Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 302 Sacrifice to the Flower World

Chapter 302 Sacrifice to the Hundred Flowers Realm

half year later.

The news that the Hundred Flowers Realm has entered the countdown to the doomsday has spread throughout the small world.

The three religions of Baihua Fairy Valley, Baihua Shrine, and Baihua Shengjiao took the opportunity to stand up and say that they have found a passage to the new world.

With the prestige of the three religions, most people followed the three religions and evacuated to the main world.

Speaking of the evacuation, something outrageous happened.

It started as a free open space channel.
After all, Fang Chang didn't think about making money. After these people went to the main world, they were all his experience babies, and he didn't think about it too much.

Be kind sometimes.

Anyway, after people pass by, he just makes money.

In the end, because of the free reason, except for the direct descendants of the Three Sects, everyone else was skeptical at first, thinking that the Three Sects opened the channel to let them explore the new world and serve as cannon fodder.

Those who come out to play around these days understand a truth, there is no free lunch in the world.

In view of this situation, Fang Chang decisively proposed the ticket purchase system. Without the New World World Ferry Ticket jointly issued by the three religions, no one is allowed to approach the passage.


The scene of grabbing tickets is very hot, and there are even scenes where tickets are hard to find.

Even some monks who didn't believe it at all before used their savings to buy a boat ticket for their close descendants.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket. If the end of the world really happens, you'll leave a posterity for yourself.

How should I put it, I can only say that it is difficult to be a good person.

Fang Chang earned hundreds of millions of spirit stones with tears in his eyes. Even if a boat ticket sells for ten spirit stones, it can't hold back the crowd.

Which monk does not bring a family, even the thousand-year-old Nascent Soul monk, who has no close descendants, still has a huge family behind him.

In short, despite various small setbacks, most of the essence of the Hundred Flowers Realm was snatched away by Fang Chang within half a year.

Today, only ordinary people and some monks with slightly lower cultivation levels are left in the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Because the cost of transferring ordinary people is too high, and it is not easy to organize resettlement, it is better to let them know nothing.

When the world changes, the Hundred Flowers Realm will be devoured by the Lord Heaven and Earth. If they are lucky, they will be able to survive.

If you are unlucky, you will fall into some desperate place in the main world.

That can only be bad luck.

Fang Chang is like a pair of gigantic palms, silently pushing the fate of the entire Hundred Flowers Realm.


Luoxia Mountain.

In front of the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion.

After half a year of sacrificial refining, Hua Qianyu finally managed to refine the entire Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion into a speck of dust in her hand.

The entire Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion is a space magic weapon, and it is a rare space magic weapon that can contain living things.

This is the biggest legacy left by Baihua Fairy besides the Shennong Staff. In terms of value, it can almost be regarded as half an ancient treasure.

It can only be said that Baihua Fairy was really good at that time, and after refining the Shennong Staff, she still had so much surplus.

Think about the master of the food world, that is, refining the world stone into a delicious spoon.

Is it because he doesn't want to increase his attacking power?
No, it's just because it's too expensive, the ordinary ones can't be used, and the useful ones can't be used.

But Fang Chang didn't covet Baihua Secret Mansion.

There are too many traces of Baihua Fairy in this thing, if he wants to use it himself, he has to refine Baihua Secret Mansion thoroughly.

It's completely thankless, it's better to sell it to the Flower Palace Master.

Now Palace Master Hua owes him a large sum of money, and he will have to work for him for about a thousand years to pay off the debt.

"Will she come?"

Looking at the peaceful sky in the distance, Hua Qianyu suddenly asked.

Fang Chang stood beside her like a couple, with a smile on his face and a certain tone in his tone.

"Does she have a choice?"

"As a spirit treasure that is destined to be used only as a tool after being refined, her fate has long been doomed."

"These half a year is enough for her to think clearly."

"In fact, all I want is her body. As for her intelligence and memory, I have prepared a suitable carrier for her."

Hua Qianyu's expression changed, and Fang Chang continued:
"I know there is a connection between you, so you can tell her what I said, and she still has a chance until the last moment.

Although she has a bad mouth and looks down on men.

But the more she is like this, the more I want her to be controlled by a man like me for the rest of her life. "


Hua Qianyu wanted to explain that she didn't hide it intentionally, she just wanted to solve the problem in a more harmonious way.

"No need to explain, you are her master in name, even if you signed a contract of equality, one thing is certain.

As long as you are in danger, even if she doesn't want to, she has to show up.

Protecting the Lord is the instinct of the treasure, and also the rule of the magic weapon and people. "

"And if your new master dies, I think Shen Nong Zhang will fall into a deep sleep again, waiting for the arrival of the next master.

