Chapter 267 First Encounter
This thunderstorm lasted for ten days.

When the dark clouds dissipated and a dragon chant sounded, a strange creature with double fins, which looked like a snake but not a snake, resembling a dragon and not a dragon, with two-colored black and gold on its back was looking at itself on the transparent ice with a bewildered expression. .

"I... wow..."

The strange creature made a cry like a little girl, crying very sadly.

"What monster is this?"

This creature is naturally the Bubble after refining the Ice Thunder Demon Pill. It has already left the fish body and is passively walking on the road of transforming into a dragon.

As a heterogeneous carp, Bubble has enough potential, but his physical body is limited, so his cultivation speed is a bit low after all.

Give the simplest example.

The reason why Bubble became so fat was because it couldn't refine and absorb the various elixir that Fang Chang fed it in time, so it could only accumulate energy in its body in the form of fat.

Although this also has something to do with it being too lazy.

But if it is a natural dragon species, eating, drinking, drinking and sleeping all day long, it will naturally enter the golden elixir realm when it reaches adulthood.

So blood is very important.

What Fang Chang is doing now is to give Bubble a push to let his blood evolve and obtain the dragon attribute.

But Bubble doesn't think so.

It looked at itself on the ice mirror and wept bitterly.

"My beautiful scales are gone, my white and tender fish belly is gone, and my big tail is gone..."

It puffed twice and spit out two mouthfuls of saliva.

It's even more sad now.

"Wow, Bubble can't spit bubbles anymore!"

Bubble grabs the ground with his head, and directly cracks the ice layer. The power of ice and thunder flickers on his body, with frost and thunder intertwined.


Fang Chang got a headache when he heard it, and grabbed Bubbles to comfort him.

"Don't cry in a hurry, feel the strength in your body."


Pao Pao was stunned and stared blankly at Fang Chang. Two snot bubbles popped out of his nose and popped.

"Pfft, cough cough..."

Fang Chang held back his laughter, coughed twice to divert his embarrassment, and said:
"Follow my mana and feel it carefully."

Only then did Bubble calm down, follow Fang Chang's magic power left in his body, devote himself to himself, discover the strength of his body bit by bit, and gradually control all kinds of information hidden in his blood.


Bubble let out a light snort, its slender body slowly shrunk, its two fins on its back gathered, and finally turned into a big golden carp again, this time without even the dragon's beard.


It spit out a big colorful bubble, which lit up its big eyes of joy.

Fang Chang said helplessly: "If it wasn't for you to lose weight, I wouldn't be bothered to help you refine the demon pill to transform the dragon. But don't worry, it's your second form, if you don't like it, it won't change.

I also like you better now. "

With a slap of the bubble fish's tail, the whole fish jumped onto Fang Chang's body, and the fish's lips kissed Fang Chang hard.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Bah, it's full of saliva, roll into the water."

Fang Chang pointed at the surface of the pool, and the solid ice on the pool melted instantly, and steam rose up, like hot spring water.

"Hey, the old man is so kind to me."

Bubble sank to the surface of the water, comfortably revealing the white and tender belly of the fish, spitting out bubbles.

This is the thinnest and most tender part of its scales, and also the weakest defense.

Showing this posture means that in its heart, this is the safest place, and there is no need to be on guard.

Of course, if the general fish shows this posture, it probably means that it is cold.

Seeing Pao Pao's tired and lazy look, Fang Chang didn't understand how such a motivated person like himself raised a fat housefish.

But with his help, even if Pao Pao is still so lazy, he will be promoted to Jindan Great Demon in a few decades.

At that time, even if he leaves, he can probably rest assured.

With Pao Pao's temperament, just find an old pool deep in the mountains and nest there for 800 years, and the fish life will be over.

For the fish that has been with him for decades, Fang Chang finally gave it the greatest tenderness.


Two days later.

When Fang Chang received someone's invitation for the third time.

"Magistrate Chen invited me to a banquet?"

Fang Chang rubbed the invitation card in his hand, thought for a while, then shook his head to the respectful Master Qian below and said:

"Since I didn't arrive before, I don't need to go now, you pushed it for me. Also, don't send invitations in the future.

Let him rest assured that as long as he obeys the rules, no accidents will happen. "

As for the rules of Fufeng City, his rules are the rules.

Just like the sound he made in Fufeng City for the first time, he usually doesn't care about things, but when he wants to do something, no one is allowed to stop him, otherwise he will die.

In Fufeng City, three county magistrates were promoted in ten years, and five were killed, and the average tenure of those five was less than one month.

It's just that according to the archives of the county city, these five county magistrates had accidents on the road and had never been to Fufeng City at all.

