Chapter 275 Recovery

In the dark prison, the sound of chains dragging was especially clear and loud in this silent space.

A white-haired man with disheveled hair lay down on the ground in a large font, his prison clothes stained red with blood.

The limbs are all bound by a fine steel chain that is as thick as a baby's fist, and behind each chain is a large iron ball weighing several thousand catties.

The four corners of the spacious prison cell are occupied by iron balls, making it look a bit cramped.

The range of activities of the imprisoned people is extremely limited, even if they just turn over, it will cause heavy chains to ring.

Fang Chang has been imprisoned here for almost three months.

In the past three months, he has not seen Xiao Shitou or Lin Zhen, only torture every day on time like meal time.

For the first time, he felt the fragility and tenacity of his body.

What is fragile is a leather whip and an iron stick that can make him feel miserable, but what is tenacious is the endless vitality hidden deep in his body.

He didn't beg for mercy, and he didn't bother to beg for mercy.

Physical pain does not make him spiritually subdue.

On the contrary, it made him more sober, and the memory in his mind became clearer, and blurred fragments flashed in his mind.

The sound of small footsteps sounded outside the cell, Fang Chang's thoughts stopped abruptly, and he sighed silently.

I don't know what the punishment package is for today. After being beaten for so long, he can see new tricks every day, which makes him look forward to it.

But the person who came today was not a cruel prison official, but a gentle woman.

Looking at the bruised and inhuman Fang Chang, the woman couldn't help covering her mouth, tears streaming down her face.


The woman put down the food box in her hand, knelt down in front of Fang Chang, crying like pear blossoms raining rain, it was Shen Xiuwen.

Fang Chang sat up with his hands propped up, looked at the noble Shitou mother in front of him, who had no trace of ordinary femininity, and smiled thoughtfully:
"It seems that they didn't make things difficult for you, and you are living a good life."

At this moment, he glanced at the food box brought by Shen Xiuwen and asked:
"Is that the delivery meal for me?"

Shen Xiuwen wiped away her tears and said, "I made a few home-cooked dishes that you like, my husband, I begged Xiao Shitou for a long time, and he finally agreed to let me come to see you."

Fang Chang was noncommittal.

He knew that the little stone was no longer the little stone it was back then, Shen Xiuwen was more involuntary.

It's just that seeing himself in prison while his wife is rich and well-dressed, he inexplicably felt a trace of ridiculous irony.

It was as if someone said in front of him—see, this is your glory and wealth, but because of your ignorance, you can only torture yourself every day and live a life of darkness.

Shen Xiuwen opened the food box, and inside were some home-cooked dishes and a jug of wine.

Fang Chang couldn't move, so he opened his mouth directly.

Shen Xiuwen carefully took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of Fang Chang's mouth, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks to feed Fang Chang.

Fang Chang didn't refuse anyone who came, and after a while, he drank all the side dishes and wine.

"It's been a long time since I tasted your handicraft, it's still the same taste as before."

"Now that the food and drink are fully enjoyed, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Shen Xiuwen hesitated to speak, but seeing Fang Chang's current appearance, she repeated what her son had said to her.

"Master, you should agree to Xiao Shitou, he said, as long as you can help the emperor prolong his life, he will immediately beg the emperor to rescue you.

From now on, our family of three can also live happily together.

It hurts me to see you now. "

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "Repeat the same old tune, is there anything new?"

Shen Xiuwen said again: "Little Shitou also said that if you are a husband, you don't agree.

If the emperor is furious, he will condemn him. At that time, Xiao Shitou and I will go to prison and die with you. "

"Is that so..."

Fang Chang laughed, "That's unfortunate, our family of three will be reunited underground, which is a great thing.

It's a pity that I drank too quickly just now, otherwise I should drink three more glasses. "

Shen Xiuwen's face changed: "Sir, why are you so stubborn, do you have to keep a secret that is useless to you?
Is this thing more important than the secret of you and me and the little stone? "

There was complaint in her eyes.

"You also believed in Xiao Shitou's words, and think that I have a way to prolong life in my hands?"

Fang Chang withdrew his smile and asked lightly.

Shen Xiuwen suddenly panicked.

But she thought of what her son had said to her. If Fang Chang did not agree, the emperor would be furious and lay dead for hundreds of miles. Not only their family, but also the villagers of Xiama Village, and even countless people related to them would die because of them. .

But as long as Fang Chang agrees, these disasters will not happen.

And she has been the mother of the great general for three months.

This is also the first time she has enjoyed the benefits of power and seen the charm of power.

