Chapter 265 Resolved
Seeing the backs of all the Supervision Department officials fleeing in a hurry, County Magistrate Lu looked like a mourning concubine, his face was frighteningly pale, and his eyes were full of panic when he looked at Fang Chang.

He knew that Fang Chang was bold, but he never thought that he would be so bold.

Officials of the Supervision Department entered the city the day before and were assassinated by the Rebel Alliance that night. No one would believe it.

Not to mention that the person with the most background in the team died.

"It's a pity. I didn't expect that the crime that was randomly placed would miss the vice car. There are really monks hiding in the city."

Fang Chang, who was also standing on the tower, said with emotion.

"Well, Master Lu, what kind of eyes is this?"

County Magistrate Lu lowered his voice, but almost roared:

"Lieutenant Fang County, killing an official of the Supervision Department is a serious crime, even if I want to help you get away now, it will be difficult.

Why do you want to implicate me? ! "

Fang Chang looked puzzled: "What did Mr. Lu say? Why did I kill the officials of the Supervision Department? Even Liu Zongqi said it was revenge against the alliance.

Besides, I was also assassinated last night, but they returned without success because they misestimated my combat power.

Regarding Cheng Xiaoqi's death, although I am personally very happy, it was not my fault or it was not my fault.

A man who spit and nails, can I still lie to you?

We are now grasshoppers on a rope. "


County Magistrate Lu was puzzled when he saw Fang Chang's words so convincingly, could it really be him?

"of course it's true."

Fang Chang said silently in his heart, a man does not lie, but he is not a man.

So he lied, and it was reasonable.

"It's fine if it's not you."

Magistrate Lu didn't care about the truth anymore.

Anyway, Fang Chang said, he believed it.

have to believe.

As Fang Chang said, they are now grasshoppers on a rope.

If he was able to betray Fang Zhang decisively when the people from the Supervision Department came over before, saying that he was an unwitting accomplice, and if he managed it again, he would have the face of his master and have a chance to get out.

Now it's yellow mud falling into the crotch. Anyone who sees it will say that he pulled it.

Wronged, very wronged.

Then there is only one road left to go to the dark.

At this moment, County Magistrate Lu hated his hand of collecting money so much, why couldn't he control it.

He calmed down and began to look for a remedy.

"Cheng Xiaoqi is a member of the Cheng family, and the ancestor of his family is the Lord Qianhu of the Supervision Department, and now that his descendant died in our city, he must be outraged.

Regardless of whether there is a rebellion against the Alliance, the people who will come next time will at least be adults from a hundred families, and they can even use the name of the Anti-Alliance to second the government soldiers to come here.

At that time, it will never be resolved by small fights.

For now, the only way to do it is to let the people who go against the alliance really show up, so that you and I can be taken out of the incident. "

For his own life and future, Magistrate Lu's mind was spinning quickly.

Fang Chang looked puzzled: "Didn't the people who rebelled against the alliance appear?"

County Magistrate Lu really didn't know whether what Fang Chang said was true or not, and he still pretended to be with him at this time, but at this time he didn't have the energy to care about the truth.

"What we want is not for them to appear now, but to wait until the people above come down again."

"Brother Fang, I can only count on you this time."

"You have people arresting the anti-alliance allies for so long, there must be some clues, no matter what method you use, you must find and keep the anti-alliance people.

No, there must be! "

Fang Chang nodded, then shook his head and said:
"Brother Lu, you are worrying too much. You can't do things against the alliance. If the Supervision Department is really honest and clean, it won't implicate us at all.

If they're not clean, it's fine.

If 100 million can't be done, then 200 million, if 200 million can't, then 500 million!
As long as the price can be negotiated, everything is easy to talk about. "

Fang Chang patted Magistrate Lu on the shoulder, turned around and went down the tower.

"Brother Lu, I've already given you the price, it's up to you how to do it, I'm in charge of getting out the spirit stones, you're in charge of getting them.

It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, if you don't accept this batch, there will be another batch.

Who doesn't love white spirit stones, they are all cute, baby.

Besides, who knows what masters are hiding in the Rebel Alliance, haha..."

Still say it's not you? ! !
County Magistrate Lu took a tight breath, only to feel that Fang Changyuan's back at this moment was like an abyss, dark, unpredictable, and suffocating.

His calf softened, he unconsciously lowered his head halfway, and said:

"I, I'll do my best."

It doesn't matter whether Fang Chang can hear it or not.


Once County Magistrate Lu is completely settled, Fang Chang will really be the shopkeeper.

His Lingshi is not so easy to harvest.

Since he took his spirit stone and became a corrupt official, his fate was almost doomed.

Then who said that if you don’t accept the money, it’s because you are afraid of me. If you accept it, it’s because I’m afraid of you.

Fang Chang felt that these words were really the truth of being an official.

Wanting to obtain benefits other than power means having to give something that belongs to oneself.

As for the supervisory department, he was not very concerned.

The worst result is that things can't be controlled.

Anyway, I'm used to running around, so I'll just run if it's a big deal. If I can't be a county captain in this city, I'll change to another city to be a county magistrate.