Since Fairy Baihua can imprison Shennongzhang for tens of thousands of years, she will not leave such an obvious loophole for her. "

Fang Chang smiled slightly at Hua Qianyu, and apologized:
"So I've wronged you."

He smiled and punched Hua Qianyu in the chest.

Blood splashed everywhere, dyeing Hua Qianyu's plain white dress, and she could faintly see the beating heart in her chest.

Hua Qianyu frowned, and said helplessly:
"Can you tell me in advance next time, it hurts."

Fang Chang only used brute force, so although the punch was heavy, it could only be regarded as a skin trauma.

A Jindan cultivator can already be reborn from a broken limb, let alone a Nascent Soul cultivator like her.

The trouble is that with the power of will and rules, the injury will be like a tarsal maggot, and it is difficult to heal.

Fang Chang withdrew his hand and wiped it nonchalantly.

"Didn't I already say I'm sorry?"

After waiting for a while, Yi Qingru did not appear.

"It seems that your injury is not enough to touch her guardian attribute."

Fang Chang looked at Hua Qianyu and said:

"It hurts a bit, bear with it."

Hua Qianyu rolled her eyes, and was about to say something when she felt a tearing force explode from the inside out.

She felt that her soul was about to leave her body at this moment.

This time, it was real damage.

Both her body and soul felt a burning pain.

"You really want to kill me?"

Hua Qianyu's face was pale, and her breath became weaker in an instant.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, if you are really killed, I can still save you."

Fang Chang didn't care.

Anyway, it wasn't him who was in pain.

What if he can't be saved?

For the first time, Hua Qianyu felt that the man in front of him had a hideous face and a cold heart. He had obviously asked her to repay the 1000-year debt not long ago.

Now I want to beat her to death.

Just when Fang Chang shot again, a stream of light quickly fell from the sky, and it was Yi Qingru in the human form of Shennong's Staff.

She was a little out of breath at the moment, her chest heaved and fell, her face was also pale, and the strong wind was stirring all over her body.

"What exactly do you want? I have already avoided you, why are you still chasing me so hard?
Kill her if you have the ability. "

Fang Chang said lightly: "I said, you can't escape."

"Hand over your body, and I can give you a way to survive."

As soon as Fang Chang raised his cuffs, a vivid puppet flew out from the cuffs, and it looked like Yi Qingru.

"This is the new body I prepared for you, using the world's first-born soil, which is enough to retain your spirituality to the maximum extent.

To be honest, if Palace Master Hua hadn't interceded for you, for her sake, based on what you said before, I wouldn't have given you a chance to survive. "

Yi Qingru didn't do nothing in the past six months.

She really enjoyed her life as a human being, and she also picked several seedlings with good qualifications.

If she is given enough time, she might not be able to cultivate a few excellent successors to help her regain her freedom.

But unfortunately, Fang Chang didn't give her time.

Half a year, whether it is for ordinary people or monks, is really too short.

"How can I trust you?"

Yi Qingru showed hesitation.

She has endured the loneliness for too long, and for the first time in the past six months, she has enjoyed the taste of freedom and understood how wonderful it is to be alive.

She doesn't want to die.

Especially when death is worthless.

Fang Chang didn't explain much.

"You can only trust me, do you want to gamble with me?"

"But as the spirit of the magic weapon, my primordial spirit and Shennong's stick live together, if you destroy Shennong's stick, I can't live alone."

Yi Qingru retreated.

Fang Chang smiled faintly, knowing that Yi Qingru agreed.

He opened his eyebrows vertically, and the black eyeballs swelled in the air, and then turned into a middle-aged scholar with a pale face.

"Miss, hello, Xiaosheng Mo Sansheng, you are being polite here."

Mo Sansheng stood in front of Yi Qingru and bowed his hands.

"He will help you," Fang Chang said.

If you want to strip the spirit of the magic weapon from the body of Shennong Zhang, you have to call in professionals.

Since Yi Qingru and Shennongzhang come from the same source, it is only necessary to temporarily replace it with another Yi Qingru.

And is there a better candidate for this 'Yi Qingru' than Tianmo?


Yi Qingru was not deceived by Mo Sansheng's kind face.

In her eyes, Mo Sansheng simply contained the most evil power in the world, like a bottomless abyss, just looking at it made people feel dreadful.

Although she has a bad temper, her power is from the same line as Fairy Baihua, belonging to the pure and bright category.

It is the opposite of the negative emotions and evil power represented by the eye of the demon.

"Don't be afraid, leave everything to me."