She found herself a little reluctant.

Fang Chang treated her well, but these years, because of her low self-esteem, she has been lying low in front of Fang Chang and being careful everywhere.

Now her son is the Great General of the Condor Eagle, and Fang Chang is very old, and it seems that her life is not long, but she is still in the prime of life, and still has a good time.

Will she be buried with Fang Chang?

Shen Xiuwen bit the bullet and said: "Master, you must have something in your hand, otherwise how can I not grow old all these years, almost the same as when I married you back then.

This must be what you did to me. "

Fang Chang paused for a while, then suddenly asked quietly:
"If I say, I'm aging so fast to keep you young, are you still willing to let me prolong the life of others?"

Shen Xiuwen's body froze suddenly.

Just the next moment, she knelt down heavily in front of Fang Chang, putting her head on the ground.

Although she didn't say anything, everything was said in silence.

"Hehe..." Fang Chang chuckled and shook his head, and said, "It's my fault that human nature can't stand the test."

"Come to someone to send a message, let Lin Zhen, um, and Lin Lei come to see me, and I will give him what he wants."

Fang Chang didn't look at Shen Xiuwen again, and said something deep in the dark cell passage.

Shen Xiuwen raised her head in surprise and said:

"Sanggong, you have finally figured it out, when you go out, I will make Xiao Shitou kowtow in front of you and admit your mistake.

At that time, he had no choice but to attack you. For the sake of serving you for so many years, please forgive him for a while. "

Fang Chang didn't answer, but just lay down again, making the sound of heavy chains.

The first is torture, using physical pain to wear down the mind, and then the warmth and emotion, dispelling conflicts with spiritual warmth.

No matter how hard-hearted you are, you have to soften up at this moment.

But he is different.

He had already remembered who he really was.


Soon, someone came from outside again.

It was Lin Lei who was wearing the armor of the eagle, that is, Little Stone, and an old man who looked like a fairy in Taoist robes floated over with a whisk in his hand.

"Everyone back down, without the order of the national teacher, anyone who dares to approach this place will punish the whole family!"

Lin Lei made a clanging sound, full of blood and iron aura.

There was a rustling sound in the darkness, apparently all the people who were spying on him had evacuated.

There were only four people here, the old man stood in front of Fang Chang, and said earnestly:
"Master Immortal, I really have no other choice, so I can only resort to this trick. If there is another way, I will never fight with you."

This old man is Lin Zhen.

Already a centenarian, he still has white hair and a childlike face, and it seems that he will not have a problem living another 20 years.

He called him an immortal teacher, and his words were sincere, and he didn't have the majestic appearance of a master of the state of Yan.

When Fang Chang saw his appearance, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer:
"I didn't expect you to be able to learn such magic tricks without a teacher. I underestimated you."

He could see at a glance the monstrous blood and resentment hidden under the surface of Lin Zhenxian's demeanor. Obviously, the reason why he is still alive is to use some kind of magic method to absorb other people's blood and life to support himself.

It's just that this method seems to be a bit inferior. Now that the blood in his body is mixed, it has reached a certain limit. If he tries to prolong his life forcibly, he may be in danger of self-destruction.

Lin Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

For the first time in so many years, someone saw his disguise, and he was worthy of being an immortal master.

"Thanks to the gift from the immortal master back then, I was able to realize this blood shadow magical skill by chance and survived."

Back then, Fang Chang Yuanshen lived in Lin Zhen's body, and when he left, he refined the four ghosts of Xishan into puppets and presented them to Lin Zhen.

And Lin Zhen also relied on the four puppets and the teaching of his second uncle from the old Jianghu, to rise step by step in the Jianghu, and achieved the great achievements of the Qinglong Gang today.

Because Lin Zhen was unconsciously nourished by Fang Chang's primordial spirit and had extraordinary aptitude, he realized the blood shadow magic skill from the four ghosts of Xishan, which already belongs to the category of entering Taoism through martial arts.

If it wasn't for the restriction of the land of absolute spirits, he might have developed mana.

This blood shadow magic skill was originally both good and evil, but as the deadline approached, Lin Zhen gradually went crazy, and unearthed the power of the blood shadow magic skill to the extreme, not only completely refining the four puppets, but also absorbing the blood, essence and blood of others Feed back its own utility.

It was with the help of other people's vitality and longevity that he survived.

But now this state is his limit, he is only a mortal after all, it is impossible to endlessly accommodate other people's blood.