As a senior puppet master, how could he not have a few vests.

As long as there is no shortage of people like magistrate Lu, he will never lack a vest.

In comparison, he is now more interested in the Jiuhuang Cheng family.

This is all the dark history of my grandfather, and I don't know how much he can remember after returning to the Lord's World.

According to what the old man said, he spent thousands of years in the world of splendor, but when he returned to reality, he only had a big dream, and everything became hazy, like a dream.

So when County Magistrate Lu was overwhelmed, Fang Chang spent a lot of money to buy a lot of novels about the development history of the Cheng family, with Cheng Kai as the prototype.

Then he showed Fang Chang depressed.

How can it be so cool?
Throughout the growth history of Yilong Aotian, he was born with a body of Dao foundation, he was born to build his foundation, surrounded by beauties, indulging in female sex, and only thirty can be able to form a pill.

Later, the family fell into decline, and since then it has risen up, a hundred years of Yuanying, and then sees through the world of mortals, and becomes a god in 200 years.

Since then, it has been in the world for 300 years.

Don't ask why a person who is in the early stage of transforming into a god dares to go all out, ask because there are people behind him.

It is written in almost every novel that in a certain month of a certain year, Cheng Kailu was defeated by Xiexiu, and then moved to the court to rescue soldiers and beat him up.

Later, I probably felt that it was really boring, so I went back to Jiuhuang City and devoted myself to hard work. About a thousand years old, I entered Jiuhuang Emperor Mountain and followed the legendary female emperor.

And the Cheng family he was born in has thus become the Jiuhuang family.

Of course, the Cheng family is still doing well, so almost all the documents that can be collected on the market are singing praises.

Even if it is a novel, it focuses on describing the romantic stories and the history of pretense.

The more Fang Chang watched, the angrier he became. People are more angry than people.

Some were born in Rome, others were born as oxen and horses.

But Fang Chang was a little more puzzled.

Why was the old man reincarnated into this world as a baby?

Is he an exception, or is he an exception?
He couldn't help but think of the distracted reincarnation of the sky witch he met before.

Could it be that there is still reincarnation in the world of splendor?

Or maybe he guessed wrong, this Cheng Kai is not that Cheng Kai.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think about it, so I didn't think about it.

The peaceful days passed by.

As if nothing had happened to Fang Chang, he continued his previous routine of life, cultivating, feeding fish, going out for a stroll occasionally, studying the characteristics of local cuisine, and understanding the customs and customs.

The only difference is that the social security in Fufeng City is clear now.

Not to mention not picking up lost items on the road, and not closing the house at night, but at least the atmosphere is upright, and there is not much bullying and bullying.

Those prodigal sons who used to like to hang out in downtown restaurants are now all confined to their homes and cannot take a step outside.

The powerful servants and gangsters all hid at home and drank alcohol, waiting for the downfall of the county lieutenant.

The misfortune of the Wang family is vivid, and no one wants to follow in its footsteps.

Facts have proved that evil people are not afraid of good people, only those who are worse than them.

Fang Chang obviously didn't do anything, but now there are rumors in Fufeng City that a master Qingtian has come to the city, and when he comes, all the bullies and little devils dare not show their faces.

When these words reached Magistrate Lu's ears, his face turned blue.

He has worked hard for so many years, but no one has ever called him Master Qingtian.

But soon he put this matter behind him, and started to contact his classmates and old friends back then, looking for ways to give gifts, and to learn about this matter as soon as possible.

Now the affairs of the Wang family are nothing in the eyes of the people above. What they really care about is the death of the supervisor.

Especially when there is a powerful chief in the Supervision Department, this matter can't be helped.

The longer the calm these days, the bigger the storm is brewing.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

Fangzhai Fish Pond.

Fang Chang sat on a large bluestone, holding a bowl of fish food in his hand, and threw a handful into the fish pond.
In the blink of an eye, hundreds of cyan and red carp swarmed.

Among them, a big golden carp is the most active, it doesn't eat it, it just rushes left and right, scatters the fish school, occupying a large area, like a little overlord.

His hair has turned gray a lot, and County Magistrate Lu, who is ten years older, stood behind Fang Chang, and said in a tired voice:

"Brother Fang, the Supervision Department has arrived."


"They came in secret, and they plan to arrest you and me directly after the investigation is clear."

"It seems that Brother Lu has already made up his mind."

Only then did County Magistrate Lu show a smile, but it was a bit bitter.

"It's lucky not to be humiliated.

Among the people who came this time was a former classmate of mine, and I have already negotiated with the chief investigator of this time through his way.

As long as brother Fang is willing to pay 1000 million spirit stones, plus three or more foundation-building monks as scapegoats, this matter will be completely settled. "

Fang Chang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.


Magistrate Lu cheered up: "But they have a condition."


"That is, they insisted that you, Brother Fang, hand over the spirit stone to them in person, and that they wanted to hear your opinion, so it can be regarded as a confession."

"It's not outrageous, you can agree."

