actually equivalent to the actual county lieutenant, with a humble but powerful position.

Therefore, the cultivation base is not enough, and it is impossible to control the situation.

Fang Chang didn't get up, but nodded slightly at him, and said straight to the point:

"You go to Wang's house to kill someone, it should be the second son of his family, don't come to see me, just execute him, deal with arrest, I will approve the note afterward."

Meng Chao was stunned for a moment, then asked respectfully, "May I ask which royal family your lord is from?"

The Wang family is a common surname, and there are several Wang families in the city.

"Which one?"

Fang Chang looked at the shivering, like a quail tea-making girl.

The girl making tea swallowed, her voice trembling without her noticing.

"Master Weidong Wang's house in the east of the city."

Meng Chao looked at Fang Chang in embarrassment, and said, "The Wang family and Mr. Lu have a very good relationship."

"Did you hear clearly?" Fang Chang said calmly.

Meng Chao fought with heaven and man, gritted his teeth, cupped his hands and replied:
"Follow your orders!"

As he said that, he led the people away in a hurry without looking back.

The tea-making girl raised her head and looked at Fang Chang with reverence and stars in her eyes, her heart beating wildly.

"Don't look at me like that, it's useless to fall in love with me, and I don't like you."

Fang Chang grinned.

When the tea maker heard this, her hands trembled, the teapot fell on the table, and the tea dripped all over the floor.

"My lord, who are you? That's the Wang family."

The tea-cooking girl never expected that her gossip filled with righteous indignation would decide the life of a high-ranking person in her eyes.

Fang Chang said: "Just treat me as an enthusiastic person."

"But son, aren't you afraid that I lied to you? Then you killed the wrong person."

asked the tea making girl.

Fang Chang grinned again.

"Then kill more people, and no one will dare to lie to me next time."

The tea-cooking girl seemed to understand half-understood, but it didn't prevent her from being afraid of these words, and suddenly felt that the young man in front of her was not the kind of hero she thought.

Another hour later.

With a resolute expression on his face, Meng Chao walked into the tea room holding a brocade box bigger than his head.

"My lord, I am fortunate that my humble job does not disgrace my life."


"The head of Wang Kui'an, the second son of the Wang family."

"Put it down, open it and have a look."

"This, the head is filthy, I'm afraid it will dirty the eyes of adults."

"It's okay."


The button of the brocade box was opened, and there was indeed a bloody human head inside, with disheveled hair and eyes wide open angrily, as if puzzled and unwilling.

"is it him?"

Fang Chang asked the tea making girl beside him.

The girl making tea only felt that today's experience was more exciting than half of her life, and the young man who was drinking tea next to her took the head of someone she couldn't even imagine.

She suppressed her fear and looked at the head of the brocade box.

"Yes, right?"

"look carefully."

The tea-making girl looked carefully, and a hint of puzzlement flashed in her eyes. She couldn't help but look at Meng Chao, the cold-faced and stern foreman, only to see that Meng Chao had no expression on his face, but his eyes were inexplicably stern.

"should be."

"That's not it."

Fang Chang looked at Meng Chao and said:
"Boss Meng, this is the first task my officer entrusts to you. Is that how you told me?"

"What kind of benefits did the Wang family give you? You dare to fool me in front of me with the little trick of stealing the beam."

Meng Chao's eyes changed slightly, but he still pretended to be puzzled and said:
"What are you talking about? This person is Wang Kui'an. His subordinates personally went to the palace to capture him and executed him."

"Tsk tsk."

Fang Chang shook his head and sighed: "I'll give you a chance, you're useless."

The mana in his hand transformed into a command arrow and flew outward.

"Meng Chao, you are the first one to approach me since I took office."

Fang Chang asked Meng Chao to sit down and asked the girl to serve him tea.

"I let you pass the message to other people on behalf of the official, it is to give you a sense of appreciation.

I thought you were a smart person, so you were the first thing I thought of this time.

