Chapter 308
Above the nine-headed strange bird, Yang Qi's voice floated down.

"City Master Qingxiao, why bother to say such things that make children laugh, I'm afraid not many people dare to enter your city."

"If you don't want these people in your city to suffer disaster, you might as well come to my palace to see them."

Fang Chang didn't expect Yang Qi to come over so arrogantly, but he was cowardly at the door, which made his idea of ​​closing the door and beating the dog start to fail before he took action.

Qingwang Mountain is his hole card. As the master of Qingwang Mountain, he has a natural advantage.

As long as Yang Qi dared to enter the city, he would dare to activate the suppression of Qingwang Mountain, and then everyone would rush forward to challenge him one-on-one.

But Fang Chang thought that Yang Qi was also the master of the Order of Mountains and Rivers, so this kind of trick to deceive others was fine, but it was really useless to him.

But you have to try, just in case it works.

Fang Chang flew up and entered the palace on the nine-headed strange bird.

"Stick what you want, don't dare to ask for it."

Yang Qi who was in the palace was taken aback when he saw this, he didn't expect No. [-] to be so courageous.

Until he saw Fang Chang's real body.

The palace wrote to the Pantheon Palace with an astonishing momentum, but Fang Chang was not panicked at all, and at worst he would just throw away this puppet.

That's right, what he came over was just a puppet.

For him who can split countless demon seeds, as long as he wants, he can have thousands of clones at any time.

Seeing Fang Chang meeting him as a puppet, Yang Qi smiled sarcastically:
"City Master Qingxiao, you are really cautious."

Fang Chang didn't feel ashamed, just bowed his hands and said neither humble nor overbearing:
"Palace Master Yang is not a good person, so this City Master has to guard against it. If Palace Master Yang is willing to enter my City Lord's Mansion, then this City Master must meet in person, there is absolutely no ambiguity.

It's a pity that Palace Master Yang doesn't have the guts to do so, so I have no choice but to make a bad move. "

Yang Qi sneered when he heard Palace Master Yang's address:
"It seems you already know who I am."

Since he asked Fu Yunzi to name No. [-], he never thought of hiding his identity.

Fang Chang said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we are also considered to be from the same school, and we both eat and drink under Her Ladyship.

Palace Master Yang, why don't we stop and make peace, I don't care about your sneak attack on the Liuyun Ling Mine, if you come this time, I will treat you as a visit.

Anyway, Her Majesty the Queen didn't ask us, the lords of the mountains and rivers, to fight and kill, so we can join hands in the future to become bigger and stronger together and create brilliance together.

Datang Jiudao, you and I have not even fully occupied one land now, and there are still great mountains and rivers waiting for us. "

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said with a half-smile:
"Cooperation is fine, but who will be in charge in the future? Besides, you dare not even meet your real body, so the Palace Master doubts your sincerity very much."

Fang Changdao: "It's too far-fetched to say priority, if Palace Master Yang doesn't mind, call me big brother, we will be brothers from now on.

Of course, I don't mind if I call you big brother, but I'm afraid that my real big brother and Her Majesty the Empress will disagree.

Who doesn't know that my real eldest brother is the Daoist of Beidou Dao Sect, and Her Majesty the Empress is my sister-in-law. If I call you eldest brother, both of them will lose face.

They feel angry if they lose face.

Once they get angry, you will be in trouble, Palace Master Yang. "

Yang Qi was taken aback: "Beidou Daozong?"

This is something he didn't know before, the Beidou Daozong was the leader of the Immortal Dao back then, the ancestor of the Beidou Sect held the Beidou Pagoda, and he was a figure of the same level as the Nine Phoenix Empress.

In his heyday, he did not dare to beat his edge.

That's right, even the Nine Phoenix Empress and him could survive, how could the powerful Beidou Daozong really disappear in smoke.

Beidou Daozi is already a peak figure in the world.

In terms of strength, he may not be as good as he was back then, but in terms of identity and status, he is enough to surpass him by a block.

Fang Chang saw this, but he didn't expect that the title of Her Majesty Empress would suddenly not work, but Li Hu's Taoist status made Yang Qi's face change.

Although Li Hu is not yet a Daoist of Beidou Daozong, and he is not even sure whether he will survive or not, it doesn't matter, he thinks it is, that's it.

Zhun Daozi is also Daozi.

But soon, Yang Qi calmed down.

"So what about Beidou Daozi, this is a struggle between the master of this palace and you, it is a war between the masters of the mountains and rivers.

What you said, we are from the same sect, and the Patriarch of the Big Dipper came here in person, and we have to give Her Majesty a face, and don't easily intervene in the battle between you and me. "

Yang Qi smiled at Fang Chang.