Fang Chang replied casually.

"Well, tomorrow morning, I will pick you up to meet them."

County Magistrate Lu breathed a sigh of relief and left in a hurry.

Fang Chang curled his lips, and said to the big golden carp in the fish pond:

"Bubble, don't waste it if you don't eat it, prodigal fish."


On the second day, at chen time, the sun was not too hot.

County magistrate Lu led Fang Chang to a mountain pavilion outside the city in a hurry, surrounded by wilderness and deserted, it was a very suitable place for private transactions.

"It's located in a secluded area, and Liao is uninhabited. A fight won't hurt ordinary people. It's a place suitable for doing bad things."

Fang Chang patted Magistrate Lu who was covered in cold sweat, and said with a smile:

"Brother Lu, it's a pity, it would be great if you went all the way to Hei."

County Magistrate Lu looked nah: "Brother Fang, I, you..."

He has always been quite eloquent, but now he doesn't know what to say.

"You just surrender, maybe you can still save a life in the hands of Mr. Cheng."

It's not that he's weak, it's that the other party has too much background.

He never expected that a junior of the Cheng family would attract the patriarch of the Cheng family, Lord Qianhu of the Supervisory Department, who was a big man who would be a head shorter than his mentor.

"I didn't expect that such a big man would be alarmed. I feel extremely honored."

Fang Chang looked at the old man standing in the pavilion and said:
"Then what's the relationship between Cheng Xiaoqi and you? When I killed him last time, I felt that something was wrong. I almost used my strength to protect him with such a treasure."

The old man's face was serious, and he said coldly:
"I wanted to catch thieves and take the stolen goods. I never thought that you would admit it generously. You knew you were going to die, so you pretended to be demeanor in front of me."

Fang Chang smiled, very calm.

"You haven't answered my question yet?"

"Well, seeing the similarities between your brows, it can't be your illegitimate child, right? If you still need to conceal his identity in your position, it must be the person's biological mother who can't see the light.

Tsk tsk, could it be that you had an affair with the daughter-in-law of a younger generation? "

The old man's expression changed: "What are you talking about?!"

"I became angry from embarrassment."

Fang Chang shook his head and said with emotion: "You are so old, why can't you hold your breath?"

"court death!"

The old man stopped talking nonsense, for fear that something outrageous would come out of Chang Fang's mouth.

But Fang Chang remained calm.

"At first I only wanted to catch a big fish, but I didn't expect to send the king fish directly to me.

After I take you down, I will turn Fufeng City upside down from now on, and no one will care about it. "

This is Fang Chang's purpose.

Instead of dealing with endless investigations, it's better to go straight to the big votes and lure their bosses to become their own puppets.

Just like the Li family in Cailian Lake back then.

Anyway, the biggest price is running away.

With a wave of Fang Chang's hand, hundreds of puppets were born out of nowhere, forming a huge formation.

"Sky Furnace Suppression!"

The huge melting furnace cuts the sky and the earth, and the fiery red space seems to be independent of the sky and the earth. With the puppet as the flag, the army formation is formed instantly.

Now Fang Chang is more and more comfortable with this set of formations.

If the Sky Witch's distracted incarnation is here, she will find that the puppet army at this moment is actually three points stronger than the one she met back then.

It is also Fang Chang's puppet characteristic that the more he fights, the stronger he is.

"Is this a large military formation?!"

The old man's complexion changed drastically, he felt as if he was in the crater of a volcano, his body was scorched by the infinite heat, so that he had to mobilize most of his mana to resist, and his strength was reduced by [-] to [-]% out of thin air.

After all, he is just a Nascent Soul.

"who are you?"

Fang Chang didn't answer, but just waved his hands and countless figures of puppets pressed on him.

After half an hour.

The Tianlu army dispersed, the old man's face was pale, his breath was disordered and weak, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Don't look at me like that, I can't eat you again."

"I don't want your life, but I will follow you in the future, just remember to cover me."

Fang Chang said with a smile.

A Nascent Soul is only in the early stage, and in front of his puppet army, he is naturally easily suppressed.

Then the demon planted, the puppet's supernatural powers were activated, and the demon's divine light swiped again, serving a dragon.

Half of his life is his.

"By the way, who are you with the surname Cheng?"

The old man's face was ashen, but he still replied in a low voice: "Old man's son!"

"I guessed right."

Fang Chang looked at the almost paralyzed Magistrate Lu.

"Brother Lu, look, why did you choose the wrong one? We had a good time working together."

He patted Magistrate Lu on the shoulder again, with a regretful tone.

"He is the scapegoat this time, you can deal with it."

"no, do not want!"

Magistrate Lu yelled, but Fang Chang had already gone away, so he couldn't hear him anymore.

"Master Cheng, no, you promised me that as long as I cooperate with you, you will spare me..."

Magistrate Lu lay limp on the ground, begging for mercy.

The old man's eyes were fierce, and his eyes flickered. Finally, he stretched out a hand and took a heavy shot.

"The only thing to blame is your bad luck, and the old man got hurt!"

(End of this chapter)

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