I didn't expect you to be smart because you pretended to be smart.

If you have any last words to say, don't worry, the disaster will not hurt your family, I will spare your family. "

Meng Chao's complexion changed drastically: "What do you mean, my lord? The lowly position is the head of the yamen, and he is a member of the yamen. Does your lord want to take the life of the lowly position without asking any questions?
Isn't your lord afraid that everyone in the yamen will be in danger in the future?

Even if, even if the humble job is wrong, it is really not enough to die. "

Fang Chang picked up the teacup and blew the hot air on it.

"I hate trouble and I'm too lazy to take care of things, but it doesn't mean you think I'm weak and bully.

I have always been too lazy to care about what dirty things you are doing, as long as you don't show them to me.

But whatever I want to do, you have to do it for me in a down-to-earth manner.

Here, there are no misdemeanors, only capital offenses.

If you do not do well, you will die.

The rules start with you. "

Meng Chao's eyes flickered, and he wanted to run away from the door several times, but gave up dejectedly.

The person in front of him is none other than his immediate boss, and even a Jindan Daoist!
He can evade his power, but he can't evade his cultivation realm.

He was once proud of his vertical and horizontal alliances, and his influence in front of the big families, but in the face of absolute strength, he seemed so weak and powerless.

He is indeed a smart person, so he knows that he can't resist.

Otherwise, it would not be him alone, but the entire Meng family behind him.

In a place far away from Emperor Gao, killing people is a very simple matter.

Meng Chao was silent for a long time, and asked slowly:
"My lord, is there still a chance for a humble job?"

Fang Chang didn't answer, just listened to the erhu sound of the blind old man downstairs, and occasionally sang in harmony.

Soon, heavy footsteps sounded outside the room.

A big man with a beard stood at the door, the door was not closed, but he made a respectful voice.

"Grassman Jin Shixiong asks to see Mr. Fang."

"come in."

Only then did the big man dare to come in.

"It came quite fast."

Fang Chang looked at this rough man who had knelt in front of him for three days and three nights, and teased.

He doesn't care about the verbal offense of the big man, and those who don't know it are not guilty.

What's more, it's the former county captain who scolded, so what does it have to do with him.

On the contrary, he admired this flexible guy.

"After receiving the order from the adults, the grassroots dare not delay in the slightest."

Jin Shixiong was respectful, as if he didn't see Meng Chao on the side.

"The Wang family offended me, and you went with Bantou Meng to destroy the Wang family, and you want to accuse them of something.

It's still the same sentence, if you kill people, this officer is responsible for approving the note. "

Originally, only one person needed to be killed, but Fang Chang directly affected the whole family.

That's how awesome the toubob is.

Meng Chao suddenly raised his head in surprise: "My lord, humble job..."

"After finishing this matter, submit your resignation letter yourself. In addition, pass on what I just said, whoever makes this official unhappy, then the whole family will not have to live.

The Wang family is their role model.

Master Jin, you also contribute, so I will treat you as my punishment, so that no one will say that I hold grudges, and let you remember them all day long. "

Fang Chang seemed a little tired, and waved them back.

"Follow your orders!"

"Grass people will die!"

The strong murderous intent overflowed with the two people's answers.

Fang Chang looked at the old erhu man who was unconscious below, and waved a flash of light in front of the drenched tea making girl.

"This elixir is given to the blind old man below, it is enough to heal his granddaughter's injury, but it is a pity that the beautiful voice is disabled.

Just when I listened to the song a few times, I gave them a reward. "

The girl making tea lowered her head and listened carefully to Fang Chang's explanation.

She didn't raise her head anxiously until she didn't make a sound for a long time, but there was no shadow of Fang Chang, only the tea money of a spirit stone on the table, and the elixir with restrained aura.

Only then did she let out a sigh of relief, and fell limply to the ground, with no strength left in her body, but she didn't know what she thought of, and she laughed again, her eyes were red.

(End of this chapter)

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