Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 310 Vigorous Demon Ape

Chapter 310 Vigorous Demon Ape
The Stone Man and the Hydra were in a stalemate in Daxue Lake.

The two monsters fought earth-shatteringly, and no one could do anything to the other.

In the sky, the tyrannical aura on Yang Qi's body became stronger and stronger, his eyeballs seemed to be bloodshot and extremely scarlet.

Without the power support of the Hydra, the fireball it spit out was quickly suppressed by the Heavenly Furnace Army formed by many puppets.

The huge army array covers the world.

Dark red flames ignited in the void around Yang Qi, with a bit of evil and corrosive atmosphere, which is the attribute of the army formation.

After all, you can't expect how bright the power derived from a group of corpse puppets is.

At this time, the melting furnace suppressed all directions, and Yang Qi was like entering the alchemy furnace of the Taishang Laojun.

Compared with Fang Chang's Nascent Soul realm, the Tianlu Army Formation at this time is not of the same order not only in power, but also in scope.

And it is said that when the Heavenly Furnace Army is at its strongest, it can evolve into a melting pot of heaven with one hundred thousand soldiers, forming its own domain, which can fight against the power of Dongxu.

Of course, what Fang Chang had in his hands were only puppets, not Taoist soldiers specially selected for the army formation, and there were no [-] soldiers.

Therefore, in terms of power, it is definitely not as powerful as against the power of Dongxu.

But the ordinary cultivators at the early stage of transforming gods, even if they entered the Heavenly Furnace Army, they would not be able to get any favors, and within a few days, they would wear down their strength and suppress them on the spot.

It's just that Yang Qi is not an ordinary cultivator of transforming spirits.

He felt the temperature on his body surface enough to smelt gold and stone, but it was like a spring breeze, soothing the tyrannical aura on his body like a hot spring.

"In the past, one of the nine great armies of the Nine Phoenix Emperor Dynasty, the Heavenly Fire Army attacked mountains and ruined temples, and suppressed several powerful Heavenly Furnaces. How can it be so powerful?
On the [-]th, didn't Yaoguang tell you that the Tianlu army's raids are like fire, and their momentum is like meteors falling into the sun, endlessly, doesn't it suit your personality? "

Yang Qi's five fingers spread out, as if he wanted to hold the whole world in his hands, his temperament was as insolent as a devil, and a wild and ancient atmosphere rose from him.

His head twisted slightly, his lips protruded slightly, sharp canine teeth grew out of his mouth, and then countless hairs emerged from his face.

His stature skyrocketed, and he turned into a giant black ape with a height of [-] meters. His hairs were like steel needles, ignoring the power of the furnace to suppress and blockade, he fell to the ground like a meteor.

The earth split open, and a violent ape beat its chest with both fists, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and a sound that seemed to be passed down from ancient times suddenly resounded through the void.

"Pick the stars!"

Fang Chang, who still didn't know why, suddenly felt his whole body stagnate, as if he had suddenly fallen into a quagmire, and his thinking stopped, and he didn't know what he should do all of a sudden.

Then I saw that the void was like a mirror, cracking and falling apart.

No army formation will work at this time.

Countless puppets are like mosquitoes sealed in amber, unable to move at all, they can only fall with the space.

A big invisible hand just scooped it up so easily, and the space fragments shrunk rapidly, landed on that hand, and then rubbed it slightly.

The space debris turned into a small ball, and then collapsed like a bubble.

The next moment, the sky was as blue as a mirror, clean and transparent, and everything disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Only a violent ape on the ground who suddenly fell silent proved that the fight just now was worthwhile.

Suddenly, the violent ape punched violently, and hit the void in the distance.

A roar.

A figure shakes out from the space.

"If you die like this, I will look down on you, Number Five."

Violent Ape spit out human words.

Fang Chang fell out of the void in embarrassment, looking at Yang Qi's violent ape, his eyes were no longer calm, only the cautious and a little bit of fear that can only be seen when facing the enemy of life and death.

If it wasn't for the sudden jump of the demon's eye to protect the lord just now, his thinking would have been completely frozen just now, and a single punch would have killed him.

It was a power he had never seen before. With one move, he freezes the space, seeing the space as nothing, and then peels off a small piece of space, turning the mustard seed into a sumeru.

However, if people and things in space do not have the power to break the space instantly, they will be annihilated together with the shattering of the space.

The power of the hole is nothing more than that in his mind.

A gleam of divine light flashed in his eyes, and the identification technique was given directly.


【Yang Qi (Great Demon Ape)】

【Level: 65】

【Boundary: Middle Stage of Transformation】

[Bloodline abilities: moving mountains, picking stars, and taking moons (gray)]

[Dangerous degree: extremely dangerous]

[ps: Incarnation of the bloodline of ancient gods and demons, one can then control the incredible power of the bloodline. 】

[The rest of the attributes are ignored...]