Mo Sansheng said softly, the palm of his hand was already covering Yi Qingru's body, and the evil power belonging to the eye of the demon invaded her body instantly.

Almost at the same time, the sky suddenly turned scarlet, and the blood-colored rain fell, as if crying.

That was the instinctive reaction of Shen Nong Zhang.

But with Yi Qingru's cooperation, this reaction was only reduced to an external phenomenon and did not have much impact on Mo Sansheng.

Soon, a ghostly figure solidified behind Yi Qingru.

It was a substitute for the inner demon transformed by Yi Qingru's negative emotions and a little bit of power from the Eye of the Demon.

"go with!"

Mo Sansheng let out a low cry, and the heart demon double slammed into Yi Qingru's body hard.

As for the real Yi Qingru, she was pulled out under the impact.

Yi Qingru, who had an illusory figure, watched clouds of black air emanating from her body, and bursts of clear light rising up again.

"What happened?"

"Not going to your new body yet."

Fang Chang opened his hand and temporarily sealed Yi Qingru's soul into the puppet's body.

Then he looked at the Shennong Staff who was exorcising the evil, and said with a sneer:

"Worthy of being a world spirit treasure, it's actually able to automatically dissipate the power of inner demons. It's a pity that you don't have time."


When Fang Chang stepped on the ground, streaks of golden light appeared on the ground, outlining a huge altar, which was tens of kilometers long.

The sky roared, and in the hazy golden light, a mysterious aura loomed, as if a certain great existence had opened its eyes.

Compared with Fang Chang's sacrificial offering to the world of food and taste at the beginning, this grand array of offering sacrifices to the heavens is now more refined and huge.

Because the golden spoon back then was a dead thing, as long as it could summon the will of heaven and earth, everything else was a matter of course, and he didn't need to deal with it.

But now that Shennong's stick has turned into a human form, with a sense of resistance, he needs stronger strength.

It is true that he cannot exert his power beyond the upper limit in the Hundred Flowers Realm, otherwise he will be expelled from the Hundred Flowers Realm.

But as long as he can attract the power of the main world, the Hundred Flowers Realm is nothing.

Compared with the main world, the Hundred Flowers Realm can only swallow their anger.

With the Great Formation of Worshiping Heaven taking effect, the power of Heaven and Earth from the Lord Heaven and Earth shrouded it, and Fang Chang's aura soared like a rocket.

Obviously his figure is still the size of an ordinary person, but in the eyes of Hua Qianyu who is at the side, he has faintly become as tall as the sky.

"The mantis is like a car, can you stop it?"

Fang Chang's voice was like thunder, rolling in the air.

Shennong's staff, which is expelling evil forces, has turned into its original form. The mahogany staff, which was originally carved from white jade, has been black and white at this moment.

Fang Chang grabbed it with one hand, and the wind and clouds in the air turned into a huge palm.

Shennong's staff shook violently, self-protecting the body, and the clear light spread out, sealing itself like ice crystals, but under this big hand, the clear light shattered layer by layer, and finally Shennong's staff was caught by the big hand.

Shennongzhang was arrested, and the whole Hundred Flowers World was furious.

Countless thunderbolts came, Fang Zhang was the first to bear the brunt, his body was like a lightning rod, being crackled and crackled.

But Fang Chang, relying on his strong physique, didn't care about it, but just lifted the Shennong staff and sent it to the sky.

Raise, and rise again.

up to a certain limit.

Fang Chang felt the shattering of Shennong's staff.

Yi Qingru cried out in pain, and she was also implicated.

Fortunately, with the hindrance of the puppet body and the substitute of the demon, she barely left her memory and a ray of remnant soul.

But all of this has nothing to do with Fang Chang for the time being.

He saw the existence that seemed to exist forever.

Compared with the last time we met, He, who was only a ball of golden light, had a faint shape at this moment, resembling a man and a beast, constantly changing, one and all things.

He is obviously stronger.

After getting the Shennong stick, he glanced at Fang Chang. Although there was no sound, Fang Chang felt satisfied.

Colorful crystals fell from the sky.

Law crystals, five.

As soon as Fang Chang caught it, he was suddenly blessed, and he looked up to the sky and shouted:

"Next time I want a boundary stone!"


A majestic voice sounded in Fang Chang's mind.

The next moment, the golden light dissipated.

The familiar space vortex appeared in front of Fang Chang.

Before Fang Chang had time to think, he withdrew the Eye of the Demon, grabbed Hua Qianyu and Yi Qingru and flew towards the whirlpool.

This time, he glanced back.

The sky shattered like a mirror, huge space vortices appeared one by one, and the earth was like a cake piece by piece, as if being swallowed by something invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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