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment.

He was the only one who used to bluff people with the name of the empress, but today someone used the name of the empress to bluff him.

The key is that he thinks it makes sense.

Yang Qi continued: "My Palace Master can give you a chance to fight me fairly. If I win, I will spare your life, and you will hand over the Order of Mountains and Rivers.

If you win, I can give you everything, including my life.

how is it? "

In Yang Qi's view, although No. [-], the Lord of Qingxiao City, has some chances and has become a bit of a climate, he does not have enough background.

If it is really a protracted battle with him, relying on the power of the master of the spirit veins of the mountains and rivers, he will be dragged down instead, so it is better to fight quickly.

Besides, what he wanted was never No. [-]'s life, but the Shanhe Order in No. [-]'s hands.

That is the descendant of the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map, if he can get the second one, it will be of great benefit for him to restore his previous cultivation.

You must know that Beidou Daozong was able to occupy the name of the leader of the immortal way back then. One of the reasons is that the Beidou Pagoda can be divided into a total of [-] sub-pagodas.

A member of the Taoist sect can match the power of Dongxu with just one sub-pagoda. Just these one hundred and eight sub-pagodas are equivalent to [-] Dongxu's powers, and the power of this sect can be imagined.

Of course, even in the heyday of Beidou Dao Sect, there were no one hundred and eight pagoda masters.

And although Her Majesty's Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map is not as powerful as the Beidou Pagoda, it is also infinitely useful, not to mention that there are only twelve daughters, which sounds more valuable than one hundred and eight.

Hearing this, Fang Chang couldn't help being extremely surprised:
"So cheap for me?"

Winners take all, losers only lose half.

His first reaction was cheating.

As we all know, taking advantage of a small advantage suffers a big loss.

Yang Qi continued to add: "I can invite Yao Guang as a witness in this battle, and I will pay for the points, how about it?"

"If you don't believe me, don't you believe in Yaoguang?"

Fang Chang still shook his head.

Yang Qi's expression darkened: "It seems that you chose the worst path."

Fang Chang looked surprised and dissatisfied.

"I thought you would continue to increase the stakes, but this is gone. It's too dishonest."

"If I hide in this Qingwang Mountain, you won't be a hole, what can you do to me?"

Yang Qi said coldly: "The power of the Shanhe Order is closely related to the spirit veins, you can indeed hide in it.

But as long as I cut off all the support of your spiritual veins to Qingwang Mountain, then you will have the Order of Mountains and Rivers in your hands, and it will be nothing but water without a source. How long can you stop me? "

"My patience is running out."

"Number five, this is your last chance."

Fang Chang quickly waved his hand: "Let's negotiate hard, why are you in a hurry."

"All right, I agree."

"That's it, but as a puppeteer, it's reasonable for me to bring my puppet into battle, right?"

As far as he knew, although Yang Qi was a natural beast master, he only had one demon beast at the level of a demon master.

And he has two.

Three hit two, steady.

Yang Qi glanced at Fang Chang, nodded and said:

"You can bring puppets, and I can also bring war beasts, which is very reasonable."

Fang Chang grinned: "Then there's no problem."

"But I will decide the duel time."

"it is good."

"Then 100 years from now."

Yang Qi laughed angrily, only felt that No. [-] in front of him was like a clown, not at all the lord of a city, but like a street gangster who liked to take advantage of words.

"It's better to give you another 100 years."

"Three days, I will give you three days at most."

When Yang Qi clenched his five fingers into a fist, Fang Chang's puppet was smashed to pieces.

"There is a vast plain five thousand miles to the east. I will wait for you there. If you don't come after three days, we will die forever."

He seemed really irritated by Fang Chang.


In Qingxiao City.

City Lord's Mansion.

"I'm going to kill him!"

Fang Tiezhu watched Fang Chang's first-person live broadcast the whole time, and was completely irritated by Yang Qi's arrogant attitude.

In her eyes, her brother is the best person in the world.

But Yang Qi's eyes revealed contempt.

That attitude is as if Fang Chang is not qualified to talk to him if he is not the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers.

For Fang Tiezhu, this was more uncomfortable than insulting her.

"Don't be angry, emotions will only interfere with your judgment."

Fang Chang didn't look angry at all.

For him, face or something has never been more important than practical benefits.

If because of his performance, Yang Qi could make Yang Qi look down on him, so that he was careless during the battle, then he would make a lot of money.

In his opinion, to be chosen by Her Majesty the Empress as Lord of the Mountains and Rivers has its own merits, unlike him, who basically relies on the back door.