Master Qian nodded immediately: "The villain mentioned it, and the county magistrate Chen also said that the master's governance plan is excellent, and he will not command indiscriminately."

"Since he is so sensible, usually you should cooperate more."

Fang Chang waved his hand, telling Master Qian to back down.

Even if he has no intention of cultivating party members, ten years is enough time for the entire county government to passively become one of his own.

After all, with his killing method, it is very difficult for disobedient people to stay.

After Master Qian left, Fang Chang looked at the series of rainbow farts on the invitation again, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, it was hard not to laugh out loud.

This was the first time he met such an interesting magistrate.

The invitations are full of praise for him, the words are full of admiration, it is almost as if he is a life mentor, and the ultimate evaluation of his violence management policy is always simple and simple.

Such a wonderful person...

Fang Chang felt that it was better not to see each other.

He hates trouble.

In case someone had a good time chatting with me, was impressed by his temperament, and became a little fan, they would come to him every now and then to chat and give advice.

He was always reasonable, so it was inevitable that he agreed softly.

Wouldn't it be a waste of his time and affection by then.

He is just borrowing the place to practice, he is just a passerby, and he is not going to leave any affection, whether it is friendship or love.

This was the biggest warning that the red line had given him before.

He threw down the invitation card casually, walked out of the Fang Zhai, and prepared to find a place to drink tea and listen to a play, inhale the popularity, and relieve the loneliness in his heart after a long period of retreat.

It was still a tea house ten years ago.

It's just that the girl who used to make tea for her has become the proprietress of the teahouse. Of course, she still makes tea for him, and her skills are even better.

"My lord, please drink tea."

Compared with before, the tea-cooking girl has a richer appearance, and her eyebrows and eyes are more mature, with a plump figure, full of the charm of a mature woman.

Because Fang Chang, the county lieutenant, likes to come to this teahouse to drink tea, and she comes to make tea every time, so her status has also risen.

Speaking of which, the tea-cooking girl had a high status before, and even her boss had to be polite.

It's all because they thought that the girl was favored by the county lieutenant and might be brought into the house one day, so they didn't dare to go one step further.

As a result, from the time the girl waited until she was 22 years old, there was no man around her who dared to get close to her, which made her almost doubt life, wondering if the aesthetics of men had changed now.

Finally, she finally figured out the reason, and she mustered up the courage to ask Fang Chang to marry her to her future husband.

Fang Chang naturally agreed to this kind of help.

So the girl started chasing after the son of the owner of the teahouse, and within half a year she married her son. Although Fang Chang hadn't arrived at the wedding, he still gave him a small gift.

I didn't give too precious gifts, because I was afraid that the child's father would think too much.

Now the tea making girl no longer makes tea, she is in charge of the tea house, but every time Fang Chang comes over, she will wash her hands and make tea for him herself.

Because this is her biggest support in her husband's family as a girl from a poor background.

Not everyone is able to say a word to the county lieutenant.

Fang Chang took a sip of tea, seeing the familiar decoration of the tea house, it seemed that time hadn't passed and everything was still the same.

But he knew it was different.

"I haven't seen the blind old man for a long time, isn't he working in your teahouse?"

The censer was burning nearby, Fang Chang was drinking tea, listening to the music from downstairs, and asked casually.

The girl making tea couldn't help being taken aback, looking at Fang Chang whose appearance had hardly changed, lowered her head, her voice was inexplicably more sad.

"Mr. Hu passed away a year ago."

Fang Chang let out a sigh, and said calmly: "That's really a pity, he's pretty good at playing the erhu.

As for his granddaughter, I think she is married, how is her life? "

The tea-cooking girl said: "Shortly after Mr. Hu left, Sister Hu reconciled with her husband.

I heard that her husband was very concerned about the past and treated her badly, but because of Mr. Hu's face, sister Hu has been holding back.

After Mr. Hu left, Sister Hu couldn't bear it anymore, and tricked her husband to divorce her on his own initiative.

Now Sister Hu has started a small opera troupe, and now the one who helps to sing in our teahouse is Sister Hu's favorite apprentice, who sings almost exactly the same as Sister Hu back then. "

"It's almost the same."

Fang Chang nodded without saying anything.

This world is like this, obviously the girl is the victim, but she is also the one who receives the strange look.

As for why.

Of course it was because the girl was a weak person who was powerless to resist, so the accusation against her was just to set off his nobility.

It's as if he killed so many people in Fufeng City, but who dares to say one more beep.

Because other people knew that he really dared to kill.

Fang Chang quietly tasted the tea, and also tasted the sentient beings in the mortal world, thinking about what kind of perspective he should choose if he transformed into a mortal after the Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Beggar, servant, farmer, son, prince, general?
Suddenly, a loud noise disturbed his thoughts.