Fang Chang nodded and said: "It turns out that I made you perfect unintentionally, no wonder you have been following me closely.

The so-called extension of Yanhuang's life is also your excuse. You are the only one who wants to extend his life from the beginning to the end. "

Lin Zhen smiled and nodded: "The immortal master has a good opinion."

"As long as the immortal master can help me go one step further, I guarantee that from now on, I will stay away from where the immortal master is, and I dare not offend the slightest bit."

Fang Chang pulled up the chains and stood up straight with difficulty. The four fine steel chains connecting the big iron balls were stretched straight and taut.

"If you want to go further, it's actually very simple, but before that, please listen to me tell a story."

Fang Chang didn't know what to think of, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"I used to listen to other people tell stories, but now I didn't expect that I would also become a storyteller."

"Many, many years ago, a coward died of his father, of course they had no relationship, so he was not very sad, but he was scared.

So he worked so hard that he almost lost his life, and finally stepped into the path of cultivation.

After practicing for many years, this coward has nothing to brag about. He always runs away when he encounters a strong enemy.

But he is lucky, and he is ruthless, with basically no bottom line, so he can always get some benefits.

After all this tossing, he has achieved a little achievement, but compared with those true favored ones, he knows that he is a fart.

But he is not someone with big ambitions, there is always only one protagonist, why can't he be a supporting role.

So after a little achievement, he was proud and didn't want to improve.

But suddenly one day, he found that there were many people around him at some point, and he was no longer alone.

And the world has changed, he has to work hard and make progress.

A coward is still timid, but he can't stop moving forward.

Otherwise, he would not be able to bear the pressure of the world, and many people would die with him.

So he has been working hard.

By the way, a coward is still a selfish coward.

He is afraid of parting, afraid of caring, and more and more unwilling to give affection. With affection, people have weaknesses.

But people are not grass, how can they be ruthless, the more depressed he is, the more he discovers the emptiness and madness in his heart.

He knew something was wrong with him, but he didn't know what to do.

He thought it might be because his cultivation was not strong enough.

So he came to a place isolated from the world without any supernatural power, and became a complete mortal, even losing his memory.

This is a necessary step for an upward breakthrough.

Anyway, that's what the elders did.

But now he discovered that this was also the answer he had been unable to find. "

Fang Chang looked at Shen Xiuwen and Lin Lei, who were stunned, and Lin Zhen, who had suddenly frightened eyes, and grinned.

"It seems that you all guessed it, this coward is me."

"If I don't love because I'm afraid of being hurt, then I'll never know what I want."

"Thank you for your betrayal, let me find that my heart is still beating alive, and I am not as ruthless as I imagined."

"Of course, revenge is also my code of conduct. You've been beaten so hard for me."

There were invisible chains emerging from his body, and one of the chains broke suddenly, and a trace of breath leaked out.

As he retrieved his memory, most of the effect of the magic-locking technique was lost, and it could no longer restrain him.

The prison cell made of refined iron could not bear even a breath, and there was a rumbling sound, and the chains that bound Fang Chang's limbs also burst.

Fang Chang picked up Shen Xiuwen, who was limp on the ground, and walked out like a leisurely stroll.


Lin Zhen had a look of madness on his face. He knew that his idea of ​​prolonging his life had become a mirror image at this moment.

The next moment, he retreated violently.

Although he can't live longer, he still wants to live in the present.

"Come on! Lin Lei, stop him!"

Lin Lei was taken aback for a moment, he followed orders habitually, and stepped in front of Fang Chang.

When he reacted, Lin Zhen didn't know where to retreat.

But he himself has no way to retreat.

He shook his arms, and a pair of gauntlets covered his palms, with a hint of crimson shining in the silver-white sharpness.

"Master, it turns out that you have hidden it so deeply."

Lin Lei's eyes are very complicated.

The chains on Fang Chang's body were still breaking, and his appearance was almost youthful step by step. When he walked in front of Lin Lei, he was almost the same as when he first met him.

Even though he was wearing prison clothes, he looked like a sacred figure on the clouds, which made people want to bow down unconsciously.

Fang Chang stepped on it, and the prison cell hidden many meters underground suddenly cracked, and a huge gap above his head was like a canyon.

The long-lost sun fell.

"Little Stone, as my apprentice, I will give you a decent death."

The prison clothes on his body turned into ashes, and under the cover of the golden-white light, a set of cloud-pattern robes automatically covered his body.

 Well, I overestimated my ability, and I didn't write the feeling of enlightenment and enlightenment, so that, ahem, let's just wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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