"You can gain abilities by transforming. It's so perverted. No wonder the body is so perverted. It seems that it has obtained part of the bloodline power.

Well, how does it feel that it has the same effect as my refining puppet.

Three abilities: moving mountains, picking stars, and taking moons.

But Nayue is gray, because the realm is not enough to activate the blood, or there are other reasons.

Most importantly, is this his only transformation ability? "

Fang Chang browsed through the information obtained in the identification technique, and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Stimulated by the identification technique, Yang Qi, who was already affected by the blood, was furious on the spot and lost his mind.


"Move the mountain!"

The demonic apes were criss-crossing, and there was an overwhelmed groan in the air, and a huge mountain appeared from nowhere and landed on top of Fang Chang.

A huge shadow falls.

Fang Chang knew that he couldn't shrink back and escape at this moment. He had prepared so much, but he was not a deserter.

When there was no way to retreat, the fierceness in his heart was also aroused.

"I also have a name, call me Lord City Lord!"

The magic power of Fang Chang's body poured out, and the endless spiritual transformation filled the void, and he saw the puppets that were crushed just now come back to life one by one inconceivably.

A huge fiery red furnace took shape again.

It's just that this time is different from the previous ones. The fire in the furnace was raging, and puppets threw themselves into the furnace one by one, making the flames in the furnace even worse, and a fiery red armor was calcined out.

"Sky Furnace Armor!"

Fang Chang opened his hands, and his armor covered his whole body.

Using the Taoist soldiers as firewood, the heaven and the earth as the furnace, and integrating thousands of forces into one, this one-time-use Heavenly Furnace Armor was forged.

Fang Chang burst into flames all over his body, turning into a burning man hundreds of feet tall.

The flames rose up, covered the mountain, and melted the entire mountain in an instant, leaving only a hundred-foot-high glazed mountain.

"Your things, return them to you!"

Fang Chang held up the treasure mountain with one hand, and threw it heavily at the demon ape.

"Haha, this is interesting!"

Yang Qi laughed loudly, beating his chest with both hands, unexpectedly he didn't dodge or dodge, when he stepped on his feet, he shot up into the sky, and punched the top of Liuli Baoshan.

The Liuli Treasure Mountain did not have the slightest resistance, it shattered into pieces in an instant, and fell like rain. The pieces were like sparkling gems, refracting colorful light in the sun, very beautiful.

The demon ape approached Pyro, grabbed Pyro's arm with one hand, and then pulled it, and the flaming arm turned into a wisp of flame and extinguished.

Among them, Fang Chang also groaned, as if his hand was broken.

But soon a new arm was born, and he hit the demon ape with a backhand.

Fiery firepower is no longer painless.

This is the heavenly fire that melted a mountain, and it was the Heavenly Furnace Armor that was calcined after sacrificing thousands of third- and fourth-order puppets.

It is those regular Taoist formations, this is also the last big move, and its power cannot be underestimated.

The demon ape's chest was scorched black, and the bright red muscles under the skin could be faintly seen.

But the more it hurts, the more ferocious it is.

The demon ape frantically tore at Pyro's body, exchanging wounds for wounds frantically.

How could Fang Chang be afraid?

He was wearing a battle armor, even if Burning Man was damaged, at most he would suffer [-]% of the damage.

But the demon ape was transformed from Yang Qi's own body.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

So you cut off my arm, and I'll put your eye in;

You break my head again, and I'll steal your peaches;

You make a big hole in my chest, and I'll stab your ass again.


The serious war of transforming gods suddenly became strange.

Hitting and hitting, Yang Qi's demon ape fell to the ground covered in injuries.

And Fang Chang is not much better, the flame giant incarnated in the Tianlu armor now only has a thin layer of flame phantom, only a false frame.

"Where did you learn all these dirty tricks?"

Yang Qi looked annoyed.

Attacking people in the third lane at every turn, does not cause much harm, but is extremely insulting.

Even if he is transformed into the body of a demon ape at this moment, he should have no sense of shame, but this kind of insult is really unbearable.

Fang Chang sneered back and said: "If you have the ability, don't let me hit it. Who can say no to the peach I stole by myself?"

As he said that, the battle armor on his body shattered, revealing the same scarred body inside.

Seeing Fang Chang's miserable state, Yang Qi laughed out loud.

"How long can you last?"

The muscles on his body squirmed, and the torn wound healed quickly, and a mass of black fire poison was forced out of his body and landed on the ground, burning for a long time.

The ancient blood is not only in supernatural powers, but also has such a strong resilience.

The spirit of Fang Chang's body was flowing, the broken bones made a crackling sound, and there was also the sound of gurgling water from the ruptured internal organs.