Moreover, Yao Guang's attitude is a bit strange, for him and Yang Qi, he is not optimistic about him.

From such an inference, Yang Qi hides far more things than he thought.

So for Yang Qi, Fang Chang has always played 12 points.

He looked at Shi Lei who was sitting on the ground beside them, who was taller than them and asked: "Old Shi, I'll give you three more days, is it enough?"

Shi Lei wondered: "The time is too short, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover much strength."

"If you add me."

Fang Changsheng is stingy by nature, but he also knows that there is something to give.

So the first time he knew about Yang Qi, he gave Shi Lei a law crystal to recover.

As long as Shi Lei can recover to the strength of the fifth-order peak, then he will be more confident in fighting Yang Qi.

As for why it was not given before.

Nonsense, I don't have enough for myself, how could I give it to a stone man who just took refuge.

Besides, he rewarded him at will for no merit, which is hard to convince the public.

And it doesn't mean that if you can control the life and death of the stone man, you can make him die hard.

It's not easy to catch fish these days, there must be a carrot hanging in front of you.

Liberating the puppet ancestral world is a long-term goal, and restoring one's own strength is a short-term motivation.

Too bad the plan didn't keep up with the changes.

Now I can only do special things, let Shi Lei recover first.

As for whether Shi Lei will be proud of his accomplishments in the future, or passively sabotage his work, that is a matter for the future, let's solve the immediate troubles first.

Hearing that Fang Chang is willing to help him, Shi Lei, who has already grasped the power of endless life, nodded:
"I should barely be able to recover the strength of the fifth-order late stage, but that will consume a lot of power of the law crystal."

There is always a price to pay for overdrafts.

Fang Chang waved his hand and said, "I don't care so much at this time."

"You do your best to recover, and I will come to help you later."

"it is good."

Shi Lei stood up and recovered immediately.

Fang Chang looked at Fang Tiezhu, who was still angry:
"Tiezhu, a calm heart will not make mistakes. You don't need to be angry. This is my purpose. He can only make mistakes if he despises me."

Fang Tiezhu nodded: "Brother, I know."

"Well, you have just broken through, so don't fight too hard this time, just let Old Shiding lead.

Although my magic power can quickly restore your injuries, but it is not a last resort, so don't try your best.

Ever since you broke through to the fifth level, I have the feeling that your current resurrection times are limited within a certain period of time.

Once your spirituality is consumed too much, even if I protect your spiritual fire, it is very likely to fall into a deep sleep. "

As Fang Tiezhu broke through to transform into a god, Fang Chang discovered this problem.

Although his mana is still like a panacea for Tiezhu, it no longer has the unlimited resurrection effect of the past.

After all, the body of the fifth-order puppet has already begun to touch the power of the law.

The power of law is the most basic rule and power of the world. Although his spirit body power is powerful, it is also within the limits of the rules.

Wanting to revive a fifth-order puppet consumes not only mana, but also the puppet's own spiritual fire and law imprint.

Once it is consumed too much, even with his support, it will fall into a state of suspended animation, and there may even be a risk of falling in the future.

Therefore, above the fifth level, the puppet resurrection has a cooling time.

He estimated that Tie Zhu would be revived twice at most, while Lao Shi would only be revived once. The higher the realm, the higher the consumption.

Of course, this situation is perverted enough.

After all, wearing the resurrection armor on his body directly increases his combat power by half.

Fang Tiezhu nodded: "I know brother, I will be careful then."


Fang Chang knew that Tie Zhu didn't listen, but he still wanted to say what had to be said.

"Okay, I'll help Lao Shi refine the law crystal, and you should also recharge your batteries and wait for the big battle in three days."


Three days passed in a flash.

This plain is called Meteorite Plain on the map of Qingxiao City, because it is said that when the sky changed, a huge meteorite fell down, and there was an additional scenic spot called Meteorite Lake.

But at this moment, the formerly peaceful Meteor Field became lively.

The dust in the distance was like a tornado, surging into the sky, black waves surged from the sky, the earth made a rumbling sound, and a fishy wind wafted in the air.

The local monsters were all terrified and ran away desperately.

Just because they smell the horrible breath.

Seeing the black wave getting closer and closer, it was discovered that this was not a wave, but a group of huge black beetles.

They stretched out their thick pincers to cut off all obstacles in front of them. The tentacles at the corners of their mouths kept shaking, and the ground was devoured by them. All the colors disappeared, leaving only a piece of gray.

And they have a resounding name in the territory of the Pantheon Mansion—the iron-eating demon insects, who are best at devouring metal strange objects. Whenever the swarms of insects pass through the territory, all life will be swallowed up. Commanded by the Iron Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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