A tea house is not a restaurant, and there are many people who come to drink tea, but they don't appear to be noisy. Most of them talk in low voices, and occasionally someone will remind them of the loud noise.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hear the music in the downstairs hall alone, and it would be meaningless.

Fang Chang was not angry because his thoughts were disturbed.

After all, accidents will happen to everyone, and he will kill if he is noisy. He is not really a murderer.

On the contrary, the girl who made the tea shook her hand and looked at Fang Chang cautiously, for fear that he would get angry.

I thought the noise would dissipate soon, but who knew it would get louder instead.

The girl making tea asked in a low voice:

"My lord, why don't I go out and have a look?"

She is now the proprietress of the teahouse, if something happens, no one else dare to deal with it without showing her face.

Seeing Fang Chang nodding, the tea making girl was about to get up when she heard the door of the tea room being pushed open, and a girl in red came in.

"Miss Boss, didn't you say you don't make tea for outsiders? Why are you making tea for others now? Do you despise me? Or do you despise my money?"

The girl was so aggressive that she didn't even look at Fang Chang, she came up and scolded the tea maker girl.

The tea making girl is now the proprietress.

She smiled habitually and wanted to explain, but she had to prevaricate what came to her mind.

"Girl, please don't disturb my guests, please. When you come back tomorrow, I will personally serve you."

The proprietress is in charge of making tea for Fang Chang.

Many people know this, so when some people came to the teahouse, they asked her to make tea by name, rounding up and down, and they were considered to have enjoyed the treatment of the county captain.

When the proprietress was not the proprietress, she had shot many times. After all, they were all laborers, and they could not make money if they had money.

Later, after she became the proprietress, she didn't take much action, and only once in a while when she couldn't refuse, she would do it once.

It's obviously ordinary tea, but other people drink it, insisting on telling one, two, three benefits.

Otherwise, how could even the county lieutenant like to drink it.

According to rumors, the proprietress's tea-making hands have become rare treasures.

The more this is the case, the more people want to ask the proprietress to help.

This girl in red is also famous.

It's just that the proprietress can't easily make a move now, so she just declined.

I never thought that the girl in red is also a persevering person. She comes here every day, and she just wants to make a move for the proprietress once. This is already the tenth day she has been here.

I thought it was a return of no success, but who would have thought that the proprietress was actually making tea for others, which made the girl in red very angry.

She couldn't do it with such sincerity. In the end, someone came from somewhere and let the proprietress take action. Did she look down on her as an outsider?

So there is this scene.

"No! You have to give me an explanation today, otherwise I, I won't leave!"

The girl in red wanted to say a few harsh words, but she held back for a long time, but she didn't say it.

She is also from an ordinary family, and even though she has some achievements now, she is not a bully.

And because of her background, she is most sensitive to this kind of unfair treatment.

As soon as the words fell, I heard someone laugh out loud.




Seeing Fang Chang smiled, the others also laughed, no matter whether they wanted to laugh or not.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold back."

Fang Chang laughed straight, looked at the interesting girl in front of him and said:
"Girl, it's a personal relationship that the proprietress makes tea for me, and I don't charge money. Of course you can't buy her with money.

If you want to drink tea, you need to establish a good relationship with them first, but I think it may be difficult. "


The girl in red looked suspiciously at the proprietress.

The proprietress squeezed out a smile helplessly: "That's right, girl."

The girl in red immediately blushed, feeling a little bewildered.

"That, I, I'm sorry, I was impulsive."

Fang Chang continued: "Since you made a mistake, shouldn't you apologize to the proprietress?"

The girl in red can correct her mistakes, and immediately bowed her head to the proprietress to apologize.

"I'm sorry, proprietress, I will pay for the loss of your teahouse today."

"And what about me?"

"oh oh……"

The girl in red raised her head and looked at the faintly smiling Fang Chang, feeling inexplicably embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for you too, I, I don't know how to compensate you, please say a condition."

"No, I forgive you."

Fang Chang got up, looked at the proprietress and said:

"Miss Boss, the tea you make is better than before, but I'm not in the mood today, so I'll come back another day."

He paced away, and everyone around him quickly made way for a passage.

The proprietress looked at Fang Chang's back, opened her mouth, and had an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

This lord will probably not come again in the future.

The girl in red looked at Fang Chang who was leaving, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, thinking that this county captain is not only not old-fashioned, but also young, and he is not as bloodthirsty as in the legend.

She originally thought that she would move out her brother to save her life.

Thinking, she walked to the tea table, picked up a pot of residual tea on the table, drank it from the tea spout, smashed her mouth, and said:
"This tea is not as magical as the legend says."

She threw down an ingot of gold and turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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