Although the primordial spirit who was severely injured by the ape demon did not appear in front of others, Yang Qi could feel the rapid recovery of Fang Chang's vitality.

His eyes lit up, and he was not surprised but delighted:

"Not bad, not bad, only in this way can I be regarded as my opponent."

Before the words fell, the figure of the demon ape had leaped thousands of feet away, and its huge palm was fishing for Fang Chang.

"Pick the stars!"

The space froze in an instant, and quickly peeled off from the void, becoming a plaything in the palm of the demon ape, and Fang Chang, who was in the space, naturally had no way to escape.

But Fang Chang, who almost lost his life just now, would not guard against this move.

Almost at the moment when the space froze, he forcibly escaped from the space.

It's just that this time the magic ape's supernatural powers are more targeted, and almost all the space power is squeezed towards him alone.

So even if he jumped out of the space in time, he was still hurt by the tear of space.

A deep bone wound was exposed on his chest, and a trace of space power pervaded it.

Although it wasn't as powerful as Shi Lei's space destruction power back then, it was enough to suppress [-]% of his power when he was fighting.

He must mobilize enough power to suppress this power, otherwise the powerful power of space will be sharper than a flying sword, and it will simply cut through his sixty-level horizontal training body.

"What a rambunctious ability, if I hadn't been protected by the Eye of the Demon, and I could have given an early warning, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to escape the first time.

This time he didn't know what method he used, but he almost blinded my demonic eye to warn me. "

Fang Chang felt a little better when he saw the ape's aura suddenly drop a lot and he was powerless to pursue.

"It seems that this powerful bloodline ability is not unlimited for him. Using it twice in a short period of time has also greatly consumed his own bloodline."

"However, it's finally weak..."

There was a flash of light in Fang Chang's eyes, and the strength between his brows gathered.

"You almost killed me just now, bastard!"

"Heavenly Demon Divine Light!"

A colorful black light shot out from between Fang Chang's eyebrows, instantly piercing through the demon ape's body, but no injuries could be seen.

Yang Qi, who was in a weak state, couldn't dodge this long-prepared demon light.

At this moment, he only felt endless desires impacting his mind, making him unable to help but want to sink down.

But how firm his Dao heart is.

With just a snap of his fingers, his eyes were clear again.

"The demons outside the area also want to mess with my mind."

"No, my primordial spirit is dissipating!"

"This is... the power of the demon!"

Yang Qi's expression finally changed slightly.

Endless desire has never been the main means of attack of the Heavenly Demon God's Light. What is really frightening about the Heavenly Demon God's Light is its power to wear down the primordial spirit.

The power of the heavenly demon infects the soul and wears away the primordial spirit. It can block the former, but the latter is silent.

If it weren't for Yang Qi's meticulous control over his body, he might not be able to find out that his soul has been damaged in the first place.

But the means of the unknown is what is scary.

Now that he knew what kind of injury he had suffered, Yang Qi didn't panic too much.

"I didn't expect you to control the power of the demon, by the way, when you were chased and killed by the demon, Master Jiuhuang dispelled the demon for you.

That's not only a heart demon, but also a heavenly demon. "

At the beginning, Fang Chang took advantage of refining the Eye of Heavenly Demon, and specially chose a good day on the first day of each month, took the opportunity to bring the demon transformed into the spirit of the Eye of Demon's magic weapon into the world of mountains and rivers, and the demon was easily suppressed by the Queen.

Yang Qi, as one of the members who listened to the Queen's sermon at that time, also saw it with his own eyes, and only felt that Number Five's petty thinking made people laugh.

He was injured by the divine light of the demon at this moment, and he immediately recalled it.

"Correct answer, reward you again!"

Fang Chang replied with a smile.

Before the words were finished, the second Heavenly Demon Divine Light pierced through the void and shot at Yang Qi again.

The main power of the Heavenly Demon Divine Light comes from the Eye of the Heavenly Demon. Fang Chang has already added enough negative power to it, and it will not be a problem to add three or five ways.

"The same trick won't work the second time."

The demon ape beat his chest with both hands, and a thick layer of black and red blood erupted from his body, and the divine light of the heavenly demon was actually blocked.

Even the demonic ape opened its mouth wide, swallowing the weakened Heavenly Demon Divine Light in one gulp.

"Now I am transformed into a bloodline named Vigorous Demon Ape, how do you think this magic word came from?!"

Yang Qi's voice revealed a bit of pain and a bit of sarcasm.

Hearing the roar of the demon ape, the originally scarlet eyes were pitch black, arousing the hidden demon nature in the blood, and swallowing the power of the demon, he became possessed on the spot.

"Take the moon!"

With the help of the skyrocketing demon nature, the third bloodline magical power belonging to the Vigorous Demon Ape was finally activated.

The clear sky suddenly darkened, the sun was covered by black clouds, and a new moon rose slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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